Sunday ~ May 27, 2004
you will never learn. it's frustrating. hurts. oh well. i'm leaving.

yeah, i'll miss you. but this almost month apart will probably be good for us. maybe you'll realize you don't like having a girlfriend.. or having me as your girlfriend. heh that would suck.


i dont know why i care so much. just hurts myself. i'm retarded.

i feel miserable. probably due to rain and cold.

i have the urge to cry but that's probably due to the period. i'm just in a fuck the world mood.

Sunday ~ May 9, 2004
Thinking... I couldn't stand the thought of Ben with another girl. That other girl doesn't deserve him. He's too good. He's too good for me, but I'm lucky because he loves me oodles. I couldn't stand just even the thought of him loving on another girl! YUCK!!~ He's mine.. and for a very long time. I love him too much. But if we do ever break up (how sad) his new woman better be grateful/thankful to him (much more than I am).

I love Ben Charlson. He's mine, ALL MINE. =D hehe

That was my mushy entry for the week. lol

HIST 1302 starts tomorrow... I'm learning the later half of US history before the first part because I'm that cool. =D I'm just a pimp.


Saturday ~ May 1, 2004
Nacogodoches. Good play. Good times. Good drinks. Good bonding.

Some people think that everything (or close to everything) that comes out of my mouth is a complaint.

Stuff is hard. Why can't it be easier!! Sometimes.. a lot of the time.. I just want to quit. Quit everything.. but that's selfish.

Waiting.. sucks.. in all aspects. You just don't know. You wouldn't know. You couldn't understand or even try to. Won't bother to comprehend. What can I do? Nothing.. except complain. But I'll stop.

MFC dinner tonight. fun.

Going to sleep... I feel like yuck. My throat hurts like a mothafucker (not a complaint.. a statement of my wellbeing). Sleep... hopefully for a REALLY long time. . . . . What a sad entry. Who careS? I don't care. I bet you don't care.. coz it's just me being dramatic. =P

Sunday ~ April 25, 2004
teajayehm: yeah
teajayehm: but he is weak
teajayehm: not super weak
teajayehm: but i could kill him

teajayehm: blake > tracy > cuong

Saturday ~ April 24, 2004
ladeda. Man look @ this shit. I'm finally updating this. =P It's more fun anyways. =P

So one more week left of SPRING 04! amazing.. flew through a whole year of college. didn't gain the freshman 15.. but probably coz I live at home. =D So one class for Maymester and then to Malaysia and then back to take some more classes for Summer II. Hopefully by then, I will have a job filing or something with my dad's company.. which ever one he chooses. Either way, I need to get a job.

I got a checking account. I'm a big girl now. Just need to get a job so I can put 500 bux in there so I can use an ATM card for freeeee. wheee.

Ben's at some stupid physics thing at school. Poor IB kids. haha What a waste of a Saturday. But I'm sleepy.. so I will probably sleep. Maybe I will paint his board. Who knows. Only two left.

I'm listening to QUEEN - BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY it's so pimp.



The rest of the day was tried to be spent sleeping.. Does that sentence make sense. Anyways, Tasha calls up, but I was sleeping so she talks to my dad and was all like.. HELP. And so we went to jump start her car for her. hehe =X Then I came home and watched a lil TV and played a lil Spider and then took another nap. =X

Then lil Ben calls and makes me wake up so he comes over and we watch Trading Spaces. =) After that we went to dinner with my dad @ Furrs! Yummy. Following dinner, accompanied my dad to Frys~

Then some nice cuddlying ensued when we got home.

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