
Sunday ~ December 29, 2002
HMmMm... Yesterday.. was interesting =D I went to work blah blah blah actually worked. That's never fun. And then.. went to KC's to pick up the bridge project so I could work on it. Then dropped by Hubie's to give him his present. hehe He wsa like.. what is it?!~ AND he didn't recognize me. pSh. hehe Then drove to Linda's to pick up my dresses and a present =D heh THANKS GURL!! It's sooooo CUTE!!~ =D hehe And then walked over to Doan's to pick up my other dress haha Her mom was like.. you're in 12th grade, but you're sooo little!!! hehehe Linda and Doan's moms are cuuute. hehe Oh yeah, Linda's dog went CRAZY when I went over there. Her dog usually just follows me around, but this time, ohdaNg!!~ He was barking up a storM!! Linda says its cuz I looked like a gangsta. hahaha =P Hubie called me his baby-gangsta. haha Cute.

ThEN.. came home and worked on the project... boo... At least the bottom's done! HeCKyaH =)

Thanks to Linda, Brian, and DJ! Yall are some tight homies. haha Very very cool and loving friends.. I really appreciate your kind words =) You rock my socks!!~

Then went to Sicilliano's for dinner with my dad and brother. Took forever and a freaking day to get our food. And I HATE Italian food. BLeCH. Then went to Ben's... Derrick was there... What a JoY! =X Matt opened the door for me and the first thing he asked me was what was on my head. LoL. haha Then Ben came over here and we watched SpiderMan and The Big Lebowski. We didn't finishing watching the Big Lebowski though.. It's pretty funny. Ben's cuuute n greeeeat =)

Ok, Time for DIMSUM!! =D LuVYaZ

Friday ~ December 27, 2002
Drumline rocked!! OH MAN!! You gotta go see it!! =D It's major cool!! I went with Hubert, KC, and Laura. Then we met up with Rony and Jessie! I was like, what a coincidencE!!! But then KC was like, we're suppose to meet them. They didn't tell me that!! =P AnYWhO, I'm going to get the Drumline soundtrack now!! =D hehe YaY! hehe


Thursday ~ December 26, 2002
Christmas was fun. LoL.. Woke up and opened presents and then went to IHOP. Then came home and slept!! I slept from 11- 4:30. DaMN. Then I went to Shannon's house and chilled there for a bit. Came home and went out to eat again!! yAY. hehe

Christmas Evee... .... .. . Ben and I went to DJ's housE! Ben finally got his bday present. hehe UMmM... Then we dropped by Ben's house so I could get my brother's present and then his mommy gave me a present!! (Later to find out it was a basket of Vanilla stuff from Bath & Body Works!!) His mom rocks. hehe Ben came over and ate dinner with my family. hehe

Anywho, so I have a BUTT LOAD of Bath & Body Works stuff. My aunt got me like 3 shower gels and lotions, my brother got me three BIG shower gel things, and then the stuff Ben's mom got me. WowIe!! I either smell really bad or there was a major sale @ B&BW. hehe =P

My mom gave me lotsa money and a BEBE shirt, my daddy gave me money, my cousins got me a buncha money from EXPRESS, Michelle got me a photo album. Teddy got me the Justin CD!!~ aNd LotSA other stuff!!~ MAN, thanks to all of yall!! =D Natasha, Linda, Bessie, Manda, Shannon, KC, Ann, Doan, Alex, Peggy, Karen.. If I forgot you, I'm sorry!! =X

Teddy's on his way to Houston!! MaN.. everyone goes to Houston, I want to go!!! I MISS YoU bABEe!!~

Linda's gonna have a KicK ass sweet 16th bday party. MaN. hehe I can't wait!!


Monday ~ December 23, 2002
Two days till Christmas!!

I just watched Eat, Drink, Man, Woman with my mom. It's a Chinese movie. Pretty interesting. Watched the Bone Collector last night with Ben. That was an ok movie. And then later, I might watch Monty Python.

hahaha My mom left a note for me to clean up right, so I did. And when my dad came home, he found the note, and he was like.... this is clean?!~ I was like.. it's waaay cleaner than it was, dude, you should've seen it. DaMN.. hahah And my mom comes up behind and totally agrees with me. So my dad's like.. ok fine. hehe

Don's family got a new yellow H2!! hehe So when you see a little Asian man driving around, it's Don's daddy. hehe CoOl beans for them!!

My daddy's home!!!

He came home when I was at Natasha's party. A whOLE buncha people were there! It was fuuuun! hehe Teddy's ticklish!! I sat on Ai's head. LoL =X We watched Like Mike, but my dad called and I had to go home cuz he didn't have a key to get into the house. Poor daddy. Then I helped him move back and we talked... He's moving to Alabama, a day before my birthday. =/ What a shitty birthday present. I started crying and stuff.. and he told me to stop cuz then I'd be all icky when I went back to the party. hehe So I wiped my eyes and my contact came out and he FREAKED out. LoL!! It was soo funny. hehe ANywHo, I started crying again, so I decided to detour to Ben's house.. to give me time to compose myself. But then I ended up staying @ his house. hehe He's the worst comforter eVeR!!~ I was like, my dad's moving again, and he told me that his wasn't. So I told him that I hated him. =P

AnywHo, last night.. I went out with Ben to the mall.. Ben hATeS shopping with a passion. It's nuts. I went to eat dimsum and the Arboretum earlier that day too. hehe Fun STuFF!!~ Manda and Bessie = cool company!!

Friday ~ December 20, 2002

o shiEt iTs SP: i know u get off as bitchy sometimes

Steven is awesome!~ LoL He got his point across without being an idiot. hehe

Aw MaN!~ Today was another awesome day =D Chilled with KC and Horvath this morning and then went to Ben's house. STayed there till I had to go to work. Ben's so cute. hehe He pulled me offa the couch and hurt my booty!! TheN.. went to Mai's to exchange presents and off to work. hahaha Me and Sarah were like high or something cuz we just kept laughing and playing. Then my aunt called and was like, you and Sarah need to pick a place to have dinner tonight.. we're like.. ok... =P hehe So we pick Caravelle. Anyways, ladeda.. Go to Caravelle and there's like 20 people there for our lil party. It was fuun!~ hehe Then me and Sarah went to watch Maid in Manhattan and I juuust got home! FuNTIMeS!~ All the people in the theater were couples, and then me and Sarah. haha She doesn't whisper in the movies so I didn't either, haha. We must have been annoying. But there wre like 10 other people there. The movie was pretty cute, but the music in it sucked hardcore. blech.

It's midnight nowwww... TiRED!~ GNitE@~! SweETdREAmS

Tomorrow's gonna be fun too, I THiNk =D Work and then KC's then TashaS!~

Thursday ~ December 19, 2002
Ok, the funniest thing today was.. when me and Ben were outside of Chili's and he said something mean or I got mad at hime and I told him I hated him. He took my arms behind my back and said he wouldn't let me go until I liked him again. hehe Ok, that sounds really stupid, but I thought it was funny/super cute. =P

SO I didn't wake up till 7:15 today and I had an exam to take at 7:30. HOLY CRAP right. My mom woke me up and I didn't realize it was 7:15, I assumed it was only 6:15, but I did wonder why it was so bright outside the windows. Lol.. but it didn't click. Anywho, I just put on the first thing I find in my closet and go to school. I'm freaking out cuz I'm going to be late and Dr. Igo is going to kick my ass. Half way to school I look down, and holy shit, my shirt is inside out. OMFG. haha What do I do?~! The only thing I could do was take off my shirt and flip it. haha =P Hope no one was looking. =O

Take the test.. boo. =(

Come home and wash my car, very cold. Took a shower and did stuff for work/Key Club. Went to Staples and Payless. GOT NEW SHOES =D And then Jessie, Rony, Francis, Monica, and I traveled to Chili's!!~ Ben, Ryan, Trevor, and Horvath came -- NOT earlier, might I add. hehe Jason came a little later too. Lunch was soo fun. haha We all had to split up into three different booths. It took us like 2hrs to get food and eat because our waitress was a fucking idiot. GeEZ.

Trevor is MESSY!!~ haha He thinks he's hardcore thug gangsta when he puts on my beanie, hahaha =P

Work.. Go shopping. =D I'm done!!~ All that's left is Hubie!! Where can I buy a monkey.. *ponders*

Brian and KC are cool guys. I went over there to work on our bridge project. Brian is almost as abusive as Ben. haha =P I fell asleep at KC's house.. twice. haha =X They said I'm grumpy when I wake up. PsHA. *shrugs* They are fun to talk to. The first time I fell asleep was because KC, Brian, and Chad were trying to name all the Pokemon on the gift wrap paper. What NERDS

laDEda... it's 12:09.. Just waiting to talk to Ben.. Garland Stampede lost..again... 0-6.. awww.. =/



LOL! Van wrote a whooole livejournal entry dedicated to me and how much of a bitch I am. I think this is the 3rd in his Tracy is a bitch series. heheh I didn't tell him that we were buyin Gillilan a present and he goes off and complains about how I'm on a power trip and... something bout me being a bad kisser and not gettin my hours in for this month. Let me think for a second, 1. I wasn't the only one that thought Van wouldn't pay/have money to pay for the present 2. I had to work when we had um, TWO projects. Oh which btw, was VAN's month to get stuff accomplished. December should be an easy month to get projects, wouldn't you think? Because of the Christmas season and all. hehe 3. At least the majority of the board likes me. 4. I talk to most of the people on the board. 5. Oh and at least I inform -someone- when I'm not attending a meeting and have legitament reason.

Anyways, I'm verrry happy with my life now. There's no way I'm letting a little punk ass shithead like Van fuck anything up or even try to make me feel bad. I'm not sorry and I really don't feel bad.

Wednesday ~ December 18, 2002
Today was an awesome day!!~ Regardless of the shit English exam.

Thanks to Manda for Minnie Mouse, Starbucks giftcard, and COOKIES!! Peggy for all the candy!! Ann for all the chapstick!! KC for the Keroppi beach ball!! =D hehe Alex for the candy and towel! Doan for candles!!~ =D

Chilling with Peggy and Ai is AWESOME =D

I bought Ben's present today =)

Tuesday ~ December 17, 2002
Wow.. I was right, I didn't have to take an exam in BCIS. I rule. hehe My computer in that class is super shitty, EXCEL won't open up... and surprise surprise, she was like, oh you don't have to take this test. hahaha I rule. =X hehe

I've been really tired lately...

Lunch with Nina is fun!~ hehe

Went to work. =(

Bessie gave me a present, but I don't want to open it yet. hehe She opened herS!!~

Some people are idiots.

I hurt.

I hurt a lot.

Suday ~ December 15, 2002
EEP! Ben asked me out =DDDDDDD


OK, Friday was awesome!!!!!!!! =D I went to school, that sucked quite badly actually. But then I went to work and me and Sarah always have fun. TheN I hauled ass home and showered, and got my new gray contacts!!~ =D Dressed up PIMP.. At least I thought I looked good. hehe Red button down shirt with a black tie and gray pants and a cool blk hat. Anywho, I dropped by Ben's house but he didn't say anything about how I looked. BOO hehe =P

Went to school to work concessions with Zach. OMG he's soo funny. Now we know why they put the lil top on the popcorn machine. =P hehe That was fuuun. Then Teddy, Peg, and Tasha got up there and we hauled booty to the party. Right when we walked in, we were forced onto the stage. Peggy said she felt special. hehe We didn't even have time to take off our jackets! hehe

The party was pretty cool actually. I didn't get to eat, cuz I couldn't see what the food was. I asked this like, 12yr old boy to dance, but he shot me down. I lost all my pimpness. LoL... =P Couldn't even get a 12 yr old to dance with me. Big Loser, RighT hErE!~ hehe Oh yeah, Ben said that he'd go to the party with me if he had nothing better to do. I would just like to say, he had nothing better to do that night. hehe =P Oh well. After the party, I dropped off Peg and Tasha.

Then went to Ben's house. =D I kept trying to fall asleep cuz his bed is sooooo~~ooo comfy, but he wouldn't let me. Have I mentioned that I love spending time with him? hehe =P Anywho, I had to go home at 1:30 or so? No cars at all that late at night. Did you know that?~ hehe

SoO.. Saturday.. I was SOO tired and overslept. I woke up at 9:30, I had to be at work @ 10. EEP!!~ Oh well... Sarah said that she would probably be there early, so I didn't freak out tooo much. But when I finally got there, at 10:30, the store wasn't open!! SARAH was late too!!~ hahaha We're such good employees. =P Anywho, worked worked.. then went to the Dart station to go to Old City Park. Met up with ThoaVy and Alex and Daniel and Paula. Worked up there.. fun times, I must say. hehe

AnD then.. Roger wanted to hang out, but he was with Derrick, someone who is not on my favorite people list. They came over for a little bit, then left because Ben was coming over (basically Roger's a lil whiny head). Then me and Ben went to get food and came home to watch The Man Show. BOO!!~ Never let Ben have the remote. Then we started watching Momento... Anywho, Saturday night was awesome. Ben's soo great!!~ And he asked me out!!~ =DD I thought he was kidding at first though. So I didn't take him seriously. =X hehe Sooo I'm Ben's GF =D

I slept till 11aM.. And tried to bake a cake. I'm not going to explain what happened because it'll just prove how big of an idiot I am. I'm not capable of doing simple tasks like this.

UMM... Lots of homework today. How shitty. But hopefully Ben will come over tonight! =)

name = TrAcY!!~
birthday = 01-06
piercings = ears [once]
tattoos = nope
height = shooort!~ 5'2
shoe size = 6
hair color = black/brown
length = shoulder lengTh
siblings = one young, yet tall brother
pets = bLeCH

movie you rented = Murder By Numbers
movie you bought = I think.. it was a present for someone.. Don't remember though
song you listened to = *Nsync - That's WheN I'll Stop Loving You
song that was stuck in your head = *Nsync - Digital Get Down
song you've downloaded = songs by Dashboard Confessionals
cd you bought = No Strings Attached, for 3 dollars!!!
cd you listened to = No Strings Attached.. Do you see a pattern here...
person you've called = Um.. I called my dad last night when I came homE!~
person that's called you = Daddy called me this morning when I woke up
tv show you've watched = lol.. The Man Show
person you were thinking of = Ben...

you have a bf or gf = yep
you have a crush on someone = bf?
you wish you could live somewhere else = M'sia
you think about suicide = noo..
you believe in online dating = lol pathetic. =X
others find you attractive = sometimes..
you want more piercings = yeep
you want more tattoos = yea
you drink = only caffiene drinks! =P
you do drugs = noope
you like cleaning = if I get into the mood, yep
you like roller coasters = heckyeaH!~
you write in cursive or print = print
you carry a donor card = no...

for or against
long distance relationships = not for me...
using someone = depends
suicide = against, for the most part
killing people = against, unless they killed someone
teenage smoking = AGAINST. WAAAY against.
doing drugs = against
premarital sex= against, as of now
driving drunk = UGH!~ Idiots.
gay/lesbian relationships = I really don't care
soap operas = FOR

food = chicken fried steak or chinese stuff
song = JayZ ft Beyonce - Bonnie & Clyde 03
thing to do = sleeping
thing to talk about = everything
sports = hah..
drinks = anything from Starbucks and Lollicup, Mountain Dew
clothes = anything Express, Aero, DKNY
movies = Bed of Roses, Clueless, Joy Luck Club, Empire Records
band = like real bands? No DoubT!!!~
holiday = Chinese New Year
cars = CELICA!!!!!!!!!!

have you...
ever cried over a girl = same as what Ai said.. friendshipness stuff
ever cried over a boy = boo..yes.. =/
ever lied to someone = yep
ever been in a fist fight = i think so?
ever been arrested = not yet..

shampoo do you use = Herbal Essence
perfume do you use = Bend! <~~ fake curve. I need to buy more perfume tho *hint hint XMAS*
shoes do you wear = LotSA -- Vans, Nikes, Elle, payless.. =P
are you scared of = YOU

of times I have had my heart broken? ....
of hearts I have broken? ask my exS?
of boys I have kissed? =X
of girls I have kissed? lots!!~ haha only on the cheek
of continents I have lived in? one..
of drugs taken illegally? none..
of people I would classify as true, could-trust-with-my-life type friends? eep.. I don't know
of people I consider my enemies? lol
of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? ask me in a year
of cd's that I own? 50?
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? none?
of scars on my body? not many at all
of things in my past that I regret? not countable

Friday ~ December 13, 2002
AwMAN, tonight was awesome. I love being with Ben. I lOvE my homegirls (Tasha, Peg, and Alex). And of course my one n only TEDDY!~

=D !!!!! x246575245234

Supa tired.. I'll write more tomorrow.


Thursday ~ December 12, 2002
LaDEDa -- Today was an awesome day!!~ It was just great! AW MAn.. I don't know.. Just lotsa of laughs and cool stuff. Nothing bad happened. =D

Ben is great! Even if he never ever ever ever notices me. EVER.

I taped up all this SMU stuff at this computer desk, so it will motivate me. hehe I finished most of my apps. Time for essays. BOO to that shit. BOO I say.

Hubie's friends with me again!!~ That's soo cool! I love Hubie!

Chris Mitchell is a cool dudE! Andy's cool too, but freaks me out sometimes. hehe

Linda, Doan, Peggy, Tasha, and Alex are awesome chicks!! Teddy is one GREAT guy. =D yaY!!~ MaN!!~ Tomorrow's party is not gonna be complete without Doan and Linda. =/

Tomorrow busy day. School, then work, then come home and get purdy, go to work @ BETA concessions, then go to ParTY, then eat/karaoke? *shrugs* I hope I don't stink like whoa tomorrow night. hehe Maybe I'll just bring my pimp outfit in the car and change after I'm done with concessions. Who knowS! =P But I'm psyched about my outfit tomorrow. hehe =X YEs, NeRD. =P

DADGUMIT.. I didn't do my calculus. OH well.. =/

I bought my mommy a yellow rose today. She was happy. She told me the other week that she never received flowers before, in her whoole life!!~ So she was excited when I came home and gave her a flower. =) She was on the phone with her friend and was telling them I got her a rose, it was cute. hehe Then she had to put it in water and she was giddy. hehe

UmM.. I took Kevin to Kelly's house.. It's her birthday!!~ Happy Birthday gurlie!!~

I need a massage, my back/shoulder/something hurts. OuChIe!

I've been eating less cuz Ben freaked me out when he said that all my eating and no exercising will catch up to me when I'm older. So maybe I'll start exercising. Or just not eating so many cookies. =(

Frank Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight" is a GREAT song. =D

Wednesday ~ December 11, 2002

My brother = big meanie.

KyoOtLiLAzNBOi: I think you culd live 24 hours without 3 hours of ben
KyoOtLiLAzNBOi: -_-
teeny tiny TRACY: i think you could live w/o seein kelly tomorrow too, bitch.
teeny tiny TRACY: >O
KyoOtLiLAzNBOi: Do I ever get to see her?
KyoOtLiLAzNBOi: >O
teeny tiny TRACY: Do I care?
teeny tiny TRACY: NO!!~'

Ok, that doesn't seem mean unless you know what he said to me the other day.

The End.

Tuesday ~ December 10, 2002
MaN!!~~ Today ended good. hehe

UMmm.. school still sucks like always, but you know, what can ya do.

After school... I went to RSM with KC and we saw Steven and Eugene up there!! SKIPPERS!!~!~! hehe

Went to a BETA mtg = not exciting.

Came home and chilled? *shrugs* Then went to Ben's. He was in a towel!!~ mmm SeXY hehe =) We went to SMU to attend a Tate Lecture. Ben drove.. we took Keri and Ryan was following us. Ben scares me when he drives. I know he's a good driver and all.. just hella scary at times. =P TheN... I went to Ben's house and stayed there till 9:30? He wouldn't let me watch the Dixie Chicks' concert though. booO!~ We watched That 70s Show though. hehe hELLa funny. =) mMmm... Ben's yummy. He got a haircut!~ So if you see him tomorrow, tell him he looks cute!! hehe

I just took a lot of pix with Tommy's digicam.

27 days till my birthday!!~ 18!! LEGAL to.. buy porn, cigs, and vote.

Monday ~ December 9, 2002
Today sucked pretty bad. Nothing awful happened... Cept WT sucked.. Calculus sucked.. hehe That's all.

OoH today.. would be.. 3yrs n a month. DaAaANG.. I can't even imagine being with someone for that long.

haha I talked to Michael today in Calculus and he was telling me what they did on Roger's birthday. hahahaha They are hilarious. OmG.. even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. hehe

uMm -- I'll write more later.

UMmM... Went to Ben's today after going to the English tutorial and the library to find more books. His new room is coooool. hehe I met his brother and his girlfriend. They seem niice. TheN... Ben drove my car and we all went to drop off his bro @ Ford or something.. -- BOoO.. Ben can be soooo mean at times. =/

I finished Hamlet!!~ GO ME! =D

Now I gotta study for Spanish. Shit

Sunday ~ December 8, 2002
Went out to eat.. Went to North Park.. Got Mai a present. Walked ForEvER! Didn't find any boots.. boo!!~ I tried on some boots @ Nine West.. but I looked like a duck. They were like.. flat toed, which reminds me of ducks. My mom was cracking up because she asked why I didn't want them, I said cuz I feel like a duck. =P

UMmM... came home and slept.. Woke up and ate, then did some calculus. It was hard. BOO to calculus. Um.. then Ben came over to eat because his mommy burned their dinner or something. hehe I put glitter on his hand. LoL! so cute. =) Oh yeaah... I asked Ben how come he hasn't asked me out yet.. He said it was because I scare him. hahah =X

Today was a good day. Linda and Doan are sooo cool!!~ hehe


My Adidas and Me: you rock
My Adidas and Me: you always amaze me..
teeny tiny TRACY: how so..
My Adidas and Me: i cant believe how much better you made me feel in this one conversation

I had to put that in there for future reference of when he's mad at me. hehe

Saturday ~ December 7, 2002
Happy Birthday RogeR!!! =D *MWaH!!~*

Yesterday was an okie day. =P School still sucked, what a waste of a day. English kids that missed, don't forget to get the notes and there's a tutorial Tuesday morning in Bissett's room. She's gonna go over all the quotes that are gonna be on the test.

uUmMm... Worked... Cleaned.. Spackled! hehe

Came home and chilllled... made my computer look pretty. =D hehe I called Ben, to see if we were doing something and he had just gone skating or something and was all out of breath and panting. hehe It was so cute. hehe =X aNd then Ben came over! He does not want to see ANY of the movies I wanna see. And didn't even -want- to go to the movies, even though it was suppose to be my choice of what to do and he said he didn't care (at first). BoYS!!~ PSh!!~ hehe We went and rented a movie and got some food. wooohOoo. We got Murder By Numbers. It was okie... that one dude in there is freaky looking. I don't like Sandra Bullock in serious movies, she's cooler in goofy, lovey, fun movies. Like 28 Days and Miss Congeniality and While You Were Sleeping (my mom's fav movie).

Ben left.. a lil after one? And I fell right asleep. hehe

TODaY -- Chill... lunch with DJ... Work... shopping... something with BeN!? hehe It's not even 11 yet. I need to give KC back his shirt. I think I still have his swim trunks somewhere, but he's not in dire need of them at this point. =P Oh well, that's what they get for pushing me into the pool. haha

Do you ever get that funny feeling in your tummy when you're with the person you like/love? *sigH*

I wanted to go shopping tonight to get some Xmas presents, maybe I'll start now. So far.. my list of people to get stuff for consists of --- mommy, daddy, Kevin, Bessie, KC, Hubert (if we start talking, ever), Shannon, Mai, Linda, Peggy, Natasha, Doan, Alex, Ai, and Teddy. Oh yeah, and Ben. hehe =X I don't know if I'm gettin all those people stuff. But for sure my family and Shannon. I still love all of em tho!! =D


You know what rocks super hardcore? The friendship I still have with Roger. Yeah, he has some weird problems, but I love him~!! hehe Since it's his birthday, I just called him. This is how the convo went --

R - Hello?
T - Hey
R - Sup?
R - Aw Thanks
T - Ok, that's all, are you busy?
R - Kinda
T - Ok, later, love u
R - Alright, love you too, bye

I just thought that was cool. =P


Tonight.. I went out with Trevor and KC to Collin Creek! Then we went to watch Empire with Cuong. Saw Mindy and Tim up at the theaters. OMG they had some GHETTO cars up in the front. Thinking they fly and cool, but ehh.. nassTy!~

HahAHA Trevor and KC are soo funny!!~ Man.. I was laughin soo much tonight, it was great. They look so cute trying to find presents for chicks by themselves. hehe

I didn't get to hang out with Ben today!!~ How sad....

It's 2aM.. so it's Sunday morning -- goodmorning!!~

Thursday ~ December 5, 2002
Today sucked pretty hardcore too.
Wednesday ~ December 4, 2002
Yesterday sucked. =( Just an all around bad day. BLaH.

Today was okie. When I came home, Quyen, Tommy, and Don were playing football. haha Quyen looks diff!!! Don was all dressed up for nooooothing lol DorK! Tommy always looks the same. =P Whenever he sees me, he's like.. heeey gurl *supa gay* or HEY BABY CAN I HAVE UR NUMBER?! lol He's fuuuunny!

Danny called me a slut today!! Just cuz I stick out my tongue at Thomas. PsSH.. Thomas got him back though, he knocked his shit offa his desk. LoL Thomas got my back. hehehe Spanish sucks major boooty. BLAH!

uMMmm.. nOt much homework to do tonight. WOoOohoOo!

What I want for Christmas pt. 1 --- Kelly Style Polo Jeans ($49) and Tommy boots *read previous entry* ($69)
And of course a metallic blue 2002 Toyota Celica GT (GTS is cool too) hehe OR a red one with black and red racing interior with a Sony Xplode sound system. Auto or Standard would be fine, cuz I'm learning to drive standard, heeeeeckyeaH! VrOOoMvRooM! That would be awesome, I'd love you forever and a day!!~ Maan.. *drool* Celicas are soo sweet. Damn. OH! I almost forgot, new exhaust, intake, and powder white rims. How could I forget that?~! hehe

oOOh I was bored last night, and not really tired, so I was shopping on BEBE. I found this hella gorgeous dress.. omg sooo pretty!! hella sexy. hehe But it's not formal enough for Winter Ball.. And I know me, I don't go to any semiformal events. So buying it would be pointless. Having it for the sake of having it. =P And it wasn't all that expensive, considering it was BEBE, only $129, I think.

Christina Aguilera CD = Goooood.
Can't Hold Us Down (ft Lil Kim) is aweeeeeesooooommeE!! Should be every girl's theme song. =P The bass is coool too!! =) woOohoOo!

Ben <3 Tracy .. sometimes.. always.. maybe... never? hehe *shrugS*

Monday ~ December 2, 2002

I doubt he reads this, but it's the thought that counts right?~! hehe

School was okie I guess... I'm failling Physics.. Shocker. hehe

uMm.. Ben came over last night =D

I went to Ben's house tonight. =D

Saturday ~ November 30, 2002
uMm! Woke up and did lotsa stuff!! Finally went out to eat @ Maxim's and then went to CompUSA/Marshalls =P Dropped off my daddy and brother at home and then me and my mom went to NorthPark Mall. Oh man. This break I got three shirts and a new bra. I wanted these Tommy boots, but they didn't have my size. They were sexy. Too bad. haha =P UmMm... Then came home and ate and started Christmas decorating. I suck at it.. So I quit. Well Ben came and helped me untangle the lights, but how I wanted to decorate was apparently wrong! boo.. So I super quit. hehe. We went in and watched TV and then decided to go get movies. Got.. Insomnia and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (or something like that..) Insomnia was goood! The other one was okie, but I liked Snatch better. They're by the same director. Anywho, Ben's great. =) OOOh!! I forgot, we got drinks @ Starbucks. YuMmMmmMy!!!!! Those expresso shots are whoa. =P

Ben's birthday is Monday!!!! =D He's gonna be 17! What a BABY! hehe

Did you know that Blockbuster is open on Thanksgiving and Christmas? WowIe!

Friday ~ November 29, 2002
To my daddy -- "Fine, if I blow up in my car, it's your fault."


FINalLy convinced him to bring my car to the shop so I can replace the ignition which is apparently causing fires! UmMm.. The car guy was super nice. They have this cool HONDA keychain in the shop, I was like.. Ooh it's only 2.99! hehe *hint hint* CHRIStMAS! hehe

Then me and my daddy went around EVeRYwHerE!!~! We finally went to my aunt's house because our friend from Louisiana was there!!!~ OMG!! I love her!! She was there when I was born!! She's known me my whooooole life. Anywho, my parents, Karin, Irene, and her two friends and myself went to TODAI! OMG =D YaY!! YummY!!

Me and Ben went to watch Solaris after we went to Collin Creek. Ben is a fun shopper. LoL. =P umm.. We were early for the movie so we went to Starbucks! =D yUmMY! hehe Solaris was weird. Don't go watch it. heeh That's my opinion. I wasn't pay much attention cuz Ben kept bugging me. LoL =P

Thursday ~ November 28, 2002
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!!!! =D

Turkey Trot this morning. Had to wake up at 5:00aM! SheeSHeRs! Got there.. Got on the DART! WOoHOO! I was excited!! hehe Volunteered. Me, Ryan, Ben, and Lorraine (sp?) had to tell people were to get their timer thingys.. *shrugs* Some people were standing RIGHT in front of the tent to get them, and they still asked us where to get them. Hubert didn't go to the thing with us at the same time, I was worried he wouldn't find his way there. But he did!! Even though he's mad at me.. *sigh*

Anywho, the people that I was with wanted to leave early, because it IS Thanksgiving and it was pretty boring for a while. But I couldn't leave!! So I was going back and Ben came after me! So swwwweeeeeeeeetttttt of him =D Um.. me and him just hung out for a couple of hours. Ah man he's soo great. =P He keeps me warm too. hehe My mom was asking if it was cold this morning and I said no.. ThaNKs to Ben! hehe I got lotsa yogurt!! GO ME! LoL Ben's friend got a 40lb thing of bananas. I keep calling them donuts, but they're not.. =P And a bunch of people from Key Club gave these two homeless guys their food. I'm proud!! I took a bunch of bananas from Hindigger (gosh, I'm so sure that I'm not spelling his name right) and gave it to the guys. go Us! hehe

Um.. fell asleep on the bus, took Ben home, came home took a shower, headed to my mom's friend's house, ate, chilled with lotsa lil kids and Joseph!! (YaY!!!!! VERY awesome surprise, getting to see Joseph is awesome!), watched a Chinese movie, then went home, slept, woke up and went to dinner @ Caravelle. Dinner was an adventure in and of itself. This Vietnamese couple was having their wedding dinner, and people were singing. OMFG, the most AWFUL singing in the WHOLE world. I wanted to shoot myself in the head. But I ate a LOT! =D

Now my cousins are chilling here and we're watching Faith Hill's concert.

AnyWHo, I got a voice mail from Derrick. LOL.. WiERdOs! Roger and Derrick = StRanGe

Wednesday ~ November 27, 2002
Yesterday night was FUN! =D I went to the mall with Richarson Square with Roger. Then.. we came back to my house and chilled and watched Tv and went thru my new pictures! =P Just like old times. hehe And then he left to go to Ginger's. Then Ben came over and hung out =D It was 11, but he came over!!! What an awesome dude. =D hehe (He just came over to find out with Roger said about him.. LoL) Ben's sooo =) *shrugs* Iono.. Nevermind.. I know what I mean. hehe I didn't get to see Ben today!! Or talk to him =/ But I'll see him tomorrow @ Turkey Trot!! =D

Today I went and did errands in the morning.. Then went to work.. sorta.. Got 4 little kids and brought them to watch Treasure Planet. Roger came!! =) He smelled like smoke.. blech.. Then.. Came home and changed.. went to airport. We were early so we went to Sams and Kohls and then ended up just talking to my mom in the car for an hour (me and Kevin). It was very interesting. Strange conversation.. sorta. My brother is hella funny. hehe Anywho, my daddy's home!!!!!!!!! =D x10243523!! We went to Canton to eat and at the end of dinner, I sorta threw a fortune cookie at my mom. LoL! I so did not mean to! She was like, give me one.. and loking at me, so I threw it at her (opposite sides of table) LoL! It was hilarious!!~! But I felt bad.

GNitE! SweEtDreAMs!!~

Tuesday ~ November 26, 2002
I was super bitchy this morning. =(

Ben is totally oblivious to my presence.. anywhere.. It's weird.. and quite annoying.

I met Sarah's boyfriend. He's a cool guy!! All we talked about at work was how boys are .. difficult. hehe

"AND IIIII WILL ALWAYS LOOOOVE YOOOOOOOU!" hehehe I'm listening to that song but by A-Mei! =P

Maybe I'll go to RSM or Clothstime now.. byebyeee

Monday ~ November 25, 2002
Good day! =P

Outlines weren't due in English. In Physics, we didn't take much notes. It's fun talking to Keri and Jenny about craaaap. LoL Soo fuNny!! And then Mr. Lines starts eaves dropping, hilarious. hehe Then in Spanish we graded papers and played with a huge beach ball. It was great.. fricking hilarious!! hahah "What does she need to concentrate on? Standing there?" LoL!! Maybe you had to be there. =P

Then went to work. I'm soo sick of Christmas already!! All we did today was write up Xmas cards and address them and do all that good stuff. The only radio station that would work (not be all static-y) was 103.7, which is playing Xmas songs day AND night until Christmas Day. AHH!!~!

Came home.. ate.. went to school.. went to Ben's.. watched Erin Brokovich (sp?)... came home..

Ben likes IBC rootbeer.. I like Barqs rootbeer because IBC is yuckie tasting. Oh yeah, me and Ben have nothing in common.. At all! hehe =P


Sunday ~ November 24, 2002
Today was a good day all in all, but I was in a bad mood half the time. *sigh*

Went to Maxims with my mom, brother, and Kyle. Then we all went to Collin Creek! I got another hood from AERO! I LoVE U, jENniE!!~ Oh yeah, Ben didn't go shopping with me today. NeRD. But he had hockey practice. pssh.. =P hehe

Then came home and sleeeepT!

Woke up and ate and went to Ben's =) He told me to drive over there and get him a drink from his kitchen. And it worked, sorta! *gasp* Cept I stayed there for three hours and never got him a drink. I did meet his daddy though, and his mommy's neat. Anyways -- Ben's sooo cute! And so funny and soo cool and Yay =P hehe We watched the Man Show. Those chicks on there must have no self respect. I mean... blech. whatever. Anyways, watched some Adult Swim and parts of Runaway Bride! hehe Ben's couch is sooo comfy! You just wanna fall asleeep and be happy! hehe Yep, so I saw Ben a lot this weekend. But we probably won't hang out much this coming week.

My daddy's coming home Wednesday night!!!!!! SO EXcItED! =D YAY!!!! hehe He's staying for 5 days!! COUNT 'EM, FIVE WHOLE DAYS!! woOoOOhOO!!~

Finished my English HW!! This assignment wouldn't be a pain in the butt if we have read the whole play.. gR Anywho, Ben got offline, so did Thomas.. at the same time! And Hubert's away cooking eggrolls or something.. And Marjo's on the phone with Thomas.. Not the same Thomas.

oOH my Thomas tried to steal my keys the other day. haha He did once.. then I figured I could jump on his back and get them back.. cuz he's a lot bigger than me.. Like everyone else. hehe That was interesting. LoL Thomas is FuN!

UM... that's all folks!!


Saturday ~ November 23, 2002
yO!! Today was AWESOME! =D

Me and Ai were a team to get canned foods. I think Alex's plan was to go to his neighboorhood and get cans, but eh.. me and Ai didn't want to do that. So we went to our friends house, drove a LOT, and got cans from them =P Thanks to Don, Bessie, Teddy, Ai's piano teacher, my mom, her dad, and Don's aunt. NO THANKS to Quyen, Ben, and Trevor. hehe =P Alone, me and Ai got 75 cans!!~ Go uS!! hehe Total, all the volunteers collected 260! yaY!!~! GO KEYCLUB!! I miss hanging out with Ai! She's a cooooooooooooooool lil chica.

Anywho, Ai had to leave early because she was going to the DMA with FNHS so I brought her to the DART station. =P Then I went home and worked on stuff, and headed to worK! OMG, work was great today. Me and Sarah just ate and talked to each other about everything and talked to the customers about everything else. =P hehe It was soo AwEsoMe!~ I love talking to Sarah! She's hilarious!

Then.. came home and brought my brother to Blockbuster and Taco Bell. I sat in my car and waited for him and fixed my radio stations on FM2 because there was country on there. *shrugs* So now I have.. other weird stations on there. =P FM1 consists of 102.9, 103.7, 106.1, 100.3, 97.9, and 102.1. FM2 has 93.9, 97.1, 106.7, 87.6 (I think), 104.5, and something else... AM has the Disney Channel! hehe (Because I drive Carmen and Calvin around a lot...) Just so you know =P

uMmM... Then came home and worked on this calendar for work.. I wanted to go shopping, but NOOO =( Ben came over.. and STILL wouldn't go shopping with me. gR. So we went to Wendy's and Blockbuster. FinALLy got American History X! YaY! =P Such an awesome movie. MAN! Edward Norton RocKS the HOusE!~ hahaha Best actor ever.

Anywho, after like.. all night of bugging him to go shopping with me, he finally says he'd go with me on Sunday! Cuz I kept pouting. haha =P So if you want something from Ben, pout? hehe Only took like 6hrs of complaining.. SheESsH!

Ben likes chrysanthemum tea! Wow!!~ That's amazing. Most of my friends don't like it.


Friday ~ November 22, 2002
BPA field trip!! Mai, Rony, Eugene, and Hubert didn't want to leave their cars in the student parking lot @ NGHS so they came here and my mommy all brought us. =P The field trip was okie. I won a trophy! =D hehe For attaining the highest total score for testing in Business Law, Proofing and Editting, and Business Knowledge. GO ME! =) So my mommy was happy. hehe Since she was happy, I asked if I could go to Ben's house. =P

We watched... Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law... I must say, it was funny. Awfully weird though. Fred Flinstone is a MOB boss!!! EeP hehe Then we chilled and listened to .. his.. awesome.. music =P hehe I downloaded 4 Strings - Take Me Away onto his computer.. but the thinks he already has it. He has.. GiGi D'Agostino's I'll Fly With You too.. His ONLY good song. LoL =P

Then we finally got up and came to my house to eat and then went to rent American History X, cept they were OUT! =( So we got Death to Smoochie. hehe Robin Williams and Edward Norton = awesome. =) It's weird though.

I had to drive him home cuz he was a lazy butt and didn't wanna drive to my house. DoRK! =) Came home and craaashed. It was only 11!! I think I go to bed earlier on weekends -- whyyy!

Jennifer gave me a 30% discount card for Family and Friends to AEROPASTLE!!~ JENNY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! hehe Ben won't go shopping with me tomorrow night though.

Thursday ~ November 21, 2002
Second time me and KC didn't have lunch together. It's weird... Feels like.. a hole in my Thursdays. hehe =P

Today was okie... Had to go to school for early tutorial for Bissett because I failed two quizes in a row. BOO But I made a 97 on this last one. WoOohOO! Go me. =)

Plans for tomorrow -- Field tripped out all day! Go to work.. Then... I think Ben's coming over and we're gonna watch American History X. *shrugs* I know the field trip and work are for sure!

I had Wendy's for lunch, damn good food. yuMmMy!!~

Almost Thanksgiving!!~ Lots of things to be thankful for.

Where da hell is Roger?? It used to be soo damn easy to get a hold of him. I think it's about time for our 2343hr talk to catch up with one another. hehe It's fun. We don't talk for like a month or more and then we talk one night forever. And it's like we never stopped talking. We're just that.. close? *shrugs* We know each other too well. He knows when I'm lying and I totally know when he's lying. That's one of the most important things needed in any relationship. LoL =X

Should I get a new cell phone? Like a little one.. So I can get a new purse.. So that it can fit in it.... =P Good logic eh? =)

Wednesday ~ November 20, 2002
Ok, for all of you that just love talking about shit that has to do with me, when you don't even know the story, get the story straight first and THEN talk shit. AND have the guts to say whatever your dumb ass wants to say about me, to my FACE! I always find out. I have friends everywhere, get a clue.

Yes, me and Don broke up. We didn't see each other for a week because our schedules are all screwy and we're both just busy people. So we decided it was a good idea to break up and just stay friends. Yes, I did bring it up and I did "officially" end the relationship, but he told me that that's what he was thinking too. SO it was a perfectly mutual break up. Yes, I did go out to watch a movie with Ben on Saturday. And I had lots of fun. So what? Don goes clubbing, drinking, partying ALL the time. In fact, he was at a party while I was out with Ben. *gasp* SOOO for all you people that just LOOOOVE talking shit when you don't even know what's going on, GET A FUCKING LIFE. Oh, and if you do continue to talk shit, DON'T talk about me when MY friends are around. If you have questions, ASK. Don't assume.

One more thing, why is it so bad if Ben likes me? I didn't force him into liking me. That would be his own decision, whether you think it's a good idea or not. Don't blame me for that. Yeah, Ben is a great guy. Sweet and funny!! Not like he's going to stop that if he likes me. I can say so much about everyone that talks shit about me, but do I? NO. Grow up.

ANYWAY, now that that's out of the way, I saw Roger this morning!! =D That was pretty cool =) I saw him at the donut shop.

Classes weren't too bad. I sat with Bessie at lunch today! She doesn't talk much....

I have to do recycling and tutoring today after school. BOO. I don't really like NHS. It's not.. fun. I know it's like... a serious club. But they could put a lil... anything into it. lol =P

I watched Goodfellas with Ben last night because we both didn't have homework (well, he did, but he wasn't gonna do it). That movie is very long. Next time me and Ben watch a movie, I'm totally picking it. hehe American History X this Friday!! =) That is an awesome movie.

Monday ~ November 18, 2002
haha It's only 7:30aM! I went to bed last night at a little past midnight.. Staying online talking to Ben. =X

I went to the ComPScI room to talk to Ben, but he wasn't there.. So I asked Alex if he knew where Ben was. Alex asked me if I liked Ben, and I told him. Then he asked if I had a pencil, so I let him borrow one. I just stood there talking to Horvath and Alex asked me if I was just going to stay in there and wait, I told him no and I was just in there now because he had my pencil. =P hehe Alex is so cooL!~ hehe I miss having class with him and Ben. They are cool guys! =P


Holy cow!!~ I didn't fall asleep at school today and I didn't have coffee this morning!! gO TRaCY!~ AnD Ben's in my lunch on both days!! So did not know that. =X

I'm hungry. oH The cheerleaders make MUCH better cookies than the baseball players did, by FaR! =P

AnyWho, I really don't want to talk to you anymore. I should've listened to Linda a long time ago. You're just a meanie. Poo on you. Stop lying, stop frontin, stop being a JeRK!~

Saturday ~ November 17, 2002
BOO!!!~! CRapPy WeEK!!!

I got toothpaste and new pajama pants just now. LoL.. If I continue to be sad, I will be forever broke. =P

mMm Tonight I'm going out. WOoOhoO. haha I'm gonna be all comfy dressed though. No more.. ExpReSs, for tonight at least. hehe I've been wearing all my Express stuff this week. It makes me feel better. LoL.. *shrugs* I'm just going crazy. Don't worry.

Good luck to the Owls tonight!!!!!!!!!!! DoWN with the LoBOS!~

.. WTF is a Lobo...?


MmM.. Ben came over at six and we watched part of Shrek. hehe Then we went to watch The Ring! OMG.. ScARY! Apparently only to me because Ben was like just laughing and when Rony and Mai went to see it *earlier today* they were both laughing and making fun of the movie too. I'm a dork.. I was grabbing onto Ben's arm and covering my eyes and stuff. booo to being scared. I was holding onto Ben's arm so hard he made me let go because he said it started to hurt. LoL.. sorry!!~ After the movie, we went to Sonic! LaDEdA, went to Blockbuster and got Pulp Fiction, but they didn't have it in DVD so we couldn't watch it in Spanish (Ben's weird...) Pulp Fiction is long. And if you blink, you miss something somewhat important. hehe Ben and I just chilled till like.. 1:45. It was fun. He kept laughing cuz the Owls lost. Ben's a punk. hehe Thanks for dinner and a movie~!!

I was soooooo tired after Ben left, so I just went to bed in whatever I was wearing from earlier.

Summary of this past week
- Not much sleep
- Lots of World Topics CRAP
- Still sick
- Tracy KC Thursdays make me happy
- Spent waay too much money on food
- Got a lot of GREAT new songs haha
- Legally Blonde is supa cute
- Bonnie is fun to talk to
- Haven't talked to Long
- Natasha RocKs!!~ Fellow BaDguRL! hehe
- Staying up till 2:30aM on the phone w/ Ben
- WoRK!!~

The OWLS had a good run!!~ If you didn't know, we lost 45-0 .. but still got pride -- GO OWLS~!!!!! hehe

Monday ~ November 11, 2002
Today.. BleCh... SIck... voiceless =(

Work.. blech.. wrote a looooong letter to Ben. =P ThEN... I did my calculus homework... Then.. I vacuumed. WOOHOO. =P Anywho, came home ate gumbo and worked on my propaganda thingy. Made Ben wake up and go with me to Staples. =P theN.. we went to Whataburger. Then he told me what stupid ass shit Roger's been up to. UGH. =(

English test wasn't too bad.. I don't think I failed. So that's always a plus. I got the poetry portfolio back, got an 80! whooDy!


Saturday ~ November 9, 2002
Ben is cooL! hehe I made him a bracelet! =P It says Ben <3 Tracy hehe It's going to be his new good luck charm. So maybe his hockey team won't suck. Wouldn't that be awesome if he won his game on Thursday when he gets the bracelet!! Man, he would have to love me forever. LoL! I talk to him on AiM now. He's soo awesome. I made him laugh! I thought I never made him laugh, so I was all excited, but then he told me that I made him laugh last year in Gallo's class. So that's super cool! Ben is coool man.

UmM the game versus North was last night. It was hella fun!! Alex, Natasha, Nina, Brit, Mai, Peggy, Jamie, Hubert, Jessie, and of course LINDA!!~ FunGiRLs!~! Ok, minus Hubert. LoL =P I'm gonna miss my sophie girls. =( Peggy was like, you can never graduate!!~! *sniff sniff* hehe Oh well, as of now I'm probably not going to graduate, eep ... World Topics.. eeP!!

Before me and my mom went to the game, she had on this raincoat trench coat thingy and this boaters hat to match. I came down stairs and I told her she looked like Inspector Gadget and begged her not to look like a dork! LoL She was laughing major.

AnYWAy, I lost my voice!! =/

John's middle name is Lowell.. Not Leroy or L'Quisha. Just so you know.

Justin came over on Thursday night.. at like midnight!!~ He's cooool! I hope he doesn't fail, so he can get ungrounded so we can go hang out!!~

Kelly Rowland's new song, Stole, is very good. Very sad. Good message.

Someone egged Bessie's car. We're gonna find out who and hunt them down. GRR!!

All the Key Clubbers that went to the Arboretum today saw Don. hehe NeATSnEss! LoL

I have so much homework this weekend. That kind of sucks majorly. I hate school. I really really hate school. I've always hated school, I think. Just in denial. hehe But now it just plain SUCKS ASS.

I was some... chicken fried steak.. yummy!! I hate.. Italian food and Mexican food. I love cookies and ice cream and donuts and and and Mountain Dew and chicken.

Linda is awesome!! *MWaH!* LovEyoU gUrLIe!!~!!~!

I want to talk to Gus on the phone!! But noooo I have nooo voice! I talked to him last night for an hour.. after I came home from the game. He said it sounded like the cell phone was cutting in and out cuz my voice was all screwy. Ah MAN I miss Gus!


So I gave Ben his bracelet, he broke it.. so I fixed it.. He broke it again. Is this some twisted sign?~! hehe But he wants me to make him another one. =P

Thursday ~ November 7, 2002
What Sign of Affection Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I stayed home from school today. Don brought me lunch! He's soo great =D

Talking to Long is always interesting and sweet (sometimes..). LoL I'm trying to lure him into going to the GHS side of the football game tomorrow against his school! =P
teenytinyTRACY: *sniff sniff* i miss you though =(
xaikoazn: i do too
xaikoazn: miss your hugs

Tuesday ~ November 5, 2002
I got a 1300 on my SATs!! =)

I got an IB certificate thingy today for making a 6 on my Math Studies SL exam. NeaT

Long was up at GHS today... weird.... =/ Weirded me out the whole day. *sigh* I don't know.. after not talking to him and not seeing him for 2-3 weeks, and *poof* Linda tells me that Long's up at my school, WtF... *shRuGs* Maybe he just has this stupid affect on me! AHH!!~ NOO And his little "apology" to me in his journal.. What the crap? Was it sincere? Was it just to get me back hooked onto him? Just a game.. =/ ARG!!!!!

Note to self, stay outta cafeteria next Monday because Long's going to be there =X *sniff sniff*


Went out to dinner with Don =)


I'm not gonna fall for it this time. You tell me what you thinK I want to hear. It hurts!!!!! Don't play me like that! gRR Lost my number? You talk to a handful of my friends that have my number. AND we live in the same neighborhood. It's not like I'm that hard to get in contact with.

STOP! =(

Sunday ~ November 3, 2002
HoWDY! Aw MAN! Yesterday was lotsa fuN!!~ Okie, so I wake up talk to Ai and then go get Donuts. Get to work.. Booo, still flooding. =/ Work work work talk to plumber guy.. he's Cool. work wOrK, fix Don's jacket. Call him 135426 times, but he doesn't answer so I just figure he's dead or something =P

ThEN Gena calls me at like 3:30 and tells me she's up @ Holford, but they won't let her in.. So I get offa work early and head up over there. Cept by the time I get there, it's already 4! SorrY!!!

Inductionw as fuN! We had a bunChA pizza! and OOOOOOh lots of foood =D

Playing and dancing and running away from George and chillin with Mrs. G is fun! LOL Teddy put me on his shoulder. PuNk! So I smacked his booty lots. hahaa

EVeryone came over to my house to chill cuz I live down the street and then we went to watch The Ring, minus Karen and Peggy. =/

Lets see.. Thuy (Alex), Peggy, Natasha, Jamie, Ben, KC, Teddy, Hubert, Eugene, Gena, Karen, Mai, Kathy, Jessie, Monica, Linda, and Steven were all here! It was fuuuun!! Mai and Monica helped me clean my room, sorta. Just threw everything in the closet. lol =)

We went to one theater, but the tickets sold out before the whole group got tiKs, so we left and went to Legacy, hella faR! But those shows didn't start tilll.. 10? And it was only 8:30! So we all leave.. Mai calls me up and tells me to go to Starbucks. WOOOHOO!! hehe All 16 of us rolled up into sTarbUcKs!! I got a Caffe Latte, but I meant to say ICED caffe latte. So that tasted like shit. BOO.

Then I went home and some ppl went to KC's house. Heard they didn't have fun. Well my homegirls didn't. SorRY!

Don came over and we chilled... But I was hella tired so he left at 1. =) He thought he LOST his cell phone, but it was on his bed. Big dorkhead.

Sleep and wake up at 11:30!! WOOHOO

Friday ~ November 1, 2002
WoOohOoo!! It's Friday!

Things to do this weekend -- Work, Key Club Induction, watch The Ring, chill with my homegirls, Teddy, and Don, work on English poety portfolio, study for Calculus, learn Spanish, fill out college applications, clean room, AND go to mall and sleep =D

ThinK I can get all those done? Pssh.. =P

John Tapee is supa cool! hehe It's fun sitting in front of him, even though we drive each other crazy @ times. haha =P

Spanish is StUPId!! GrRrNeSs!!

I missed early decision/action Cuz. . it's today. =P

I want a chicken sandwich.. yummmmmmmy =)

Today I am.. going back up to school to retake my shit ass vocabulary quiz for Spanish, then go to Spring Creek to pick up Matthew (oops, NvM, his mommy just called me.. he played hoookie today! tSTsK), hit up Starbucks, and then go to work, then come home *maybe nap* then go out with my buuuuuuuuddies! Peggy, Teddy, Don.. one of them? *shrugS* hehe

Nam, Eugene, and Steve are coool guys!

Thursday ~ October 31, 2002
Happy Halloween!!! =D

Today was interesting!! Not much working going on! =P

Don's been coming over every night =) Helping me study and doing his homework or just chilling. Cool stuff man =) So we're like.. bf/gf.. I think. haha =P Confusing, yes? He calls me "his girl" and stuff.. and we talked about all this already. Long story. But it's cool =) I told my aunt, who sorta hooked us up, and she told me to tell Don that he owes her one. haha

Doing lots of homework = not fun at all!!

Nelly -- Air Force Ones!! AWESOME song!! Nelly is one sexy man. *drool* AwMaN... I want some baby blue low Air Force Ones. Hella TytE yO!! haha =P

I took a nap.. Don called my cell and woke me up! But then I fell asleep again, then my mom woke me up! sheesh.

I'm happy.

Me and Long don't talk to each other anymore. *sigh* I don't know!!! Whatever. He's moody. I'm moody. Two moody and easily aggitated people together never make a good pair. hehe

I love cold weather! Only bad thing is that my car is SUPA dirty, but it's toooo damn cold to go out and wash it.

Yang is a cool man!!

I miss Gus! I wanna see him, too bad he lives all the way in Tulsa! BOO!!! (not the BOO, Halloween boo, but the BOO, boo hiss boo. hehe)

I talked to my daddy today! But, he told me he's probably not going to be able to move back till at least next year. BAH! =(

OOH! My homegirl in Houston got a new BF!! YOU gO GUrL!!~ Congrats =D

Sunday ~ October 27, 2002
Don't forget to set your clocks back!

I talked to Justin last night for an hour? haha He's weeeiirdd!!!

Don text messaged me today at 5 frickin AM!!~ What the crap.. But he had just gotten back from where ever he went.. *shrugS* hehe and was right outside my house, freaky right! =) But then he came over at like.. 8:30 this morning! =D We watched movies and talked and ate oreos till.. 11 =) Then I started doing my poetry assignements! BLECH to the max. haha

Today.. I need.. to do my Physics lab *if it's due*, Physics book problems, poetry cRAp, aannndd study for World Topics.. BOO!!

Maybe I won't go shopping after all =( hehe

Saturday ~ October 26, 2002
hehe Justin found my SN through Alan!! Justin rocks!! Man, I miss having class with him. =/ He's soo fun!! hehe

Work today, boooooooring. Me and Sarah worked for maybe like .. an hour or two total? haha =P

But I did get my paychecK! HELLYEAH =D w00t! hehe

Last night..... I went out with Bessie and Marjo! Well, I had a two hour detention after school though. I brought lotsa Oreos for all my buddies in two hour with me. Thomas, Nina, Chuckles, Marjo, Bobby, Cole.. IT was great. hahahaha DRAMA afterwards though. hahaha My homegirls know about it. Thomas is a funny ass dude, man!! hahaha

AnywHo, me, Bessie, and Marjo went to Valley and then Party City. FUN stuff. lol =P

I was planning to go to Stafford's party, but I fell asleep =P

Don called me last night at like 11, but I was sleeeeping =( So he didn't come over. Oh well.

Justin has a webcam! He's sooo cute!!! heheh He's single!! All you girls wanna holla!!! haha

OMG, the new Wendys on Belt Line sucks. They took forever in the drive through and then didn't give me ketchup and their fries tasted like shit. BLECH.

Thursday ~ October 23, 2002
First of all, it's Asian girls, you idiot. Second of all, how can you possibly denounce a WHOLE race because YOU can't keep your "man" in check? Hating on all of us because he wants us and NOT you? Using you like a damn whore. You need a reality check because none of us girls wanted to get with him to HURT your goddamn feelings. You had NOTHING to do with it. STEP DA FUCK BACK OFF BITCH. YOU'RE ALLLLLL TALK. If you HATE someone, say WHO, not their RACE.
Wednesday ~ October 23, 2002
Don came over last night =)

Went to school. blah de blah... But I got donuts and a frap! AW HELL YEAH =)

Tanner's new haircut is hella cute!!

Went out with Peg to MJDs and bought a helluva lotta stuff!

Then went with Don to the mall. Saw Jenny working! haha =P Fun convos! =P

Came home and did lotsa Physics. =(

sUpA tired!!

Long's a fartnugget. UGH! Messes everything up. =P hehe

I love talking to PegGY! She's awesome!!!!!

Gotta go to BPA stuff now =/ BLaHDE


Monday ~ October 21, 2002
AW MaN -- I'm hella TIREd! Don came over like three times yesterday =) Once to give me back my creditcard, he's a ThIEF!!!! =P Thennn he came to look at the pictures I got developed, he -only- came over to see the pix, not ME!! NeRD!! hehe Then he left at like.. 9:15? to go down the street for his study group, so I read the Third Reich. BORING! I missed him!! I like it when he's here. =X Then he finally came back at... 11:15? YaY =X hehe stayed till 1? =D We just talked about weird random stuff. It was pretty cool!

Today was looong and boooring and tiring!!!~ Work was boring cuz I was alone, so I had to close, and the music sucked and I had to price and input the inventory. Then I had to haul ass to the NHS meeting. Fun stuff, lemme tell ya. Now I'm going to bed.

Ying Yang U: tell yo heart to stay outta it n let ur lips do the talkin ;-)


xaikoazn: ahhhhhhhh!
teenytinyTRACY: what
xaikoazn: long time no talk!
xaikoazn: *hugs*

Whoa, that was unexpected!!

xaikoazn: hey tracy
xaikoazn: i mish u
xaikoazn: :-(

OMG -- no.. not fair... not again.. no...

Sunday ~ October 20, 2002
LoL I woke up and made my daddy help me get all the rubber bands outta my hair. He said I looked like a bulldog cuz my hair was all whack. lol =P

Manda told me that I was on TV! From the football game on Friday night. WOOHOO!! haha

Saturday ~ October 19, 2002
Went to Linda's house to drop off my old dresses so her and Doan could choose or whatever. SuPA early, but I got cookies from her!! hehe

Talked to Don about tonight!! I think Linda and Teddy are going with Don and I to eat at... Hoi Tin? *shrugs* Peggy and Doan might come, hopefully they come!! I'm gonna take lotsa PIctuREs!! woohoo!!

I have a hair appt. @ 4 right, cept my mom took her car.. and my dad's car only seats two people. And my bro and his friends planned to go to Carrollton to rock climb and stuff today @ 4!! Soo if my dad is the driver, he'll probably take my car.. And I'm stuck with the STanDaRD!! Which I can't drive!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH

ANyWHo, hung out with my daddy.. got his hair cut, went to SUPER Target, chilled at home.. wooohooo


OMG! Tonight was awesome. Beyond awesome!! *aHH!!*

I got my hair and make up done and when my daddy came with my bro and his friend, they were cracking up laughing. I was like, about to cry because.. I figure they're laughing b/c I look like a freak. I never wear makeup, let alone do my hair. =P So finally I'm just like.. WTF. And they're just like.. We've never seen you like this, you look like KAREN. WTF x2!! AHh!!~ My daddy finally tells me I look ok. haha YaY... Go home and ATTEMP to do my nails. I have the pERfECT nail polish because it matches sooo well with my dress. BuT it's the Wet n Wild brand, and those take forever and a day to dry. I get my toes done, but my nails look hella ghetto, so I just take it off. BAH.. AnyWHo, I get done, and look for my cell phone and ID and tickets and blahb lah bhlahalha... Get online cuz Don's not here yet and talk to DJ and Bessie. DJ was like.. Tracy.. is that you? LOL.. I must REALLY not look like myself.

Well I get super mad because I called my mom and she's like.. I'll be home at like.. 7:20! What the crap. Don comes and we just play on the computer and talk and stuff. =P

Finally my mom gets home! YaY!! We all take pictures and what not. Fun times. =) Then me and Don walk across the street cuz he's a nerd that didn't put on his tie and is borrowing all his clothes from my neighbor, his homeboi. haha =P

Go to the dance, hafta park in the back lot. Stinkiness. Saw a hella tyte yellow viper back there though. DAMN. Who's pimp enough to use THAT car?! ShIEt. Anyways, went in and OMG it was gorgeous. Found my homegurls and took hella lotta pictures cuz EVEYRONE and their mom had a camera. =P Poor boys, no one wanted to take pix of them. LoL

Chill around the table while they do HC court or whatever, I don't know what the hell they were doing in the gym. UmmMm.. Finally started the dance! HELLYEAH. AW MAN, all us Asian girls got DOWN like WHoA!! It was sooo much fun!! DAMN A buncha people were just watching us. hehe =P

The last song was.. Kelly Clarkson's A Moment Like This. I was dancing with Don for a bit, then got him to dance with Peggy. So I was just dancing by myself, quite fun actually. hehe =D But Nina wanted me to dance with Curtis, so she could dance with Brandon, but then Britney didn't have anyoen to dance with, so I let her dance with Curtis. Then I was alone again, so Peggy let me finish the song with my hella hot date. =D

OMG NO ONE could recognize me. It was crazy. Billy, Dzuy, Jennifer, Eugene, Laura, and a buncha other people that I can't remember right now. hehe They all took like a couple of seconds to figure out I was actually.. ME.. hehe =P It was funny!! But weird, cuz I didn't think I looked -that- different. *shrugs*

Everyone met up in the front parking lot and headed to Hoi Tin. SO MUCH FOOD!! =P Linda, Teddy, Don, me, Peggy, Tasha, Jamie, and Hubert.

Then all them had to leave but me and Peggy didn't want to go home. So Don took us to Slicks and we played a game and left. Don knows lotta ppl there. His uncle owns Slicks. FREE POOL. What else could you ask for? hehe Then we dropped off Peggy cuz it was midnight and she's a baby. lol =P And then Don came over to my house and we just talked. I don't know why were just standing at the pool table for like 20minutes talking and hugging though. =P Finally we went to the living room and watched some weird ass Chinese movie on Encore. =P I wouldn't let him leave. =P But he DiD.. to go see his homebois to DRINK. TsKTSK. He's only 19. DaMn.. haha He said he'd bring me to a haunted house next weekend. HMmM.. for reALz? hehe Anywayz, he finally left. PUNK!! But leaving was fun. =P

Don is an awesome date! I had soo much fun!!! He's a goood dancer too!! HeCkYeaH! w00t! haha

OMG -- it took me forever to get all the rubber bands and crap outta my hair. I finally gave up and just went to bed.

Friday ~ October 18, 2002
WhoDeee.. I haven't updateD in like.. three days! GO TRACY!!! I'm in updaters withdrawal. lol =P I'm a nerd. hUsH

HOMECOMING!!! I GOT A MUM *from Peggy, Linda, and Teddy*!! I GOT A BABY MUM *from Gena*! I GOT A HUGE ASS BEAR, A SPIRIT STICK, LOTSA CANDY *from Bessie*!! AWWW HELL YEAH!!!! AWW MAN!! Yall made me sUPa happY! LIke BeyOnd belief!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homecoming dance tomorrow night!

Don's a loser that doesn't call back. LOSER!!

Gus sent me mucho mail!! It's awesome!! Gus rocks to da MaX yO!! I miSS yOU!!!!

If you don't want Hubert to find something out, definately don't tell Karen -- And vice versa. PUNKS!!!!!

This week was pretty okie.. I was bummed out majorly in the beginning but it got supa good supa fast =D

Don came over... on.. Wednesday night? at like.. 11?? hehe He just came over to make sure I lived.. where I lived? Lol.. sounds weird. But he called my cellie and I'm like.. half asleep already and SUPA crappy looking. But I went outside to meet him and we hugged for a while =P Ah so warm. hehe He's a supa cutie, dAMn.. =X

I'm going to the HC game!! But it's raining like WhoA =/

My pants are wet... GR.. No, not cuz I peed in them cuz I've been in the rain!1 =P

I've driven 100miles in the span of 24hrs.. That's nuts.


MAAN RaiNeD ouT!!~! Half time when they were doing HC court, it started thundering and lightening so everyone left. =/ GHS was kicking NFHS's aSS tho!!! 21-7!! Linh and Kevin were there! LoL Kevin was like.. STAND STILL FOR ONE SECOND!! haha =P

Umm.. My head kinda hurts. I'm hungry. Sorry for whining so much. hehe =P

Tuesday ~ October 15, 2002
I woke up and it was super cold!!~ I shouldn't wear shorts to bed!!~ OMG... =/
Monday ~ October 14, 2002
Today was a total blah day. =/

I did pass my English quiz and didn't have a Physics quiz and didn't turn in the Spanish homework, but I still felt like crap. *shruGs* I do love the weather, it feels great. I love driving with the windows down and music up in this kind of weather. It makes me happy. hehe =P I still feel.. *shrugs* dissatisfied? Is that even a worD?

Anywayz.. on Friday.. I wasn't all WOOHOO!!~ in my classes, and people would come up to me and ask if anything was wrong. hehe I have to be WOOHOO to be normal? =P I guess that's neat though, people perceive me as being a happy person and when I'm apparently not, they ask because they care?! hehe AwEsoMenEss

I just downloaded JLo's new song!!~ *boogeying down*

Work was sOO boRiNg!!~ We got a new shipment of Christmas clothes, but OMG, they were all damaged in one way or another, but me and Sarah had to go through all of them to check them to see if we could fix it or anything. BaH.. that sucked. BuT I got home real fast =P

Ok, so he told me last night that he called me yesterday, but he dailed the wrong number. I was just joking around saying that I couldn't believe he didn't know my number and all this, and he says that he DOES know it.. Yeah.. So why'd you dial the wrong number.. or not call the RIGHT number? Dork..

Now people are telling me that the second part of Pearl Harbor is better!!~ Crap.. hehe

Holy cow, I think I've updated this stupid thing everyday for like.. a month! I'm such a loser. DaMn.. I guess it's cuz I don't have anyone to tell all this random stuff to! I used to tell Hubert but.. eh.. I don't anymore. So I tell my loyal readers.. All.. two of them? hah OOh Gus was like... Some people have their soap operas, I have your DailyDose. hehe =P Gus is awesome =D

AnyWho, SNR meeting tonight. whoopty.

Things that make me happy -- ice cream, cookies, hugs, a cool breeze, a nice ghetto song playing *lol*, having lunch with a good friend, coloring, having my cell phone ring and it NOT be one of my parents *hehe* -- I enjoy the simple things in life. haha ....


HoLeEe cow... shitty ending to a shitty day...

Yeah.. we're still friends.. right? *shrugs* I guess.. Got played...

ThaNKs Monica!! You're a sweetie!

Sunday ~ October 13, 2002
It took me forever to get outta bed to go pick up my brother. I was just soo comfy and happy where I was. ;o)

Homecoming decorating today.. I don't know what was wrong with me... Maybe it was tiredness or.. confusedness or.. pissiness.. WhaTeVeR..

Gotta do HW soon. AHH

Milk duds roCk! YuMMY yUmmY in my TuMmy! hehe

I should've gone with Nina to tie ribbons around polls around Garland.. but dang, I was super tired. So I came home and just headed to my bed till 7 =P

I took Kevin to Subways because they have Mountain Dew there and I've been craving MD all day!! =P But when we came home, I made my OWN sandwich. Ham sandwich.. a poor man's sandwich. I don't have cash for Subways! PSH =P

ThaNKs Bessie for helping me on my hw!!~

I talked to Nina muChOs today! She's awesome and full of good advice. I hope her and her boy are doing GReAT! They're so in love! I'm happy for her hehe She's soo cute when she talks about him; she gets all giddy and gurlie. haha I want that feeling! =P haha But I'm glad Nina's happy!

Spanish - not the language for a Chinese girl. hehe

My mom's not home yet!!~ uH Oh...

MaN I still have to take some physics notes. BaH! =P

The Ketchup Song.. by Las Ketchup is COOL! hahaha I'm a nerd, I know.. bUt it's such a happy song.

I HATE BWEEKS!!~! My hell weeks. BaH!!~ English, Physics, and Spanish! Sadness to the MAx!!~ Someone make my week good pleeeeeeeease?~! omg.. haha

Saturday ~ October 12, 2002
OmG! I'm soo tired.

Today was pretty fun. I went to take my SATs this morning.. Went to Bessie's house and she drove there. WoOohooo! hehe I saw Patsy! hehe I see her everywhere!! I also saw Jordan Pitts!! Wow.. he looks the same. =P TheN... I went home and picked up my brother to go eat!! He threw away the tray @ Wendys hahahaha DoRK!!

Craft Fair wasn't that busy this year. Last year was fuN!!~ Me, Peg, and KC bought Gena a bracelet! I got one too! Hers says OWLS.. mine says GIG EM hehe We complete each other. hehe

TheN Bonnie, Peggy, and I went out!!~ We went to Willow BeNd looking everywhere for the perfect stuff for Bonnie's HC! hehe ThEN we went to eat cuz me and Bonnie were HuNgRY!!~ We went to McDonalds.. and talked about a LOT!! =D Then we tried to go to Collin Creek.. but somehow.. ended up in Carrollton? LoL... So I called Shannon's mom and found our way bacK!!~ =D I got stuff @ Aeropastle? And Victoria Secret!! WOOHOO hehe Then.. we drop by my house.. and Peg borrows my blk dress for HC... And then we head over to Linda's house. Me and Peggy try to teach Bonnie to dance... I think we failed. heheh

LaDeDAaa... talked to Long.. uGH! Never letting people on my SN again. =/

I'm all talk.. Look at you.. psssh...

MaAN... Things are crazy... And I'm broke... And Hungry... =P hehe

Having a webcam is awesome! heheh FunTIMes!~ hehe Tanner told me to get a spoon.. to prove it was 'live'? haha..

Pearl Harbor is a LONG movie!! I feel asleep sooo many times. But DaMN, Josh Harnett and Ben Afflest are hELLa FiOnE! haha =P So are you!! Don't worry =P hehe

"Can't get enough!"

GniGht SwEetDreAMs!

Friday ~ October 11, 2002

For a short ass week, it took forever to end.

School was blah... Nothing interesting. Thomas is awesome!!~ Nina had super cute spirit rings! Aww maan I wanted to show Tanner but he came late! =P

UmMm... Went to work.. Closed the shop, I'm a big girl now. haha =P

Came home... Hubie came over.. We went to McDonalds and then to Linda's house!! Chilled there till about 10:30!!~ I was dancing around in her old formal dresses. AW MAN.. if I grow like 3" by the time Winter Ball rolls around, I'm gonna hit Linda up to let me borrow her awesome dress!! IT's sooo gorgeous. I danced around in it for like half an hour. haha Linda's aweSoMe!!~ hahah She's soo sweet! We're gonna boogey together all night long. hehe

Today.. was a good day =D

HuGS are neeat. =P

uMmMMm -- Me and Ann drive cars.. that go vroom. LoL... Sorry.. Guys @ lunch were talking all about cars and shit, and me and Ann were forced to sit and.. be quiet cuz we don't know anything. So finally I was like.. HEY!! Me and Ann have cars... And they're cool. =P

Jenny's a cool gurL! Everyong should support the Lady Owls VbAll girls. hehe

Thursday ~ October 10, 2002
wooohooo.. my head hurts.

My webcam is neato man! hehe

Today was okie.. Went to school early and got help on my lab from Manda, she rocks!!~! She's like... super awesome and super smart and super sweet. She's just super MaNDa!~ hehe

New seats in English!!~ I sit by Ann and Thomas and in front of John and behind Marjo!!~ It's awesome!! All my favorite people in that class. hehe

Physics, it was fun actually. No quiz!! And I passed my take home test!!!! HOLY COW!!~! I was like freaking out when he passed it back, and I was like.. yelping!~ hahaha Mr. Lines was like.. whaaaat... And I just informed him that I passed. hehe He just smiled. haha

Spanish.. wtf.. bAh.. whAteVeR!! hee

Me and KC went to eat at Lollicup and went to Party City to pick up some stuff for the KEy CluB door for homecoming and what not. Me, Bessie, Bobbie, Karen, Hubert, Brian, and Peggy stayed till like 6 to work on the door. It looks awesome like OMG =D I'm soo happy about it. Hubert is the art master!! So much skill and talent! DaNG hehe Then we went out to Tony Romas to eat for my brother's bday. He's old. haha I ate lotsa onions. yUMmY!!~ =D

Now I'm just waiting for Bessie to come over to study for SATs and maybe KC.

Did I mention that my head hurts?

Nothing spectacular happened today. KC was being mean to me and I almost made him walk home.. He lied to me, shocker. ANd I believed him, shocker! I'm too gullible.

Nina is awesome!!~ I love you gUrL!

I got a letter from GuS!!~! He's such a sweetie! Lotsa randomness in the letter though. haha =D

My mom's gonna be gone this weekend!! *wink wink* hahaha


Bessie got here at like.. 8:40?? And we went thru a shit load of vocabulary and talked about randomness. Boys.. BaH.. hehe Then she left at.. 10? *shrugs* I just remember yawning a lot. hehe SupEr tired.. I don't know how that girl does it. AnYWhO, went to bed at like.. 10 -- that felt nice. hehe

Ya know who I haven't talked to on the phone in a while? (a while meaning a week...) Long. We did talk for a while there.. *shrugs* WhaTEveR not gonna fret. I just wish I didn't like talking to him ya know? So then I wouldn't be missing it. =P *sigh* This is the first time, that I've liked someone for a while, and they haven't liked me or whatever. It's a weeeeeeeiiiiirrrdddd feeling. I don't like it. Everyone keeps telling me to move on and like someone "better". Long's a cool dude tho! hehe

Yeah, I know you're thinking, why in the world would she write her feelings down about some guy that doesn't even like her back in the least bit... Who might actually read this.. PsH.... Do I have shame?? [no] Do I really care if he knows what I feel?? [definately not] Aren't I super blunt? [heckyeah] haha =D Isn't Tracy an idiot? [all the time]

Ooh, I got a crush on you
I hope you feel the way that I do
I get a rush
When I'm with you
Ooh, I've got a crush on you
A crush on you
           -- "Crush" by Mandy Moore

Wednesday ~ October 9, 2002

HapPy BirTHdaY KeVin!~~

All you pussies that write about me in your fricking journals or profiles, get the guts to say whatever you have to say to my face. Stupid asses. WhAtEvER.

Came home, but I didn't have to work today, so I got online and talked to Don while doing my physics lab. =( He ordered pizza!! =D So I went over cuz I was hungry! BUT it had jalapenos on them, blech. We went to GHS and started decorating the door. He kept saying it's weird going back to HS. haha What an old fart =P ThaNkS for coming with me Don!!

Dropped Don back home and saw Bessie cleaning her car? *shrugs* Her trunk was open and she was wiping the dash board. hehe Then when I was at the red light, Long pulls up next to me. ScAReD the CRaP outta me. DANg. baah, felt weird seeing him after trying to be mad at him all day. haha Felt like.. a shot thru the heart.. *shrugs* Yes, I'm weird. But ahh, I don't know.. Anywho, came home and ate cookies *made me feel better*! yuMmY!!~

Been thinking... Definately not good.

I wrote Gus a letter! hehe It's pretty. I wrote the address and all that stuff upside down. haha I'm a LoSER... dAng. But it gives it that Tracy touch to it. hehe =P

I just remembered, Long didn't keep his promise to me. Said he'd hang out with me this past weekend. Ah well, did I honestly think he'd spend time with me? ... That's something to ponder about. *shrugs* Why do I like him?~!?! haha I'm an idiot, that's all I can think of. Why do you tell people you miss me and want to talk to me? Why do you act like you care one minute and just totally ignore/avoid me the next? You're a PuNk.

Did LoTsa homework. I hAte homework.

Off to.. study possibly or sleep.. whichever =P

Revelation of the Day -- Bessie is rubbing off on me.. hehe

Tuesday ~ October 8, 2002
If anyone sees my brother tomorrow, tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN!! =P hehe

Tanner's still here.. I gotta take him home soon. He pushed me off the couch. Haha BuM. My brother went to the State Fair with Justin and Kevin. oOoh He's skipping baaaaand. hehe

OMG! LAst night, I fell asleep on the couch, but I heard all the guys talking so I woke up. It turns out that they tried the warm water test thingy on Kyle. haha Then they just ended up pouring water on him and tried to convince him that he pissed his pants. LoL!

My brother's bday cake is yummy!!

Work was okie, lots of organizing going on. hehe I'm soo tired! AHh...

This weekend/holiday was awesome!! WoOOhoOOo!!~ hehehe

Monday ~ October 7, 2002
Bessie JUST told me that Long said that he missed me cuz I didn't call. He said it at like.. 11pm? and Now it's 2aM! haha

Tanner is awesome!! He recorded the name game thing for me! haha I don't have a mic on my computer, so Tanner and Caleb were talking while I was just IMing them back. FuNTiMeS hehe

Stop being mad at me. Even if you really aRen'T mad at me, don't act like it. =/ I'm not going to apologize to you anymore. Yeah, I like you. But.. BaH...


8:40am! Bessie calls me and wakes me up. She comes to pick me up at 9:20? We go to Hobby Lobby and Michael's with Bonnie. Buy Homecoming stuff! hehe CooOl BeANs!

Go home and talk to Long for a little bit... Then take my brother to Blockbuster. ladeda, go to KC's... Tanner goes into the dryer.. haha Go to work! Come home!! Lotsa lil white kids here... haha Drive to Rowlett, wonder when da hell I'm going to reach his house. FInaLlY! See some white guys standing and hope it's Tanner! hehe Bring him here and everyone plays hide n seek. Kevin, Kevin, Kyle, Kelly, Sarah, Jenny, and Amanda were here.. for my brother's bday thingy. Girls leave, we still play hide n seek. Me and Tanner watch... Monsters Inc and Training Day and... music videos. FuNtImEs!! And Conan.. hahahah I should watch that show more often.

Sunday ~ October 6, 2002
Today.. I am hanging out with Crystal! My AweSoMe Rowlett chica!! hehe

I think.. I've decided to apply to -- SMU, UTD, TCU, UT, aandd MaYbE Tech? Depends what I decide I really want to do when I grow up, I suppose. Lady at the Lake, or something, in San Antonio sounds pretty interesting also. But definately gonna contemplate about that early acceptence/decision thing for SMU.

Gus is going to move to Garland for me! hahaha =P


Ok, so I go out with my mom and brother to Maxim's to eat some yummy dim sum! Julie hooks us up again, so we don't have to wait. Julie is awesome. lol

Head to Fry's to buy all this crap for my mom.. uGH.. I hate going there.. so boring for me. I just... look at the markers. LoL

Finally got home and then headed off to Crystal's and then went to Michael's where I saw Lindsey and Megan. Megan's such a sweety!! I saw all this Homecoming mum stuff and *sigh* I got all blah. I don't really care about the game or the dance.. I just want a mum. LoL When I finally got home tonight, I was talking to my brother about Homecoming. He keeps yelling @ me and tells me to go because it is my last one.. *shrugs* I said I didn't want to go because our dad's coming home that weekend, he was like, daddy will totally understand. But less girly. hehe BAH. I think he just wants me to stop whining. haha

Anywho, we get stuff for BPA and other various cool stuff and call Bonnie. We go pick her up and call Bessie! Bonnie, Crystal, and I went to Michael's in Plano because Bessie said it wasn't closed. It's closed. BaH.. haha Oh well, we just ended up going to the mall. Bonnie got a Homecoming dress!! SUPER CUTE!!! Met up with Cuong, Hubert, and Bessie. Looked around in Victoria Secret. 5 pairs of underwear for 19.50!!~ Man... hehe AweSoMEnESs, I might just have to go back tomorrow. Bonnie can't say fragance, but I said, 5 underwears. So we're both dorks. =P

We went to eat at Lollicup.. But it was just me, Crystal, and Bonnie for a while. So we were girl talking. Boys are stinky. haha But some guys, ahem, are super hot.. hahah (and I'm not talking about Long..) =P Bessie and Hubert finally came and then we decided to go watch Barbershop. But I had to bring Crystal home, IN ROWLETT. Super far. =P But I like driving around, so it's all good. =P It was a cool movie! =P Funny!!!! I've been watching too many movies.

Hanging out with Bessie is awesome. I wish we didn't stop talking and hanging out for all those years in between. I honestly don't know what happened between us.. But I hope our last year in high school will be all good. =P She's an awesome gurlie!

MAn, driving at night with the windows down and the radio up... Best time ever. =P *sigh* hehe

Still didn't clean my room. bAh...

My brother is having a "get together" for his birthday tomorrow night. Someone save me!! Buncha fish over here. lol... I wanna leave the house, but definately not go to another movie. haha OR have someone come over and watch movies with me in the other room. eh eh eh? Anyone??? haha

Saturday ~ October 5, 2002
UGH! Help you out for once? WTF are you talking about? My mom drives me nUtS!!! uGH!!!!~!! Tries to make me feel guilty cuz her ass ain't home to take care of my brother, who's fucking old enough to take god damn care of himself. WTF.. he's almost fucking 15 and can't do a damn thing for himself.

I'm suppose to change my whole schedule because he's a fucking idiot? AW HELL NAH. fuCKThAt.

For those of you that don't think me cussing is lady like, fuck you too.

Plans for today -- Wash car! Go to work! FIND SOMEWHERE TO GO TONIGHT SO I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY MOM OR BROTHER. help!! =( Someone call my cellie and rescue me today okie?~! =P


Here's the recap of my day, without all the anger. hehe I woke up at 8 to wash my car. It's all pretty! yaY! Go TraCy! Then I took a niiice shower. I'm soo not caring about my hair anymore. I have no one to impress, so now I just wash it and go. I just hope that when it dries, it looks decent. hehe No one to impress because everyone knows what I -can- look like haha So ya know, I'm just gettin lazy. Speaking of lazy, holy shit, my room looks like a tornado ran through it. So before I go out with Crystal today, I'm going to clean it and do my laundry. woohoooo hehe

ANYWAY! I went to work right, and blahdeblah, fun times. My aunt asked me what I was doing tonight, and I said, if I don't find anything, I'm going to fill our college apps. She just looked at me and ordered me to go out. LoL So if I don't get into college, it's her fault. haha OoH, YaNg is a cool man, he TRIED to come visit me. LoL But couldn't find it. You're awesome duDE~

I'm all driving home and singing to my radio *woohoo* And I see PLANO PKWY exit, I'm like.. HELL YEAH *EXiTS* I go to the mall.. Total impulse urge deal. I hit up Express and buy two shirts and leave. =)Go buy a duck... for my mom. haha I was in a hurry, sorta. Well, I just don't like buying duck. So I parked in this handicapped space because as everyone knows First BBQ's parking lot is super small. BUT I parked only HALF in the handicapped space and half on the lil ramp. LOL.. I suck. =P

Go home, talk to my mommy, change, and talk to Bessie! We decide to go watch Red Dragon @ Loews!! NO BOYS. =D We should've brought boys. We got scared. We closed our eyes. haha We were all cringing and turning our heads and freaking out. LoL.. We're such girls. It was pretty good though. =) Anywho, I called Don and Long to get ideas of where to go eat. Don said IHOP! So that's where we go, I tried to get him to go with us, but he was in Addison, he wanted us to go up there. PSH screw that man. haha I finally get home @ 12am. I'm not in trouble!

I walk through the back because I don't want to wake my mom since her room is above the garage. When I walk in, my brother looks at me and asks, YOU WEREN'T HOME ALREADY? hahah What an idiot. I hadn't been home all day, and he doesn't notice. I don't live in a mansion, my brother is just a dumbass.

So Bessie kept her promise to me! SHE rocks, unlike that other boy. hahah =P

Funniest thing today -- "What are you doing" "QTipping my car" hahahhahaah Long is a silly boy.

Friday ~ October 4, 2002

I went to bed last night at like.. 9:45!! I was soo tired. But Long called me at 10:20? Pleasant waker upper? hehe He proceeded to make fun of me, and then told me to go to sleep. LoL.. PuNk!! He calls me just so he can fall asleep, cuz I'm soo boring and all. PsH!! Oh well, I used to read his LJ to fall asleep cuz it was sOOO boring and all. =P hehe AnyWHo, goodluck on your ECOtest today swty!!

Today's a BDAY =( I hAtE BDAYS!!


HEY everyone, visit me tomorrow @ work =) I'mma be SUPER borEd! Seven and a half hours tomorrow. SaVeME!! If I fall asleep, my aunt will let me go home early though. wooohoo! I'll try to go to the carwash Jessie!!

I LOvE yOu!


Today sucked pretty bad. Cept for lunch, lunch was awesome. Thomas asked me when I got to Spanish if I wanted to go eat with him and Tanner. Today was one of the first days I actually had my keys!! woohoo!! hehe So I let Thomas drive to Wendys and Tanner drive back. AW MAN, those guys owe me mucho money cuz I keep letting them have money for food. Tanner needs to bring more than three dollas on BDAYS!! shiit. haha AND he didn't let me have his cool toy. BUM!! Tanner was driving back right, and we were LATE!! Me and Thomas were walking through the courtyard, and saw people COMING to lunch, we're like.. oh shit. So we run, but MR. Brown is there, so we just walk very fast. =P Then we go to class, and the doors open -- SHIT... but when we walk in, Ms. Swor isn't there. HECKYEAH!!! Everyone was like.. where have YOU TWO been?~! LoL.. SUPER GOOD LUCK. haha

I went to talk to Ms. Sacco. Basically, she's telling me I have SHITTY options, and if I don't pass World Topics, I don't graduate. WTF.. Then why even TELL me in the first place that going to World Geography was an option. UGH!!! Soo pissed and sad. I just wanna cry. UGH FuCK. =/

aNYwHo, everyone's going to the game tonight. I might hang out with Bessie. *shrugs*

I feel super shitty. Someone cheer me up! =P

Thursday ~ October 3, 2002

It's only 8:13AM!! AHH!!!! I'm in BCIS and soon to be going to the counselors to get a drop form. Lucky me. =/

BPA meeting this morning. Fun stuff. Me and Crystal decided to meet on Sunday to girl talk and do BPA stuff. wooohoooo

Note to self -- Long and Bessie promised they'd hang out with you. Kill them if they forget. =)

hahaha Just kidding, I love you two too much to kill ya now. =P

I updated Long's LJ last night. He finally gave me his PW.. But it's a mean password, I don't like it. Long's a hOmo. I went to his mailbox this morning to pick up a poster for the Key Club meeting today after school. He put a note on there for me and Bessie. Mine's sorta nice and sweet. Bessie's note says, KICK ME, I'M HOMO. LoL He's obsessed with Bessie being a homo. SheIt.

I hope there isn't a timed writing today in World Topics. I hope the quiz in Calculus isn't hard. BAH... I have to work on the physics lab today during 4th period. whoopity.

I hope the KC meeting goes good. =P

I LoVE yOu

Wednesday ~ October 2, 2002
KiSS x2

Survey was deleted because it was messing up my journal, I don't know why. It was gay. haha

I went to the nursing home today. I was talking to the dude I was playing Bingo with. I asked him how his day was. He said that everyday for him is a good day because everyday you wake up, you are blessed. Wow, I wish everyone could have that attitude everyday. That man is an awesome man.

My mom and dad are cool with me failing. WTF...

I saw Don's PIMP car. hahah

I got Gus' letter! But it was the second one.. where's the first?! The mailman stole it.

Today was an okie day. Spanish was cool, no one was in there cept 7 people! So we ordered pizza. =) Tanner is a funny funny man. Him and bedhead. haha I told him to spike it on Friday, hopefully he will!!

Long is nuts...

Tuesday ~ October 1, 2002
I LoVe My bUdDiES!!!

Thanks for ...
Jamie, Jaymie, Ysa, Arianne -- making sure I didn't hit that stUpId car that parked behind me!!!
Nina -- taking me and Thomas to lunch!
Thomas -- being you! hehe
Marjo -- being a pal and just being there for me.. and making fun of me! haha
Bessie -- Thanks, period. hehe =P You do soo much that I can't even begin to name everything!
Tanner -- my keys!! And making my day.
Keri -- being a sweetheart!
Hubie -- stealing a pen from my house and finally confessing, YOU DORK hahaha

MAn.. today actually sucked pretty hardcore, but I'm in such a good mood that my friends are such awesome people! =) I'd be soo lost without yall! hehe I don't think I can tell any single person how much I care about them and how much they mean to me, but I hope they know.. somehow. =P

"Friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're there." *sniff sniff*

I love you, Mai!!

You know what's a kiCkiN song? Girl All the Bad Guys Want by Bowling for Soup. DaMN, I love song.


BETA induction was... pretty damn boring.

Finished all my homework! GO TRACY!!

Boys are the epitome of confusing.. At least the one I like.

Tanner's raps are AWESOME!!!! Him and JWoo are hilarious!! White boys rock maJor! hehe

Brownies and milk.. YUM!!!
Monday ~ September 30, 2002
I don't know what it is about you, but you're awesome!! We fight too much though, LoL. You don't always make me cry or mad or whatever, so stop thinking that!!

I'm sporting my Texas Tech pride today... Yeah, I don't have any pride for Tech, but Shannon bought me the shirt, and it's pretty cute and comfy. hehe So what the hey. Brownies are good. If anyone wants some, my mommy made it, come on oVa! hehe

F U ngus5324: I HEART TRACY.

Gus makes me laugh! hahah

School today.. but just think, one week from now, we won't be in school.. hehe

BETA induction tomorrow night... Hopefully I can get offa work tomorrow night.

I have this stupid song stuck in my head. Sometimes it sounds like the Gilligan's Island theme song, but then.. I think I made up my own tune for it or something. I'm going crazy. And it's all Long's fault. He doesn't read this right? Eh...

Only Monday morning and I have so much to say.. I'm a DORK!

Yeah, so yesterday, I told my mom everything that's happening in my love life... So she knows all about Long.. And how he feels about me and how I feel about him.. It's not the same feeling, mind you. LoL Oh well, it's all gravy cuz he's cool and we're still buddies, but I don't think I'm just gonna stop liking him *snap* like that. ya Know? I am just not doing so hot in the dating portion of my life.. or the academic portion... hell, I'm not doing so well in any part of my life. I do have some cute clothes, but that's a shitty consolation.

Sunday ~ September 29, 2002
You didn't mean to lead me on? What the crap... You totally knew how I felt, and you played on it. Whatever, you still want to be friends? What kind of friend have you been to me? I can't believe you. Just sit back and see what you've said to my friends, what you've said to me.. I don't understand you. You act like you care.

Don't talk to my friends about me if you don't want me to find out.

I don't know how I feel about you anymore. As of now, all you make me want to do is cry.

I know you can be a GrEaT person. I wish everyone could see that, but sometimes your actions speak louder than words.

I still care for you. *sigh*

Saturday ~ September 28, 2002
Long told me he was going to come over this morning. He didn't =/ I hafta work from.. 10-4 and then hopefully go watch Sweet Home Alabama!!! =D But I have no one to go with!! I asked Bessie, but I don't know if she remembered. Linda is chilling with Julie in Plano tonight and Long said maybe.. MAYBEs suck. hehe

F U ngus5324 (9:00:02 AM): and i will make fun of you so much.
F U ngus5324 (9:00:21 AM): I'm really a nice guy...



Work was okie... I went to Plato's Closet and bought a hoochie shirt. yAY for hoochie shirts. Anywayz, I got home and showered and got all pretty.. Talked to people for a bit.. Got mad so went to Starbucks!! YaY for coffee fraps! Went to Mai's house *I LoVe yOU gUrLIe* and we went to watch Sweet Home Alabama. YaY for chick flicks! It was soooo cute!! AHH! hehe Then we decided to call everyone's cell that we knew that went to watch a movie. hehe Mai told KC that we were in there looking for them and we told them to come find us. LoL It was awesome. Me and Mai were laughing the whole time. It was weird cuz when we were on the phone with them, she started her car, and they didn't notice. Anywho, we went to Black Eyed Peas and ate a BuTTLoAd!! Mai had steak, dang. But I had chicken fried steak, yum! Yay for chicken fried steaks!

Today at work was like the first time my cellie phone got a work out. hehe People besides my mom and dad called me! It was neat. LoL I talked to Long for like 10 minutes *First time he WASN'T tired on the phone* till I got tired of folding papers with one hand. Then Bessie called! Roger called, but just to yell at me. And me and Mai were text messaging each other. I felt popular. LoL!

I wanna talk to you.. Where are you!?

Bessie said she'd do something with me next weekend, so did Long. Is it actually gonna happen? hehe

Friday ~ September 27, 2002
yO!! Today was awesome!! MAN!! In the morning, me and my bro didn't have any tutorials that we had to attend, so we went to Starbucks. Coffee fraps rock my world. I couldn't stop talking or jumping during first period. haha IT was great.

Anywayz, I was sporting my school pride with my yellow pants and my HOLLA shirt. LoL Ms. Driscoll said she liked my outfit! hehe And Tanner said I had cute hair, or something. hehe

LALA.. get outta school at.. 12:30? Something like that, so I just go to work and chill with Sarah.. I'm already super excited about the game. haha =P Anywho, when I get off, I had to stay in traffic for nearly and hour because over by 75 n 635, there was an accident, and the little message board that keeps you informed on what's going on in da middle of the highway said "FREEWAY CLOSED" -- what the crap. gR~ But when I finally do get home, I find that my mommy made Cajun rice! WOOHOO!!! SOO GOOD!! Has crawfish in it! SOOO GOOD!! hehe

Teddy comes and picks me up and we go to the game. FunTiMeS!! He cuts off this WHOLE line of ppl and this stupid.. white guy? kept honking! We're like.. we already cut you.. shut up. Eh.


hahaha How many years is it now? hehe 10? 11? That they've never beat us? hahah Right before the game let out, me, Teddy, Tim, and Linda went to Linda's house. oOOh Teddy's mustang is a convertable so we put that down and me and Linda sat up there, SO MUCH FUN! haha And it felt sooo good!! COOL WIND *ahhh* hehe Her mom made them pHo and I ate ice cream!

Tonight was sooo much fuN!! I love you guys!!! Peggy and Doan and Tasha are KiLLa dancers!! Lara is AWESOME!! I LOVE YOU ALL TO DEATH!! Gena is soo fUn!! Karen was there!!!! AH! I can't handle all this happiness. hehe Sarah was there!! Peggy, me, and Tasha hadta show the lil Fishie Asian Gurls how to dance. LoL

HAHAHAHA Fishie Asian Girls spells out FAG.. LoL

Anywho, when I finally got home (11:40? I'm totally pushing my curfew! lol), Long called. But he was super tired. I don't think I've ever talked to him on the phone when he's not about to already fall asleep. He starts talking gibberish. It's pretty funny. hehe

Thursday ~ September 26, 2002
=( Yesterday, school, work, dinner, library, more homework, sleep. =( Yeseterday = sucky day.

Feel better, Long!

Hopefully I'll get more relaxation today =) hehe


Today was pretty cool actually. =D

Um... pretty boring, but ya know. Dr. Bissett was teaching us how to flirt. haha Guys, the way to know if a girl likes you is to pin them up against the wall and if they don't knee you by then, move your head closer to them and if they don't smack you, then they like you. LoL! Greatness. haha

Went to Mrs. Z to get help on my EE and then went home and got a bunCHa stuff together, went to the bank, went to Target, went to Tom Thumb, went to school, Board MTG, brought Ai and Stacy to Holford, then brought them home. Finally went to Teddy's house to hang out for a bit and give him his BDAY present. He has some GOOD cake. DaNG. haha =D UmMm.. Then I was debating whether to drop by Long's house or not. But I wimped out... I just drove past his house.. I'm not a stalker or anything, we live in the same neighborhood. haha =P I SWEaR! hehe

Gus called me on my cellie! Which means he got my letter! hehe But I couldn't talk cuz it's long distance and my mom would kicK my butt. hehe Oh well, I'll see him soon enough. =P

Tomorrow's the game against SOUTH! They're going DOWN like WHoA! haha Me, Teddy, and Timmy are going tomorrow, hopefully. I'm making Timmy dress in our school colors though! hehe

Wednesday ~ September 25, 2002
I need to stop talking on the phone for hours at a time because I don't get anything done!! I talked to Long last night for two hours, till HE FELL ASLEEP. haha =P

Donuts are yummy, I'm eating one RiGhT now.. WoWIe~!

SorrY GuS!!~!~!! Will you Eva forgive me? Of courSE! hehe ;)

I'll tell about my troubles @ the gas station tomorrow. hehe

I took this out of one of Long's away messages -- When you want someone soo bad and you know you can't have them, it hurts.

AMEN to that. =/ Story of my life, as of recently. Ironic as it may seem though. =/ x2

Tuesday ~ September 24, 2002
I'm tired. My mommy just woke me up from my nap. I'm grouchy.

I haven't talked to Long since Saturday. I had a dream about him last night! I dreamt that he told me that if I didn't have a date to homecoming, he'd take me. BUT we all know THAT will never happen because I am having the worst luck ever with Homecoming. I think litto miss Tracy is just not meant to go to HC. LoL SCREW IT.. bAH

Yang and Gus are supA sweet guys. Key Club boys RocK! =D hehe Why can't every other boy be nice to me?~!?~

oOoh Sweet Home Alabama comes out on Friday. Wanna go with me?~! *directed to Long* haha

I think.. I'm going to fail.. everything. Not just one thing.. But everything. Woohoo, go Tracy.. miss genius of the year. FUCK =/

Convo with my daddy just now --
daddy -- how wuz school
tracy -- shitty
daddy -- why
tracy -- cuz it's boring like hell
daddy -- go do homework
tracy -- ok =(

I'm going to go attempt to do homework.. =( I hate school

Monday ~ September 23, 2002
I talked to Gus on the phone for 2 hrs last night! =D He's a cool guy. Now I'm super tired, and probably going to fail all my tests today!
Sunday ~ September 21, 2002
Whoa.. Woke up and we went to IHOP! =D YuMmY! Then we went to Frys, then Academy Sports N Outdoors, then Ultimate Electronics. My mom's all like, I'm bored of the TV in the front room, I want a flat screen HDTV one. We're all like.. WTF. hehe She wants a GPS thingy in her car, so she's like.. I need a new BENZ. WHAAT! hehehe I hope I grow up and be like her. Get whatever I want when I want it. Oh wait, I'm like that right now. =X hehe My daddy spoils us. hehe

AnYwho, we went to Van Thanh to get some CHEAP mooncakes, lol, but that grocery store is sOO STUPID. They ONLY speak Viet. WTF.. So me and my parents were talking in Mandarin! Just saying, what the hell are these viets saying, blah blah blah. hehe =X hehe I mean, if Viets go to Hong Kong market, the lil signs are in Chinese, English, and Viet. And the people that work there don't just speak Chinese to you. SOO!! The people up at VanThanh need to get with it. AND their store smells bad. HMPH.

I have to go to the airpot @ 3:30.. And then Valley to pick up my new glasses! YAY! hehe

No more donut dates! How sad. hehe

I'm going to post some of the pictures Hubert keeps sending me up here later. But.. Eh.. They're not that cool. If you wanna see some, IM me or that dork butt named, Hubie. hehe

Saturday ~ September 21, 2002


Today was pretty neat. I went to bed at 1:11am though. I made a wish! hehe GR, but I had to wake up at 7 to take my brother to Owl Conference. So we drive up there, and it feels sooo good outside! Weather was awesome!!~ YaY! Anywho, drive up there and my brother wants me to go with him up there, so I had to park.. What a dork. hehe When we park, we see Tanner!! WowIE! LoL, he was just sitting in his car.. smiling? LoL..

Anywho, I came home and me and my daddy went to Burger King and bought food for ourselves and my mommy. GRR, Burger King has ok food and all, but we go there cuz it's the closest thing to our house. They take a fricking year to give you food. And they always get your order wrong. Poo on them. Come home and eat then Gena comes over! AWW, she looks super prettified! hehe

We go pick up Ai and make her change b/c we didn't know if FTC was formal or whatever - it wasn't. hehe It was neat! We were all wearing black pants, I was wearing a white shirt, Gena was wearing a red and white shirt, and Ai was wearing a red shirt. Get IT?~! LoL, we thought it was neat. =X hehe Gena and Ai are AwESoMe! Very cool girls. =D Saw GuS!! Remember Gus? I danced with him @ Convention. LoL He's a cool guy. Saw Yang again! Fun guy. James is so goofy. Vivian and Jasen are soo fuN! hehe

Gena, Ai, and I left early =X SHH! Drop off Ai, Gena attempts to play pool, and I try to find out how Owl Conference went. But, no one was on to tell me!! =P

Gena leaves, I talk to Michelle on the phone, Long comes, and we leave. I went with him to a body shop... Fun times... hehe Then we went to Teddy's house. They ganged up on me. DORKS. I want to go swimming. Anywho, me and Long finally leave and go buy Teddy lots food. haha

Then Long meets my mommy! After he left, my mom was like, are YOU that respectful when you meet your friend's parents? I was like.. I think so.. *shrugs* haha I talk to Bessie and then go to bEd!! Wake up, dinner, MALL TIME!! yAY!! I got new glasses!!! And red pants! I think that finishes my collection of colorful pants. I have gray, black, white, pink, baby blue, orange, various blue jeans, khaki, and.. I think that's all. =X

Today was a good day! YOU BETTER NOT MESS IT UP FOR ME! =D

Friday ~ September 20, 2002
My daddy's home!!!!!! HECKYEAH! =)

Highlight of my day -- I found out that Carmen had to write about someone (famous or not) that helps people. She wrote about me!!! =D That was awesome to hear.

I talked to Don today! hehe He invited me to go to Waco with him this weekend. LoL He has another performance! We're never going to have time to hang out! Both of us are always busy.

Me, Sarah, and Lulu were talking about having true friends. It was a super interesting conversation. After I tell them about my high school dilemas, they're always like.. ThaNK GoOdNeSs I'm out. hahaha

Tonight I went to Hoi Tin to eat with family and friends.

North lost their HC game.. sorry guys!!

I got my song!! HELLYEAH, finally. hehe In Love With My Money by Chamillion and Paul Wall.. TYTE ASS SONG. =)

Thursday ~ September 19, 2002
FINALLY! Nearly the end of the week.

Highlight of my day -- Getting a big ol hug from Thomas!!

Sold cookies! WheEe.. fun stuff. All we talk about during lunch is Homecoming. hahaha

Gena's going to HC with Komson!!!! That's soo kickbutt!!

After 3rd, Thomas left class and I went with Nina to her class. We were talking about.. PrIVaTe sTuFF And Thomas comes outta no where and gives me a hug and asks if we have a World Topics test. hehe I told him to make his class believe that they ARE having the test today. =X TsKTSK Tracy. =P hehe Then me and Nina continue our conversation and then Tanner comes up to me and gives me a lil hug and raves about the muffin I gave him this morning. LoL He eats soo much. Tanner is SO scared of me. LoL He jumps back five feet when I reach out my arm. What a DOrK! He's like 2353 times bigger than I am.

Today was a good day.. Cept for the fact that it rained. I had this cute outfit that I was planning to wear, but NOO. I was going to wear my awesome red skirt with my DKNY shirt with flipflops, but AcK.

I have to go to a Key Club meeting today.


I GOT A MUM! LoL! Thanks to Teddy and Tanner and Nina!! It's an awesome mum. hahah Tanner drew a mum and Teddy "colored" it in. hehe Screw Homecoming, all I wanted was a mum. =D

Linda gave me cookies and a boy. LoL!!! Most creative present eVer!! She rocks hARDcOrE! haha


teenytinyTRACY: you're not gonna go to HC with me right?
xaikoazn: no:-P

On top of that, Hubert blocked me.

On top of that -- YeStHaTiScOrReCt: so now you're officially the only loser on the planet

Thanks guys!! Really appreciate it.. You just made the ONE good day of my week turn to shit. This all happened in the span of not even 10 minutes. I don't know why, but I just started crying.. Yeah, call me a baby, call me whatever da fuck ya want! I think I've heard it all.

Wednesday ~ September 18, 2002
Today started out shitty, but got progressively better! So YAY for that. hehe I woke up and felt super crappy cuz I have a cold.. I suppose. I know it's not allergies cuz, GR! I'm like.. super sick. haha Bessie and Manda were sick last week. My turn? =( Anywho, try to get to school early, but NO. Cuz Kevin takes forever and I had to pick up Michelle. Anywho, had to park in the front, bAH. Me, Karen, Mai, and Rony all got there at the same time and parked next to each other.. wOwERZ! haha

Go to Manda and ask for help on Spanish HW.. cuz it sUcKEd ass. Follow her to CompSci room and we talk to Bessie. Good times. hehe See Tanner, he asks for food.. psssh. haha He asked me again why I'm sniffling! I'm sick, dudE! Not CryInG! hehe Go to English... GrRnEsS -- stupid Timed Writing. Me and Laura started talking. hahaha Cole was like, sHUTuP! Psh. =P

Physics was awesome cuz Lines wasn't there. YiPee!! So me, Keri, and Jennifer are asking the guys in our class if they only think about sex, sports, and cars, majority say yes. haha Bitner's soo sweet! MaN, I wish someone would do that for me *what he's going to do for Shannon*

Spanish sucked. I have no clue what we talked about today in class. *shrugs* There is a test next class period though. Shit a brick, damn.

My bro stands outside my Spanish class and is signing something to me, I don't know what the crap he's trying to tell me, neither did Thomas. So after class he tells me that he completely forgot to get his instrument from my car. DORK. So I have to go into the band hall and drop it off for him. I've been in the band hall maybe a total of 4 times in 4 years. hehe I walk with Teddy to Algebra cuz I had to park in the front =( This QUEER ASS WHITE BOY steps on me. WTF. DUMB SHITS PLAYING AROUND IN THE HALL. GO TO FUCKING CLASS YOU IDIOT. DaMn.. So I'm super pissed because my foot/leg hurts and yell FUCKING WHITE KIDS down the hall =X Luckily, no teachers were around.

My mommy calls me and tells me to go to Lollicup to eat with her! SCORE! Plus, I don't have to work today because I'm sick. DoubLe ScOrE! hehe My mom was talking to me this morning and was like, call in sick! Who am I to object? I'm soo run down. =/

I think we're going to eat Fuddruckers tonight. YaY! Onion rings rock my world. I have to eat bird's nest. I'm not really sure if it actually is a bird's nest, but that's what it translates to in English. It's pretty good. Roger thinks I'm a freak for eating it though. haha It keeps me looking like a 10 yr old. LoL.. *shrugs* I don't know what it does, I just know it's good for me. Like every other weird Chinese things I'm forced to eat. =P

I was soo dorky today. I just kept talking about how I saw Long twice yesterday. I know, super dorky. haha But it made my day yesterday, so why not share my happiness. haha

Me and Ai were talking about everyone's school colors. NGHS wins. They have the prettiest, then our school has second prettiest -- to me @ least. hehe

GRR.. whenever I talk, my voice sounds like... I don't know.. half sleepy half sad.. I just sound croaky. High croaky, but nonetheless croaky.


BaH! I told my mommy she has to be home, and not out of town, during Homecoming weekend because she wasn't home during my last dance I went to.. Winterball (sophy yr). But now that I think about it, I don't really want to go anymore. I want to go because it is my first and last homecoming. But I don't really want to go with anyone. LoL.. Anyone that wants to go with me at least. I don't know if I'd actually regret not going to HC. *shrugS* I just don't want my mom to be like, You're a loser and can't find a date. Then proceed to tell me to be like Bessie. ARG! ARG x2!!! October 19.. One month away and already I'm over this whole Homecoming crap. LoL I guess I just get frustrated supEr easily. But wouldn't you?!~ I mean... UGH. Not used to this rejection concept just quite yet. hehe

Tuesday ~ September 17, 2002
College Night was tonight. yipee

Super long day again. =( Go to school sorta early... School sucks... Go home for like 10 minutes to get medicine and wash my face... On the way to work, my mom calls and tells me to bring her boss to the Honda Dealership. UTURN! baah.. Go to work.. Nearly fall asleep standing up... Leave work early... Come home to get money and a coupon *HeCkyEaH* and a brown bag. Drive my lil butt to Long's house to drop off chicken noodle soup. Talk to him for a couple minutes *he's so cute!* and go to McDonald's to buy food for me and Ai.. Pick up Ai and we head to EFC. BAAH BORING.

Saw a buNcha ppl from a long time ago. Remember Ryan Wallis? Saw him. Patsy... Victor, but I always see him. hehe Saw Curtis! I neva see him @ school anymore. We had a gReAT convo!

Curtis -- Are you going to Homecoming?
Me -- I don't have a date!
Curtis -- WHAT?~ You're one of the hottest girls at school, how can you not have a date? You should go with me and Nina!
Me -- The boy I want to go with won't go with me! Wow, that's what Nina said!! hahahah

LOL Curtis makes my self esteem go supA high. hehe

Me and Ai kept talking on the drive home, so I kept missing the stupid exits. Then An calls my cellie and I yell, I'M LOST! And he hangs up. What a FReaK. hehe We went to Lollicup for a drink, YUMMY! =) hehe

Now I'm doing homework =(

Mai got lost going to EFC. haha She kept asking what building it was in, I kept saying P!! And she thought I said T! So I'm outside, yelling into my cell phone, P AS IN PISS!! And then I said P AS IN POOP! Mai comes back and says, WHAT?! YOU'RE POOPING?~! ahhh Crazy gurl.

On that note, GniTE!!~! Sweet dreams!

Bessie won't go to HC with me. lol Oh, and she's a poser LoL-er. hehe

Monday ~ September 16, 2002
Garland Band how do you feel?
Band, dismissed.
We've got pride HUUUUHHHH

*THANKS MEEEEEE SHELLLLL* LOL!!!!!! That RoCKs.. Band is supA cool. haha Me and Marjo keep saying that.

I finally bought chicken soup. It took me forever to find it @ Tom Thumb though, so long that this one lady finally came up to me and asked me if she would help. I was like, I'm just looking <~ automatic answer!! There are a GAziLLiOn types of chicken noodle soup though. SHEESH. I played in the Burger King playground today with Carson. OMG.. Going down those slides -- it's sOO static-ee.. haha HuRT lIkE a MoTHa.

Me and Marjo were walking across the field @ WMS and these Naaman kids were there. They asked us if we went to NG. I told them no, that we went to GHS. I wanted to ask them if they all crove Mustangs cuz not all Asians go to NG. DuMBASsEs

Sunday ~ September 15, 2002
AH! Good day! Fun times!! Basketball rocks!!~! Teddy is awesome!! Badmitten is GrEat!!~ Chinese food is the best in the world, just ask Thomas. haha

Went to Long's house.. He wouldn't wash my car though. He spent like 3 hrs on his car!!! WTF... SheIt Hope you feel better sweety!!

Went to Thomas' house to work on the English play CRAP. hehe It was fun and shor though.. Took Ann home. We talked about Homecoming. BAH.

I am tiiired. I don't know why. I need to clean my room, it's messy like WHOA. =/ My daddy's coming home this weekend! HECKYEAH =) I'm soo excited. hehe


Ok, there's this boy. I don't know if I like him like him. Yaknow.. But he intrigues me. I don't think I'm -his kind of girl- ... Does that make any sense?

Bahh... gettin played is fUcked uP.

Hope everyone has a GReAt week!

Trevor, if you're still sick, I'll get your chicken soup.. soon. haha Sorry, been supA busy. hehe

Saturday ~ September 14, 2002

Let's see.. Wake up late, take a shower, make a kaya sandwich, head to work, stay there for a couple hours, go to GHS for BETA crap, go back to work, make a BARBIE house, go pick up Teddy with Carmen, come home, get skates and socks, go to Westlake, skate and have fun, go to McDonalds with Teddy, go to Collin Creek, buy shirt @ EXPRESS, go to Long's, chill and have fun there, take pix *hahah*, HAppy birtHday Long' Sis!!, take Teddy home, go back to Long's to get my drink, come home, scan pix, and talk to people. *GasP* What A fRiCKing LoNg dAY!

But I got to see Long today =) *sigh* He's soo fun to be around.. Eh.. sorry I threw my keys at you Long.. hehe You deserved it though!! Always talking about Bessie. GRRRRR... I regret introducing yall, even if you do say you don't like her.

AnYWho - Long is a confusing boy. BAAH <~ stole it from Gena. haha

Skating was AWESoMe!!~ Teddy is soo much fuN!!!! hehe

So tired.. and Bessie and Long just went to bed.. or got offline.. So I shall too!! tATA sWtDrEAms!

Friday ~ September 13, 2002
OooOoOOh, it's Friday the Thirteenth!!~! FreAkY!! hehe

I just got home from KC's house. DJ's still here though. At KC's.. we played pingpong like WhoA!!~! I got beat up though. =/ I got hit like 235426436 times with the stupid ball and it hurt cuz the guys were like hitting it supa hard, like there's no tomorrow or something! SHeEeshErs

It was super fun... Bessie, Alex, DJ, Kenny, KC, Hubie, Komson, Linh, Crystal, their friend, Van, and Paula were all there. Then Dzuy came!! SCArED the crap outta me. hehehe He rang the doorbell, and I raced KC to the door and pushed him outta the way. I looked out the door, but I couldn't see anyone, so I thought it was just because it was really dark. I open the door but I still don't see anyone. Finally I look down and there's Dzuy, croutched on the ground and I freaked and yelped. hahaha FunTiMES tonight.

I can go for hours and be in the same room with Van and never say a word to him. Weird? Eh... *shrugs* It's not like we hate each other, I suppose we don't have anything to say to one another... I don't even think we make eye contact. haha

I'm mad at Hubert. HmPh.

Tomorrow.. I hafta worK!!~! =/ pooOpErS I want to go shopping with Gena. GrR... I'll get to hang with her at the concessions though! WAhOo... So I can't go to the game tomorrow =\ Grrr....

Hey, anyone want to work part time at an autobody shop? My uncle's looking for people. You don't have to know about cars!! Just be like friendly. =P

Thursday ~ September 12, 2002
Just got back from the Key Club Board Meeting. It was an hour and a half long. But we got good info outta it! hehe Ms. G is supa cool.

So today was pretty borIng!!~! I went out shopping after school though for Bessie and Trevor.


At the meeting, Ms. G asked if anyone of us were artsy craftsy. We said Hubert was artsy. Then me and Ai said that we were craftsy. Then if you listened carefully, Karen said something about being fartsy. LoL I thought she said that SHE was fartsy. But she said that she was talking about Hubert. hehe sUrEee...

Today in Spanish, when the teacher lady kept talking, me and Thomas kept punching each other. John probably thinks we're weird.. Eh.. =P hehe

I had on my pimp tyte overalls today. hehe I'm sure I looked like I am an 8 year old or something. The overalls are like waay too long. I got them in the KIDS section though! So they shOULd fit, but noooo.. I must be abnormally short. The pants are ilke, a foot too long. hehe

Me and Teddy had a poking forehead fight today after lunch. LoL!!! Most fun I had all day. hehe He was trying to get random people to poke me in the forehead. Horvath came up and like.. decked me. haha Maybe deck isn't the right word, but he pokes haRd~! PunK!! hehe Teddy is my super buddy. LoL I love Teddy! He's awesome.. He's always there for me.

Jamie and Hubie are going to HC together, officially now. hehe cUTeNEsS, they're both so, little. GenaBeana says: at FTC.. jesuit guys will be there.... u can u know...
GenaBeana says: *lifts eyebrows up and down* ---haha she's soo cute! hehe---

OH SHIT!!~! Gena just told me that Jesuit boys will be at FTC on the 21st. HECK YEAH!! HoLlA! Maan.. I'm gonna be looking NICE that day. hehe Me, Gena, and Ai will be pimping hArDcoRe for HC yO!! hahah


I went to take a "nap" at 6, after dinner. My mom woke me up at 8, so I could do homework! I took a shower and then talked to my daddy about my brother! I told him I was hungry... Interesting huh? So I did my Cal homework and ate ice cream and talked to my brother. We were talking about school, movies, and random stuff that's funny. hehe We were talking about Oh Brother Where Art Thou -- hahhaa "We thought you turned into a TOOOOAD!!" LoL.. ahh.. such a funny movie.

Boxers and a Tshirt are the best things to wear to bed. Danng... haha I never returnanything.. I still have Phong's CD, Minh's boxers and tshirt *which I'm wearing*, Danny's shirts, a buncha KC's clothes.. sheeesh. May this be a lesson, never let me borrow anything. haha Unless you never want to see it again.

I started talking to Chris Mitchell again. He's so nice! hehe

Chris Kenney is a mEaNiE!! Lying to me and Gena... DORK!

Everyone should vote in Gena's subby poll. hahaha

I'm trying to convince Hubie that I'm cooler than him and he should make a poll about it. haha =X But nooOo he puts me in his HOMECOMING AUCTION and I'm only worth a POG!! WTF!!! PSSSH!!~!!!~!~!!!~!~!!~~! hehehe

Wednesday ~ September 11, 2002
We Will Never Forget

One year exactly.... =/

kooC rennaT: i bet you have bad dreams
kooC rennaT: all the time
teenytinyTRACY: define bad
teenytinyTRACY: =P
kooC rennaT: like you sitting in a room and im not talkin to ya, im just pushing you for hours on end
kooC rennaT: not saying a word
LoL -- we were talking about.. not talking earlier and then we talked about him not sleeping long enough to have dreams... ahh, it's the funniest thing that's happneed today. So I thought I'd post it. =P

AWW! Today when I got to work, I could see Carson looking out the front (it's all glass) and I walked in and he runs up to me and gives me a hug and Lulu told me that he was waiting for half an hour for me to arrive. On top of it all, I was 20 minutes early!!! So he would've waited nearly an hour for me!!! hehe How CuTtE!!~!?

Don called me today ;) hehe We talked while he was driving to KungFu. DuDE!!~ I live right across the street from his friends and he lives like the street before Bessie. OMG.. It's the house with the XMAS decorations all year round. aMaziNg!! heeh

Went to KC's tonight to work on physics problems.. ended up watching Oh Brother Where Art Thou.. Or something... It's sooooo funny!!~! R-U-N-N-O-F-T hahaha

Now I'm off to read Oleanna! =P

Tuesday ~ September 10, 2002
LoL -- So today was busy. *sigh* Went to school.. blah blah blah.. sucKed like whoa.. I'm in an English group with Thomas and Ann. AweSoMenEsS! hehe And then Physics was boooring!!~ Spanish was even boringer!! Omg.. me and Thomas are partners in there and we were falling asleep cuz we sit in the corner. And Ms. Swor called on him.. and he said that answer that he thought we were on, I thought the same thing, but we weren't sure cuz we were totally zoning out. So she goes on and on about how that answer isn't right and then finally someone told her that it WAS the right answer. LoL! It was funny.. =P Then Thomas walks me over to Chris and Lindsey, cuz I don't want to die. Then I walk him to band, and talk to Tanner about tonight.. WGA thingy. I saw Paula in the parking lot and she was like, is it just me or do you want to shoot yourself when Ms. Swor goes on and on? hahaha Then I head home to get my shit together, go to WalMart, develop film, decide that I -AM- hungry, so I buy a frozen dinner. hehe

blah blah, go to work... work.. Fall asleep while the boss is out. But wake up because my other aunt calls to find my boss aunt. LoL ...

Head over to WGA to make sure everything's cool.. Come home.. Eat BBQ!!~! HeCKyEAH! Then go to the SNR class meeting. Pretty neat, I suppose. Sat with Bessie!! Manda, Heather, Melanie, and Tanner. Anyone want to buy pansies or peelers or planners or binocularS? LOL... Tanner's a pansy.. What A NeRd!!

Yeah, so Thomas and Chris are big fat liarS!!~ hehe

So I'm finally home... It's 8pm... Do you know where your children are? dun duN DUN!! Now I have to do Calculus homework. =( It's hARd....

Anyone want to go roller skating with me Saturday night? I'm taking Carmen because it's one of her friend's birthday parties. But I want someone to go with me or I'd be super bored for 2 hrs.

Yeah, so I won the BPA presidency. My brother didn't even know I'm in that club and Sarah was like.. heY! That's your sister!! And my brother thought it was a typo. LoL... I told my daddy when he called the other night and he just went on about me doing my school work instead and then I just said, "yeah whatever, here's mom" -- but he calls back an hour later and apologizes because he didn't congratulate me and just jumped to scolding me. DAnG, I love my daddy! He's AweSOmE!

So.. Homecoming.. I'm a loser and can't find a date. DJ's all confused because he thinks I'm the -great- person and anyone that doesn't want to go with me is seriously gay. haha So I asked Long and he shot me down miserably. Then I told Steve he was going with me.. but it was joke in the first place. Then I asked this random dude, Nick, at Hubert's party. But Peggy considers him the perfect guy.. I honestly don't know where she gets off saying I've been sad and that I "can have him" WTF.. Whatever. SO I told my aunt (my boss) and she is/has hooked me up with this dude that goes to Kung Fu with her kids and I've met him at various parties I go to. He's pretty cute, he graduated last year from Berkner, I think. Apparently, he lives down the street from me and he drives an Expedition. I'm such a stalker.. omg... Anywho, all in all, I got ugly and my personality must suck because I can't get a date. And guys have told me that I'm their second or third choice.. wtf.. don't tell me that!! shieeet.

***** Thomas apologized for not going, so he's not a dork anymore! hehe I can't figure out my calculus homework.. ugH! Why the hell aren't people in Calculus online!! Nick asked Peg to HC... Awesomeness.

I'm going to go read Ol-something and fall asleep. =/ Crappy ending to a crappy day.

Saturday ~ September 7, 2002
DuDE!!~! Today rocked. Last night was soo much fun too! I went to Gena's and we chatted a little and then Tanner came.. Then we went to Nick's Sports Grill or something in Rowlett. I don't know where anything in Rowlett is! hehe Anywho, then we went to Blockbuster and got A Walk to Remember, Joy Ride, and Office Space. We watched Office Space, LOL! Joy Ride.. OMG.. Candy Cane.. OMFG, it was soo scary. I don't know if Tanner is a pussy, but he got scared too. Eugene was like, eh and didn't seem to mind the scariness of it all. Gena and I were like.. AHH! haha Then me and Tanner convinced Gena to put in A Walk to Remember so it could put us to sleep, haha. It totally worked.

Theen this morning we went to the car wash! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Lots of people showed up. YaY! You Key Clubbers rock HaRDcORe!! I met a couple of new people. I got soaked!! SOO MANY TIMES! Hubert put a fricking sponge down my shorts and dumped a bucket of water on me and pour ice cold water down me. I'm bitter. But I got him back!!~ I told him to give Sarah his camera so she could take a picture of me and Hubert, but I had a bucket of water in front of me.. So when she was getting ready to take the picture, I dumped the bucket of water on him. HECK YEAH! He got owneD haha... Stupid CS kids... Bad influence.

Anywho, I turned on my radio to the BEAT, and then when a kick ass song came on, me and my ghetto gurlies -- Linda, Peggy, Jamie, and Natasha -- went over and booty danced. It was tight!!! We should all definately hit up a club one day. haha I don't know who all was watching us though.. haah DJ got it on film soo I'll post that up later. HeCKyEAh. haha

Then everyone got into each other's cars and drove around the parking lot. It was TYTE! Before that, I let Tanner and Steven/Stephan? (I met him today..) and they were telling me how kick ass my car was.. So after the car wash died down a LOT, I told Tanner to show me what my car can do! It was neeeeeat, but people called the cops on us cuz everyone was driving around sorta recklessly, and no one was in their own car. haha I drove KC's car! I didn't stall!!!! OOH TAKE THAT TANNER. hahaha

Then came home and showered and headed to KC's house with my brother. Chilled and then Jessie got the idea to swim.. I think it was her idea.. *shruGs* We were all debating on whether to go in or not.. Horvath went in... Pulled me in... Tanner and Eugene went in.. and then Kevin went in.. Hubie came and got in because Horvath pulled him in.. LoL.. then FINALLY Jessie got pulled in when she was trying to push Hubert into the poool. It was awesome! I've never been dunked that many times in my life. oMg.. I tried to get ANYONE dunked, but I failed. In the "deep" part of the poool, I had to stand on my tip toes.. Grr... Tanner told me to stand flatfoot in the pool.. I did... I was underwater, except for my forehead. I got piggy back rides from Tanner and KC though! HEcKyeAH! Piggy back rides rocK!!!! Mai got on my back today @ the group picture at the end of the carwash, she's liiight!! hehe

Got home and my mom was like, did you two fall into water.... LoL It was cute.

Now I have to go do laundry and work on my World Topics paper.

Today was sooooo much fuN! I got taaan!! I'm 4 different colors!! Pale, Tan (From Disney World), Super Tan (From today), and RED (I'm sunburned like a motha.. DaMN)

I talked to Roger last night! =D I love Roger!!~! He's probably one of the few people that I will always keep in contact with. He called to see if we could go hang out, but I was super tired. So I told him I was going to bed at 9... I don't think he believed me, so I told him to call me at 10, and he can hear my sleepy voice *memories! hehe* But he called me at midnight, I guess I didn't hear it cuz I was in DEEP sleep. hehe

I owe Bessie five bucks, don't let me forget!

oOOh, when I was totally soaked, I saw that Trevor came by =D So I gave him a BIG ol hug!!! =D

Aww.. I read Doan's LJ.. and she said that she's going to miss me and the other Seniors when we leave. *sniff sniff* =( Now I don't wanna leave! LoL.. But I'll be moving on to bigger and better things, hopefully! =P

Friday ~ September 6, 2002
Today kinda sucked... Nevermind, it super sucked. =/

I think I'm going to Gena's house tonight.. *shRuGS* I haven't spent the night at anyone's house, except for Shannon's, in.. EvEr!! haha I spent the night at Bessie's once or twice back in the day. hehe

AnD... I hope everyone goes to the Key Club car wash tomorrow!! w00t! haha Bessie got me hooked on that stupid phrase.

Thursday ~ September 5, 2002


duDE! Garland won again tonight, 44-0!!~! HELLYEAH!!!

Today was an ordinary day.. Pretty boring... World Topics sucked assss!!!!!! Calculus.. he didn't take up our homework, and I actually did all of it! And even let Tanner copy.

Man.. when I tell Tanner about my day, I realize that it's super fucked up. LoL I guess I'm just used to it. haha Tanner's going with Emily to HC.. Stephanie's going with Joe.. Hubie asked Jamie.. Shannon's going with Jason, but that's a different school. hehe

Anywho, tomorrow's gonna suck ass again.. but I think me and Kevin are going to the square tomorrow night.. *shRuGs*

I got Mountain Dew today! =D <~ Highlight of my day! Too bad I had to pay Kevin 2.25 for iT!!! GRR I can't get bubble tea tomorrow then. I'm POOR like a motha. DamN

kooC rennaT: has anything made your day today?
kooC rennaT: or do i need to make it again?
He made my day yesterday, but he didn't make it today.. LOSER.. haha =X

Wednesday ~ September 4, 2002
First of all, look!! kooC rennaT: holla <-- He said HoLLa!!!!! hahaha

Gena stole my ID before I even had it!! hehehe Thanks though gurlie! It was sweet of you!! =) Feel better sweety! Don't be like Linda and me.. turn lesbian because boys are meanies to us. hehe We're gonna have so much fun tomorrow at the game!!!!

Work was fuuuN! haha

School still sucks major shit...

Monday ~ September 2, 2002

haha Labor Day Parade was fuN! dudE! I didn't set my alarm last night cuz I was soo tired from talking online till 2 aM? hehe So my daddy comes in my room @ 6:42 and is like.. aren't you going to be late?! I jumped outta bed and changed and did all that morning stuff and HAULED ass to Gena's house. I got there in ten minutes.. hell yeah for green lights!! I didn't get to any red lights! That KicKs! Anywho... when we were like 2 minutes away from the back parking lot, I go.. OH SHIT!! I forgot the candy at my house... sO we go into the parking lto and tell Khanh, or whoever's listening that we'd be RiGht back! hehe So we get the candy and then return the BPL, no one was there.. we FrEaK! hehe

Stuff happened.. blah blah blah yelling and walking and fun times with Peggy and Gena and Jamie. hehe *pancakes pancakes are the best at united methoDIST!* It was great!! I met a guy named Alan, he's neeeat!

ANyWho.. I come home and take a shower and get online! Wheee.. Then my family goes to Maxims! I Love JuLiE! She RoCKs!! Family eats LOTS and chats.. hehe

Came home and fell asleep on the couch!! Then .. go to the airport to drop off my daddy =( I cried.. =( x2.. ThEN me and my mommy go to Harry Hines to buy cheap shit, but we couldn't find anything. hehe Go home.. eat... and talk to HubIe!! He's back!! AHHHHHHHH haha =P

I have a craving for Mountain Dew... *sigh*

Lara for OLLIE!!~! I hope you try out next year!!~!

Sunday ~ September 1, 2002

Other than that.. nothing spectacular happened today! I was learning how to change the oil in my car because I'm going to be a mechanic when I grow up.. haha ... and I got like 7 mosquito bites in 5 frickin minutes!!! My daddy said it's cuz I'm sweet.. I have sweet blood.. haha

Exciting part of my night.. doing homework! wAhOo.... I played with my camera! I'm not allowd to tell my mom I got a camera cuz she'll kill me and my daddy. =X Then I talked to my daddy about when he's coming back to visit and what not... *sigh* I miss him soo much when he's gone =( He might not come back for a month! I was looking through my planner, my next three weekends are booked! =( I talked to Long and Tanner.. played 20 questions. The game I had with Long actually lasted for twenty questions.. With Tanner.. I think it lasted like.. 3 questions? haha

Feel better Long!!

Saturday ~ August 31, 2002

The day was cooL! hehe Went out with my parents.. then went out with my daddy to the mall. I got a shirt for $2.50!! That RoCkS Then I came home and my mom was like, "Don't go to the house warming party with us" .. WTH.. So I just went to Thomas' party. I had to drop my brother off in Firewheel though.. My parents were going to Allen.. why didn't they drop him off? pssh...

Got there.. Talked to Kevin a little then we went to pick up Ann. Came back.. Delta9 played.. they were good.. Tanner, Ann, and I kept yelling, FUCK YOU, YOU SUCK CHRIS. Ok, so maybe I was the only one that yelled "you suck chris". =X hehe It doesn't matter.. he doesn't read this. haha

Theen... me and Tanner went to Gena's house! It's soo pretty!! Chilled there for an hour? Blah BLah... Tanner took me back to Thomas' house cuz I left my car there... caMeHoMe! My mom was like.. You're home already? -- What the crap... It was almost 11! Which is usually late for my parents. So.. I should have gone to the movies with Kevin and Ann. AhWeLLy

This dude @ FRY'S was saying shit about my parents, and I looked over at him, and said "Hi, CAN I HELP YOU?!" BitCh asS WiGGA.

I don't think I want to go to Homecoming anymore. Shannon said Matt would go with me. I'm pathetic. haha.. FuCKiT

oOoh This gay ass Prelude almost hit me!!~! Freak was on the wrong side of the road in Firewheel. StupID fUcKiNg asIaN DriVerS!~!!

At the party, I bet Ann ten bucks that Chris wouldn't talk to me at all! I wiN!!~

Hubert called me from Galveston! What a sweety!!

Friday ~ August 30, 2002
DuDE!!~! I know it's like, super early to think about Homecoming, but... I want a date! =P hehe

I HATE SCHOOL! Every morning when I have to wake up, I hope it's Saturday and that I have skipped through the whole week! BUT! It's finally FriDaY!!!!!!!!!! ThaNK GOoDNEsS!!

I haven't done my English homework.. HAven't really studied for Spanish.. I did do my Physics Lab.. and half the problems.. fucKIt!

I missed Battle of the Bands! I heard it went supA good!

The last person I kissed is a three year old.. and after he kissed me.. he goes.. eWwW!!~! LoL Carson is soo funny! He runs up to me at work, and he gives me a big ol hug and says, mmmmmm you smell good!!!! LoL He's sooooooooo cute!!!~! I love my baby! hehe

OMG!!!! The game was AWESOME!!!! 55-20!! John Tyler Lions SUCK~! haha I went with Gena. hehe We thought we were late, and then she took out her ticket, and it started at 7:30~ So we were like.. it's all good! hehe We were in the stands with Stacy, Jamie, Peggy, Lara, Danny, and some South guys. Nina and Marjo told me to go with with them so I could hold one of the SNR signs, but I wanted to sit with Gena n Lara. hehe Lara has tOO much energy!!~ We boogied all night long. hahahah AnyWho, it was my first football game! =) hehe I went over to Kyle and Shane, to see how they were doing and all that good stuff, and Kyle still can't comprehend that it was my first game and I'm a Senior! hehe Shane's tall!!!!~ DaNg, I was standing with them on the stands with my arm around him so I wouldn't fall off! And I had to look up to him... pssh.. I need to grow!!

OOH! TANNER can DANCE!!~ It was swEeEt!! Me and Gena kept trying to catch him "boogey" hahahahaa We finally did and OMG -- We almost fell off the stands laughing cuz it was sooo .. GrEAT! =) I asked my brother after the game if he saw him dancing, and he said "yeah, he's so white" LoL =X Tanner said he'd dance if I went to the next game! haha I'm sOOo there!


We have to go to a friend's house warming party tonight. My daddy said that I can go to half of that and then half of Thomas' party. The only thing he's worried about is that I would get lost because I have to go from Allen to Thomas' house. That's faR!!~

I have an eye appointment for 2pm tomorrow.. I'm not sure where though =X

I got a shirt! It says HOLLA~!! hehe I gotta get my mommy to modify the shirt... to hoochiefy it. haha =P

AnywaYz, I gotta go get ready for the day.. hehe Still in PJs.. at 11:30 am! AHH I'm a doRk =X

Thursday ~ August 29, 2002
La LALAaa... My mommy went to eat lunch without me today! GRR! I told her to eat lunch with me today because I don't have to go to work. So I call her when I got home, and asked her where she was, EATING IN PLANO1! So I yelled @ her!! I told her she sucks!! GrRR I didn't eat lunch, cept chips, cuz I thought I was gonna eat with her!!!!! So she calls back after I hang up and tells me to go to Lollicup and she'll sit with me, while I eat? Pssh.. I said, NO!! heheh =P She knows I'm not really mad.. but GRR! =P

Today was pretty ok! =P I don't do anything in BCIS cept what Ms. Scribner wants me to do, which is usually super easy and not a waste of my time. =P Or I just sit in their office and talk to them. It's gReaT! =) Then in World Topics, all we did was color a map!! No one was talking in the class, cept me and Marjo. =P Calculus... OMG, I get soo confused in that class. =/ I even went to tutorials this morning! Saw Tanner. Lunch is cool now! =P Me, Ann, and Thomas sat with Gena, and Nina came later. FuNnY!! I'm neVeR wearing draw-string pants around Thomas. He's gonna pull them off!!!!! what a FREaK!

Went with Nina to Geography to gossip for a bit. =P hehe Then we went out in the hall and talked Tanner *oOh, I'm everywhere.. DoRK* a bit about stuff, till Treadway was like.. you can't be outside or something like that, whateVer -- so I leave to come home!!

Key Club board meeting after school today... but there's a BETA meeting too.. *shrugs* Me and Gena are going to go to that.. we -have- to .. gay!~

Maybe me and Peggy will go to the Sport Store to get some school shirts =) I want mine to say HOLLA or BRING IT on the front and TRACY 03 or LIL T 03 on the back =) haha Ok, well KC just dropped by!! We might go chilling =) or just work on our lab =P

BUHbyE!!~! *MwAH*

Listening to Linkin Park!!~!!~! HeLLyEaH!

I asked Long to the GHS homecoming... He said NO!!~!! =(

Tuesday ~ August 27, 2002
BaH!! Too much to do.. so little time. =P So I had to go to school early for BPA, school preceeded to suck ass, then went to work, then got off a little early to go home and eat *got home for like 15-20 minutes*, then hauled ass to GHS to meet up with Tanner and Gena (my brother is sooooo slow!! UGH), then volunteered @ WGA forEVER! The kids were so... ADD-ish. =P hehe It was soo weird seeing Tanner be.. not funny and strict to the kids. Me and Gena were like.. whoa.... This little girl, Tia, kept eating and drinking my stuff! I couldn't be like.. NO!! So I just gave it to her.. gRr..

Came home and did homework =/ Talked to some people online. maAnn.. so tired!!

Me and Hubert are talking about our other relationships.. haha WEiRdnEss..

I sold my GovT workbook! YaY! hehe $10! Chris gave me $3 in change though! gRrr My wallet is all heavy and stuff.. right after I got rid of all my coins! That DorK! And Mai's giving me $10 for my History WB!

I don't have work tomorrow! THANK GOD!!~ And my aunt said I don't have to work when my daddy comes into town! She's GrEAT!!

TeEnyTiNyTrACy: you're gay.
sins 2 die 4: your fault again
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: damn you

Grr.. Roger and his turning gay.. It wasn't my fault!!~!! GRR!!

If you actually read this, and AREN'T in Key Club
1) What's wrong with you? Key Club kiCkS aSss!!
2) If you want to be added to the KC emailing list, done by yours truly, just IM me or email me! You'll get updates on projects, meetings, and information! =)


Monday ~ August 26, 2002
DuDE!! buSY! =P

Today I went to the donut shop to meet up with Long! What a cuTiE! and SweEtiE! He's not on my brother's good side yet because Long called Kevin gay. LoL Long is soo sweet to me! Such a niice guy! =) I gave Linda my donut holes!

Then school sucked.. but ya know.. it's school, what can ya do!

Work was okie.. I did more inventory and helped Calvin with math homework. WheEe.. Then I went to Lollicup after work then went to the NHS meeting! fuN stUfF! =P hehe Me and Nina just talked through the whole thing.. I signed up for something with Amanda.. but I'm not really sure what it is.. or when it is. The hours and stuff shouldn't be hard to do because it's like.. as much as Key Club needs to do in a month spread over a semester long. Anywho, after the meeting, Gena came up and like.. freaked the hell out of me with her pencil. hehe

We talked about lotsa stuff! She's such a neeaat gurL! Me, her, Tanner, Kevin, and Steven are going to WGA tomorrow! That should be really fun! I want to get to know Gena before it's too late ya know? Like, the whole leaving high school thing. She seems like an awesome person!

Chris didn't stay for the ice cream, LOSER! Then when I was talking to him online, he was like..
ChiKen51: guess where i went?
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: to shit?
ChiKen51: lol
ChiKen51: no
ChiKen51: to get ICE CREAM

WHAT A DORK!!! heheh

Tomorrow's gonna be busy! But no BETA meeting for me and Gena!! =) WaHoOoOO!!~!

Sunday ~ August 25, 2002
Went to the mall!!!~ Got nothing!

Came to an epiphany -- I DON'T LIKE ANYONE. Well... Cept Hubie. =X Sorry if you thought I did like him... I know how you feel, I wouldn't do that to you!!~ You're too cooL! hehe

Talked to Shannon on the phone for like an hour and a half! YaY! We have both agreed to get piss ass drunk before we graduate. LoL... I really doubt that's going to happen though.

Dear Long
I know you probably don't read my journal, although I always read yours, but I hope you feel better! An awesome person like you doesn't deserve to be in a poopy mood. You always try to cheer me up with celicas and cookies!! hehe I don't know what to get you, but we're going to see each other tomorrow morning! yaY!!~ I know it'll make my day =P hehe You're one in a million! *wink wink* haha
Love, Tracy


Saturday ~ August 24, 2002
Yesterday was interesting. Went and played pool with Teddy and Timmy. Shit happened.. =/ GrAHh.. Stupid ass ghetto Asian wannabe gangsta thugs are sooo fucking GaY!~ Starting shit from five years ago.. wtf.. don't they have better things to do like jacking off or something? ShItHeaDs!~ Ah.. So KC and Trevor kidnapped my brother yesterday and didn't bring him home till 11:30.. WTF..

I talked to my mom tonight and I was like, how come you let Keving stay out that late, I've never stayed out that late and they're mY friends. And she told me that I said I didn't care if he hung out with my friends yesterday. I was like, I thought they were only going bowling! So I asked if I could stay at my friend's house till that late, and she flat out said no. WTF.. AnyWhO -- that's the story of my life. Tonight we had to go pick up my brother and Kyle @ Nickelrama and I wanted to get dropped off @ home first. But she waslike, be a good girl!!~! blah blah blah And I accidentally told her that she sucks. =X =/

LiL BaBie LiNda: lets be lesbians ;-) --- ahahahaha Linda cracks me up. We both agree that boys suck. So does Keri. Her stupid boyfriend broke up with her.. =/

YeStHaTiScOrReCt: how long have you been single?
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: a.. month?
YeStHaTiScOrReCt: wow
YeStHaTiScOrReCt: breakin records left and right
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: i know!!~
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: shit...

hahah DAViD!!~ He went to GHS the other day.. but then got kicked out. hehe =P DorK!~

YeStHaTiScOrReCt: cuz...you can't be single all year
YeStHaTiScOrReCt: you're tracy
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: LoL!
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: you're weird
YeStHaTiScOrReCt: shit...me and you will go out if that's what has to be done

Does he have a secret agenda on mind? heheh

Delta 9's concert was tonight.. I was gonna go!!~ Cept I don't wanna see that many GHS ppl that I don't talk to in one place at the same time, no offence to the cool people? But now you have to decide if you're cool to me or not. hehe j/p! =P Besides, Bessie, who I went to the last show with, was out with Minh, and I ended up going to dinner with my mommy. oOh, after dinner, we went to Barnes & Noble with family friends. I was walking around RSM with this little 10 year old girl, Jessica, and we were hunting for boys. haha It's weird to hunt for guys with a kid... haha Oh WelLyZ!~

The first week of school is over. ThaNk gOoDNesS!~!! School sucks, more than ever. People suck, more than ever. GRrR

Sometimes, I agree with Bessie, how caring for people just leads to causing yourself more pain. If you never cared for the person in the first place, then they would not affect any of your emotions, good or bad. I'm not saying Bessie is totally correct because I will still always disagree with her that loving and caring can also cause great feelings and create great friendships that will never, purposely, try to hurt you in the end. I'm sure no one goes out and finds a friend, having the mind set, I'm gonna make them like me, then I'm going to ditch them.. *evil laugh* ya know? I have faith that people are not that fucked up. (Ok, I'm not an eloquent writer, like Bessie.)

Ok, recent examples, me and Hubert.. we were like, best friends. Then we broke up.. On his part or mine, we're not as close anymore. I feel.. as though I was right about the whole situation.. him and Karen.. grrR I mean, she's all over his subprofile, she's always in his LJ, she's always with him. I care for him soo much.. but with recent turn of events, I sometimes just want to kick him and her in the facE! GrR ... And with Chris.. I mean.. we talked a lot over the end of the summer.. the all of a sudden, he doesn't know me or something? What the fuck.. On both these cases, I think I deserve answers to my questions. - Were you just holding back with hanging out with her on my part? And now that we're broken up, this is how it -should- be? What the hell is wrong with you bitch? Did you stop talking to me for a reason? Are you just a complete asshole? Am I that insignificant to all of you?~! AhhH!~

So maybe I'm being a little over dramatic. But heeey.. it's my Daily Dose. On a brigther note, lots of people are still awesome! Like Linda and Teddy!!~ They will always be good buddies of mine. Teddy has been there for me through lotsa of stuff, and I hope he can say the same for me. Linda just thinks I'm eternally peppy. haha Silly..

Thursday ~ August 22, 2002
Aw HeLL yEaH!!~ Key Club kicked ass! Thanks to all you cool people *Eugene, Thomas, Tanner, my baby bro!!* that showed up even though you had band and what not! Other aWeSoME people who went are Nina! Bessie!! LindA, dOan, Natasha *she has an awesome accent!*, TeddY!, DanNy, BoNnie, and of course MAI!!!!!! I love my Mai!~

Today.. I dressed in a school girl outfit. A mix between Mary Catherine Gallegher and Britney Spears, the younger years. =P haha Thomas tried to look up my skirt! Then he smacked my butt! What a FReaK! We were partners for the Spanish assignment, maaan we're not good @ spanish. =P

I'm tiiiiiiired! I finally got my ID though! I got my Senior picture proofs back. Wow.. I look fat. Like.. *baM* Chubby cheeks.

ANyWHo!! Today was a good day all in all! I just looked in my planner, omg.. next week I have a meeting almost every night, and I have to work everyday except Thursday, for Key Club meeting. Ahh!~ *faints* At least I don't have to be outside like the Band Kids =P hehe So YaY =P Tuesday night I'm gonna be buSy! =P I hafta go to work, then rush to Central for the BETA meeting, then me and Gena needta head over to WGA to the PTA dilly.

oOh, I got an application from SMU in the mail today!!!!!! *WheEeE*!!

I told my brother that this dude doesn't like me.. and he's like.. "screw him, he's gay! Go out with Tanner." LoL Today at the end of the Key Club meeting, I was standing over with Linda and the signin sheet. Tanner went to sign it and I said hi.. and I kinda introduced Linda to Tanner.. I was like.. "this is Tanner.. he's cute!"

TheEnd.. GniTE! Sweetdreams =)

Wednesday ~ August 21, 2002
*sleepy* I'm goin to bed soon, but a little update. I went to DJ's today! Hung out with Teddy! =) It was great.

He still isn't talking to me... Intentional? Hell if I know!

Talked to Lindsey for a while tonight, she's so neat! haha But she tells me about her life, and it always relates to the Simpsons. hehe

Wrote my About Me paper for English and DJ read it.. I thought he was just going to read it, but he editted it!!~ hehe

Um... Tomorrow's the Key Club meeting!~!! Everyone gOO!!!~

Tuesday ~ August 20, 2002
Today wasn't so bad. Hard classes, but EH.. what can ya do? =P Still haven't gotten a gay ID.. uGH! hehe

Gotta go to work in a bit, but I thought I'd update because I'll most likely forget later. UMMmM... I have like.. 3 (I think) classes with Thomas! I drew him a picture in Spanish... it said, Thomas Moohout, with a cow. He said he's going to keep it! aWwW haha..

Physics 2 AP has like.. 11 people in it!!~ hehe

I left my sweater in Spanish!!! FuCK! I hope it's there tomorrow or Thursday! =/

I went into BIMM before I left schoooL! I saw Justin and Jessie! Justin's his normal annoying and mean self. But I miss him. hehe

I painted my toe nails.. this dark pink color. So if you see my toes, say.. WoW Tracy, your feet are adorabLe! hehe

My bro's schedule is messed up because they put him in football. So he got to come home early today.. niiIcE hehe Minh took him home, thANkSbuDDY! I walked into the house and he was just standing there, I was like, holy cow, it took me 1 1/2 hrs to get home... FrEakED me out.

Off to woRk! Having a day without naps SUcKs!! I'm soo used to taking a nap after I get home from school. I sleep a little on the couch when I get offa work though. So that's neAt.. I suppose. =P TaTA!

Monday ~ August 19, 2002
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. I survivEd! hehe I got lotsa hugs today! People love me. haha Lemme see.. I hugged.. Linda *I told her she hadta give me a big ol LinDy hug*, Peggy!, Doan *altho she yelled @ me.. hahaha*, Nina, Ann, Chris, Minh, probably some other ppl. *shruGs* hehe Umm... I have like 3 or 4 classes with Ann! So that kiCkS cuz we never get any classes together! I don't have any classes with Kevin though =/ I think I have Physics with KC! Like the first class ever I've had with him. No classes with some people I wish I had classes with =/ BuT.. it's all good.

I got outta school @ 1!!~ That KiCkS!

Ann, Nina, and I went to "decorate" Kevin's car. And then the parking attendent comes up to us and tells us he has to bring us to the office because we're defacing someone's car. He kept going on and we were all like... We got the owner's permission! Then Nina was like, NO! It's our caR!! aHHH Then he was like, I just wanted to make yall laugh, I'm not bringing you to the office. We were soo scared! Going to the office on our first day as a SNR!!~!! *wheeEf*

Went to work.. TiReD!!~

Before I went to work, I read Lindsey's LJ... Chris brought her to watch xXx on Thursday!~!! Weirdness... hehe Wait, if you don't know why that's weird, then it's weird because he brought me to see it on the Saturday before. =P

LoL.. I told my aunt all about the guys in my life. She's just like, dATe aLl Of thEM!!~ hehehe Good advice giver

I miss Long =( I wanna go to NGHS, just so I can be with him. LoL =P LoVe YOU LoNGiEeEe!! hahahaha

Saturday ~ August 17, 2002
Jacked this from Linda's LJ! =P

1 minute ago: I talked to LoOoonGIe
1 day ago: I was asleeeeeep
1 week ago: Probably asleeeeeeep!!
1 year ago: Definately asleeeeeeeeep
5 minutes ago: Talking to Long
5 days ago: OuT with muH buddies!!!
5 weeks ago: I was... getting ready for my relatives to come!
5 months ago: I was enjoying being 17 =)
5 years ago: I was even shorter than I am NOW!! hehe
I hurt: my ankle.. there's a nasty bruisE!
I love: YOU!!!!
I hate: stupid people =/
I fear: being huRt
I hope: I don't get hUrt!!~
I wish: that I was supA cute
I feel alone: when he's not talking to me
I break: EVerYThInG I get my lil paws on
I listen: to good music -- PoP/some Alt/HipHOp n Rap
I hide: cookies
I miss: my cat. LoL -- Only Bessie would get that.
I feel: sleeepy
I know: I RuLe All. =)
I say: mean things a lot. hehe
I dream: about YoU!
I want: that supA sexy boy ova there!!
I wait: for school to be oVa!! haha ... school's never even here yet! dANg..
I need: my cookies
- last movie you saw: Beauty and the Beast Christmas Version
- last movie you saw on the big screen: Master of Disguise!! =)
- last phone number you called: Daddy's CeLLIe
- last show you watched on TV: *gasp* The View?
- last song you heard: Who We Be -- DMX!!
- last thing you had to drink: Red Tea
- last thing you ate: Dry Noodles @ LoLLicuP!
- last time you showered: an hour aGo
- last time you gave advice: NevER! I don't give good advice. =X
- last time you cried: Last weeeeek...? *SHruGS*
- last time you smiled: when long said something stupid
- last time you laughed: when long said something really stupid
- last time you met someone new: TAnner came over today? Does that count? hehe
- last person you hugged: my Daddy!
- last person you kissed: Carson! hehe
- last person you said 'i love you' to: Wow.. I don't know...
- last thing you said: "bye mommy"
- last person you talked to online: Long
- last person you talked to on the phone: Kyle? haha I'm pathetic...
- last thing you smelled: my lotion!

1. What time is it? 12.45pM
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Tracy *sECreT*
3. Nickname(s): Trace, Ling, Jei, Tray...
4. Parents names: Shirley N Chris
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 17!!!!!
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? JAnUaRy 6
7. Pets: NaDAaaa
8. Eye color: sUpa dark brown
9. Real/Dyed hair color: Black with brown highlights in thr front
10. Piercings: ears
11. Tattoos: NadAaa
12. How much do you love your job? It's okIe =)
13. Favorite color: all cEpt pOo brown
14. birthplace: Lafayette, LA!!!~!! GO CAJUNS!!!!!!
15. Current residence: GhettOaSsGaRLaNd <~ I agree w. litto misS LiNda
16. Favorite food: cookies
17. Been to Africa? I saw the Lion King.. does that count~?
18. Been toilet papering? no =( Imma good girl.. hehe
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? I guess...
20. Been in a car accident? nope
21. Croutons or bacon bit? ewwww
22. Sprite or 7UP? Ewww
23. Favorite movie? Bed of Roses
24. Favorite Holiday? chinese New Year
25. Favorite day of the week? Fridays!
26. Favorite word or phrase: neRd!!~! or.. "I hate you, not really, but I definately could!" <~ haha I said that a lot to Chris...
27. Favorite Restaurant: Lollicup or Canton
28. Favorite Drink: coffee fraps or boba tea!
29. Favorite sport to watch: figure skating
30. Preferred type of ice cream: coffeeeeeee or cookie dough orr cookies n cream orr.. whatever you wanna give me! =)
31. Favorite Sesame Street Character: snuffleofugus' niece? *shrugS*
32. Disney or Warner Bros? diSneY
33. Favorite Fast food restaurant: McDonalds or Wendys
34. When was your last hospital visit? Um... When my brother was like 3...
35. What color is your bedroom carpet? cream?
36. How many times did you fail your driver's test? NoNE! I RULE ALL
37. Who is the last person you got email from before this? Shannon, I think
38. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no way man
39. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? EXPRESS!!~! HELLYEAH!
40. What do you do most often when you are bored? sleeeeeeeep
41. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away? friend? Um... Amy! she lives in s'poRe
42. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? "Are you sure you're 17?!", "you're small" , and "What's your name?" *same as linda, it's my SN you idiot*
43. Bedtime: 11? *shrugS*
44. Who will respond the quickest? whoever's boRed
45. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? I JaCKEd this from Linda'sJournaL!
46. Last Movie you saw: Master of Disguise!! =)
47. Do you prefer Theater or movie: MOVIE! well.. yeh movie
48. Time when you finished this: 12.54aM =)
Friday ~ August 16, 2002
My daddy's coming home tonight! Weird, cuz Chris thought he saw him this morning driving his MR2. =) hehe Chris went to Schliterbanh (sp?) I've never been there!! Me and Jennifer, my cousin, were going to go there, but the whole being in a swimsuit around people, changed our minds really quick. LoL =P I'm almost done with Running in the Family. All I have left to do is write a conclusion in my Extended Essay, read Communist Manifesto, and the last section of Running in the Family. Boy, am I glad I didn't procrastinate! LoL ... DamNiT. hehe

Dashboard Confessionals - A Plain Morning <-- Good song!!~ *Thanks Bessie*
Counting Crows - Speedway <-- I actually LiKE that song... Something has GOT to be wrong with me.
The new No Doubt song is AWESOME, like all their other songs. I heard that they may come to Dallas soon enough!!!! OhMAaAANn -- I'm totally going to that concert!!!! Just gotta find someone else who likes No Doubt to go with me. LoL.. None of my friends like them. I think Chris said he thought they were, Ok... haha

AnyWhOo -- I don't know if I'm working tomorrow, I guess it depends on if my daddy has to go to defensive driving class. hehee My mom's going to be outta town, my bro has work in Arlington, so I'd be home alone, not earning money to buy those kIcKaSs No Doubt tickets. hehe

What I said in my last entry, about not wanting to be in any classes with him, I take it back. I guess it would be fun.. I haven't had a class with him in forevEr! I doubt he actually reads this, so *hehe* he can't ge offended? *shrugs*

I have lotsa hits, I'm sure it's from the same person, thaNks HubUTt!! But Chris helped me get to.. 6600? hehe CheATeR

I can't wait to see Mai and all my girls again!!! I thinK I saw Linda the most this summer, of the girls. I definately saw TEddy loTs! hehe And Hubie Saw Bessie more during the end.. and Chris... And.. I think that's it. Others were just... casual things. I saw Shannon! haha For like the second time over the summer. daMn.. How do we stay best friends? *shrUgS*

Random Summer Memories -- Quitting my shitty Job! hehe aNd going shopping with Marjo, she made me go to SHITTY stores, ahem, American Eagle. =P Although, I must give props to them cuz they sell some cute uNDiEs!

OOh YeAH, my Carmen weekend was fuN!~ She came over, and then we went to watch Spy Kids 2, which was a cute movie. She got scared, so cUte!!~! eheh Then we went home and got my brother to go to Blockbuster with us and we rented, Beauty and the Beast Christmas Story or something. Watched that till I nearly fell outta my chair, suPa tired. I barely got any sleep the night before. Then me and Carmen went upstairs to sleep. hehe I told her if she woke up before me to just turn on the TV to 55 or 44 to watch cartoons. UmMm.. Next morning, we watched Scooby Doo!!~ haha Then I called Teddy and told him to get ready cuz I was gonna bring him to SpeedZone. To give him a little time, me and Carm went to WalMart to buy JunkFoOd, in case she got hungry. hehe We went to get Teddy.. Headed to Speedzone and raced and played games. It was soo fun! Teddy's awesome. hehe He had a shitty go cart tho.. yeah.. uh huh.. so he says. hehe Then we went to Nickelrama and Linh hooked us up. Teddy spent 5 bux playing some soccer game and Carmen spent my 5bux playing SkeeBall. ThEN we went to CiCiS!~! YuMmY Found movie times from this really nice guy who bought me a newspaper! aWw Finally went to pick up Timmy and Linda. Headed to AMC 30, AWESOME theather, the armrests go up. I wanna go there with a boy!!~ Seems so.. sweet? hehe We watched Master of Disguise. So CuTe!!~! Turtle <-- HahaAHaHaHA!!~! Then we all went home and got super tired. lol =P

Go check my AA page, it's KiCKinG coOL now. hehehe =) AznBabie16

Thursday ~ August 15, 2002
I get frustrated a lot. No one wants to go see the band with me! hehe LOSERS. Oh well, I guess I'll read and write. hehe I'll just go tomorrow, after the airport, hopefully. Unless it's too late.

MAN, what a day. I was all alone @ the shop for almost an hour!! sCaRy! Considering I'm suPa new and still training. But then my mom came up there. Lulu wasn't there because Carson (3yrs old) got bit in the FACE by a DOG. Dogs are evil, evil and smelly. Ugh, I hate dogs. Calvin and Carmen are in BIG trouble because they weren't suppose to bring Carson in the back, where the dogs were. *sigh* He had to go into surgery. Poor baby. =( I hope it doesn't scar too bad.

Anywho, I went into work early and hadta leave early, but that's all good. Gives me something to do so I don't just sit and think about stupid shit. But I did tell Sarah about stuff that's bugging me, relationships, boys.. blah blah, normal shit. Normal teenage girl shit. hehe I'm trying to convince her that she needs to trade in her minivan for a COOL car. She has a kid, but she's not even thirty yet. I kept telling her that she's way too cool for such an uncool car. hehe

After work, me and my mom went to Crown Shoe Warehouse, so I could get some new shoes, but I couldn't find any that I liked. My mom, on the other hand, found two pairs! NOT FAIR. hehe

I hafta call the defensive driving people tomorrow. TsKtSK, my daddy! hahah

Hubert told me who he kinda has a crush on. I have a crush on someone, but it's going to die. Cuz that someone is weird... Like Shannon told me, it's probably just lust. hehe Rebound!~ nuTz ... Oh well, it was fun hanging out with him. *crosses fingers* I hope I don't have classes with him. Even though that sounds mean. Speaking of classes, I know what I have A1! hehe And it's NOT English 5! so YAY! haha

No one wants to go to Central Park with me to watch the band! GrRR! I would totally go by myself, cept.. where da hell is Central Park~?!?~ Oh well, I'll definately go to the first game to see the band... and the football team. We're playing Naaman. Maybe we'll beat them this year, *sigh* last year was a pity!~!! haha

Hanging out with Bessie is fun! hehe She's crazy.. and inhumane... and demented, but we all love Bessie! hehe And Long's soo sweet~! Even though he's a bully! hehe Always making fun of me because I'm short. It's not like he's that tall!!~

AngelicSorceress: I almost found your perfect guy for ya
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: oooooooh who?~
AngelicSorceress: but he refused to give ya a cookie each day
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: who~?!
AngelicSorceress: haha, I donto' know his name
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: what the heeCk
AngelicSorceress: lol, I met him today outside my piano teacher's house
AngelicSorceress: :-P
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: and you were like.. wanna be my friend's dream guy?
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: i dont understand..
AngelicSorceress: oh yeah
AngelicSorceress: because I said I was out on a hunt for him

Bessie's on the search for the perfect guy for me.. The perfect guy will buy me a different cookie each day and propose to me with a Celica =) hehe -- She knows me too well. Cookies and a Celica. *dream come true!!!* But you know.. If you think you're the perfect guy for me, but aren't a rich ass nikka *Long's Word*, then you can give me a cookie in the shape of a *yes, I a Celica. LoL =)

This telemarketor called and she asked for the man/woman of the house. My parents always told me to tell them that they weren't home, so that's what I did. The lady asked me if I was home alone, and I said, kinda. So she asked me how old I was. I told her I was 17 and she told me that she thought I was 10 and that it was ok for me to stay home alone. -- Not only did I carry on a convo with a random lady, but she gave me permission to stay home alone... hehe

My uncle thinks I sound like a 12 yr old, Chris thought I sounded like a 5 yr old, this random lady thought I sounded like a 10 yr old. OmG!!~ I don't even want to know how old people think I am. hehe

Oh, then my brother comes home and tells me to add Tanner to my BL and ask him something about a-dress? So me being stupid, asked Tanner about a dress. If you've ever talked to my brother, you know he mumbles a LOT!~! Before I could ask him what he said, he went to his room because someone called him. And Tanner had NO clue what I was talking about. So I called my brother *who is in his room! uGH* and ask him, and he had said ADDRESS. SheESh!!!~! SoOo I'm a ditz! =P And Tanner probably thinks I'm insane!


Wednesday ~ August 14, 2002
Grr.. Stupid... uGh!~!! I'm just.. frustrated. At everything. My mom's taking the computer away till my brother finishes his summer reading.


Good note - My daddy's coming home this weekenD!

Sunday ~ August 11, 2002
Mmm... Today was just a sleep day. =) I wrote stuff in my essay.. so yay! haha

Um... Carmen's coming tonight. We're planning to go to watch Spy Kids 2 and then eat pizza. haha Kids these days. She's soo excited to spend the night with me. hehe Her mom told me that she's been packed for two days now! Ahhh.. I hope she has fun cuz this is her first sleep over, I hope I don't disappoint her. You know what would be weird though? Since she's only 8, if she thought sleep overs were where you go out everywhere.. ya know? Since I can drive and all. But when I was 8, we just watched TV till like 4am. haha Good times, Shannon.

If it's not too late, she wants to go to SpeedZone. She's 8!! How did she come up with that. hehe And tomorrow she wants to go to Main Event. I REALLY hope her mom gives her money cuz I haven't gotten paid!! hehe

I watched xXx last night. It was pretty cool. The first scene where Vin Diesel is making out with some woman, all these girls in the theater were like, ahhh!! LoL oOh in line, there were these guys behind us, and I was evesdropping and this one dude was like, OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE TO BE 162 YRS OLD TO GET A SNR DISCOUNT. Then his friend told himt hat it was "(62". HAHAHA I couldn't stop laughing, what an idioT! I watched Little Nicky last night on TV, hahahahaha So fucking funny.


Saturday ~ August 10, 2002
I updated like two days ago, but I guess it didn't save. So I forgot what I wrote... Um.. Yesterday was the ice cream social! I talked to a LOT of freshman. =) They're niice. hehe I didn't get ANY ice cream at the social though, I scooped for a while, but my hand started to hurt and get really sticky. So I asked someone else to do it and I started passing out the supa cool flyers I made. hehe =) I saw lotsa old faces =) Like Joey, Shane, Michelle, Sarah, Lauren, Loc, Kelsey, Michael, and others. hehe They're soo coooL! hahah I haven't seen Lauren in soooo long for at least 8 years! Maan.. Shane for like 5 years. He's cute. haha

Um.. Took Teddy and Michelle home. Shannon came over last night. We talked for a while. WoW.. this summer was eventful for her. hehe Then.. we watched this Michael Jackson concert. Then she called some of my friends and we went out to play pool @ Slicks. Me and Shannon sucked. I was getting less sucky towards the end though. =) Go me! hehe

There is a Senior garage sale @ school. Band reg. was today too... Saw NinA!! hehe And Aisha... Matt.. Stephanie... Other people.. Shannon bought a cup with all the presidents on it. She's odd.. hehe

*sigh* boReD! I think I'll go read... or sleep or something unboring.

Monday ~ August 5, 2002
Me and Hubert broke up on Saturday night. =/ I cried.. of course I cried. of course I was sad. I'm still sad. *sigh* If you know us at all, you'll know the reason why. I feel so shitty cuz I can't get over it. =( *sigh* Hubie's a great guy. .. bah.. =/

I went to the mall today.. with Roger. I got some Express pants for 4.81! =) I rock. But they're supposed to be capris, but they go to the floor on me.. ah well.. I got new good cheap pants. I'm fine that I'm a midget. hehe =P

Sunday ~ August 4, 2002
I went shopping! Got a shirt that says, DADDY'S GIRL. hehe =) from Gadzooks.

Saw Teddy and Timmy.. and SaraH!

Later I picked up Teddy from Saigon Kitchen and we went to Linda's house to chill. Then we all went to Slicks to play pool. hehe Linda's not a very strong person. I saw Quoc up there. .. He smokes. =/

Saturday ~ August 3, 2002
Yesterday -- AhhH.. I went to work, fun fun.. I learned a lot! Too much to remember, it's overwhelming. EeP! hehe But hopefully I'll get the hang of everything soon. I have cravings for sweet and sour chicken, cuz I had it yesterday for lunch. But I have to wait till the Chinese restuarant down the street opens. hehe

After work, I slept and then ate pizza while waiting for Bessie! Then we went to Deep Ellum, to The Door Clubs to watch Delta 9. Chris, Matt, Thomas, Austin, and Lucas are in the band. They were good... I didn't like the vocals though. It was the first show, they had a pretty good turn out. It was okie! Me and Bessie wandered around and what not. Then we finally left and we waited all the way till we were near our houses to stop @ a gas station to get drinks. hehe MmmM Mountain Dew =) THeeEN... Nothing much happened. I talked to Roger on the phone for a bit. I was yelling quite a lot. Thank goodness my mom wasn't home. hehe Finally went to bed at 2 or so.. I got to sleep in my mom's rooM! Her bed is sooooooooooo comfy! Beyond belief. =) But the fan in there is sooo noisy, so it took me a while to fall asleep.

Crappy ending to a crappy night. =/

Grrr.. the tenant at one of our townhouses called this morning, woke me up!! Her stupid air conditioning is broken.. boo hoo.. she woke me up!!!!! hehe It was only 8:15. That nerd. I'm just kidding... she's neat, I suppose. So I had to find my daddy's phone, to call him to tell him, and blahblahblah, lots of calling and talking for before I brushed my teeth. I wonder if the tenant lady thought I was high or something cuz I still had my... morning voicE? hehe

Wednesday ~ July 31, 2002
Mmm.. Today was interesting! I had to wake up early to go to this SPIN thing to help out Long. We had to put plastic bags on people's door handles so they could donate cans! It was hot! hehe Bessie, Hubie, and I were on a 'team'? hehe We finished and then Teddy and I went to school with Bessie to pick up her parking sticker, cuz she drove. She has a niiice car. It's like mine, but BETTER! haha Then Teddy chilled @ my house for an hour or so till I brought him to meet his mom @ a clinic, for his hand. EW -- I saw it! Poor TeddY! Me and Teddy are good buddies and all, but I DID NOT want to see inside his finger... Wow... Biology class all over again. hehe

Then his mommy treated us to lunch @ Arc En Ciel! yuMmMy.. Teddy drank sOO much water. Then.. we went back to his house and chilled for a bit and then back to my house... We went to Linda's house to give her presents that we got for her in Florida, but IT WAS THE ONE TIME SHE WASN'T HOME. NERD!!!! hehe

I dropped off Teddy and came home to sleeeeep!

I was suppose to go jog with Bessie, but NOOO, that lil girl was sleeeeping!

Anywho, for yesterday -- I went to get my parking sticker, 0027! TOO DAMN EARLY. Stupid Chris. hehe He has a goatee! Dude.. Weird. blah blah blah I came home and watched a SUPER COOL show, All My Children. Right Chris, great show huh? hehe Theeen I went to IHOP! I thought I was starving, but I ended up just playing with my food. blah.. Chris paid for lunch, aww how nicE!!! hehe I was standing next to him and OUT OF NO WHERE he punches me in the stomach. WEIRD ASS!! So I punched him back, the waitress thought we were weird. There was this other waiter, who was fairly unattractive, and in the middle of lunch, Chris was like, That guy is fucking ugly! .. He's soo nice! haha Then we went to Lollicup and I made him drink bubble tea! hehe He said it was good. Thanks Chris Hope you liked your present!

Tomorrow.. I have to go to Lamm's, then eat!, then go to work! First day of work!! hehe SO -- I'll update later! TaTA

Monday ~ July 29, 2002
Ah.. I'm all better! =P My daddy calls home a lot because he's bored over there. hehe

I don't have much to say.... I think I'll add some pictures.. MAybe.. =P Definately no promises.

I started talking to Lindsey as of recently. And Chris too.. They're neat! I still have yet to hang out with Roger.. =/ Ah well, he has... that girl.. that is under house arrest. hehe He knows how to meet them! =)

I'm in search of a new face plate. =P I want a yellow one.. to match my bedroom. haha =)

Friday ~ July 26, 2002


Wednesday ~ July 24, 2002
LALAALAa! Hubert called me lazy for not updating.

Last night I went out with my family.. Gramma, Daddy, K, Ken, Amy, Ken, Jason, and Pearl... We went to look for shoes.. Went to Valley.. then went to SPEEDZONE. It was neat. My bro raced against Jason and Ken. Kevin won because he spun on Ken (so he got stuck) and Jason tried to get him unstuck, but in turn got stuck. hahah So I think Kevin lapped him. =)

We watched our vacation trip video last night. hehe Funny stuff.

My gramma, cousin, and Amy are leaving tonight. =(

Saturday ~ July 13, 2002
Today is Amy's birthday! yaY! hehe

I miss my cousins, Frankie and Eric. *sniff sniff* I like being with them. They're soo much fun! heheh Frankie was soo nice though, he got off of work just to spend time with us. What a nice guy!! haah I'll post his picture on here later.

Now I'm in Pensacola. I spent... four days in Orlando. FuN! =o)

I'll update later on my wonderful funderful vacation. Now I'm just chilling, waiting to go to Biloxi. BlaH..

LaTeRz folKs! Ooh, I got Peggy, Linda, Hubie, and Roger stuff from Orlando. Mai is the hardest pesron to find stuff. So I'll just give her a big hug when I get back. hahaha

Friday ~ July 5, 2002
Screw my mom for forbidding me to go to New York with my cousin. Bia! >=o/
Monday ~ July 1, 2002
Two days till my cousin and my grandma come! I'M SOO EXCITED! =D A week till I got to Florida!

Today was a normal day.. Nothing exciting. hehe My mommy woke me up when she called my cell phone to tell me to pick up Kevin. Soo droggy! So we drove around for a bit deciding what to eat, when we finally went to Subways, which is RIGHT next to my neighborhood. So I ordered @ Subways for the first time ever. What a great experience that was.

I didn't do anything today! I watched a lot of TV and tried to convince my brother to go out somewhere with me. But I lost and I just stayed home. My mommy came home and brought me lotsa money for creating the webpage. Hubie gets money too.

La DeE dA.. then her great idea was for me to pay for dinner because I made her god damn page. Freak. So we all went out to eat. There were these stupid blonde cheerleader girls next to us yelling and being cheerleaderish. I told my brother never to date a girl like that because I'll kill him, and then kill her. He was like, can't you just kill them anyway? hahah

Yesterday Hubie came up to work and gave me a present! Now I have something cute to put coffee in! hehe

The funniest thing that happened yesterday was a convo with my manager, while Komson was checking out a customer ::

Me - You look like Rudolph
Clay - And why is that?
Me - Because you're nose is red, genius
Clay - Why's that?
Me - Maaaybe cuz you're sick!!!
Customer - *laughing lots*

haha That was the best part of work. I like working with Clay. What a funny guy. Another convo I had with him was when I wore pigtails to work ::

Clay - Decided to have wings today, huh?
Me - Whaat...
Clay - Pigtails!
Me - OH! You think I'm an angel!?
Clay - Yeah.. angel...

laa de dA! Have a good daY!

Saturday ~ June 29, 2002
yO! ;)


Today was busy! dAaNg! I woke up and got on the computer for a little bit. But then I had to get ready because my daddy wanted me to bring him to get his car fixed. So I brought him to get the car and we went to Firestone, dropped off his car, and then brought him home. Then I went to the mall to buy Cuong's present. Then went to Wendy's to buy Kyle and Kevin food, came home and brought my daddy to lunch. After lunch, I dropped off my daddy again and wrapped Cuong's present, then went to his house! Linda, KC, Darvin, Cuong, Ken, and Teddy were there. Then Hubert, Peggy, Alison, Khanh, Trevor, Stacy, Karen, and Van came a lil later. It was fun! We went to Main Event.. then Collin Creek.. then chilled at Cuong's house.. and AtE!!~!

Ice cream cake was pretty yummy!

Then everyone went to watch a movie. Stacy went home. And I didn't want to go watch the movie because I hadn't been home all day. My brother had left to go to watch a movie and eat dinner with his friends, so my daddy was home alone. So I came home! I brought Alison and Linda home. Alison is pretty cooL! Me and Linda talked! I loove talking to her. She's a sweetheart! hehe

Hubie looked cute today! He wore his lil ADIDAS shirt. hehe =) At least Hubie and Karen didn't match.

Today was eventful. hehe It was a good day! But I'm tired. I have to work tomorrow! wHeEe! =D I get to work with Clay (cool manager) and Komson! It should be fuN! =D


Monday ~ June 24, 2002
MaaN! I didn't fall asleep till like, 2 or 3 last night. And I had to go to school this morning to talk to Dr. Bissett about my extended essay. She's not as intimidating as I thought. She helped a lot! So YaY! So I got back at 10am, then I called my mommy and went up to her work. Showed her the nearly completely webpage and we talked with her boss. TheEEn I got hungry, but she wasn't going to feed me yet because she wasn't hungry. So I went home to wait for her and my brother.

We went to Mandarin Cafe and I had some iCkY food. Then me, my brother, and mommy went to Barnes & Noble in Plano to meet my aunt and her kids. Her kids = my babeeS!! hehe =) So, Teddy, I don't have babies yet. hehe =) They had some summer camp thing for kids up there with this guy that had animals. He had a baby fox, a big ass yellow snake, a crocodile (which is in the new Croc Hunter movie! I met a movie star! heheh), and a baby deer. Neat stuff man! hehe So after that was over, I played with Carson.. Read books to him and stuff. OMG - He's sooo cute! hehe I love my babies! hehe

Then EVERYONE went to Collin -- I took Carmen and Carson around to the Limited Too and Lisa Frank. They're the best. Carmen doesn't like The Gap, so we skipped that store. I wanted to find the perfect, yet cheap, shorts though. umMm... Then we were tired so we all went home. I got home and went to bed! TiREd!

Then my daddy came home at 7:00, and I swear I woke up because he was yelling at me. So I came downstairs and asked what the hell he was yelling about. Yes, I'm allowed to cuss. And everyone was like, no one was yelling. So apparently I dreamed that my dad was yelling at me. ScarY!

I got bored after dinner, so I offered to bring my brother to Blockbuster because I knew my mom had refused to bring him earlier today. hehe I had thought my mom was in her bathroom. And I guess the thought of where my mom was didn't even occur to my brother. So when we walked out the front door to my car, we hear my mom's voice asking us "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" -- oh my god, I nearly fainted. Me and my brother just yelled, blockbuster, bYe!! hehe And ran inside the car. Kevin kept saying, go go go!! she keeps staring at us, GO!!! hahahah Funny! BTW - my mom was talking with the people from across the street. It's weird when you just hear your mom without knowing where she is. hehe

Alas, no cool videogames. So we returned home. My daddy helped me put up the pictures in my room. But he yelled at me! I had how I wanted to put it on the wall all laid out on my floor in my room. And he changed it up so when he asked which picture was next to put where, I said I don't know because you didn't like what I wanted to do! So he yelled at me and complained. Butthead. But it's all up. Now I'm just going to have to find some frames to put my posters in so it would be harder for my mom to throw those away! HaH! One step ahead of her. hehe =)

I watched Everybody Loves Raymond. Funny show man! hehe

My uncle called today.. They all went to Cali. And then he was like, "Go open your front door, I'm outside." I was like, oh shit. And I asked if he was serious and he said no. psH! hehe So anywayz, that's my day! I think I have to work tomorrow. =/ But it's with the cool boss! haha =) TATa

GNight and sweet dreams!

Welcome back home Peggy and Karen! Hope yall had lotsa fun!!

Shakira is the coolest. I got a few more of her songs last night. They're soo NeAT!!~!

Friday ~ June 21, 2002


I really want to go there!! =D

I got a SMU shirt today!! hehe I wanted to get these shorts that said MUSTANGS on the booty.. but they didn't have it in my size. hehe

That's pretty much all I did today. I read a lot.. I only have 50pages left!

Happy, Hubert?~!

Thursday ~ June 20, 2002
I'm so excited about tomorrow. I get to go visit SMU =D Even though it is only like, 30 minutes away, I'm going tomorrow with Bessie and my daddy! wheE! I've been waiting all week for this! =D

Nothing much has been happening. It kind of sucks when I don't have to work, I have to go to school. =( PooEy~! Oh wellyz - Helping inform and what not.. *shrugs*

Hubie's soo cute n great! =D Even though he punched me today. He's a Tracy-Beater. GrR!

So... I really don't have anything to say..

My cousin, his gf, and my grandma are coming on July 3!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Dooper exciteD!!!!!!1 =D

I have concluded that I am one of the few that still eats dinner with their family. I thought everyone did... hehe I feel weird if I don't eat with my family. That's why I pass up offers to go to dinners with my friends. It just feels weird.. like I'm abandoning them or something. And I get offended when my mommy doesnt wake me up to eat with her. hehe Just feels like mean because I made her eat by herself. I'm probably just weird. =P

Trevor's back!

I hate you. I thought you were a good person. Granted, you're extremely funny. But you suck. If you're going to talk about me behind my back, don't talk about me to my boyfriend. Dumbass...

Sunday ~ June 16, 2002
Happy Father's Day! haha =)

Van's birthday was yesterday! He's 18 now!! Dang, he's ANCiEnt! =) He can stay out past curfew ALL by his lonesome self. hehe =) I got him an Adidas shirt, an Audi TT, and a CD!

So yesterday was interesting. I went to lunch with my daddy and my brother. Met Tex and Minh up there. Tex's hair is ReD! It looks CoOL! Minh wore capris.. what a gaywad. haha =)

Then me, my daddy, and my brother went to Pep Boys. I got a green sunshade for my car! It matches my car! How NeaT!~! =)

Came home and watched a little soccer. Hubie called and told me to go to the mall. So I hung out with Hubert, KC, and Mindy. I love Hubie! Then I came home and I went to bed. Woke up at like.. 7:30 and had to go pick up my brother and Kyle. Came home and we all went to dinner with my daddy at Bone Daddy's. That place is look Hooters. Hoochie women and shitty food. So then I met up with Van, Hubie, Koonie, KC, Komson, and Alex at the Pho place next to Taiwan Cafe b/c Pho Huy was closed. What nerds.. =P I watch them all eat Pho. Van eats a Lot!!~! =P Then we leave.. I get shot gun in Van's car cuz I'm cool! haha Van, me, Koonie, and Hubie go to Blockbuster and get Corky Romano. Then go to Hubie's house to get his car and he takes forever so me, Van, and Koonie just go back to KC's house. We chill there for a while. But I had to be home @ 11. So Hubie brings me back, but all of a sudden, he has something in his eye.. So I drive his car. WhEeE! =P

Got home and gave Van's present to Hubert to give to Van. =P I wonder if he likes it. =P *shurGs* Read a little of The Bonesetter's Daughter and try to fall asleep. It took forever to fall asleep. I don't know why!!! Then I woke up at like, 4am! =( So I finally wake up at 9:42 because I have to go to work. But I'm all sweaty for some reason. yUcKiE!! So I had a bad night of sleep =( Now I have to go work with shitty chickens and a shitty manager.

Anywho, Komson is one funny man!!~!

Trevor comes back in two days!!

KAREN'S GONE!!!!!!!1

I wish Peggy were back though.

When's my family coming?~! =/

Oreo's are the best thing on earth. =)

Thursday ~ June 13, 2002
I am cramping! =( I want to just explode. haha I'm sure you ALL wanted to know that.

I went to find another job today! Kinda.. hhe I only asked like two shops if they were hiring. I asked the card store and they gave me an application. But Cute Things isn't hiring. So sad.. *sniff sniff* hehe

I hope I don't have to work at Boston Market any longer. But I probably will. hehe

I finished a book! The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. It's pretty good. I guess I'll start her other book tonight.

I hope Komson works @ Boston Market! It might be fun again =D

DJ wants me to sing in his new techno/dJ songs! haha Danny told me to sing in his up and coming band. I just think these dudes don't know anyone else that sings constantly. DJ says that all those 'type' of songs need a high vocal.. and then there's ME! I'm meant to sing for DJ songs. haha =P

Ying Yang Twins are KicK buTT!! =)

Nap time! TaTA

I was bored.. So I wrote this.. Don't laugh! =P

perfect boy
boy of my dreams
where can you be?
wishing day and night
you were here with me

searching up and down
looking through lost memories
bitter sweet thoughts
missing my perfect boy

perfect boy
boy of my dreams
where did you go
wishing day and night
you were here with me

we were once happy
tender love was what we shared
my perfect boy
was so close
i have lost him

perfect boy
boy of my dreams
come back to me
wishing day and night
you were here in my arms

Thursday ~ June 6, 2002
A shitty day with a shitty ending!!!!
Wednesday ~ June 5, 2002
Happy Birthday to my MOMMY and DANNY!!~!!

I put all these little notes around the house so my mom would find them, last night. I wrote stuff like, I love you! Good Luck this New Year, Happy Birthday! She was happy about that =) She thought the one I put on her bathroom mirror was from my daddy though. She said she was very excited and amazed for a few minutes cuz her husband had done something sweet. I felt bad telling her that my dad didn't do that. *sigh* I wish they showed each other that they loved each other.. at least fake it or something.

Today... I went out at 9 to get coffee and gas. Then off to Marjo's house. We chatted for a bit then went to Albertson's to get Danny a cake! It was quite yummy. We stayed there for most of the day. Chilled around and talked. Then we finally went to lunch.. Me, Marjo, Danny, and Charlie. Funny people. Crazy drivers, but nice people. hehe We went to Benagins.. whatever the hell it is. It was shitty.. Their chicken fried steak was shitty. YUCkIE! At least Charlie paid. I don't know if he knew he paid though.. cuz Marjo stole his money while he was driving.

Came home and then waited for my daddy to come home so we could go to TODAI!!~! MAN!!~! I was sooo excited, but I was let down.. Like .. SUPER let down. It wasn't that good, but it was seafood, nonetheless. The restuarant is inside of Willow Bend. So after we finished, we went shopping! I was trying to look for stuff for Peggy, so I went to XXI, but.. I thought they looked too big for her because she's the size of my pinky finger. SO! We left and I made my family listen to KISS FM!~! WahoO!!!~! hehe And they played the Ying Yang Twins song, Say I Yi Yi! It's such a fun song! And my mom was like, LING!!~! This song is making my teeth hurt. Me and my brother were like, weIRdO!! Then my daddy started rapping with the song. hahah They make me laugh. During dinner, my daddy kept saying he was full, but he kept eating. So I was like, STOP EATING! Then he looked at me and was like, but I'm hungry. I was like.. AHh!! hehe

In the car - my mom was like, don't take diet pills! Just work out hard and do stuff right. And my dad was like, that's just mom's law. So my mom's witty comeback was, Just eat a lot and then go to sleep! Then asked whether that was dad's law or grandpa's law. My daddy's said it was grandpa's law. And then she said my brother had to get his eyes checked again, even though he checked it last year and I checked mine two years ago. So I said, WHAT ABOUT MEE?~! And she said, but he wears contacts! And then she preceded in saying that his were interior and mine were exterior. My dad was like, really? So she said, No.. I don't actually know. So he calls that mom's law 2. I have a weird, yet entertaining family. heheh

Sooooo today was interesting and entertaining!

I want to go to Lafayette!!~! GrRRR

Sunday ~ June 2, 2002
Today was boring.

I went to work from 10:30 - 4! SOOOOOO slow and no one came to visit me. You people suck!! GrRR

Then I came home and my mom asked if I called her from work. I told her yes because I was sooo bored. Then she tells me that we're having crawfish for dinner! I was ecstatic! I go take a shower cuz I'm super smelly from work, not my natural odor of course. Then she starts-a-cooking. MaN!! I was soo happy!!!!!! Van got to have crawfish cuz his sister went to Shreveport. I think Mia had crawfish this weekend too. So now it's MY turn!! I was dancing around the kitchen!! It was soooooooo good! *droool* I love crawfish. =)

Then.. I just stay online and watch Game 7 of Kings vs. Lakers. Stupid Lakers won. STUPID!!!!!! Danny and I had a bet going ... only 50 cents though. His stupid money was on the stupid Lakers. He won the stupid bet.. But he's never going to get the stupid 50 cents because I'm probably not going to see him the rest of the summer. =/ haha !! So that's how my night went.. Just chatted with Danny a bunch and DJ a little. Now I'm tired and Hubert's not home.

hEy! -- Who all reads this? Since I'm not all fancy pantsy, and don't have a livejournal, I don't get to know who reads this!! SO TELL ME! Cuz I want to know. And I always get what I want =)

Welly ~ Goodnight! *my head hurts* =(

Saturday ~ June 1, 2002
People are taking SATs this morning, good luck to you all!

MAN! I woke up at fricking 5:45 AM! You wanna know why? Sure you do! Because I had a shitty dream!!~!! I dreamt that Marjo told me that she saw Hubert and Karen holding hands. I freaked out and woke up, and first.. had to tell myself it was just a dream. But then.. laid there because, well what if it wasn't just a dream, ya know? So I couldn't fall back asleep. So now it's 6:45 am and I'm writing in this stupid journal. OMG -- What a shitty dream.

What do I have planned for today? Well -- I'm going to pick up Ai at 8:00, then we're going to the Plaza Theater. Hopefully Karen will be there early so I can give her the sign in sheets. Leave around 1 and drop off Ai, then go home and sleep!!~! hehe At 5, I am off to a picnic *by some lake* WhEeE!! I hope it's super fun! I need super fun =) After that, I'll just shower and probably sleep =P No time for Danny's lil party thingy. I guess I'll update later to see how my day REALLY panned out. hehe

Ok -- It is now the end of the day. It was pretty eventful. Me, Ai, Bessie, Danny, Cuong, Jennifer, Thoavy, the Khanhs, and Gena showed up this morning to the Plaza Theater. But did the Plaza theater people??? NOOOOO!!~! Me, Ai, Bessie, and Danny waited there for like an hour and a half. At least there was super pretty weather. hehe Then the four of us decided to leave and go to the Starbucks in South Garland. I drank Danny's mocha frap cuz I have NO fricking money. It's.. a lot stronger than just normal coffee fraps. *shrugs* Chill there for a while, then Bessie, Ai, and I went to Half Price Books. Got some books, got some presents. WHeE -- went home and I got money. Me and Ai went to Lollicup! YUMMY!! MAN that's the best place ever!! My daddy and brother came up there a little after us. Then I got my daddy to bring Ai home in his MR2! hee Me and Kevin were like.. we can't see Ai over the seats hahah She's sooo small

I went to take a nap.. blah blah blah.. stupid phone kept ringing and I guess I accidentally had my ringer on my KICK ASS Hello Kitty phone on. Shitty!! So I wake up and get online. Fun stuff, I tell ya.

Talked to Marjo and she said she couldn't go to Danny's party. So then I asked Karen if she was going. We decided to go together -- weird eh? But it was pretty cool! Don't get me wrong, we're not best friends. I still have that whole.. Hubert and Karen problem. But Karen is a real cool person, bottomline. I just.. don't like their relationship. Understandable because I'm the girlfriend? *shrugs* So we talked and chit chatted.

The scavenger hunt was interesting. hehe I met two new people. But -- eh, not my group of people. They're cool! But different!! hehe Danny is one SCARY driver! Our little team was me, Karen, Danny, Brian, a gnome, and Michael. Interesting bunch! hehe The guys did some WEIRD stuff. hehe Shoulda gone to North Garland. hehe =P

Danny's mom is sooo sweet! She had soo much food. Too bad I didn't eat any of it. I've lost like 4 pounds in two days. That's not like, super unhealthy right? I just starred at all the cookies they had. hehe

I'm glad I'm friends with Marjo again and Danny.. for the first time, I think. =P They're cool and sweet! I wish I could understand Hubert and Karen more. She could be like, a potential great friend. But I have to get over my shit first. Danny and Marjo were very surprised that me and Karen went together. hehe I'm pretty sure Hubert is too.. And Trevor. And my brother. haha I love to surprise??

Work from 10-4 tomorrow! Come visit me from 1-4! NO ONE COMES!! It gets very boring. I shall tell people to come until someone comes. hehe I hope people don't do the stuff from the scavenger hunt @ Boston Market. That would be... WeiRd!

*yawn* It's only 11:26, but I'm mega tired. And I have work tomorow. Good times.. haha I don't know who else is working with me though -- I hope I'm not working alone. That always sucks major butt. G'Night all!

Saturday ~ June 1, 2002
People are taking SATs this morning, good luck to you all!

MAN! I woke up at fricking 5:45 AM! You wanna know why? Sure you do! Because I had a shitty dream!!~!! I dreamt that Marjo told me that she saw Hubert and Karen holding hands. I freaked out and woke up, and first.. had to tell myself it was just a dream. But then.. laid there because, well what if it wasn't just a dream, ya know? So I couldn't fall back asleep. So now it's 6:45 am and I'm writing in this stupid journal. OMG -- What a shitty dream.

What do I have planned for today? Well -- I'm going to pick up Ai at 8:00, then we're going to the Plaza Theater. Hopefully Karen will be there early so I can give her the sign in sheets. Leave around 1 and drop off Ai, then go home and sleep!!~! hehe At 5, I am off to a picnic *by some lake* WhEeE!! I hope it's super fun! I need super fun =) After that, I'll just shower and probably sleep =P No time for Danny's lil party thingy. I guess I'll update later to see how my day REALLY panned out. hehe

Ok -- It is now the end of the day. It was pretty eventful. Me, Ai, Bessie, Danny, Cuong, Jennifer, Thoavy, the Khanhs, and Gena showed up this morning to the Plaza Theater. But did the Plaza theater people??? NOOOOO!!~! Me, Ai, Bessie, and Danny waited there for like an hour and a half. At least there was super pretty weather. hehe Then the four of us decided to leave and go to the Starbucks in South Garland. I drank Danny's mocha frap cuz I have NO fricking money. It's.. a lot stronger than just normal coffee fraps. *shrugs* Chill there for a while, then Bessie, Ai, and I went to Half Price Books. Got some books, got some presents. WHeE -- went home and I got money. Me and Ai went to Lollicup! YUMMY!! MAN that's the best place ever!! My daddy and brother came up there a little after us. Then I got my daddy to bring Ai home in his MR2! hee Me and Kevin were like.. we can't see Ai over the seats hahah She's sooo small

I went to take a nap.. blah blah blah.. stupid phone kept ringing and I guess I accidentally had my ringer on my KICK ASS Hello Kitty phone on. Shitty!! So I wake up and get online. Fun stuff, I tell ya.

Talked to Marjo and she said she couldn't go to Danny's party. So then I asked Karen if she was going. We decided to go together -- weird eh? But it was pretty cool! Don't get me wrong, we're not best friends. I still have that whole.. Hubert and Karen problem. But Karen is a real cool person, bottomline. I just.. don't like their relationship. Understandable because I'm the girlfriend? *shrugs* So we talked and chit chatted.

The scavenger hunt was interesting. hehe I met two new people. But -- eh, not my group of people. They're cool! But different!! hehe Danny is one SCARY driver! Our little team was me, Karen, Danny, Brian, a gnome, and Michael. Interesting bunch! hehe The guys did some WEIRD stuff. hehe Shoulda gone to North Garland. hehe =P

Danny's mom is sooo sweet! She had soo much food. Too bad I didn't eat any of it. I've lost like 4 pounds in two days. That's not like, super unhealthy right? I just starred at all the cookies they had. hehe

I'm glad I'm friends with Marjo again and Danny.. for the first time, I think. =P They're cool and sweet! I wish I could understand Hubert and Karen more. She could be like, a potential great friend. But I have to get over my shit first. Danny and Marjo were very surprised that me and Karen went together. hehe I'm pretty sure Hubert is too.. And Trevor. And my brother. haha I love to surprise??

Work from 10-4 tomorrow! Come visit me from 1-4! NO ONE COMES!! It gets very boring. I shall tell people to come until someone comes. hehe I hope people don't do the stuff from the scavenger hunt @ Boston Market. That would be... WeiRd!

*yawn* It's only 11:26, but I'm mega tired. And I have work tomorow. Good times.. haha I don't know who else is working with me though -- I hope I'm not working alone. That always sucks major butt. G'Night all!

Friday ~ May 31, 2002
Today was interesting. Danny told me that he was going to come over at 10 *yes, in the morning - OMG!* So I wake up at around nine to get ready and stuff because I have a full day ahead of me. BUT! When I'm all done getting pretty, I get online and Danny IMs me and tells me that he woke up late. I was like, how shitty. heheh But he comes a little before 10:30 and we go to Starbucks! yuMmY! I got a coffee frap, like always. First we played checkers -- I won! Then we played chess, well, he taught me, then -- I WON! hehe I kick butt. =) Danny's a sweetie!

Then we left to Marjo's house. AHAHAH She was sleeping. We stayed there for a couple of hours, I suppose. Just lounging around and talking -- I definately do NOT hang out in their crowd. Then Danny had to leave to go home at one, so he dropped me and Marjo off at my house. Me and Marjo just chilled and talked. Then her brother called to get her to pick him up. So I drove her back to her house and then I was all driving down back roads so I didn't have to run into cops. But I finally went onto Belt Line. THIS STUPID ASS COP PULLS ME OVER. I nearly pissed my pants. The cop pulled me over because he thought I wasn't wearing my safety belt. So he asked how long had I had it on, and I said since I left my friend's house. And he repeated what I said, and he said that he didn't know if I had it on for sure and was going to let me off. I almost crieD! So I was too freaky out to go home, so I went to Ai's house! Called Karen and Hubert to tell them to be careful on Belt Line. I'm soo considerate. hehe J.P.

Everyone comes over (Van, Karen, Peggy, Hubert, Kathy) and we go to Farmers Branch. MAAN! Van's soo sweet! hehe He would wait fo rme to catch up and let me cut in front of him in traffic! MAAN! I love that boy. hahah Karen and Hubert had matching hats. How fucking cute?~!?!!!

I had Peggy, Ai, and Kathy in my car and we decided to go to Taiwan Cafe and then to Boston Market. I got my paaaaaaaaaaycheck! WHEEEEEEE =)

Blah blah blah shit happens... I'm mad and my head hurts.. So I didn't go to the movies.. GrRnEsS!! I just lounged at home.. but my PJs are super comfy. lAlala

So I changed my WHOLE site.. whoa dang. Now I'm off to bed because I have an early day tomorrow!

Thursday ~ May 30, 2002
So last night was fun. I went to take a nap, but KC came over, so he screwed up my nap, bastard. hehe

I brought him to Lollicup to get some drinks *yummy!!* Boba is good. hehe

Then we went to Clothestime to find something cuz I have a cool coupon. But right before we turned in, Karen's car pulls up next to me (my windows are down, they're always down hehe) and Peggy's head pops out and yells Traaaacy. Man, that was scary.. Seeing Peggy's head drive by yelling my name outta no where! whoa dang...

So we leave and go to Trevor's house, but the bum didn't answer the door cuz he was playing basketball, like a loser!~ Loser I tell ya. So we head back to my house. KC hangs out with my brother. We all have dinner and interigate KC about being Filipino. hehe Then we call Trevor to go to Main Event and my brother calls his friend, Kevin. We all go to Hubert's house to pick that bum up and head up to Main Event! I lead the way cuz they're dingdongs. =) hehe

Bowled.. yatata... Me, Kevin, and Kevin vs. Trevor, KC, and Hubert. MY TEAM RULES!!!!!! heheh

Then go to Jack in the Box cuz Kevin was hungry and then go to Blockbuster with the KevinS. My dad get mad cuz it's almost 11pm. So I told the Kevins to "hurry da fuck uP"... Shouldn't ever say that too loud, people may look at you weird. But the 3 people at Blockbuster couldn't see me because I'm too short and you can't see me over the shelves. heh

So I made this thing for my webpage last night. I think I'm going to redo my whole page. I go through this every summer. But never get anything accomplished. *shrugs* Maybe I'll actually make a good and non girly webpage soon!! *hopefully*

I woke up at 11am to watch "All My Children", I used to watch "The Young and the Restless", but that looks stupid now. Blah -- I have to work tonight =( But I think Mai's working with me! Good times! hehe Someone come up there and visit us!!~! But not between 6-7:30 hehe That's when normal people like to eat. hehe =P

Wednesday ~ May 29, 2002
Last night was the board meeting for Key Club at Spring Creek BBQ. Apparently a lot of Asians do not eat there. They were all like.. huh? hehe And all amazed that the bread is super good. I'm, hahha I've known that for YEARS now. =) Go me! hehe

So me and Peggy are in charge of August and me and Ai are in charge of the next two projects. WhEeEE Where's the President?~!

Alex came to the dinner too. I don't know why. Cept to bring Van.. He fricking fell asleep at the table. I didn't mind because his head was down and it wasn't icky. But then he sat up and his mouth was gaping open. I was like.. ugh.. Nastiness. I thought it was disrespectful. If you're going to sleep during our board meeting, then go to another table or something! I mean... uGH!!~! He's gonna work at Lollicup now too. My favorite restaurant. =(

After it was over, me and Peggy went to the mall and Karen and Hubert went to FRYs. I can't hang out with Peggy unless Karen goes out too.. So Hubert and Karen's relationship is good for something. If you can't get over it, might as well use it to your advantage right?

I hope my cousin, Ken, comes for the summer.

Maan -- I have Van's birthday present all planned out. It's gonna be gREat!!~ As long as we're still friends by his birthday. He said he's leaving the week before his birthday, so if we can survive these next weeks, then it's all good! heheh =D

I found Danny Tipton's screenname thru Marjo. He's such a cutie!! He gave me his phone number.. ooh ahh =) hehe It's fun to talk to him.. He's super enthusiastic about going to see Undercover Brother though.. Strangeness. hehe LOOK DANNY -- YOU'RE INCLUDED! awww hehe

Tuesday ~ May 28, 2002
two month anniversary!!~! =P
Sunday ~ May 26, 2002
Ok, since it's been like a week or so that I haven't updated. I'll just tell you want happened tonight because I'm in the mood for typing.

Worked sucked because Mai and Samantha didn't show up.. So I was the only retail up in the front. GRRR!!~!! Boring -- like watching paint dry. So I started making signs out of the old cardboard and drawing on receipt paper. Fun stuff, I tell ya.. Anywho, so then I get off like half an hour early and come home to take a niiiiice shower. Then talk to Long online and try to find Mai. FINALLY the girl calls me, so I go pick her up and we go to her sister's house for some food and entertainment. hehe She just bought a house, VERY pretty. We chill and eat and hang out with funny little kids. We played, spoons, 13, go fish, and duck duck goose. Good times!

Then I watched this lady do crazy stuff to Mai's head.

Then off to KC's house because Hubert had told me that Laura and Alison and himself were going there to swim. But when we got there, everyone was gone, so me and Mai hung out with KC and ate his food. KC and Hubert always have good junk food! Then we call Van to see if he wants to come over and watch a movie.. blah blah blah shit happens. Me, Mai, and KC end up renting FROM HELL and going to Cuong's house with Hubert. Cuong turns up the TV -full- blast. Me and Mai thought the house was going to fall down. The movie was ok, but a shitty ass ending.. GRRRR

So tomorrow is Memorial Day -- in remembrance of all who served and are serving our dear country in time of need. GO USA!

Have a good summer!!!~!

Saturday ~ May 18, 2002
Yeah, so yesterday I was a little sad because a handful of people all told me that I look funny in one way or another. Either my legs are too white (thanks Teddy and Minh) or I look funny without my glasses (thanks Kevin) or when I wear lipstick, it looks weird (thanks Cuong). I don't see how any of that is funny.. I can't help that I the seasons are finally changing so I can tan my legs.. or that I have bad vision and need to wear glasses. Just because I don't wear lipstick all the time, I look strange... How is that my fault? Maybe you all didn't mean it to hurt my feelings, but why are you telling me these things that I can't change about myself? That's just like me telling you that you are too tall or too hairy or funny looking. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all.

My secret little plan was not to go to the movies with Kevin alone. After you told me you were going with her, why would I want to go? I don't want to be near her with you there. You think I would just go with Kevin to spite you? Low and behold, me and Kevin are both friends with Lucy. Did you not even stop to think how awkward I would feel being with the two of you? Why do I refuse to go places when I hear her name? People keep telling me to talk to you about how I feel and my problems with her - but I have. It does no good. I just sit and cry, while you're off having fun or just plain not talking to me.

When I told Kevin that I did not want to go to the movies anymore, he was upset because he did not want to go alone. So I told him my reason. That if I went, you would be there with Karen. And if you were to sit near me and Kevin, Karen would be there also, and I would rather stay at home than spend two awkward hours sitting beside you two. Then he understood and said OK. Do you know how strange it is to say, "Oh yeah, my boyfriend's going with Karen to the movies, not me." No, because I've never done that to you.

I was suppose to go over to Shannon's today... But I couldn't. So that just kind of adds up to the crappiness of my weekend.

I also talked to my daddy at lunch about lots of stuff. I wish... that my parents talk to each other instead of through me. *sigh*

Thanks Rony! But I wish I could stop crying... Thank goodness my mom buys the tissue with the lotion stuff. hehe So soft!

Ok - Maybe I'm just being super moody.. But I'm not made at Hubert! heh Or Karen! Washing my laundry cleared some things up for me. SoOo! I hope you two have fun at the movies tonight!! I shouldn't get all freaky about shit like that because, then I'd be like my exboyfrirends. And no one wants that. haha

Friday~ May 10, 2002

I'm sick of tests. They're yuckie and poopy and BLAH!~!! SupEr bLaH!!

Anywho, besides testing, it's been a blah week. English was super fun today because Ms. Z wasn't there! hehe So Bessie, Jennifer, Stacy, and I just talked to each other the whole period. Stacy is the funniest person evEr!! hehe After school, me and Bessie went to the tailors then to the sports store. MAN, I spent lotsa money getting stuff for my Letter JAckEt! SheEsH

Wanted to go shopping with Peggy today.. but I don't think that's going to happen! HOW POOPY!!

I called work to see what days I have to work next week. BLAH.. Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday!! HOW POOPY!!~!! hehe Ah well.. At least I'll get money, riiiight? haha

Okie, so Hubie made me go to his daddy's surprise birthday party at his mom's PHO place. Maan.. I'm the only one wasn't viet there. AhH! hehe This crazy old guy kept like.. interigating me.. He kept asking me where I was from and if I was a legal citizen. And stufft that I didn't understand. And so I would look at Hubert's dad, you know, to see if he would give me like.. a hint into what this dude was asking/saying to me! BuT NoOoO!! I felt like.. a fish out of water. And then the ladies next to the crazy dude started looking at me too.. It looked like they were trying to get him to stop talking to me. But he was relentless! Oh, let me remind you that Hubert was sitting between me and the crazy man, but he had left to help his mommy! *aww* So for the rest of dinner, I didn't look in that direction because I was scared of the crazy man. He just kept staring!! Anywho, that was my excitement for the night.

Then me and Hubie rented Crazy/Beautiful. That movie is AWESOME!!! I cried though. And this hispanic lead guy... what a hunka meat! haha He was soo sweet in the movie! MAN!! hehe

Monday~ May 6, 2002
I went to DJ's house tonight to study. But he lives soo fricking far away that I got lost. The first time EVER I've gotten lost. I didn't actually get lost lost because I knew where I was... But the stupid YahoO map gave me crap ass streets to turn onto. ThANkGoODnEsS this little girl has a celly phone!! hehe

All signs point to --- TRACY'S GOING TO MAKE A ONE ON HER US HISTORY AP TEST. How stinky.

Sunday~ May 5, 2002
Happy Cinco de Mayo?! hehe

Anywho, I'm super strong! I punched Long and he said it hurt =) Go Tracy Go traCY!~! hehe

This weekend sucked. hehe All I did on Saturday was SATs and then study with Manda and Bessie. Then went to this dinner thing at Noodle Ave. That was kinda coool. Everyone was like.. DaNG You've grown soo much Tracy! So then I showed them my 3 inch heels, and they were like.. aww..well.. ok! hehe It was funny. =) And then today.. All I did was sleep all afternoon and do homework all night!~! BORiNG

I'm going to Main Event on Saturday! YaY!!~!

I love you, Hubie!!~!
ThaNkS soo much DJ!
Don't trick me, Van!!
Stop being a punk, Long!
You're totally welcome, KC!!


Friday~ May 3, 2002

I hate this.. I hate you.. I hate it all.. Fuck you.

Thursday ~ May 2, 2002
Happy Birthday ANnI!!~!

Today started out super good! hehe I don't know why, but I was giddy and happy.

Anywho, I've been talking to Van for a while now. Super weird. We might go get our patches sewn onto our jackets tomorrow.. MAyBe!!~! My jacket's completely empty cuz I didn't bring my wallet to pay for it because I didn't think I was going to get one. But Dzuy kept calling me a loser for passing up a free jacket. Anywho, Van got a LiveJournal. He won't give me anything for being the first to post something in there though! cheapO!! hehe

[20:33:58] awlllwa: shit im afrad i did say somting bad, i was so drunk ** I HATE YOU AARON, GO ROT IN HELL YOU FUCKING BASTARD. **

I haven't talked to Hubie much at all this week. Probably won't talk to him much next week either because I'll be super stressing about AP testS!!

Wednesday ~ May 1, 2002
Web Mastering is fun. haha Justin is a big meanie! He has selective hearing.. whenever he hears the words lesbian and boobpts he stops everything and comes over to me and Crystal! haha What a punk.

I have a physics test today, Key Club meeting, need to get my car inspected, have to go to work, do poetry explication, AND get more than 6 hours of sleep! Do you think I can do it!? I don't!!

"frickin Norwegians, they don't know how to play games! and frickin Germany and frickin Hitler! GrR" -Justin

Tuesday ~ April 30, 2002
Hubie came over last night! I love my Hubie! =D

Today's gonna suuuuuuuck! Mainly cuzza English! =( hehe Ah WeLLy!

I called Doan Linda yesterday. Not good!!~! EePpErS!

Sunday ~ April 28, 2002
Yeah.. so today sucked major booty!

Woke up at 10:45 because my boss called me and asked if I was working, I still have my sleepy voice because I was sleeping! And I told him that Jay was suppose to take me off the schedule already. Anywho, get ready for the morning... And at 11 or so, my mommy leaves the house.

Nearing lunch my daddy tells me that my mom almost ran him over with her Benz. *sigh* She's super pissed that no one talked to her about buying the car. I don't know. I just.. Don't want to be in the middle of this because I am always in the middle of family controversies. =( I hate it so much. Been through it all my life.. Apparently they don't know how much it affects me mentally. *sigh* I'll just pay for it in therapy when I'm older.

Go eat Dim Sum with my daddy and brother. Drove two seperate cars because I had to go somewhere after lunch. I order lots of food because my daddy and brother don't know how. I felt powerful. =D

Then I left a lunch a little early so I could go to Boston Market. Earlier this morning I made Hubie stuff for our anniversary. One whole official month! hehe Went to Boston Market and saw Justin. What a hottie! Anyways, he was super bored because I wasn't working today. I felt special. haha Then I got an Oreo Brownie for Hubie because he loves it.. I suppose! Then hauled ass to Hubie's house to drop of this CD, picture thing, and brownie. He was hesistant on leting me drop by though. Whatever. Then dropped it off and headed to the library! Stayed there for like 3hours with Bessie, Manda, Jade, and Khanh!

We all left at 5 then me and Khanh went to visit Cuong! Me and Khanh were just talking about hot guys that we work with. hehe Funny stuff man!

Now I'm home and still no one is talking to no one. =(

Good luck to everyone taking the test tomorrow!

1000+ days till Karen and Hubert don't talk to each other for more than a day. haha I'm soo clever and mean!!~!! Damn.. Ah but do I care?! Not at all.

Saturday ~ April 27, 2002
My daddy bought a 2002 Yellow Toyota MR2 today =)

Spent like 4 hours at the car dealership. OMG!~!! Car sales men are super dooper annoying and they talk tooo damn much. But it showed me a lot about my brother. He was hungry cuz none of us had eaten lunch. And when my dad went to the finance office, our salesman told me and my brother to go buy lunch and stuff. I told him no because we had to wait for my daddy and my brother was like.. Man.. that's what you get for having morals. If he asked me, I would have been gone already. PsHA what a punk.

I was super tired when I came home from work today. I called Hubie from work at 6, but no one picked up. I wanted him to come up to Boston Market to eat with me. But oh well. So I got to come home early cuz it was super slow. So I get home at like, 7:30 and get online to see that Hubie's @ the Celebration Show. He had mentioned it.. but I didn't think he would go w/o me! Oh welly, I was very wrong. He went with Karen and Peggy. I figured that the show would be over by ten and thought Hubie would drop by my house after the show. But he didn't. =/ I wanted to go to bed @ 8:30 because I was tired!~!!! And whenever I heard a car door slam, I like.. ran to the window to see if it was Hubie. Alas, it was never him. I wasted my night watching Clueless... I guess I should never assume that Hubie would randomly visit. heh I should just go to bed. =P But the one time I do go to bed, watch, he'll come and visit! My luck, huh? hehe Anywho.. So Hubie calls me at like.. 10:30.. And asks if he can come over, I'm like.. are you nuts?!

Poo.. I wanted to see him today. But I guess he got enough of cute little Asian girls by hanging out with Karen and Peggy! Hope the Celebration Show was good!!

SUNDAY! = DAY OFF!!~!! WaHOOO! Soooo happy, but I have a study session to go to tomorrow. wahoo... =/

Anywho, I work one day this coming week. haha But it's not with Justin or Rodney or Mai!~!! How PoOOpY! Justin's soooooooooooo cute!~!! hehe Too bad he's naughty. haha

Tuesday ~ April 23, 2002
EeEP! I love Hubie. That's it for today.
Sunday ~ April 21, 2002
I worked today. It was fun. Worked with Justin, new guy. He's really funny! He dropped the trashcan.. NaSTiNeSS!! hehe He's flirty.. and bad.. daaang.. What's up with all these bad guys!~! He's half Korean and white. So.. I guess this is all for future reference. And the Justin I said was mean, from Friday, is a different Justin. That Justin is Lil Valsek from now on =)

Hubie came over yesterday.

HUBABY! *sigh* I probably shouldn't be uppity about this. But.. WHAT THE FUCK.

I'll post the pix of me and Mai now ~~

How well do you think you know me? ~ Mai made me make it!!~!!

UGGGGGH!! Today was good!!~! =( Stupid stupid stupid.. grrr... I shouldn't bring things up... Van shouldn't make me think about those things. But I'm not blaming him, for once. I need to keep my mouth shut. ugH!!~! =( Ah!~!!! =(

Friday ~ April 19, 2002

Justin is a big meanie!!~!!

Now that that is out of the way... Today was a pretty good day. Um.. Everyone liked my dress! =) So that's always a plus.

Tonight was awesome =) I love Hubie! This is like the first time I've ever gone to the movie alone with Hubie. It wasn't so bad. hehe I'm not scared anymore. =P We went to see The Scorpion King. It was pretty funny! hehe

After the movies, we went to get ice cream =) Theeen I was driving home in Hubie's car.. and this dude in front of us, in the right lane (we were in the left) like.. started to drift into our lane. So I stepped on the breaks. ThaNk GoOdNeSS Hubie has GOOD breaks or I would have hit that bastard. What the crap was up with that?! It was not even 10 and there are already drunk ass people on the roadS?!~!? ugh..

He stayed till like 11:45, like usual.. I feel asleep, like usual. My parents don't really care. They just ask me why I keep sleeping when he's here. hehe I wouldn't always fall asleep if he wouldn't keep turning off the lights! NeRd! =P

Hubie drove ME somewhere tonight. How neat =)

Me and Mai went to take pictures today!!~! =) Ask me if you want some! =) "We're not ugly!!~!" We were happy for that simple fact. =) The guy hooked us up because we were giving him advice on how to look like a gangster because he had to go for an audition. =P YaY for hook ups! =)

I wish Hubie could have stayed longer. I miss him already! And he JUST left. =P

Good night all!

Lil Tracy won't have a car on Saturday!!~! Poo...

Wednesday ~ April 17, 2002
Today was a pretty good day! I was suprised that my mommy didn't wake me up from my nap today after school until we went out to dinner. My daddy and I were both home for dinner today! We went to Caravelle. It was quite fun! =D hehe My parents are soo cool about me and my brother having bf/gfS! Neat ain't it? It's neat for an Asian family. =)

My mommy asked me if me and Hubie broke up because I don't talk on the phone or anything. Actually, she asked me what was up with me and Hubie. I was like, huh...? And I finally understood, and told her that Hubie doesn't like talking on the phone. Maybe he just doesn't like talking to me! hehe =P Oh wellyz, I'm usually busy, and I'd rather be WITH him and talk to him, than just talking. Ya know? =) That's why half the time I'm not at work, he's at my house! *giddy* I love Hubie! It's technically been six months.. *shrugs*

Hubie's making me update this because I make him update his journal, and he's bored. Anywho, he came over tonight. He's making some *secret* project in art, but it's not for me, even though it is. Don't ask, I'm quite confused myself. He's sooooooooooo cute! Although he does refuse to give into my whining and won't tell me what it is.

Key Club is soo fun! I went to WGA today and got us a MAJoR project, if and only if we are very committed. I am not going to let my elementary school be let down by us! =) I need to tell Van, but he wasn't home when I called him. I found out that he gets mad at me for every little thing. I am soo going to quit Key Club if he gets pissed at me for every fricking little thing that he doesn't like about me. That's super uncool. *sigh* It's not like he's done more than me for Key Club anyway. I've done more than him. There, I finally said it. What I've been thinking all along. If he reads this and gets pissed, I DON'T CARE! Look at all I've done, and what you've done. I've done more and more people respond to me than you.

Hm.. Other than that, nothing really has been going on. Next week is going to be stressful! Lotsa AP review sessions. =/ ScAReD! hehe

Van and Karen broke up. Me and Van lasted a week last year this same time. Karen and Van lasted two weeks this year. Wonder who his girlfriend will be next year, for.. three weeks! =P

Sunday ~ April 14, 2002
Yesterday was super fun!!~! I went to Kid Fest at 10:30 and found Gena and Kathy. They were just staring at me because they couldn't tell who I was. Apparently I look like Karen when I straighten my hair and wear boots. =/ They point me in the direction of Peggy. So I found her and we signed up for the soccer booth. That was neat. hehe It was super fun!~! I suppose. But then it started raining and we put all the prizes inside the Depot Museum. Then me and Peggy ran around outside to find Linda, then we ducked into this little house. Then we see Linda and I forgot who the other person was, running up to us! hehe So me, Linda, and Peggy walked to my car, in the stupid rain. Then outta no where Hubie shows up! *YAY!* hehe So he heads off to his car to go to my house and me and the girls walk forever to my car. They said parking was available on the Square! Give me a break!!! hehe

We all go to my house, talk, get pretty, get online, talk, chill, whatever, and then go to Lollicup and Taiwan Cafe. Eat and talk lots. For nearly an hour, I suppose? They are interesting and awesome girls. Hubie's the bestest! =D Then we all go to Collin Creek mall. Shopped around forever. I got stuff, they didn't. I think we decided to go take pictures on Friday. I think Peggy and Linda are going to take one together, and me and Mai are going to take one.

More about my day later, but now I have to get ready and go to work....

PeGgY! I hope you didn't get in trouble!

Saturday ~ April 13, 2002
This week has been CrAzY!

The beginning of the week was crazy because we had some many tests and papers to write. Not cool. Anywayz, it calmed down a lot after that, as in, NOTHING to do at nights because I had no homework.

SHARE night was Tuesday. What a trip. It was pretty fun because I knew some of the future fish. My dorky brother. Gena tried to recruit him into Key Club. hehe He just like, stared at her dumbfoundedly. hehe

You know what's even weirder? It's been exactly a whole year since me and Van. If you read my OOOLLLDDD entries, you can find last year's Share night was when me and Van skipped it and we went to watch Spy Kids. Maybe I'm holding onto memories. I'm not obsessed. =P It's just super weird because now he's with Karen. But I have my awesome Hubie. =) I find it odd that he never talks to me, cept at the Delegates thing and when he needs an ego booster. *sigh* Nothing I can do. Because if I out right say I dislike Van.. Alex will get on my butt. If I'm nice to Van, some people will think I like him again. I suppose the unspoken arrangement we've had this past year, of never talking and not being friends, was grand. Unspoken hate. =P Well, probably very spoken, just not to each other.

Today is Kid's Fest. My boss is amazed at how much volunteer work I do. He's going to finally give me a permanent schedule! Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and every other Sunday. GReAT! hehe But I might apply for an internship at ESystems. That'd be awesome!!!! =)

Hubie came over last night. He picked BANDITS to rent. BoriNg! So I fell asleep. He's super cute. *sigh* <~ a good sigh! He's the best. I love him! =) I'd lose my mind if it weren't for him. He's just GREAT. *giddy* hehe

Today me and Peggy planned a girls day shopping outting. Or something. First Kid Fest, then lunch and shopping, then dinner?, and then go watch a play. DaaaNg! Hope that all pans out! hehe

Have a wonderful funderful day!!

Tuesday ~ April 9, 2002
SHARE night tonite.. =/

Hubie - I love you, but you do/say some of the meanest things. =(

Wednesday ~ April 3, 2002
Ahh how much today was poopY! Anywho, my mommy is on a Yell @ Tracy roll!!~! Grr

Key Club meeting was pretty fun. Next year, the most fun time I could possibly have would be if Peggy, Ai, Teddy, Manda, Hubie, and KC went. That would be awesome! So if the fishies went this year, it'd be awesome!!~! hehe

I almost hit this crap ass Honda today after I dropped off Teddy. When I was coming to the intersection, this stupid white lady decides to slowly turn left!! I'm like, WTF!! So I braked super fast and honked super loud! Then another stupid white guy was joggin in my neighborhood, and he decided that it would be a jolly idea to run out in front of my car! Am I a bad driver, or are white people just stupid?~! =P

Convention is tomorrow till Sunday. Wowie... I have soo much shit to do. =/

I took KC, Peggy, and Doan's friend test. I got a 92 on KC's, a 90 on Peggy's *stupid ghe-o!!* and a 50 on Doan's. hehe I'm super! haha

I gave Hubie money today, for the first time ever, in 5 years! He bought pretty swim trunks. He came over just to show me. Nerd.. hehe *mwah* Love you Hubie!! =)

Sunday ~ March 31, 2002
Stop buying me stuff! hehe I know you love me (lots?)! Besides, if you keep buying me things, my mom will be like -- Does Hubert have a job?! He needs to stop buying you things with his parents money! That's not a good thing. That boy.. It shall go exactly like that!~! hehe
Saturday ~ March 30, 2002
oMg! hehe Key Club had a project this morning .. to help out at the Arboritum.. However you spell it. It was rainy and cold. How icky. I didn't think it would rain, but I thought it would drizzle, so I only wore this THIN Adidas jacket. Grr.. Of course it begins to rains loTs! Not storm, but rain to the point that we're all weeeet! We all got to leave early. I was pretty proud of the Key Clubbers because we had a REALLY good turn out of volunteers. I think we had 25 people. I was very amazed =) Go Key Clubbers! You RULE!!~! hehe But Peggy's a bum who stayed home and slept. BUM = Peggy! haha She's so fun though, so that's why I wanted her to come so badly. Linda came!!~! hehe She's sooooooooo very soft spoken. I think I've told her that like, 5 times today. =P

Anywho, drove back to my house with Linda. KC followed. Hubie came shortly after. The boys pants were wet so I dried them at my house. But I wasn't about to let them dance around in their boxers, so I gave them some of my pants to wear. The longest pair I had were yellow sport pants, so I gave those to KC cuz he's so tall. And gave Hubie my Adidas pants. hehe KC looked soo funny. =) Me and Linda called Long, but that bum was sleeping. We wanted him to go shopping with us! haha Then we all just waited around and talked in my room. ThEn Karen finally came, so we all packed into my car to go pick up Peggy from her piano lesson. Pretty far for piano lessons. Goodness.

Headed to Burger King, then Galleria. Shopped around.. Fun fun.. Went to Armani cuz we were suppose to meet Van there. Everyone was around these nice guy shirts because KC needed something for Convention. I got bored and went to look at bright colored shirts. I turn around and all of a sudden Van was there. I was ecstatic. As you can tell, I was not. =P heh

Walked around looking for black/gray pants for Karen. But alas, didn't find anything. Went to Marble Slab to get Peggy ice cream. Then me, Hubie, KC, Linda, and Peggy left Van and Karen alone and we went to find bras. haha =P Then left Galleria... Dropped of Linda. Those kids are so fun. haha Kids.. as if they're any smaller or immature-er than I am. =P

Peggy, Hubie, and I came back to my house, KC left shortly after because he went to his GF's house. Then Van and Karen pulled up. We must have taken longer than we thought. =D Peggy chilled here while Karen and Van went to his house. She updated her Asian Avenue page = lil x lui. I fell asleep on the floor while Hubie watched Monkey Bone. Then the three of us headed over to Van's house. Those noodles were spicy. I don't care what you say. =P Got Ai's books.. Went through Van's school stuff. Almost gave him a heart attack cuz he didn't know where his Physics notes were.

They all wanted to go watch a movie, but I didn't want to. So I asked Hubie to bring me home. I told him that I didn't want to go because I'd feel weird. And he told me that I was his girlfriend, and that I could talk to hiM! I'm just sitting there thinking, I'm well aware of that. Then he told me that they used to be my friends. I once again think, I'm very aware of that. Anywho, I just felt like crap and didn't want to hang out with people that don't talk to me anymore. I told Hubie that I was fine with hanging out with him and Peggy. They're neato. I also realized that my voice gets like, super high when I feel uncomfortable or nervous. Hence, my annoying voice tonight. =/ Then Hubie dropped me off, and I decided to go rent Princess Diaries, to watch by myself. I actually just wanted to go drive around, cuz I was pissed/sad/whatever. But it started storming, like out of no where!!~! So I ended up UTurning because I don't want to drive and die. =P Even though Blockbuster is like two minutes away. I pretty much ended up driving to Long's house and turning around. I drove around in my neighborhood. What a nerd. =P hehe It was funny cuz when I came home, my parents JUST got home. And my daddy was all like, freaking out because he thought there was something wrong with the garage and it was opening up by itself.

Anywho, Hubie's here now.. Must go entertain him. haha =P Don't be nasty. =P Soo tired. TaTA

Hubie ate pizza. He's soooooooooooooooo incrediablely (spelling?) cute! *sigh* hehe

Work tomorrow -- 10:30 - 4.. but with Mai!! So it shall be fun and unbusy =) haha

Thursday ~ March 28, 2002



nevermind.. he said it was a dream =/

I was SUPER tired today.

I was going to update cuz there was no one to talk to online, but Shannon and Long and Hubie are all online now! So.. updating awaits yet again =)

DuDe -- I talked to Long for like three hours. Goodness.

Wednesday ~ March 27, 2002
Did you that there are only two days of school left, for this week? Wow, I totally forgot that we had Friday off. What a wonderful surprise =) What a busy week! Mrs. Z trying to cram our Major Paper 1, into one week?~! Whaaaaaat.. =( Then having to do BPA stuff. Not complaining, but I wish other people would help.. And don't give stupid ideas that will take my twice as long to fix.. Queerbait. At least there's only ONE Key Club thing =) Yay for.. Aurboritums? *shrug* hehe

I woke up at, 3am. And came downstairs to see if Hubie would, by some strange chance, be online. He was, but he was sleeeping. I suppose =P hehe Lil Linda was on tho! I was shocked. Little girls need their sleep. haha =P She's neato! We're both on crazy sleeping schedules. =) So we kept each other companying, in the wee hours of the.. morning. =P

I "talked" to Karen last night. Didn't get very far.. Oh well, if she has nothing to say, at least I know I have said my peace! hehe =P Load off my mind. And for the record, everytime Hubie's mad at me or I'm frustrated, it doesn't always have to do with Karen. So -- don't be an ass an assume! Crazy heads..

Work tonight... I hope I pass my English Vocab. Vocabulary is kililng me in that class. =/ I don't know where my Siddhartha book is!!~!

Thanx to dear DJ for listening to me, before I exploded. hehe Sorry I never returned online last night.. I fell asleep =P hehe

Alas... I must get my shit together to go to school =( I abhor school, it's so dreadful and picayune. ooOh.. SAT word. =P

Picayune - of little value or importance

Go TrAcY! One for the team!! =)

Monday ~ March 25, 2002
Teddy will always and forever be my babee fishie! =) hehe

Ahh.. I went to bed at 7:30pm last night, so I totally skipped the Oscars. Then I woke up at 12:30am to do my homework and stuff. Got online, to see if Hubie was on, and I think he had JUST gone to sleep. Shucks. And Bryan told me that he wasn't going to Prom with me. hehe *inside joke* So I started reading Kokoro. I didn't finish till 3:15am. Instead of going upstairs to sleep in my room. I decided to sleep on my couch. Fell asleep on my comfy couch. When my daddy woke up, he usually goes to check on me sleeeeeeping. So when he didn't find me there, he was like.. ahh! hehe But alas, he found me curled up on the couch. He was trying to cover me up with the blankets. I had one on my feet and one on my chest/arms. I was like.. "AhHHh! No.. must wake up daddy!" Anywho.. so that's probably messed me up. I don't know how Alex does it. =P

So came home after dropping off Teddy and tellin him he's my fav.. haha Me and Hubie drove around EVERYWHERE looking for stuff to give little kids for Easter. Then I went home.. at like 5pm.. took a shower.. ate.. and then went to school again for the NHS thing. I got to talk to John Tapee!! I miss seeing him every other day. haha =P We had fun in English last year. He's a neato burrito man. =P And he's mighty tall. I saw Karen's mom there. I yelled, Hi Karen's mom! And she actually looked over. That was neat.

Anywho, the NHS induction was not through till 8:00. Me and my daddy went and got some cookies and punch in the cafeteria, then I brought him to the BPA room, to see my friends and meet my teachers. Low and behold, they all left! Talked to Crystal for a bit, she told me what all we needed. So I went out and got all the stuff that we needed.. This little girl walking through the mall carrying two huge bags of toys. Then went to Boston Market cuz I was hungry, and I love good cheap food. =P Ended up bringing Mai home. She said everyone at work was grumpy. How poopy. =/

I miss Hubie. He's playing UT. BaH.. What a nerd. He's so fun to hang out with. Hubie always knows how to make me smile. I think I take that for granted. I should stop hitting him. =/

Sunday ~ March 24, 2002
Nothing extraordinarily great has happened to me. I hung out with Crystal, Hubie, Teddy, and Peggy on Friday. We went to the mall. Peggy's soo funny! Actually, I kind of kidnapped her. She was chilling in my car with Teddy while I went to talk to my teacher. And Karen wasn't there yet. So I asked Peggy if she wanted to go with us. But then Karen and Alex came out.. So we were like.. DUCK PEGGY!! hehe =P Man.. me, Crystal, Peggy, and Teddy went to McDonalds at the mall, and we couldn't figure out what we wanted because we had a VERY limited budget. So I turned around to see if anyone was behind us, and I only gave a glance, saw 2 guys. So I told them to go ahead of us. Then all of sudden, like 15 guys were in front of us. Peggy, Teddy, and Crystal were like... TRACY!~!! Look what you did!~! I swear that there were ONLY 2 guys behind us.

Went to watch the Debs show with Hubie and Mai. Hubie, Mai, Ai, Teddy, and Peggy are my favoritest people to be around. They're so fun and comical =) Anywho, the Debs show was awesome! Hubie's so cute! It was over at 9:20. So we went to the Cafeteria to see if Peggy was there. Talked to Ms. Driscoll a bit and then Hubie and Mai talked to Kathy. I was signing and wording to Peggy. Her date was pretty cute. After we left, we were all hungry and thinking of where we could eat. I suggested Boston Market cuz they accept credit cards and me and Mai would get half price. But they close at 10. So we came to my house and ate some cold pizza. Then went to eat ice cream. Mai got this BIG ol' ice cream cone. Hubie and I shared a sundae. He's soo cute and sweet. *mwah!*

Hubie came over Saturday night. But he was sleeepy. He went to sleep in the middle of Don't Say A Word. That was a pretty good movie though. I poked him in the face.. He still didn't wake up. Doopy.

Work was fun today. Talked to Rodney on the phone, he won the bball campionship this weekend! Go Rodney! hehe Me and Mai had lotsa fun. Played hangman! Ah.. The fun..

Watching the Dixie Chicks Uncut on CMT =P ... Kevin came over the other night and I was watching BET. He was like, Tracy... this is BET.. I was like, I know that.... hehe =P I hope he did good at his soccer tourny in Tennessee!

Friday ~ March 22, 2002
GOD DAMNIT!!~! The only thing I have to look forward to today after school is digging in the damn trash. Awesome.. You think your day sucks? DIG THROUGH THE FUCKING TRASH.

On the plus side, I scanned a lot of my birthday pictures last night. I also helped out Kevin because he had soccer practice.

I love you, Crystal!!!

Thursday ~ March 21, 2002
Thanks to everyone for caring about me and asking what was wrong.

But, fuck you, to the select one that laugh in my face when I tell one of my friends what happened to me last night. I may not have a gun to threaten you with, but I do know: what goes around, comes around. You'll get what's coming to you. Don't worry. Everyone always does, and we all know you're nothing special. And don't you EVER EVER bring any kind of drugs into my house.

Still crying. After I came home today, I was throwing away my Minute Maid into the trash behind my garage. And I opened the trash can, low and behold, all my missing stuff was there. Like the whole trash can has my stuff. So I'm standing there, digging through trash to find anything that I can recover in there. I found a bunch of stuff that I was keeping, for memories sake because my parents aren't the kind of people to save things from when I was little. I found my posters, torn up. I found nearly everything. But since I'm short, I have short arms, and therefore could not reach half the stuff in the trashcan. I was outside for nearly 20minutes. So tomorrow after school, I shall return to my digging in the trash can for my lost items. I can't believe she threw everything I had away. I finally went up to my room tonight and was looking for exactly what all she threw away. And started crying again because it was depressing. Earlier today, when I was about to take my nap, I cried myself to sleep because half my stuff was missing.

MAYBE the Feng Sui in the room is messed up and I shall go to hell now.
Maybe this is a subtle sign that my mom wants me out of the house.
Maybe I'm a big baby and can't handle change.
Maybe my mom really was trying to do something nice and clean my room.
Maybe I need to talk to someone who is now sleeping, in the middle of my crying! =/
Maybe I need to get longer arms so I can dig in trash better.

"half of the stuff that was in my room is fucking gone :'(
you think it's funny? fucking laugh in my face.. you'll get what's coming to you"
That is in my info, but I did not get robbed. Sorry.. It won't let me change my info.. So don't think that only my room was robbed. heh

I needed you! I needed someone to talk to. *sigh* But I also know that you need to sleep. I barely got to talk to you today. Alas, I understand we're not official (or whatever), but you abandoned me! Poo on you.

Wednesday ~ March 20, 2002
I can't fucking stop crying. I've been crying for nearly 45 minutes. And the tears won't stop. Someone help me please. ='(
Tuesday ~ March 19, 2002
Today sucked. Spring break also sucked. Monday didn't suck. I have to work tonight. Hopefully Margarito won't be there to mess with me. Nick is going to be there, and I'm suppose to ask him if he wants to go watch a movie with me, Mai, and Ai this weekend. He's pretty new to town, and I don't think he knows many people. And Rodney's going to be there tomorrow, so he can save me from the stupid Mexican that's like.. borderline harassing me. GrR

Roger's leaving tomorrow. It's going to be mighty sad not having him there. I know we don't talk like, everyday. But he's always there when I need someone to listen to me, and can't actually go to my other friends. He's neat. I'll miss him muchos.

Everyone has been sick of school for the last year now. It finally kicked in for me. I can't wait till summer vacation. I know I can wait till graduation, because I have a MAJOR fear of getting older and in turn dying. That's my biggest fear in life. I know it may be a silly fear for some people, but it scares the beegeezus out of me. Maybe not so much as if I die, but if people I love die. Family.. good friends.. ect. =/

"She's so pretty, that just ain't me." <~ That describes how I've been feeling lately. Read into it as much as you want, but you ought not to.

Wednesday~ March 13, 2002
la de frickin da!

WowIE! Luncheon *yesterday* was pretty fun! Peggy's a neato girl. hehe She's soo funny! She got bored while the Big Boy Scout was talking, so she folded her cloth napkin into an airplane. hehe My mommy called me RIGHT before I was to introduce everyone. They kept laughing at me.

Today kinda sucked. I cried a lot. Don't ask me why. I'd just like to thank Teddy for being there for me! hehe He has pretty PJ bottoms. haha

The world is going to end. =(

Work was fuN! Rodney was there! hehe Everyone kept tying stuff to each other's apron and untying them. It was funny.. haha =) I got to leave early! YaY! hehe No work tomorrow! awesomeness

I've learned... that I use revenge most often, instead of working things out. *sigh* Sorry Hubie.

Monday ~ March 11, 2002
Plan for today -- Get gas!!~! hehe Go to bank to cash paycheck so I can pay my lovely mommy back. Then sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. I woke up waay too early. And then finally work. =( Poopy! hehe But maybe after work, I shall rent Princess Diaries and watch it by myself hehe =) Ai said it was a cute movie! So.. *ponders* I shall..

My plan went completely down the toilet. None of tha happened.. cept for the fact that I went to work.

6 Month Anniversary of September 11.

You know what I remembered?! At the end of the car wash on Saturday.. Van, Alex, Karen, and I parked our cars next to each others to take a picture. The first picture was of just the cars. So the three of us stood back while Van was going to take the picture.
Van -- Ok, ready.. 1.. 2...
Alex -- THEY'RE CARS!! Where are they going to go?~! Ok, keep that pose, perfecT! Yeah Babee!!
Van -- Oh YeaH! I'm so used to counting!
Karen and Me -- HAHaHahaHaHaHAha
Van -- SHUT UP!

Okie, that was mucho random.

Must work today.. But Mai's going to be there! And tomorrow.. And Wednesday, but Rodney's going to be there! hehe

Awesome new song -- Vanessa Carlton's Thousand Miles Away and Shakira's Underneath Your Clothes

Sunday ~ March 10, 2002
Hey peoplez! This weekend has been tiring.. Maybe it's just Saturday's tired-ness going over onto Sunday! hehe

On Saturday, we had this car wash and it was FrEAKiN cold man!! But we pulled through and made pretty good cash! hehe All the money we raise is going towards Key Club Convention. Hopefully we won't have to pay much... I honestly don't have a problem with the costs.. But some other people do. So helping them is nice and good hearted. Maybe it will make up for all the mean and evil things I have done.. hehe

Then we had a new officers meeting at my house. Me and Ai had gone out before that to see if we could find stuff to buy for some of the Key Club Officers. But my mommy called me and told me Mrs. G was already there. She got a Harley and a Corvette. DaNG! hehe Linda and Tracy came! It was nice to see them again. They're the sweetest ever! They all gave us a bunch of information.. pretty overwhelming. Poor Ai has a lot to remember and do for next year!! DaNG I just "assist the President in every way" .. Ah up his. hehe

Then everyone went away and had fun. I didn't go cuz we had my Daddy's Birthday Dinner! =) When everyone was leaving, I was talking to my dad, and told him that everyone was leaving to have fun. He asked if I was going with them. I sadly told him that I wasn't invited. My daddy was half happy half sad.. hehe Happy because I would be spending more time with my family and sad because his daughter is a loser. hehe

Today was quite interesting. No one showed up at the car wash for one. So we all went to Wal-Marts to see if we could have a bake sale in the front. So hopefully that will work out and we'll be able to make more money. hehe Then me, Hubert, and Van went to eat Dim Sum with Karen's family. That was interesting.

All went back home and then our plan was to go to Willow Bend but that fell through because Van couldn't go. And I didn't really want to go with Hubie and Karen.... Cuz I'd feel very weird. So they both said they were going home. Then I went out to my car *parked in the front with their cars* and saw Hubie get into Karen's car. I don't know why, but I wanted to shot myself in my foot. They were going to go to Willow Bend.. *sigh* Then I called Van and asked him if he wanted the pizza that Linda brought us.. So I went to deliver that to Van. Karen and Hubie came back so they could bring Hubert's car back to his house and then go to the mall. ... Went to Van's house, told him something. Came home and slept so I wouldn't have to think! hehe Great plan! =)

Helped my mommy a little with dinner and then talked to Ai. Decided to go to KC's house with Mai and Ai. Plan was to go to PuttPutt. But alas, we (Cuong, Darvin, KC, Mai, Ai, Hubert, and myself) just stayed at KC's house and then went to watch Alex and Van play tennis. Ai and Mai were playing.. Kind of.. Then Ai threw a tennis ball at Mai.. =X

Finally home @ 10:40! hehe My daddy was like.. Home so early? =) hehe Silly head. So tired. Off to bed.. So I don't have to think. =P

Hubie got me a duckie towel. My consolation prize? hehe

Work tomorrow. Stupid ass. manager.. knows we have Spring Break, so he schedules me for every day possible. Gay wad..

Tuesday ~ March 5, 2002
BLAH! LOoOkiE! BUnNIeS, in honor of the upcoming Easter DaY! =)

Work was fun. I got Rodney's numbeR! OoOOh. hehe But just so I could tell him when to come to our KEY CLUB carwashes. I told him that cute Asians girls were going to be there. So he was like, "Aite, I'll go!" haha And the fact that he loves me.. But I won't tell him that. After work, I went to Hubie's house to drop off an Oreo Brownie. And he lives WaY out of the way! oMg!

Ms. Scribner is going to kick Hubie because of the bunnies. hehe I showed her the bunnies because we're doing a volunteer project for little kids, and we could use the bunny design. And she was like, I understand that one is Hubert, who is the other one. So I told her and she asked if me and Hubert used to date, and I told her that we still are! ANd she's like, WHOA! hehe =oP She's an awesome teacher! She's sooo fUn! hehe

Sunday ~ March 3, 2002
My Wet Seal discount card expires today. How sad. =( hehe

I have to work today!! BLAH.. I reeeeeeeeeeeally don't feel like it.

Hubie came over last night! He's soo cute =) hehe Having glasses suck booty. Hubie, Kevin, and Kyle watched Black Hawk Down. I kept falling asleep. Then Hubie kept falling asleep. I don't know if it was boring or not, but I was dead tired from being up all day and then chasing little kids around. Hubie left at midnight, and I rushed to bed. *I miss Hubie!* hehe

There was a Malaysian Party last night. I was the money collector. Twas fun. Then I was the video girl.. and had to tape the Lion Dance performance. The big Gold dragon came up behind me while I was standing on a chair video taping Kyle and Calvin. Scared the crap out of me!!!!! So their tape probably has a lil yelp. hehe Then all the kids played tag. I met a new boy! He's 12, so don't get any ideas. He looks like Kevin, dressed like Kevin, and moves like Kevin. I think this new boy is a younger version of my brother. Anywayz, chasing little kids is fun cuz they think you're going to catch them and they run like CrAzY, but alas, they always seem to get away =) hehe I love my little babies!

Cuong had a party thing too! I heard a buncha people went! hehe But I head that Glass House was a crappy movie.. *sHRuGs* That not pretty girl is in it though..

I must work from 9:30 - 4 today.. BLAH! And Rodney's not working, so it's gonna be SUPER boring! Anyone want to drop by and say hi? =) PUHLeAsE!!~!

Sometimes I wish I had Van's job or something, but I handling medicine.. other people's live.. ehh... no way man. Working with food is great hehe .. Well depending on who you're working with. The only down fall is the stank and the crappy ass music that they play. I asked Clay (asst. manager) if we could like, bring a CD and change the music. He said, he wishes but the music came from a satelite. Blah..

Off to work! I feel like a grown up!! hehe

Saturday ~ March 2, 2002
Wow.. Exactly a month.. hehe That's a long time for no updating

Nothing spectacular is happening. Work is okie. School is crappy. Family is good. I won Vice Presidency for Key Club! Go me!! hehe Having second thoughts though. Van is the new President. Apparently I still scare him and I want to shoot myself in the foot so I can leave the room when he's in there. There's this enormous amount of tension between the two of us. For the record, he started it. =P It's been like.. nearly a year since me and him have been friends. Who knows how long it will last. Probably till graduation. We're both stubborn, but he's stubborner.

On the happy note, me and Alex talked for like the first time in months last night and today. I went to Owl Conference this morning, but it was canceled. Then I took Komson home. Man.. he's tall!!

People suck.. Relationships suck.. Stupid white people suck.. Stupid people suck..

But I do like my chicken nuggets

Yes, me and Hubie are together. No, we're not Bf/GF. I know we look cute together, stop telling me!

Some people need to disappear.. like *poof* no more..

Bah Hum Bug Today was POOP!~!! Huge poop. <----ThIS BiG---->

I went to the mall, by myself, and got lotsa stuff. hehe I got new Steve Madden shoes, Wet Seal shirt, and a buncha stuff for my daddy. His birthday is on Thursday. Then I went to my work and dropped off my... leave work notice.. or whatever. Just to tell them which days I can't work. Anywayz, going by myself is neat. hehe But no one to talk to.. so I sing to myself. People must think I'm crazy. My mom made me go to Dillard's to return stuff for her and I had to go to like 4 different registers ALL over Dillard's because they suck ASS!~ When I bought shoes, the guy gave me all my change in quarters! UGH! GAYASS

Speaking of GAYASS... in my computer class, there's this white guy, Willis. Who is a total poser, but not skater poser, like race poser. I don't think he's aware that he's white, PASTeY white at that. Bleh.. He kept calling me and Crystal "The Asian(s)", which (to me) is disrespectful. So I turned around when our teacher -was- there and all his friends, and told him off. "Don't ever call me 'The Asian'. I have a name, it's Tracy, so USE IT!!!!!" The guys were like.. OoOOOh and our teacher was like, "yeah~! Or you can call her The Sweet One or The Smart One or etc." hehehe I was like.. BOooYa!

Me and Mai Inside List:
1. Pretti Boi
2. Fat/Skinny Ass
3. I'm stuck!!
4. eWwW
5. Full Moon Mary/Ass. Manager
6. "I'm not taking advantage of yOu!"

Saturday ~ February 2, 2002
Just came home from work. Van visited me today. When his car pulled up, I told Jay that my friend was here! And he saw a boy step out of the car, and he was like, Oh FRIEND! Sure.. hehe I was like.. NOO!! haha I told Jay that Van was running for President and I was running for VP for Key Club. So later, when it was like 1:45, Jay was like.. Hey you want to go visit the President? I was like.. Excuse me? He said, It's not that busy.. so you can go! I'm standing here wondering what the crap he is talking about. And it finally clicks that he means Van! haha

I hafta work tomorrow too.. 10-4 *GAG*

Went to watch "Into the Woods" last night with Hubert and Mai. Alex, Van and Cuong were there too. It was the cutest play ever!! It was sooo funny! Andi did a great job. hehe

The Key Club election is going to exciting. haha I'm pretty sure I'm running for Vice President. And I heard Minh isn't running for that position anymore, but Alex might. I don't have much faith in winning if Alex runs, but I will still try, nonetheless =) Might as well try. And I'm planning to run for President of BPA. I hope that works out too! I know Rony and Hubert will vote for me! hehe Two votes!~!! I'm set man.

Hope you feel better Teddy!

I didn't go to school on Thursday. I had a panic attack or something. *sigh* And it's probably caused by stress, but of course, instead of backing off of what I do in my life, I add more things. I think I'm asking to be sick.

Wednesday ~ January 30, 2002
AHH! Today sucked really bad. And I wanted to cry all day, but I was not going to draw attention to myself and do that. I fell asleep in Government. For like, the first time EVeR! Anywayz, yeah, I had to stay after school.. And Teddy was in my car cuz I bring him home and he's kind of sick. Anywayz, I went into my car, and like, just let everything go. I didn't stop crying for the longest time. And I even started to not be able to talk normally.. GRR

Weekend is booked. hehe

Yesterday at work, green beans kicked my ass... And I smell like a big chicken. hehe

Monday ~ January 28, 2002
AhH! This girl, who shall remain nameless, is on the verge of hating me. GrR! I kind of know why.. BUT it's not really any of her business anymore. Blah.. Whatever. There's always that one girl in every grade. hehe

Work today.. Twas neat.. only two hours.. No biggie. But certain people, ahem, you know who you are, are suppose to visit me. I don't wanna hear this "But I don't know where it's at!!" crap. hehe Find it!! =)

My cousin is funny.. He was on his wife's SN and asking me how much I got paid, so I told him.. and he said "I see Celica on the way!! ;-) It's only about 3800 hrs of work" hehe So encouraging huh? =)

Sunday ~ January 27, 2002
One month till my best friend, Shannon's birthday. I don't know what to get her. HmMm! hehe She has a boyfriend and a car and accessories. SoO I hafta go find something fun and funkified.

Wow, my birthday party was like, 2-3 weeks ago. Um, it was pretty cool! Everyone got me Hello Kitty things. =) hehe And pajamas and socks and this really cool CD. Hubie got me The Calling CD!~!! IT's an awesome blossum CD man! hehe Um.. We watched Kate & Leopold. Joseph, David, and Elmo didn't go though. GrR~! Boys were being stoopid. Like.. racing to my house or something. I was like.. yall are sooo fucking retarded. BuT! Whatever floats your boat.

I hang out with Teddy a lot now. Who knows why. But he's my BaBEe! hehe Just cuz he's a fishie and I'm a Junior! =) I hafta have some kind of senority over him. hehe He walked to my house yesterday. He has some family issues.. and just started walking. CrAzY! And I don't live particularly near him either. DaNG! Anywayz, he kind of smelled because he had been outside for so long. So he didn't hang around near me much because I kept telling him that he was stinky. He hung around for an hour or two. Then KC IMed me and said he wanted to go somewhere. So me and Teddy went to get gas *he cleaned my windshield for me cuz he saw me doing it and having difficulty and he pumped my gas!* and then met KC at Starbucks. Then headed off to Collin Creek. Got Laura stuff. I felt pimpin! KC and Teddy around me. wowie. haha

We left at like 5:30 and went to Richardson Square cuz there was a Malaysian Club meeting. And I knew my lil kids would be there (my lil kids = kids I babysit). Lulu, my aunt, was making fun of KC and Teddy left and right. MAN she's awesome. haha I tried to convince Carmen (age 7) to fix her hair like Teddy's, but she refused. hehe Anywayz, we hung around there and ate. Then went to pick up Mai and went to watch Kung Pow. Teddy gave me a piggy back ride, and I popped him in the jaw. haha Then his pants were fallin off, so Mai decided to step on them, and *RIP!!* the bottom part ripped off. So I ripped the rest for him and we all signed it: Me, Mai, and KC. Mai and KC went into the movie to save seats and me and Teddy waited for Hubert. The movie was SHoRT and BorInG and ReTArdeD!

I got a job. Not a big deal for most people, but it is to me because a lot of people picture me as this lil spoiled Chinese girl that never has to work for anything in her life and on top of that, they think I'm a ditz. SO FUCK YOU ALL! =) I got a job!!~! Showed your ass. All my cool friends will visit me @ Boston Market, riiiiiight? hehe

I'm seventeen man.. DaMN

WiLL yOU Be my vALeNtiNE~!?

Tuesday ~ January 8, 2002
Wellyz, Haven't updated in a while.. shocker. I'll write about my birthday later. But for now.. All I have to say is.. All moms will forever and always hate me. GrR
Sunday ~ December 30, 2001
It's New Year's Eve Eve! =) hehe

Me and my mommy went to the Galleria today. Twas fun. I saw Nina and Brittany in Armani.. And so I chilled with them! WowIe Nina is a very impulsive buyer. haha She's soo funny! I had so much fun with those two. Then they left and I went to EXPRESS and back to Macy's. I ended up getting a new Nine West wallet and a DKNY shirt. YaY =) hehe FinALlY! But nothing at Express. Poo. Anywho, later I met them two up at Black Eye Peas. Chicken Fried Steak is yummy good! =) hehe And now it is only 6:45 and I am bored out of my mind.

I was going to go watch a movie with David, but his mommy says it's too cold to go out. My brother was like, what does that have to do with anything! Crazy Asian parents. Anyways, no one (no one meaning Karen can't, David can't, and Hubert's dead or something...) is able to go out.. And Kevin doesn't want to hang out with his dorky older sister.

Hope yall have a good New YearS!! =) Make a good resolution and kiss a good person!! hehe =)

Thursday ~ December 27, 2001
Only ten days till my birthday!!!~! =)

I watched Hannibal yesterday night. I thought it was a lot scarier than it actually was!!~! Me and my brother went to Blockbuster, and he wanted to get Final Fantasy and I wanted Hannibal. But Kevin hates watching movies with me because I kinda talk and get scared easily... So he was like, invite one of your friends! So I made Kevin call Hubert.. and I invited him over. haha But me and Kevin ended up going to three different Blockbusters, because we didn't notice that they had a new release section for DVDs!!~! hehe That suckeD!! Silence of the Lambs was much freakier. hehe

I couldn't get to sleep till 3am last night. That sucked. I like sleeping early. hehe I was watching the movie on Showtime at 1am, with Steven Weber. It was sooooo funny!!! I don't know what it's called though. =P

I was soo happy that me and Roger started talking again, but turns out that he does not want to talk to me again because he does not want a rebound crush and he doesn't want to use me to fill hole of rejection from Jasmine, with me. I guess I thought Roger would be one of those friends that would always be there, you know? As much as he hated me before, we were still friends in the end. So.. maybe that's I'm crying. Writing in here is my own little cheap therapy. =P

I need to find MANDY!

I talked to Minh last night for about an hour because I couldn't fall asleep. He's the only one with a cell phone that I could call so I won't wake up other people. You people need to get cell phones so I can call you in the wee hours of the night and you can talk until I fall asleep. duH! =)

Another thing, some white guys are soo hateful. No, I'm not talking about Roger. hehe But all of you probably know who I'm talking about.. Anywayz, he will not get off of my case. People keep telling me he must have the hots for me. His info is pretty much dedicated to me.. and everyone that owns an Import car =P I don't see how people can have so much hate inside of them. Especially, when the hate they feel towards that person is not legit! I mean... If someone did something to you or your family and they do not forgive the third party, then ok, I guess. But when everyone forgives everyone... but you still hate, what's the point of that? Maybe he just needs to get laid. *shrugs*

Tuesday ~ December 25, 2001
Friday ~ December 21, 2001
Didn't do much today.. Just chilled! =) hehe I brought my brother to get food and see his friend to drop off a present. =P Michelle's soo cute! haha

Me and Aaron went to Collin Creek. I got some stuff for my brother. Lotsa people there, but I found a parking space! I saw Minh driving around too.. and I called his celly. Van was with him.. Yay...

I have no cash, so I hafta wait till my daddy gets home to eat out. Too bad McDonalds doesnt accept credit cards. GrR! I'm hungry. But I got some cookies to pass the time =)

Thursday ~ December 20, 2001
YaY! No school. But I still woke up early. hehe =)

What am I going to do today?! Well, tonight I have this FAITH charity thing to go to because I just love Mai and Khanh so much to give away my night and five bucks to. hehe I'm hoping Cuong will go with me.. But *shrugs* Trevor, Hubert, and KC are going to the mall. They are all my backup dates! hahaha I'm just kidding! =)

Me and my mommy went to the mall yesterday. It was fun =) hehe I got this yellow jacket, with two zippers. I don't think it comes apart. I was standing in the fitting room forever figuring that stupid thing out. hehe We also bought stuff for my daddy and cousin... which so happened to be HuGE!!~! Had to lug it around.. BLaH. I got this cool beanie at Wet Seal. It's silver and SpaRklY! hehe It's cool man. At least all my brother's girl friends thought so! =) And that's all that matters. =)

I just sent out some XmAS cards. So Shannon and Trevor should be getting one.. sooner or later =P They aren't cute Xmas cards. I don't know if I bought them or my daddy. But, what can ya do. =)

I have a lot of yellow things. My room, my pajamas *so happen to be wearing right now*, smiley face thing in my rear view, and my mom's like, I never knew you liked yellow! I asked her if she ever went into my room. =P

I need to go to Target and get my film developed. I still haven't developed the pictures from the pageant... which was like, in August. =X

Do yall tell your mommy's everything? I do! hehe I don't know why. I guess I just like talking. We went to lunch together yesterday at some "Vietnamese Cuisine" place, I don't see where they got the -cuisine- part, but whatever. Anywayz, and told her about who likes who and who hates who and what not. hehe She's funny. I tell my daddy to! So my parents are hip. haha =)

Monday ~ December 17, 2001
Wellyz, it's been way too long since I've updated this thing. A lot has happened. What can I say? hehe

For starters, I guess, I MC-ed a fashion show. That as quite fun. It was a little kids fashion show by the way. They were the most adorable things! I dragged Hubert along to MC with me, but I guess I forgot to tell him, until the night before. =P

School is out in three more days. Isn't that awesome?!

I messed up things really badly with one of my friends. I think he's avoiding me. I'm pretty damn sure he's avoiding me, but it's easy for him because he goes to another school. I don't know what to do!!~! If he doesn't talk to me by like Wednesday, then I'm going to his house. I'm making this boy talk to me whether he likes it or not. hehe *sigh*

Anywayz, I can't sleep. And I know why, and it bugs me. hehe At least I don't have to go to school early tomorrow. =P

Oreos are good.


I went to the mall and movies and dinner with my friends yesteday. That was fun. Hubie's so sweet! hehe Mai is the bestest person to hang out with. She's my new best friend. hehe haha Old Navy has some cute socks. I saw Elizabeth working and doing her Old Navy thang. hehe Ocean's Eleven is a good movie!! =) It's quite interesting, but not as funny as I thought. It really is an all star cast. The beginning is loaded with famous people. Mai can eat! She ate a sirloin thingy.. *shrugs* It looked big.

Anywayz, hopefully I'll get back into writing in here more often, because Hubie keeps yellin @ me to. Good Night!!~! =)

Thursday ~ October 11, 2001
One month anniversary of the tragic WTC attacks ='(
Besides all the tragic-ness I've -changed-, @ least to my boyfriend I have. *shrugs* I'm not all affectionate anymore. hehe Ah wellyz.
Homecoming is coming up and I can't go. GrR...
Everything is weird now.. I don't feel.. happy. I'm happy by myself. *shrugS* GrR though..
Thursday ~ August 30, 2001
Nothing much has changed. I still hate school.
I HAVE A CAR! 1998 GREEN HONDA ACCORD LX My Mommy bought an E320 =D
Monday ~ August 20, 2001
I hate school. GrR
Anyways, this weekend was really cool. I finally went to watch Rush Hour 2! It was hilarious!! hehe I went with my whole family. It was a family day, very strange. It was great though.
Then we had this big ol family dinner! Lotsa crabs!!~! hehe My mommy was like, tell Minh we had crabs!!! hehe *inside joke*
Elmo called me.. UH oH~ hehe Minh was kinda angry.
First week of school sucked. I hate IB. DAMN! =(
I'm in WebMastering right now.. Nothing to do.. So I'm finally updating. hehe
TaTA before I get caught =)
Wednesday ~ August 8, 2001
Today was NeATO! My mommy made me go to the mall. So she dropped me and Minh at the Galleria while her and my brother went to the doctor, but that was all after we had lunch at Tasty China. YUmMy I got an Express shirt and some pants from the Gap. =D I am officially very short. LoL
Express - small button down blue shirt with a little cute belt
Gap - khakis in the size of 2ankle, in other words, short. =)
Then Minh left and then I was going to sleep, but my mommy woke me up. She was like.. TrACY!! That guy is here!! And what I'm thinking is, "that guy" just left, that guy being Minh. =) But it was the wonderful funderful Trevor. Coming over to prove that he did paint his car. It looks sooooo awesome! He's gonna be pimpin it up at Naaman this year =D
Monday ~ August 6, 2001
WaSsUp! Didn't do anything today. hehe. Just slept a lot and watched two movies. Big Daddy and Loser. They're soo funny! And of course I talked to Minh a lot. He kept recording what I said on the phone. So it's really weird parts of our conversation. hehe He has some saved, so.. If you wanna know what I sound like or anything, email me! hehe I sound like I'm two. LoL =)
I got a Pearle Vision Catalog in the mail today. They have these killer glasses that I want. I'm not into contacts cuz my face looks naked without anything on them. LoL Yes, I am strange =) Anywayz, yeah, they're really cool =) Don't know how much they are though. Probably expensive cuz when I read what they were called, they're KENNETH COLE SEXY HEXY. heheh Minh was all proud. hehe He loves Kenneth Cole stuff. hehe Yeah, the NiNEwESt ones looked alright too. =)
Fear Factor is on. The bestest show ever!!! h ehe
AsianAvenue Personal Page
Sunday ~ August 5, 2001
LoL I haven't updated in nearly a month! I don't know what to tell people anymore! hehe
For starters, I got my license! =) Not sure about the car yet. GrR! hehe My parents keep changing their minds about who will actually get the new car. Cuz my mommy wants a Mercedes. And my mommy *more than not* gets what she wants. hehe And if that happens, then my daddy will get the 4runner and I'll get the Accord. -1998 Dark Green Honda Accord LX- OR we could just get me something like a 1998 Maroon Toyota Corolla =) *shrugs* It'll all work out in time, but maybe a lot of time. hehe
Another cool this is that me and my daddy painted my room entirely yellow. My mommy made me yellow curtains and a yellow canopy. I have a princess bed =D And I already had yellow sheets. *not cuzza wet dreams, HUBIE!* So all I need left is a yellowish comforter. hehe And I rearranged my room =) I was in major decorating mode, can't you tell? hehe I have some posters that I don't want anymore. Mainly cutesy gurlie stuff.. So if anyone's interested in like, little doggies and kitty posters, then gimme a holla! haha I sound ghetto. I put up all my cool posters and stuff in my closet. I have a walk in closet. =) I have like.. Zelda, 007, random car posters, and lotsa BSB stuff (calendars, posters, pictures, and more!). =)
I've been chatting a lot on AsianAvenue lately. =) It's fun to meet new people. I know, personally, that a lot of my friends hate chatting to people they don't actually know and stuff, but I find it interesting =) It's also neat cuz they can go to your personal page and find out more about you and maybe what you look like. So a hand full of people are tellin me that I'm cute and pretty and what not. =) I think it's cool! But some people would be like, ooh they're lying to you to get blah blah blah and so on. But I'm just thinking, why would they bother lying? Or So what if they -are- lying? Ugly people need ego boosters once and a while =) Besides, it's cool to have friends from all around.. To me at least =)
I've grown up, maturity wise, a lot in the past month! Isn't it amazing. I'm still a goober at heart though. hehe Lemme see.. I skipped class a couple of times *I'm a rebel* and applied for lots of jobs. NO CALL BACKS @ ALL!! =( I suck ='( And I drove by myself. =) Minh lets me drive his car all the time. A week or two ago, me and Minh were going to buy random school stuff and my mommy knows his car doesn't have AC or anything, so she told me to take the HONDA, so I -of course- asked if I could drive it. And she asked if Minh was going, and I said of course. And she was like, sure. I was like.. WHOA SHIT! =) It was cool. I drove all around. I even busted a UTURN cuz Minh hadta go to his bank. =) I was all proud. hehe And I helped little fishies at Fish Camp. I felt old and small though. LoL =)
Tax free weekend is this weekend =) I went to the new mall yesterday with my family and my cousin, Jason. He has a SUPRA! =D It's mucho neato. The mall wasn't spectacular. Stonebriar kicks it's ass anyday. But it is pretty. They have neato cars, Jags, to look at. I personally hate Jags though. hehe I think they're the ugliest thing to hit the earth.., car-wise. They have three stores that I think are pretty cool, Reference, Forever XXI *which is two stories* , and of course my beloved store, EXPRESS!!!!!!!! hehe
Miss Asian America Pageant is this Saturday. Me, Kevin T., Kevin W., Minh, Loc, and Tex are going. =) I got a neato black dress from a while ago that I never wore. hehe Hopefully it'll be lotsa fun! =D
That's all the major stuff I can think of right now.. I'll hopefully come back later and write all the intellectual stuff I know you people love hearing from me. =)
BTW - Yelling @ me while I'm driving is NEVER going to be a good idea!! DaMNiT!
TrEvor?! Where arte thou? hehe
Happy DJ!?! LoL Finally updateD! =)
Monday ~ July 16, 2001
*sigH* I'm BACK! hehe For those of you that don't know, I went to San Antonio for the weekend to chill with my cousin. Right from the airport, we hit up the outlet mall in San Marcos! WowIE!! hehe It was fun! Verily big and lotsa walking in hot weather. hehe I got stuff from EXPRESS and new shoes. Oh yeah, and OLD NAVY Jeans... so sad huh? hehe =P Then on Sunday we went to the RIVERCENTER mall. I got a BANANA REPUBLIC shirt there, shirt for Shannon, shot glass for my brother, POLO shirt for daddy, SANRIO Hello Kitty key chain for my mommy and a Hello Kitty student planner for moi =) Spent lotsa mula. hehe And ate lotsa too!
Today in SAT class was fun. First half was really boring. Stupid math stuff. But the second part we played hang man. Me, Dzuy, and Bessie. That's like the most fun thing I've done with them in a while! LOL! Sad huh? hehe Simple things in life people, the simple things. =)
Thursday ~ July 12, 2001
Yesterday I did my highway drive time =D I did good! The teacher lady, Mary, told me not to be nervous cuz I was doing really good! So I was all like. WHeEe! hehe
Minh's like, really tight with my family. Yesterday he dropped me off at driver's ed and just went back to my house to chill with my brother and his friend. And then he came to pick me up and my mommy gave him money to buy groceries for her. Isn't that funky? hehe
My next drive time is the 16th.. That's the test!
Nothing really major happening
Minh's mommy left on Tuesday. She was really cool!
Shannon comes back on Saturday. But I'm leaving on Saturday.. GrR
If anyone is volunteering for CAS hours somewhere and want someone to acompany them.. I'll go!!~! =) I just don't wanna volunteer or do something alone. Yes I'm a wussy.
I talked to Roger the other day... I turned him gay. hehe
I'll try to update this daily again.
SOMEONE GO TO MISS ASIAN AMERICA PAGEANT!!~! Minh and Tex and probably Melinda are going.. I need someone else to go! =P No reason included
PSAT classes started Monday. They're not too bad.. Till you get Patak.
BTW - I'm only updating this cuz DJ yelled at me. hehe
I'm currently looking for a car. My cousin, Jason, is helping me too. He has a new 600cc Yamaha bike. It's tyte! He let me ride on it =) I was happy! hehe He also has a Supra. =) He's coooool huh? hehe I want a Prelude or CRX. That's what my cousin wants me to go for. heh A Honda CRX. Those are cool! He used to have one... He also used to have a Mitsubishi 3000GT. Isn't he lucky!? DaMN! hehe
Who's Line Is It Anyway is on, so I'm off to watch it! TaTA
Wednesday ~ July 4, 2001
*~*~HApPy JuLy dA FOuRtH!~*~*
Tuesday ~ July 3, 2001
It's me n Minh's two month anniversary! =) hehe YaY =)
He came over today. =D Twas fun! hehe He's really tickle-ish. =) It's funny! =) He tickles me too... I sound like I'm crying.. so he kinda stops. hehe And I kick like mad! So.. Don't tickle me.. Be fore warned =)
I haven't been working on this because I've been busy! I went to Shannon's house this weekend! FinaLly! Her sister's birthday was yesterday. She got lotsa cool things. I gave her a picture frame. Me and Shannon went out on Sunday night to meet up with some of her guy friends. We went to Starbucks and then Snuffers, then Fun Fest to play pool... But ended up playing Dance Dance Revolution. Then lotsa their friends came up. It was fun! hehe Then Monday we went to Chilis, and random other places. Then we went to watch Shrek! That movie is soooo cute! =)
The only movies I've seen this summer are Tomb Raider (with Minh) and Shrek (with Shannon).
I just went to the mall. I drove to Collin Creek and to the grocery store and then home. Congratulate me =)
I got Paula a present. Her birthday was Sunday!
I'm going to the *Nsync concert this coming Sunday. Gonna have lotsa details on that! =)
Oh yeah, I bought some clothes up at the mall. Forever 21 is the kickest ass store ever =) hehe I got this short/skirt thingy. And a white shirt. I like white! hehe I have like.. white jeans, shorts, overalls, and lotsa white shirts, and white vans (shoes). WoW.. How many people can pull off wearing white!? =)
Peanut Butter cookies are the bestest cookie =)
Monday ~ July 2, 2001
Sunday ~ July 1, 2001
Friday ~ June 29, 2001
I woke up waay too early today for a drive time! Only 5 more to go.. Damn.. hehe
My daddy made me a deal that is.. he pays for my car, fully.. but I can't go out on weekdays and my curfew is 10 on weekends. And I probably get like a 1996 Civic.. *crosses fingers*
Me and Kevin got in a verbal arguement! Tsk tsk
I met Minh's mommy yesterday. He came over and brought her... She's really sweet and cute! hehe She said that I was "pretty good".. What's the suppose to mean?!
Temptations are here today!.. WoW
I got my hair cut! I like it lots! hehe I got it in the style that Tamara Mello has it. She's the cute chick from Popular.
I had a talk with my mommy today... Good I guess..
Minh's mommy came over with him yesterday. So it was the first time we met. hehe Her and my mommy talked.. Me and Minh played with her Palm Pilot dilly. hehe She's really sweet n cute. My mommy thinks she's really nice too! His mommy said that I was "pretty good"... What's that suppose to mean? Should I be scared? hehe =P
I hate smelly people.
Sunday ~ June 24, 2001
Alex's birthday party was pretty fun! hehe I got to order 15 McChicken sandwiches. They sure did look at me really weird. hehe
I did my first drive time yesterday. Twas nerve racking. hehe I didn't hit or kill anything. So that's good. =D
Minh ate dinner with me, my brother, and my daddy last night. We went to TAM'S. He's weird. lol =D

<~~ Neat? *shrugs* Just bored on a Sunday morning. Woke up too early. hehe Messing around with Adobe.
*FLAVOR* ~ I was listenin to American HiFi's Flavor of the Week. =D I'm not weird. :D
Friday ~ June 22, 2001
Thursday ~ June 21, 2001
HowdY! hehe I'm getting really bad at not updating this. hehe
Yesterday I went to Collin Creek and Galleria with Tex, Melinda, and Minh. I'm never gonna go out with all of them unless I'm totally for sure that we're going to the designated place. DAMN! hehe I always get in trouble when I go out with them. They're really cool n funny and stuff, but Tex always changes the plans from what I thought we were gonna do (what Minh told me we were gonna do), so I end up getting home later than I'm suppose to. Always get yelled at! And I'm not the kinda girl that will sit there and get yelled at, I'm all ready to yell back. So I was yelling into my cell in the middle of FOSSIL @ the Galleria. LoL I think I scared the crap outta the sales dude who was helping me.
Speaking of fossil, I had to replace the battery that died on me the second day of my vacation. It takes 2-3 weeks! What kind of crap is that?!
I have scheduled 4 drive times.
1. Saturday (June 23) : 10-12
2. Friday (June 29) : 9-11
4. Wednesday (July 4) : 9-11
3. Thursday (July 5) : 1-3
Yes, I know that 3 and 4 are switched. But the chick said it didn't matter. And I want to get thru with all this so I can get a license and build up my parents little trust it me.
I hope I go to San Antonio. SheESh! I haven't seen my cousin in forever. =(
Minh eats with my family a lot. hehe
I haven't talked to Trevor in forever too.. I dunno if he wants to talk to me though. *shrug*
Off to clean and whatnot =P I need to rearrange my room, but I'm weak!
I'm actually exercising. I'm so proud of me. hehe =)
Monday ~ June 18, 2001
OH SHIT!! I got a permit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven't updated in a long time.. Been very lazy. hehe
Father's day was cool.. I gave my daddy a massager thingy from Brookstone and Perry Ellis socks. hehe
Went to Melinda's party on Saturday. Me and Minh left early. We went to McDonalds. The sanrio toys are gone!!!!!!! DAMN THEM Then we went to Berkner park. It's fun there! hehe Didja know you can actually see stars?! I never knew that. hehe
Minh's here. I think he's staying forever. hehe
My mommy tells me repeatedly that I'm fat/getting fat. GRrR~!
"Get Ur Freak On" by Missy Misdemeanor Elliot is da bestest best song ever!
Hubert's my second bestest best friend. haha
Still lookin for a car..
My mommy won't let me drive Minh's car. She specifically said I couldn't drive his car. But she didn't mention anyone else.. So that doesn't get you outta of it Trevor. hehe
I luv you tracy =) I might let u drive my car later =P shhhh hehe....
OoOOh! We got in our first argument last night. hehe And I learned how to spell arguing. =)
Wednesday ~ June 13, 2001
Driver's Ed was cool! hehe I saw Lucy and Karen and Bessie!~! hehe And I took the mock permit test dilly.. I guess that's what it was. I got 145 outta 165 questions right! I KICK ASS!
Tuesday ~ June 12, 2001

Sup? Wellyz, I actually have time to write in here!
My vacation was ok. It was kinda boring. Sitting on a bus for that long should be illegal. The tour guide man was INSANE! He always sang and stuff.. crazy. And the whole tour was old people! OMG! hehe But they were really nice and funny. They said I was pretty =) hehe But they also said I was too old to have a stuffed animal {pekkle} *shrugs* hehe
Wellyz, we went thru Seattle and stuff.. then Vancouver.. then Calgary... then various other places with gorgeous mountains and lakes and stuff.. I swear that that is all that there is in Cananda! hehe They got some good Chinese food. hehe We went to Lake Louise <~~ SOO PRETTY!!! hehe I slept most of the time.. hehe I'll post some pics of the trip later.. When I get them from Target =)
Minh came over on Sunday. hehe The first day I'm back and he's already over. LoL =) Very awesome though! And I got a Bad Badtz Maru! But you people already knew that if you read -his- diary entries. hehe
He came over yesterday too! SheESh! haha J/P =) He ate dinner here.. sticky rice is yummy. hehe
Did yall watch "Fear Factor"? That show is screwed up!! I was cringing and everything! YuCKiE! hehe X-Men is now on cable!! Showtime or Cinemax.. forgot which. And Gladiator is on HbO! hehe
BTW - I'm using AznBabie16 again for AiM.
Hmm... I think I'm gonna quit choir this coming year and get rid of some credits.
I started Driver's Ed.. Hopefully I can pass the permit test this Saturday! Wish me LuCK! hehe Only me and the two chicks that I sit by talk.. EvEr! Even during our break.. everyone just sits there. Cept us three.. We're always talkin. haha
Oh yeah! For all those people that had to live through Minh's constant complaining and stuff while I was gone, I'm sorry!!! hehe I came back as fast as I could. I didn't mean for him to get on your nerves or anything. hehe ... But isn't it sweet and cute? hehe
Lotsa people's birthday's in June!
Manda - 2 || Mommy - June 5 || Melinda - June 12 || Van - June 15 || Alex - June 22 || Cuong - 29
Anywho, me and Shannon haven't seen each other in FOREVER! So we're planning (yes planning) to meet on Thursday @ the mall. We suck at planning... hehe Cuz originally it was gonna be on Wednesday, but she got a DATE!! OoOOh!!~! hehe So we pushed it to Thursday. She's always working. *wonders* When am -I- gonna work? hehe Not lookin forward to it!
Anyone got a cool car that works and is purdy that they wanna sell to me? Preferably a Honda or Toyota =) hehe =D
I'm off to take a nap... hehe
Where's TreVor?!!?
Minh's @ court.. LoL.. Poor babee.. hehe

Sunday ~ June 10, 2001
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!~!!!
Miss me? hehe
Anywho, I'll update yall about my funky trip later... Now Minh's here... and my brother and daddy and him are all reading various things at the kitchen table while I'm here typing to update you people. =) hehe
I got yall some random stuff from my trip!!~! Be waiting, cuz it's soo damn cool and alll .... NOT =) hehe
Shannon ~ sorry, no hot guys.. they'se got some oooogly ppl up there! LoL
Friday ~ June 8, 2001
Today I woke up at 2:30....today I stayed inside the house and never set a foot outside...today I wished that I could go see my Tracy....today was very slow for after I woke up, I went to sleep at 4 til 6...today I did absolutely nothing...today was actually a pretty nice day....Well anywayz...i think tracy comes home tomorrow =) YAY!!! it's about time huh...well yeah...i've been just sittin here chillin, thinkin bout things to do to pass the time til she gets back...can't wait...k well have a good summer...maybe tomorrow she'll be back to take over this diary agin =) bai bai and tata
Thursday ~ June 7, 2001
Got back from my cousin's house today...damn, i played CS from 6 PM last night to 6 AM this morning...can u say addicted? well newayz i went for sum dim sum today...we were the onlee ppl there haha...but it was tyght...damn I miss tracy like crazee, since she ran outta minutes on her fone card...oh well, it makes me realize what a great person she is....yeah, got home at like 6:30 to my cuzin's house across the street, then came home at like 9:45...since then just been sittin here chillin...yeah, that was my day...pretty boring but it passed the time =) Have a good summer...
Wednesday ~ June 6, 2001
I'm at my cousin's house in Grand Prairie...I'm waitin for Tracy to come home so I'm tryin to pass the time here....I like it here...it's rilly cool...I miss tracy and everything's been really repetitive so I dont have much more to say...so I guess see ya tomorrow...
Tuesday ~ June 5, 2001
Hmmm...no call today either...but she ran outta minutes I'm so happy I'm with her...can't wait til she gets back...hurry home tracy...=) OK well, not much happened today so I guess I'll keep it short...Peace like a pie, i'm out
Monday ~ June 4, 2001
My baby called me, my baby called me... =) i so happy...well today was odd....i went to my cuzin's house and got helped him a lil bit...then went to go get some sushi =) yum...then went to his gurlfriend's house and got some stuff for him...then we went to richardson...I got Tracy a lil Bad Badtz doll...hehe yaeh...and that's my day...I'm still rilly full from that sushi tho...we spent about 80$ on that stuff....it was werth it tho...Miss u tracy...*always on my mind*
Sunday ~ June 3, 2001
=*( One month today...I miss you tracy...Today I went to my cuzin's baby shower, her older brother got in a motorcycle accident at 4 a.m....he's rilly fucked up...luckily no broken bones...I'll try to upload digital pics later...yeah, he was goin 55 down 66 and a fuckin cat was in the road, he swerved, missed the cat but started to skid and the bike flipped he got thrown from it...all he was wearin were some jeans, a wifebeater and his helmet...so he has all road rash...its pretty bad...his hip is all screwed too, that's why he can't walk...well, i spent most of the day tending to him along with his sister and two other brothers....and besides that, the baby shower was kinda boring...i ended up playing some counter-strike =P...Yeah, well I had gotten a call at around 10:50 or so and i was really hoping it was tracy, but my cell got fucked up and dropped it....It was tracy, but she didn't call back...IT'S OUR FRIGGIN 1 MONTH TODAY! AND MY CELL HAS TO BE GAY LIKE THAT =*(...I wanted to talk to her so badly but noooooo....I miss her so incredibly much...I luv her that much too...it sux...I wish that she would have tried just one more time and I woulda been rilly happy.....but I guess everything happens for a reason, but I hope this is a really good reason because I rilly can't stand not being able to talk to her..and today was a mighty important day, well to me newayz....i miss u tracy and i rilly wanna talk to you...pleaze hurry and come home...
Saturday ~ June 2, 2001
Ahhh....I'm so bored...I woke up at 2 today! =P I kinda wished that she called yesterday, but she was prolly busy or something or didn't wanna waste the minutes....but still i wish i could just hear her voice =( very sad...but oh well...I miss her a whole lot..I'm prolly just gonna go back to sleep to pass the time....this summer has been kinda boring since she left...the only time i've left my house was to check the mail...haha....I'm such a bum =) oh well...I hope she calls soon and I'll keep everybody updated! =)...HUNNIE!!! CALL ME!! keke...goodnight..er goodday...whatever...I'm goin back to bed...it's about 2:30 PM...i just woke up =)
Friday ~ June 1, 2001
So my hunnie's been gone for three whole days...and, well nothing much has changed here...so I'm gonna keep this one kinda short....I miss her a whole lot now and can't wait til she comes back...and it's official, everybody has left me now....my cousins are in Florida as of today so I have nobody really to talk to...ahh shiznit..i shoulda asked to borrow the PS2...oh well...I'm counting down the days that my hunnie comes home...I miss u! =(
No call today...I'm just online cuz I waited 2 hours...kinda sad but rilly werried too...hunnie...where are u? I miss u...i looked forward to hearing ur voice today =*( well everyday for that matter...I rilly want u to call...
Thursday ~ May 31, 2001
Day 2...are we having fun yet? not rilly...this sux more and more....and i'm not makin it any easier, just walkin around my house in my boxers bein bored as hell...My day consists of:1. waking up, 2. eating, 3. getting on the computer, 4. sitting here, 5. whatever happens from there....that's pretty much it...kinda sad how much excitement and joy Tracy brings into my life =)...she's so awesome and oh yes, mine...she called yesterday at like 11:30, which was 9:30 where she was, but yeah it rilly made me happy..YAY!....and she might not call today, but its ok. I still gots Pokey...oh I talked to Melinda (Tex's gurlfriend) from 10 to 2 last night...we were very bored and oh yes, very lonely...all we talked about for the 4 hours was our hunnies...she misses Tex and I miss Tracy...too bad for her tho, she has to wait almost 2 times longer than I do before her hunni comes home....and on top of that, he didn't buy a fone card! =) I got Tracy a fone card so she can call me whenever =) yay....and she did yesterday...good for me....she rox and she's so awesome...well, I think I'm gonna jet now...sooo pEaCE OUt
Wednesday ~ May 30, 2001
Gone! In Seattle/Vancouver/Calgary
Chillin at home right now...gonna be here for a while..dad got mad can't drive anywhere and hopefully i can in 10 days hehe...well, she's gone and I'll be taking over this thing =) She called me at like 4:30 this morning to tell me she was leaving...very sweet of her =) I was happy....then she called at about 7:00 cuz she missed her plane hehe...it was her fault lol...kinda funny but good for me i guess...cuz i got to talk to her a lil bit more =) awww hehe....well she's gonna catch the 7:45 flight and it'll be all good...(She thought the screen said gate B3, but it was B30 and the stupid screen didn't show the 0) but its all gravy...my day's gonna be hella boring and rilly lonely =( oh well...at the end of the day, I kno i still gots Tracy....YAY!
Tuesday ~ May 29, 2001
Today, went over to Tracy's house at round 2 or something...I chilled there for a little bit and then decided to go to the mall with her...went to Richardson, she got some pants we took sticker pictures =) and then we got her bro a magazine. I bought her a frap and a lil cheesecake. Went to Target afterwards and got her a phonecard for tomorrow and the other 10 days =) I stayed at her house again for dinner =) very cool...chilled there with her family and then just watched TV and talked with her verily cool...left at like 9:40 and got in a little bit of trouble with my dad haha...oh well it was worth it, not like I have many places to go now...especially with my friends all outta town and stuff...oh well...it's all gravy...Well that was pretty much the day....Oh, and 29 days and the streak ends =*( but it set a record =)
Monday ~ May 28, 2001
This is Minh...hence the gray. LAN game was today. Me and Tracy spent almost 12 hours together =) I picked her and her brother up at around 11 and we left at 6, went to micky d's and went back to her place. I stayed til about 10:20. We watched Charlie's Angels and I watched part of Project A by myself haha...oh well, it's all good, cuz at least I was near her I guess =)....4 weeks straight =) but yeah....some stuff went down, but I'm gonna always be there for her =) except on wednesday and the ten days following =( well, peace out.
Sunday ~ May 27, 2001
Slept all day...
Saturday ~ May 26, 2001
SIX FLAGS!! With Amanda, Bessie, and Joanna! =) It was sooo fun! =) hehe me and Manda were very bossy though. hehe Bessie bought a batman shirt.. it's purdy damn cute!
"We hafta sit n digest!!" hehe
I ate all day!
Minh came over at like 10:30. I was crying and sad and stuff. ='( We sat on my front porch till the sprinklers kept hitting us. haha And he gave me an ADIDAS visor cuz he bought the wrong one. =) Good for me cuz it matches my ADIDAS jersey! YaY! hehe
He bought capris!! GrRRr!!~
Friday ~ May 25, 2001
Minh came over and we chilled for a while. Then I went to Tex's for a little bit... =D
Thursday ~ May 24, 2001


Yeah.. Yesterday was fun! hehe I went to the mall with DJ and Minh. DJ has a really cool room!! hehe
Happy Birthday yesterday to Paul... Dude, have you ever heard of constructive critizism? "Your daily is boring!" <~ Then don't read this genius.
I hafta dress up today... Stupid speech.
Trevor's last day @ GHS! ='(
I kept getting into arguements and fights with my mom yesterday. UgH!!! When I'd say I only had so and so many days of school, she'd roll her eyes and stuff. So she kept giving me attitude all morning yesterday. She was being so mean!!~! Stupid mom.
I got a Hello Kitty happy meal yesterday =)
3:40 @ Hot Topic =)
HeY bAbEe!! I'm soo~Oo sorry. ='(

Minh came over to eat dinner with me and my family. =) It was soo cool =) hehe And then he stayed till like 10:40!!~! Only cuz Tex hadta go home. We watched MI:2 =D VERY FUN!!~!!!

Wednesday ~ May 23, 2001

1 day of school left

I'm at home and it's 8:30!! This kicks butt. Minh woke me up @ 7:50 though! GrRR hehe But I hafta study for Spanish. Damn I wish I knew some Spanish. hehe =)
We get early release! Wonder what I'm doing. I'll tell ya laTeRZ =D
Kevin is a lucky ass! He doesn't even have to go to school today!
Tuesday ~ May 22, 2001
Today was mighty fun. =)

2 days of school left

I was gonna say something insightful, but I forgot..
Anywayz, I need people to sign my yearbook!! I keep forgettin to bring it to school! GRr~ And Minh's beating my ass bad! =(

This is Minh writing! =) wassabi ppl that actually read this. I'm Minh, the one that Tracy talks about =) She's a rilly cool gurl if u didn't kno and i think she's the bestest person in the world. I'm bored so I'm writing on here....and yes, I am studying my french hehe....wow 22 days now =) Bye ppl.
hehe That was my hunni!! =D
Sunday ~ May 20, 2001
I just went to First Baptist Church with Minh... Who am I?~ I felt sooo very very awkward there. Like I -knew- I didn't belong.. Just this weird sickness in the pit of my stomach. Nothing against Christians (or anything) by any means! But.. Not my thing.. Not a believer.. Don't kill me.. =\
He let me drive cuz he didn't feel like it! I thought he was just drunk. =) It was sooo cool! I like driving his car! And he told me to floor it.. =) That was sooo cooooool!!~! hehe =)
My mommy says my dress is ugly. Poo on her. =P
20 days in a row =D
"That's a stop sign!" hahah
Saturday ~ May 19, 2001
I went out with Trevor tonite! We were gonna go watch Shrek, but we went to Wendy's first. We ended up talking for a really long time and missed the movie.. So we just went to the mall and I tried to buy him something for his car. I'm the only one that decorates his car! Isn't that cool? hehe I got him bracelets, dice, and a sticker. =) Anywho, I got lotsa lil things for people. =) Then we went to Minh's house. He answered the door nakeD!! Poor Trevor. hehe We chilled @ Minh's for a lil bit. Twas a good nite =)
Yesterday was weird. hehe The top 100 sophomores went to this assembly thing for the seniors and some juniors. It was about their scholarships and how much money they got. It was very long! Eh.. I was with Minh though =) hehe And I got lotsa people to sign my yearbook. =)
Me and Minh have a bet that I can get more signatures than him. But *pst* I think he's more popular than I am. hehe But I hafta win, cuz if I don't , Manda's not going to school on Tuesday. LoL! The bet is that, if I win, he hasta pick me and Manda up on Tuesday cuz we're exempting the exam. But if he wins, she gets no ride. hehe
I added lotsa pix to the pictures section (*gasp* duh) the other day.
Yesterday, me and Minh walked to Tex's house... Yeah.. chilled there for a little bit. Then went to Minh's house. Then to... Melinda's... Then to Galleria.. I fell asleep on Minh's lap =) I hafta take a nap! I'm such a baby!! hehe
OMG Tex and Minh are soo rich and high maintanence. The stores they went to (seriously) were A|X, Kenneth Cole, and Banana Republic. DuDE! Maybe that's normal for some people, but not me! Minh bought me a shirt from EXPRESS. I absolutely, positively, LOVE that store. hehe My favoritest store.. Next to FOREVER 21.
My daddy got mad at me though because he thought I lied about going to the mall. I called him and told him that they wanted to go see a movie. And he was like.. blah blah blah.. plans always changing.. blah blah blah. So him thinking I was lying pissed me off. And I told him that I don't know when the movie started and so I didn't know when I was going to get home. Then he asked who I was with. So I said, Minh, Tex, Melinda, Kathy, Tiffany, and Tammy. And he was like, right... So him thinking I was lying again pissed me off! AND my mommy didn't tell him I didn't go to the mall that I assumed we were going to. Maybe that's why he thought I was lying. GrR! So then we were going back to Melinda's house (I realised after we passed the exit for the movie theater) and so I just asked if they could just drop me off. And when I walked into the door, my daddy was like, what are you doing home? So I said, "You sounded pissed on the phone, so I came home". Thinking I would get like, a good girl, or something positive, ya know? That's a legit request right? But NO~ The hoe bag was like, *mean annoying tone of voice* GOOD! GrRr!!~! Wanna kick him in the neck.
Anywayz, stayed in my room and took a shower and stuff. Wrote a page thing in Trevor's yearbook. hehe Then Leandra came over! We talked for like.. 4-5 hours not noticing the time. It was awesome. hehe =)
4 days of school left.
"What comes around goes around" - I'm very happy that that will always be true. =) I miss my mommy
ThanKiE MiNHi~ =) (BTW- I got 50) hehe
Oh yeah, And I feel down today.. =( And got water all over my left leg.. and GrRR!!~
Wednesday ~ May 16, 2001
Ya know what I hate? People that only talk to you to ask what happened in a certain class.. or what was on the test .. It's retarded! WHY DON'T YOU JUST F*CKING STUDY?! I mean, it's cool if you're friends with me and actually talk to me other than homework/test crap, but some people are really retarded and don't understand the basic fact that they are using that person. I really wanna tell them off, but it's not their fault they're completely igonorant and selfish!! UgH!!~!!!
Other than stupid people, my day was really good!! hehe I lost a bet.. but *shrugs* It's all good. hehe I took the Chemistry test. YaY! I don't think I failed! This'll be like, the second test I will actually pass in the class.. for the whole year. Sad huh?
PEOPLE ~ STOP USING PEOPLE!!~! I can name off soo many people that just flat out use others. No, I'm not saying that I never use people. But I don't -think- I'm that blantant about it and I'm actually FRIENDS with the person I'm asking help from. I hope I don't use people..
TReVOr ~ STOP!! hehe Sign something meaningful in autograph pages okie? *sniff sniff* Since you're leaving and all.
MiNH ~ I LOST! DaYmN that was fast.
OoOoh!!~! I was talking Caleb and lotsa people think he's really hot and fine and stuff... me included! hehe And he was like, I wanna take pictures of you.. So of course I asked why.. And he said, Cuz you're gorgeous! I was like.. excuse me!? hehe He's soo sweet! He's a senior, I'm gonna miss him though.. *sniff sniff*
Enough venting =)
Now to be a spoiled brat... I want a messanger bag. =)
Off to talk to MinHy =)
Tuesday ~ May 15, 2001
Today was okie. I talked to my mommy finally about what's been on my mind. Manda and Minh know what I'm talking about. So.. That was kinda sad. Lotsa crying involved. hehe
I hadta stay after school today and Minh was sooo sweet that he came back after dropping off Aivy and took me home =) AwESOmE BF! =) hehe
Me and Shannon haven't seen each other for like a month or two! SO SAD!! =( I miss her!! We're always busy. And when she's not busy, I am, and vice versa.. ALL THE TIME! GrR!~!!
Thanks for being there Minh. I really hadta talk to someone before I punched something/someone. hehe =)
*aHeM* You're -not- whipped!
I bought Trevor a present on Sunday.. He put it on his car!
I got Manda presents too =)
PS- A really good song is "Always On My Mind" by One Voice *sMiLe* ... It's special to me.. hehe =)
Monday ~ May 14, 2001
Manda is the awesomest!! She saved my butt today!!~! MAjOrLY! hehe I semi saved her's. hehehe =)
Sunday ~ May 13, 2001
Happy Mommy's DaY!!
Minh just dropped by. hehe I've seen him everyday for the past like.. 2-3 weeks! hah It helps that his best friend lives down the street from me. hehe Last night, me, Minh, Tex, and Melinda went out! It was purdy fun. Tex picked us all up. He as the coolest car ever!!! It's awesome. I want his car... Acura Integra. Anywayz, Tex and Minh picked me up and then we went to Melinda's house, then bought tickets to "A Knight's Tale", then walked to Sonic {cuz Tex didn't wanna lose his good parking spot hehe}, then went to watch the movie! It was good! Some white guy like.. kinda stepped on my foot.. but not really, but I yelped anyway. hehe He was all apologizing and stuff... and I told Minh that it didn't really hurt, and he didn't stop laughing (@ me!) hehe.
I was a good girl yesterday. =) I really was!! I cleaned my rooms, vacuumed, did my laundry, and exercised (very little though). hehe Oh, I did my nails too.. my toe nails. hehe
I felt scrubby (Minh's word) last night cuz Tex and Melinda were all like.. nice dressed. I wasn't yuckie, but I was like.. summer dressed. hehe Floods, FlipFlops, and a pink Tank! hehe Whoa.. I was -kinda- name brand last night. WetSeal, OldNavy, Gap. I hate OldNavy and Gap. I only got the flip flops because they're REALLY cheap and cute and I didn't have flip flops. hehe And the Gap shirt was my mommy's. But she's not home, now is she. Yes, I am spoiled and blah blah blah.. all that crap that you can call me that won't be original. Just because I notice the labels on my clothes and don't go buy any old thing from Wal-Mart. BiTe ME! =P
EdgeFest was last night.
I bought my mommy a sleeveless yellow J Crew shirt cuz she works outside on weekends (computer stuff) and her favorite color is yellow. And she loves brand names. hehe But she hasn't heard of J Crew before. So I was like.. dropping hints to her Friday morning (I hadta give her the present Friday night), like... "Bessie bought Bonnie some J Crew shoes, they're really cute! J Crew is a really good brand. They have good clothes. Only North Park has the store." LoL! My mommy is a high maintenance woman. She liked the shirt, but she said she had too many sleeveless shirts, so we're gonna go hit up North Park next weekend and return it and get shirt-shirt.
Have A gooD MoTHeR's DaY! Don't forget to give your mommy a big hug and a kiss because it will mean a lot to them. Just don't be a bitch!!~! Mommy's are one of the bestest things in the world, don't take yours for granted. She won't always be there for you... Just love your mommy with all your heart ok?? =) It took me a while to realize that, but I have.. and ish all good. =)
I MisSEd yOu LiKE cRAzY TreVor!!!
Thrusday ~ May 10, 2001
Today was purdy good. =)
I was the first one to do my Persuasive speech! I got a 103 on it! YAY!! hehe I kick butt. =)
haha Oh yeah, Aivy, just wanted to say sorry for you having to wait on Minh! I keep telling him to bring you home.. but he doesn't listen very well. hehe SowWie gurl!!
I had a frito pie today. It was pretty yummy! =)
I realized that I'm going to be busy for the next like, 4 weekends! =) hehe I'm special. haha This weekend, group date thingy.. Next weekend, STuDY stUdY! hehe Next weekend, Amanda's birthday @ SiX FLAGS! hehe And then the next weekend, I'll be in Seattle/Vancouver. =) YaY! =)
Wednesday ~ May 9, 2001
Minh's so sweet! =)
I don't like stupid boys. GrR!
My glasses broke! But I got to drive to get them fixed =) My daddy wants to get me and old Honda Civic. GrR! I want his Honda Accord, but I made the mistake of telling him that it was too big of a car when I started driving. So he's convinced of getting me a small car, like Toyota Tercel or something. gRr! hehe
I took a looooong shower today. That was the only good part of today.
Bryan dreamed bout ME! haha

I went to my brother's Honors Band Banquet last night. It was pretty fun cuz his girl friends are really sweet and cool!! I'm lucky! Everytime I go to a party with a raffle, I win something. Regardless that it's only two out of two times, I still won! =) I won two free bowling tickets or whatever.. wahoo right? hehe And my brother won two free movie passes.
Oh yeah, wanna say sorry to Hubert for being mean to him today in 4th period! =) Forgive me? hehe =)
Sunday ~ May 6, 2001
I'm soo stupid! GrR!
Anywayz, yeah, Roger finally found that entry where it says I hate him! And to get me back, he made a webpage, put a porn picture on there and put my face (from an old picture he has) on her body. *aHeM* LOSER! hehe He wasted time and effort to try to get me back when all I have to do to piss him off is write in here. hehe =) And he knows he's being immature. So.. all power to him. I was pissed, but eh.. His sorry attempt to get me back (or whatever) is beyond pathetic and annoying!
Minh came by and gave me lotsa stuff from Hot Import Nights. hehe Now I got a couple of car posters and random car stuff! =) And a neato shirt! WAAY too big, but I can wear it to sleep! =)
I found out that my mommy won't even be here for Mother's Day. UGH!!! Work seems more important to her than family... GrR! She gave me crap for thinking my friends were more important than shopping/her. I'll write about that later. But she's going to be in San Antonio this weekend. =( And she won't let me go.. But I get to go with her when she goes over the summer... That way I can see my cousin!! YAY!! Ok, good nite!
Saturday ~ May 5, 2001
First off, JAZZ LOST!!! DAMN! And Steve, I'm not bad luck!! =(
Hope the 8th graders @ Austin Academy had fun at their formal dance tonite! Wish I coulda seen you, Teddy! hehe
OKiE: Today was exciting! hehe I hadta rush a lot this morning because I had to be at Lakeview Centenial @ 9am, and it was 8:11.. AND it takes nearly 30mins to get from my house to there. So I hauled ass!! haha I hadta go take the PSAT practice test. I did better this time than in October! By 12pts! =) so YaY! When Bessie came to pick me up, I was still hungry, so I just took the jug of Apple Juice into the car and a Rice Krispie treat. haha I kept calling my brother while I was there because my daddy didn't come yet.. Cuz he got lost. =X hehe
Last night me and Bessie went to this far off church in Rowlett to see some bands.. That she likes. hehe I went cuz.. *shrugS* Bessie wanted to go!! =) hehe And I told Brandon that I'd try to go see him. Obsidion is REALLY good! Even if you don't like that kinda music, you'll hafta give them props! haha =) Some other bands were Inrage, Attention Deficite (I can't spell!), and.. that's all I remember.
Today was eventful! =) I finally got home around 1:00, and then we came back to pick up my brother and went to eat at my favorite Chinese restuarant! Then I got to drive home! My brother sat in the passenger seat and my daddy sat in the back. It was neat! But my brother was scared for his life and so wouldn't let me turn up the stereo really loud. GrR! Yeah.. hehe He's funny. Then I got to drive to All American, to turn in my enrollment sheet, but it was closed. So I drove home =) I'm goooood! Then when I walked in the door, Ann was here! hehe And then we called Alex and Minh, who were like 5 minutes away. Then we started working on the stupid Algebra 2 project. Amanda and Bessie came.. It was fun! Amanda's realy smart!! She's soo cool! Bessie kicked Minh's butt.. Cuz she came later, and she still did more work than Minh. Poor baby. hehe Ann and Alex are soo cute!! Minh bought me a frap and a Hello Kitty stuffed animal (which is sitting in front of me now) and Alex bought Ann the bunny Sanrio stuffed animal.
Ann's trying out for DeBS! YaY! Go her!! GOOD LUCK!!
Everyone left besides Alex and Minh. So they played pool. Then Minh hadta leave cuz he was going to Hot Imports Night. I wanted to gO! I called my cousin, major car freak, to see if he was gonna go and to ask him to bring me. And he was like, you're too young!! And I was like.. bull crap! My friend is going!! hehe And then told me that he'd call me back about it later.. Ahem.. Never called. =(
I invited Trevor to come over cuz my bro and his friend were at the park playing football and me and Alex wanted to go play. But right when I opened the front door, it started raining! UGH! When I was walking Minh to his car, Trevor drove up. And Minh was like, you're other boyfriend is here! And so I said, "Yeah, Trevor's my other boyfriend!".. He looked very confused. haha Alex and Trevor played pool with my brother and Kevin. They are sooo funny!! hehe Then me, Trevor, and Alex went to Target to find stuff for Ann.. To wish her luck! =) hehe IT was funny cuz I had the Good Luck balloons wrapped around my purse, and they got unraveled and floated to the top of my house.. And if you've been here, that's REALLY high. And so... Trevor attached a demon spear thingy to the pool stick and tried to get it.. Very VeRy smart boy. hehe But too short. Then Alex tried to get it, still to short. Then Alex stood on the bar stool and tried to get it.. But finally my brother was just like, push it over to the hall way, and I'll get it. Alex almost killed my brother's face though! hahah And not even 5minutes before this whole ordeal happened, my daddy was like "Be careful! Don't let go of them because you won't be able to get them down!".
Then we went to Sonic! hehe Then to Ann's house! Twas fun!! hehe

I'm going out with MinH! =) YaY! hehe He asked me out on.. Thursday. He's cute n sweet!!~! Verily awesome! awWwWWW!

We had a choir concert yesterday too! Wow.. hehe It was ok.. considerin we only had 2-3 weeks with the music. =P
HmMM... I can't wait to drive!!
Is it incrediably bad when you are extremely happy in other's misery? Not like, people in general.. but a specific person... hehe Cuz I do!! *EViL*
Hi TrEvoR!

Wednesday ~ May 2, 2001
Thanks Trevor for bringing me to school early! I kinda feel bad for the guy I hit with your door though.. hehe But it was really funny!!
Today sucked major butt!! Stupid health test and it's stupid class periods that I can't ever get out of!! Walking back and forth from he science building to the english hall fifty times in one day sucks!!
But I hafta thank Chris cuz he walked me to the Biology room before fourth and was late to his class for me! He's soo sweet! And thanky to Amanda for calming me down when I was really pissed/worried about the stupid test!
Dawson's Creek was awesome tonight!!
Shannon's finally back!! YAY!!!!
I HATE ROGER! He's the biggest asshole in the world, and he knows it! One minute he's like, really cool and the next he's dawging you cuz he doesn't agree with what you're doing. Even though he has done worse in his lifetime. MoFo And he doesn't -ever- mind his own business. AND he's white trash! Stupid cracker.
Tuesday ~ May 1, 2001
It's Tuesday.. UgH!
Miss Asian America
Bestest song ever is - "Follow Me" by Uncle Cracker
I just came home from school.. Me and Minh went to the park! hehe I love the park.. This park had lotsa bars to hang off of! So I hung upside down, like what I used to do in elementary school. =) hehe We just talked and it was cool. The boy drives like a crazy person though!! SheESH!
Outta all my friends, guys are the only ones that drive. And the girls that drive, mainly Karen, can't!!! hehe And I don't think Bessie can either, cuz she's only driven once.. And she's giving me a bad rap with her parents saying that I speed and stuff! DA BUM! heheh
When I came home, I walked thru the door and was taking off my shoes. And if you've been to my house, you know what I'm gonna talk about. She (my mommy) was sitting on the couch in that living room.. and like, she looks at me and she says "Your butt keeps getting bigger" I'm like.. "Ok mommy..." This is the second time she's said that to me!! gRrR!
I dunno what's up with me and Minh... We were holding hands and stuff at the park... But.. I dunno.. I know what -he- wants. hehe
Monday ~ April 30, 2001
NHS awards tonight! I get a patch =)
Sunday ~ April 29, 2001
Oh My FrEakiN GoOdNeSS! I'm in soo much pain! My whole body is sore. I went to the car wash today. But I woke up @ 9:40, when the dilly started @ 10am. So the first words outta my mouth this morning was "Oh ShiT!" hehe I thought it was funny, thinking about it.
Yeah, I got a major tan/burn!! So my shoulders are really red and hurt like a mofo! And my face is pinkish/red. So is Mai's. So I'm not alone. Karen got a little burn on her shoulders too. Me and Karen yelled at soo many cars! LoL It was disgusting cuz some would just like.. wink, blow kisses, or say stupid stuff. Me and Karen got lotsa cars to turn and get their car washed though. And even if it wasn't us who got them to go get it washed, we took credit. heheh
When I was trying to sleep last night, I couldn't move much, so when I was turning or something I woke up cuz it hurt so bad! Pathetic huh? heh
I drove around! hehe I was all like *vRoOM VrOoM* =P Pimping and whatnot.. haha My daddy was right next to me.. what da hell kinda pimp am I?! hehe
I talked to Van.. GrR
I found out three guys like me... I was talking to them, and finally out asked who they liked, and they said me.. hehe I'm flattered. But I'm the biggest goober ever! And they know it, cuz I told them. But they were like, you're this and this and this... They're soo sweet!! I know they can do better though.. even if they are goofy! =D
Saturday ~ April 28, 2001
Ann, Bonnie, Mai, and I participated in Walk America today!! We hadta walk 10 miles. WE RULE! hehe We are the most out of shape people in the world. Do you know how long ten miles is?! hehe We kept stopping and resting and stuff.. so it took us forever to finish! But me and Mai bonded. haha
"Naked MaN!!" LoL
We all got applications for Hollywood Cinemark. hehe It'd be awesome to all work together! hehe
I found out that Van and Kathy are going out again!! Isn't that cute?! hehe I'm happy for them cuz they like each other. But I'm sad cuz he broke up with me cuz he said he didn't want to have a girlfriend or "be attached" now.. So whatever. He's a hypocrite. Eh... Hope they have fun with each other and drive each other crazy!
I got a lil tan! Tomorrow is the Key Club carwash, so me and Mai are gonna be looking CUTE in our Old Navy tankinis! hehe Yeah, we're gonna be gettin a tan.. hopefullY!
Friday ~ April 27, 2001
Shannon's gone! =(
Me, Mai, and Bonnie went to the Key Club social, but it wasn't a great social, cuz only GHS kids showed up! So sad! hehe But it was purdy fun! hehe We just ate and played on the playground. hehe Bonnie and Mai are so fun to chill with! They're so cute! hehe
Me, Bessie, Michael, and Trevor went out tonight! =) We were suppose to go bowling, but it had like a 45 minute - 1 hour wait, so were like, screw that! So we went to Collin Creek. Twas fun!! =) Then we went to eat ice cream! YuMmY! They let me drive after they dropped Bessie off! YaY! Michael's all shocked that I know how to drive! haha =) He bought me a rose!! hehe So sweet!! =)
We played Truth or Dare @ the Braums, but they suck at the game. I was the only person to ask a question. Off to bed =)
Thursday ~ April 26, 2001
School still sucks. I gave my "How To" speech today. I hate speaking in front of the class. The only person I really look at is Chris.. Cuz he's right in the middle of the class. And he's cute.. and always smiles, or looks friendly. I dunno.. Just comforting I guess to look at someone you know and thinks you're a dork no matter what you do. hehe
StuCo kids are gone. =) Which means, Kathy, Van, Alex, Julie, Ann, Erin.. And various other people. At least Van's gone. He makes me sad. GrRR! But I don't like him.. Just makes me sad when he's there. I'll get over it soon enough. He gave Karen his jacket before he left. Wonder why.. *shrugs* Who gives a flying fuck! hehe
Things are always confusing. Someone likes the othe person, but they don't like them, and then like someone else, but end up going back to the original person and then things get confusing so they stop, but then they get back together and things are fine and dandy like nothing happened in the first place. That was just a bunch of incidents that happened to various people that I know.
I have a busy weekend! If things go as planned, I'm going to go to White Rock Lake for Walk America, do projects, go bowling, go to a car-wash, clean and shop =) hehe
I'm pissed off.. Dunno why. But I sing lots when I'm pissed or sad. So it's all good =) You know what's the best pissed off song?! "Fuck Off" by Kid Rock and Eminem or "Hot Dog" & "Getcha Groove On" (f. Xzibit!) by Limp Bizkit. Can you even imagine me rapping to that? Wellyz, I do! I kick.. hahah j/p! *innocent grin*
Having a CellPhone is a pain in the ass. But it's purdy and I feel like a grown up cuz I have one. hehe
TreVoR ~ Buy the material and I'll make a pillow for you! Or I can make it outta my old -cute- army shirt. hehe Whichever you prefer. =) When we going out for our monthly bowling -date-? haha =) Thanks for being there for me and talking to me when no one else was! But sorry you're a sell out for.. associating with me..
I'm not a twinkie.
I failed my chemistry test that I actually studied for. I hate that. I study and it doesn't really matter. WTF!! UgH!! Fuck Chemistry, I'm never going to need it. Fuck IB! Damn AP kids making ice cream in class and they don't even know why! Fair? I think not.
I got locked outta my house today for a little bit, cuz I forgot my key, thank goodness for my celly! hehe Bessie and her daddy stayed till my mommy came home, so sweet of them! But I kept trying to get them to leave, cuz I live in a safe neighborhood, all my neighboors are home. But then my next door neighboor came out to walk her doggy, and she started smacking the tree. And then started throwing stuff @ the tree, and I asked her what she was doing and she was trying to get the squirrel away from the bird's nest in the tree. LoL Bessie was like, she's just crazy!! We're definately not leaving you. hehe
Damn... I hafta pee.. bYe
Tuesday ~ April 24, 2001
School sucks ass! I stayed up and did all my homework Monday night, but I was soo tired that I went to bed early, 11pm. And then I forgot to put some of my finished English homework in my backpack! I had it all nice and neatly done. So I have double homework load for this next homework assignment, and 30pts off! DAmnIt! And I brought all my crap for my speech, but low and behold, I didn't have to do it.
Today sucked a lot too. For one, all classes are really boring. Um... I did all my Spanish homework, but I did it wrong because I'm an idiot. And then I didn't have a lunch. But I just ended up eatting half of Bryan's mashed potatoes and some fries from Taylor. Then in fourth period, I started crying. And the damn teacher says that I have an unexcused absence! I was like... It was probably a field trip, but then I looked in my planner and I was there that day. I've never been absent. GrR! Then I felt like I had to cry, not related to the absent thing cuz I'm not that paranoid. And then Van, Hubert, and Marjo saw me. I was talkin to Mandy this whole time. And like, Hubert and Marjo asked what was wrong, and I honestly didn't know.. So I told them that. And then I was talking to Mandy telling her about how Van doesn't care about me and stuff. And she was like, he does too because he asked me why you were crying. That made me feel a little better cuz he cares about me, ya know? But then I went outside (we were in the dark room talking) and like, he didn't ask me what was wrong, or if I was ok, or anything. So I'm just like, you asked out of courtesty and obligation, you don't really care. So whatever. Yeah, then I found out that my film was the wrong kind, even though the teacher never decided to tell us what kind of film to get, other than "get black and white film". So that sucks ass.
The only good thing about anything is that the Utah Jazz are kicking butt against Dallas Mavericks. Yeah yeah.. I live in Dallas, and I should be a fan, but no. I've liked the Jazz since the 97 or 98 playoffs against the Bulls. Man, they put up one hell of a fight! YaY! Go JaZz!!
I talked to Kathy last night. People think I hate her and all this stuff. I don't hate her.. But I'm not going to lie, I'm not friends with her either. I just think she's crazy/weird. Eh, but who's not... Most of us just keep it inside of us. hehe I think I might have scared her though... Oh well...
Lotsa people talk bad about me. grrR!
I don't know why I'm so sad. Mandy told me that I should tell my parents or something. But I don't want to go to therapy. That's a lot of money to spend to just talk to some guy with a piece of paper saying he's smart n shit.
I think a lot of people come to my site cuz I got 100 hits this week. I get this thing from my counter host. I was like, I'm popular. hehe
Roger said that Trevor is a sell out because he's friends with me again. That's so retarded and immature. Him and Van supposedly hate each other, but they went to find jobs together, yeah.. Much hate there. So talk about hypocritical.
Jack asses suck. Bessie would know cuz the other day was filled with them for her. Sorry gurlie!
Yeah, if any of you people are in my diary and don't ever want to be mentioned again because.. for whatever reasons. Tell me.. And I'll try not to involve you in my day/diary.
Off to bed to sleep off my problems. I'm probably not going to be on the computer tonight cuz I have lotsa homework. GrRR!
I think I'm listenin to Trick Daddy.. Funky song. hehe
21 more days of school!
Sunday ~ April 22, 2001
"There's no point in caring anymore" - A Good Friend
Yesterday I was driving around. And I was talking to my daddy and trying to get him to move to Switzerland. I want to move there. He won't let me though.
I bought a new outfit for $20! WaHOo! Last night I went to a big old dinner. It's a monthly thing with us. Last night was soo much fun!!!~!! The lil kids are soo cute! But Carson kept hitting me for some reason. The waiter dude was really cutE!! So I drank a lot of water (plus I was thirty) and so he had to keep coming over and refilling. *smile*
Friday ~ April 20, 2001
I maxed out my buddy list. WoW! I feel special. hehe Anywayz, today is FRIDAY! WahOo!
Do I sound like a chipmunk?
Boys are pimps. hehe All of them..
I think I'm going to the Celebration concert tonight with Taylor and Kevin. And Bonnie, if she still wants to go. Hopefully it'll be fun!
Tex is weird.. or whoever was on his SN.. -it- IMed me and was like.. white fucker! and all this shit. and Yeah.. Some people are really stupid.
OMG I'm obessed with my cell phone. hehe Me and Taylor got cell phones last week.. exactly the same! It's freaky. hehe And all we do is text message each other! We're goofy like that! So if any of yall have a nokia celly, call or message me! =) *wait* You hafta know my number first! hehe -GooBeR- I Know! E-Mail me, and I'll give you my number.. maybe.. unless you're a freaky scary axe murderer man. hehe *inside joke with me n Shannon*
Today is the anniversary of the Columbine shooting. That happened when I was in 8th grade (1999).
Today is smoke weed day or something.. stupid gay.

OKiE! I'm back from the Celebration concert. It was really long! Like nearly three hours! Taylor picked up me and Kevin and we met Amanda, Heather, and Laura there. Taylor has a Mazda MX6! It's really cool! Her and Kevin are soo funny. Anyways, the concert was awesome! The singers are awesome! Yeah.. just awesomeness oozing out of the concert. But during the country portion, me and Kevin were just writing each other messages on my phone. hehe Yes, we were -that- bored. When we were going home.. Taylor blasted up the stereo and we were just cruising. Twas fun!! hehe
We got a CD Burner! For free too! WoW!!~! My mommy got the hook ups! hehe =)

**THaNk goD It'S FriDaY NiGHt**

Thursday ~ April 19, 2001
I all knew you could do it! All your friends and I wish you the best in the future, you're going places baby! hehe

I'm in Communication Graphics right now (AKA damned school). Most boringest class in the world. Nothing to do in here. Damn. Anywayz, today is rather boring. I wish I had a CD player or something to listen to. DAMN, this is boring.
Today's the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. I remember it happened when I was in 4th grade. Wow.. *sigh* Some people in this world are beyond help and beyond fucked up. If you pray, please pray for those families that lost loved ones and if you don't... just give a moment of silence for them.
On a happier note: Tomorrow is Friday! I can't wait till then!!! No school for like, two days. I have lotsa homework tonight though. Pain in the ass.
Ugh.. boys drive me crazy. But Taylor and Bessie finally figured out what song should be associated with me and my crush.. hehe "It's Gonna Be Me" by *NSync. hehe
Oh! Ann told me that BBMak, Eden's Crush, 3LW, and Dream are going to open for *NSync! That's awesome! July 8th babee! Me, Paula, and Ann be going to see them in concert! KiCK BoOTy!! *SMiLE*
Last night I was talking on the phone and listening to one of my CDs and I laid down on my bean bag chair in the middle of my room. And all of a sudden I started crying. It was really weird! Something's wrong with me. Then when I went to bed, I was crying a little. AhHH! Maybe it's just when I lay down or something. Very strange things happening to me. Anyway, I'm trying to convince my daddy to move to Switzerland and let me go with him. That'd be awesome to live there. I would be happy.. Not that I have anything against where I already am or the people I'm associated with. Because it's awesome here and I have great friends. But I just want to leave. Start over again. And this is a chance in a life time for me. I know I'm never going to move there in the future. So.. I think it'd be cool if I moved there now. My mommy doesn't wanna move there because she'd be lonely. And she brought up the fact that I would be going to school and I'd meet people. So that'd be awesome. I mean.. there's no downside to it! Besides I'm leaving everything I have here. But this is a new-age. There's email/phones/snail mail/all kinds of ways to keep in touch. *sigh* No one thinks like I do though. Oh well. Chances are that I won't leave because my daddy won't leave. Damn.. I really want to do. Before the next school year starts, at least. GrrrRrrRrRRrR!!!!
Enough of that.
I hope everything is going good for everyone. hehe I don't even know who reads this! Besides Hubert. So Hi Hubie! hehe *SMiLE*
Wednesday ~ April 18, 2001
DAMNIT! I missed Dawson's Creek.
But my daddy came home today! That's awesome! I missed him soo much. *sniff sniff* I got lotsa postcards. I collect postcards, btw. hehe =)
Anywayz, today was strange. Last night I watched "Bring It On". That's a funny movie.
I cried myself to sleep last night. For no real reason. Just trying to fall asleep and then.. just started tearing up and ended up crying for like half n hour. *sigh* So I just cried myself to sleep! I really don't know why I was crying. I could make up lotsa reasons, but it wouldn't be the -serious- reason. That make sense? heh I told some of my friends today, and a couple were like, just take Prozac. hehe My friends are being really sweet and caring about me and whatnot! So that makes me feel special =)
Wellyz, only 26 days left of school *YESSSSSSSSS*
Tuesday ~ April 17, 2001
hehe Last night was fun. Me, Paula, Ann, Karen, Trevor, and Peggy went to watch Josie and the Pussycats. That movie is hilarious! It's not like, award winning or anything, but it'll make you laugh a lot! The only thing that bugged me a lot was all the plugs for EVERYTHING! Like Revlon, Starbucks, McDonalds. That bugged the crap outta me!!
OHhH! Me, Karen, Peggy, and Trevor went to Wendy's after the movie. ANd it was really funny. I sat next to the window (across from Trevor n next to Peggy) And it was the window right next to the drive thru. So I kept staring at the cars. LoL.. Yes, I -am- a dork. =) And dinner was really funny. Cuz I only had 3bux and Trevor had a lil less than 10, but then we found money in his car. And Karen & Peggy had 75cents. So.. It was funny =) Then when Trevor was driving me home, I made the mistake of telling him that I hadta pee. So going down Shiloh, he ws going like 10miles an hour! And then he SLOWLY crept to my house, and he was like, is that your house? That one? Over therE? (He knows damn well where I live!) And I was like.. YES!! And then he stepped on the gas and I was like.. NooOooO! hehehe It was funny, I hafta admit, but I really hadta pee! Van was absent today! I was all worried, but then I found out he was just home sleeping. hehe
I had really cool hair today!
I cried today.. go figure. hehe I cry about everything. What's wrong with me?!
I found out that some guys thinkg I'm easy. They're claiming that I did stuff with them. HELL NO! Mother fuckers!
Sunday ~ April 15, 2001
*sigh* Today was rather boring. I went to ride a bike for a while.. My legs were soo spaghetti like afterwards! Then I got into my bathingsuit and went in my backyard and laid there for half an hour. But then the CD player was getting really hot, so I went in cuz, it's not my CD player! hehe Then I took a long nap =)
Then my mommy, bro, and I went to Boston Market to eat. It was purdy yummy... But it started making me and my brother's tummy hurt when we got home. I rented 'Bring It On' and my brother rented two games.. Spider Man and Tony Hawk.
Trevor and Alex came over and played Tony Hawk and Mario Go-Cart. I suck at video games. *gRrr*
Trevor's mommy hates me. And so do Van's parents. And I think Roger's do too. I have that affect on my ex-boyfriend's parents. DaMN That's very depressing. Whenever I enter into someone's life (again) I always end up fucking it up for them. *sniff sniff*
I told my mommy what happened between me and Van.. hehe I don't think she was too happy. I didn't tell her details. Just basically what happened.
I've cried like, every night! *sigh* There's something wrong with me. Someone wanna tell me what? hehe Don't tell me it's cuz I'm -in love-. I don't wanna hear it!!
BTW~ Just to keep the record straight. I don't think that the certain -someone- is a bad person. They're just being weird and strange now. Hope everything works out for them. I do love 'em, deep down inside... regardless of their feelings for me! If you know me at all, you'll know who I'm talking about.
Awesome song at the moment - "Just About Enough" by Sarina Paris
Saturday ~ April 14, 2001
LoL I woke up mad today because I had a weird ass dream. So yeah.. I woke up, brushed my teeth, changed and went out running/walking. Now I'm pretty damn sore. hehe I didn't do much today. But try to sort out everything that has happened to me. Van completely ignored me last night. And I was really pissed off/sad.
Gosh, every moment that I've been awake, I've been eatting.
OMG!! I just ordered pizza. That's the first time I've ever done that in my life! hehe I'm so proud. LoL

TeEnyTiNyTrACy: omg omg omg
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: i just ordered pizza for the first time in my life
FrogMan912: lol
FrogMan912: really?!
TeEnyTiNyTrACy: yeah
FrogMan912: damn girl
FrogMan912: u deprived

Trevor came over tonight and stayed till like midnight. We talked and watched the begining of Romeo Must Die and then watched Gladiator. hehe It's an OK movie. I think people hyped it up too much for me, and so I thought it was going to be this amazingly awesome movie... But it wasn't. Don't kill me

Friday ~ April 13, 2001
It's Good Friday and Friday the 13th! What an eventful day! hehe I was pretty bored today. So I went out with Trevor and we went to the mall. hehe I got new workout outfit. So that should be my motivation to go workout. =) I already did tonight.. Cuz I was really pissed off and so I did 100 crunches and did the TAeBo that I remembered from Dance 1. Yeah.. Trevor invited some people to his house and they played BBall.. I wanted to play. But I guess I just don't play when guys are playing. Yeah.. so me, Karen, and Bessie just sat and then we decided to walk around. =) I ended up crying in Trevor's room.
Thanks soo much to Bessie and Alex for talking to me and helping me understand what's going on! hehe Love yall like family.. My lil big brother and awesome sister that I never had! hehe
Anywho, I'm soo confused. Boys are confusing.
Thanx to Trevor too for bringing me around with him and being soo awesome. Oh yEaH! Thanks for letting me drive. You're not dead are you? I can drive GOOD!
Thursday ~ April 12, 2001
Wednesday ~ April 11, 2001
My week was awesome! hehe I hung out with Van a lot! And I was soo happy cuz he told me he loved me and all this sweet things. Yeah, but about two hours ago, he broke up with me. I've been crying for the past two hours. So.. If you see me Thursday and my eyes are poofy, it's cuz I probably cried myself to sleep. Yeah, I still love him. GrRRr
Tuesday ~ April 10, 2001
Today was SHARE night, for the incoming freshman to see what clubs and stuff they wanna join. Me and Van told our parents we were going, but then ended up just meeting at school, and then went to watch a movie. =) We watched Spy Kids this time. But I was late to school because me and my mommy were talking in the car and she forgot she was taking me to High School and not Middle School. hehe Yeah, there were like 20 people in theater, which I thought was weird, cuz ya know, it's a Tuesday. After the movie, it was only 8 something, so I didn't wanna go home and we didn't wanna go back to school to help. SheesH! hehe And so we ended up going to the park. =) Swings are fun!! =) hehe Van kept eve's dropping (sp?) on the Hispanic people that were there, he was like, they are saying, blah blah blah blah.. hehe I asked him when we were sitting on the playground if we were -officially- going out, and he said yeah. And so I was like, "So I'm your girlfriend" and he said, yeah.. hehe Then like 10 minutes later, I told him he had to answer Shannons question, cuz over the weekend, she asked him if he loved me, and he said that he'd answer when/if we started going out. And so I asked, and he said he did. I was soo happy!!! =) hehe VerY VeRy wOW!!! hehe Then we went away to leave the little baby cuz we just finished a game of tic-tac-toe and were just hugging and kissing. So we went over to the soccer field and sat on the stands and just... sat there... and talked... holding each other.. It was really really sweet!! =) We stayed till like 9:15.. hehe He kept asking me what time it was, every 5minutes on the dot. hehe Then he called his daddy with my celly, and I called my mommy. But we went to Target to get film. Van's really sweet and awesome. I like him lots!! *giddy!!* I'll hush now. =)
Sunday ~ April 8, 2001
WoW! Today was lotsa fun. hehe =) Me and Van are talking a lot and it's soo awesome! =D yaY! hehe I've been soo giddy lately cuz of him. I keep thinking about him and it's just.. happyness. hehe How dorky do I sound now? Anywayz, last night me, Van, Shannon, Hubert, and Karen went to Chilis. I brought Shannon and Karen. So of course the girls were fashionable late *haha* cuzza me and my family. BUT! It's all good. heh And that Chili'S sucks butt! IcKY! I tried something new though, the chicken caesar pita. YuCKiE! hehe And then we went the theater and HeartBreakers was sold out. So we all bought tickets for Spy Kids. But when Karen was buying it, she said "Student ticket to Spy Kids", low and behold, she got an adult ticket to Along Came a Spider. And that seemed like a cooler movie compared to Spy Kids. So we all went to see that. And hadta sit on the second row.. That sucked. Shannon, I, and Van all sat on second row, Karen and Hubert sat right behind us. But then me and Van went out for like 10 minutes.. and then Hubert went out cuz he hadta potty. And the guy caught Hubert even though he had Karen's ticket (which was for the right movie) and told Hubert that he hadta leave with whoever he was with or something. So instead of doing that.. Van told us to just move to the top.. Me and Van sat next to each other and Karen, Hubert, and Shannon sat right behind us. And the movie was much better that way cuz we got to sit in normal seats and not hafta strain our necks to watch anything. =) Yeah, they all thought the movie was good. Me and Van didn't. hehe But then when we hadta leave... this is crazy! I told my parents that Van was taking us home, but he hadta go home right then. So he left and I kept calling my house.. no one answered! And then Fred (Hubert's brother came) and I asked him if he would take us home, damn mofo wouldn't. So then I called home a couple more times. Both lines and the cell phone! NO ONE! And then we called wonderful Trevor. And he came to pick us up! He has a convertable.. and the chicks persauded him to put it down.. It was TYTE!!!!! Then we just played around in front of my house. Trevor lets anyone drive his car!!
Yeah, I had lotsa fun =) *really giddy!!* I really like Van.. =) He said I looked cute last night. hehe *SMiLe*
OMG! Me and Shannon went to Valley View today. And like, I was trying to get a hold of Van to see if he could go. But I couldn't. So we left, then he called my house and my brother told him where we were. And he went there to find us!!! Find me!!! HOW SWEET IS THAT?!?! So happy!! =)
My weekend kicked ass! Sorry for this being so long! hehe
Friday ~ April 6, 2001
Howdy doo! Haven't written in about a week. I was busy doing stupid homework! grrRRrR! My mommy got a new keyboard, and it's a "DELL QuiteKey", but I still type really loud. haha =D
It's the end of the six weeks, and hopefully I didn't do too bad on my report card! *sniff sniff* School sucks! ARGgGiE! hehe I'm in the IB Program right? That ain't gonna get me into any college/university that I can't get into with just being in the AP Program.
Oh Yeah! April Fool's! hehe Only one person 'tricked' me.. TrEvOR! hehe He IMed me and was like, I was turning right onto Buckingham and *bAM* I got hit! And my right leg hurts sooo bad! And I was here, just freaking out like.. OMG!!! ARE YOU OK?!?! And then he was like, April Fools! I was like, you suck! hehe But it was funny *smile*
What's a good movie to see?? *ponders*
**Important! If you have a person in your life that's really special to you, like I have Shannon {my bestest friend in the whole world}, make sure they know it. And this sounds really dorky, but tell your parents too! Like when I play my Backstreet Boys CD, there's a song on there "The Perfect Fan" {it's talking about mommies}, I go up to my mommy and tell her I love her and kiss her on the cheek! *shrugs* Just tell the people that are important to you that you love them.**
Saturday ~ March 31, 2001
Last night was the Debs Spring Show and TWIRP {The Woman Is Requested to Pay}. It was all pretty cool. Karen, Trevor and Hubert all came over and Van drove us there. Van's awesome.. Too bad I'm paying him back cuz he didn't have fun. hehe I -begged- him to go to the whole thing and I said that if he didn't have fun, I'd pay for his ticket. hehe Yeah.. The dance was really... boring. hehe But Hubie was cool =) hehe Everyone was sad!! That sucked soo bad!! I just wanted everyone to have fun.. but they all had various reasons not to. hehe Anywayz, today is suppose to be fun.. hehe It's Saturday!! hehe Maybe I'll just be sad like all my friends. I got my own reasons. =P My mommy went outta town.. Didn't bring me. GrRrR to her. It's nearly noon. So I better get dressed and get ready for the funfilled *gag* day ahead of me! hehe
April Fool's is tomorrow.. You better watch your back! Especially if you have sneaky friends.. *ahem* hehe
Awesome song I just got.. kinda sad though.. "6, 8, 12" by Brian McKnight
Have a radical day! *SMiLE*
Wednesday ~ March 28, 2001
Yesterday ended weird. After I finished writing the previous entry.. I was chatting on AiM to Trevor and some other people. And he was telling me to get all these songs from Tool and New Found Glory.. *like I listen to them..* And I got one or two songs. And then he was like.. get this song!! And I was like NO! And he said, don't make me come to your house and DL them for you! So of course I said, I daRE yOu!! hehe And then he said Brb.. I thot he was just doing that to scare me. But then 5minutes later, my doorbell rang. hehe He downloaded like.. 20songs!!!! GrRr! Yeah, I kept all the New Found Glory ones.. But deleted the ToOL {Sorry Alex and Trevor.. hehe}
Yeah.. For today.. It was neato =) We had donkey ball going on! That's was fun. This guy that I've thought is the finest guy ever was playing. And I was really giddy. *smile* My girl friends know what I'm talking about. hehe
I wish I could drive. =P I don't know why people that have been driving for only a short while make fun of people that don't drive. That's stupid!! I mean.. whoopti for you for driving.. But don't you also remember when you DIDN'T drive. Stupid GaY!
Tuesday ~ March 27, 2001
Today was neato! hehe I don't know why I had such a great day, but I did! So I'm not questioning it much. Me and Hubert are going to TWIRP together! YaY! hehe Now don't you people get any ideas.. We're going as friends! He's just cool enough to say yes to me when I asked him to go! hehe He's so cute!! But I hope more of our friends go... I took a short nap today. But I had a bad dream.. GrrRr! I dreamed that my brother's friend came over, but was wearing a red shirt with a firetruck on it that he made in CommGraphics. And I got mad at him because it was a lot cooler than my Hello Kitty design! hehe And then I went to the garage, and puked. Twas very strange. Anywayz, I have a lot of homework to do. And maybe I'll keep up with my daily diary.
But here's a question: Would people be happier if they were simple? Because everytime I'm suppose to -think- and contemplate about life, it makes me sad and I get into a "LIFE'S A BITCH!!" kinda mood. GrRR to thinking!
Nitey nite and sweet dreams!!