Poems about The X-files!

Fox Mulder

By Me, Madelaine

    Perhaps in love, but no dates, no mates, no wife.

    Does he have a life?

    Searching for little green men

    Without a pen.

    Remember a pencil to throw up into the air.

    When will it stick in the ceiling? No one cares.

    Scully has many good traits.

    She gave Mulder a porno tape!

    How sweet that was. Who could have known?

    Some people might even moan.

    What a bother.

    Trying to find his father!

    Could it be the Cigarette-Smoking Man?

    Oh, what a life to have.

    Could he become mad?

    Lets hope for the best.

    For Mulder needs the rest!

Dana Scully

    By Madelaine

    Joined the F.B.I. in '93.

    Mulder wonders; "Will she ever be a believer like me"?

    Bright red hair and light blue eyes.

    She searches with Mulder where they think the truth lies.

    I will never see the light. (Scully insists)

    Even if Mulder tries with all his might!

    Oh, yes you will! (Mulder talking)

    I have many things to show you still!

    See, look here.

    Now lets go have a beer.

    No Mulder, you known I don't drink. (Scully talking)

    What did you think?

    Just remember Scully, "The Truth is Out There" Mulder said with a wink.

Alex Krycek

    By Madelaine

    He is known as "Rat Boy."

    Uses a gun like it is a toy.

    We don't know if he is pure evil or a good guy.

    We do know that he occasionally lies.

    So he wouldn't be a test subject he lost a limb.

    But, the black oil got to him.

    Why did he kill two important people in Mulder and Scully's lives?

    Do you think he'll ever managed to get any wives?

    David Duchovny

    By Madelaine

      There are very few,

      Songs made for you.

      There is that special one though,"David Duchovny

      Why Won't you love me?"

      On April 24th,

      Your baby was brought forth.

      Miss Madelaine West,

      Came out looking her best!

      Why must the X-files end?

      Don't you have anymore time to lend?

      It is a great show.

      It will last forever, don't ya know?

    Gillian Anderson

    By Madelaine

      She had a divorce,

      And probably some remorse.

      She hasn't remarried,

      And she is cheeerful and merry.

      She has a daughter,

      She isn't a bother.

      Her name is Piper Maru.

      And keeps herself with plenty to do.

      Gillian, who's naturally a blonde,

      Thought the color was such a yawn.

      She has been a burnetter and a red head too,

      Red, I think definally suits you.

      If Dr Seuss wrote the X-Files....

      By Cat Chow

        Mulder: Open up, FBI! Here's my badge, I do not lie.

        Bambi: FBI you really are, I can see from your blue car.

        Scully: We've come to ask about a case. We have some leads, to you they trace.

        Mulder: We want to ask about some bugs.

        Scully: No, you mean some thugs. Thugs they were, that killed that man. If Dr. Seuss wrote the X-Files...

        Mulder: No, they were bugs from Kimbote Land. They came down in a UFO and that's the same way they did go.

        Bambi: I study bugs, I kid you not. My bugs aren't thugs. My bugs are bought. I buy my bugs, by plane they come. From Kimbote Land, they are not from.

        Mulder: They are not bugs, they are robots. Aliens, they come in lots.

        Scully: Mulder, there is no X-File here. They are just bugs, let's get a beer. I know a great bar down the street. I hang out there, that place is neat.

        Bambi: I know that bar, I go there too, sometimes when there's not much to do.

        Scully: I hate that bar I meant to say. I never go there, night or day.

        Mulder: This may not be a good tim eto prune but someone's wearing my favorite perfume.

        Bambi: Thank you much. I have it on. It smells its best from dusk till dawn.

        Scully: Mulder, we should leave right now. A.D. Skinner will have a cow.

        Mulder: We have to go? Or can I stay?

        Scully: We must leave now, must go away. Away, away, away from here, we cannot stay, we're late, I fear.

        Mulder: Okay, sure, whatever, fine. It's not like we will have a line. We will leave, we'll leave right now. No need to have a big ol' cow.

        ***So left they did, off down the hall. When they got to their office, there was a call...***

        Mulder: Mulder here, FBI. I'm FBI, I do not lie.

        Bambi: Agent Mulder? This is Bambi.

        Mulder: How are things?

        Bambi: They are just dandy.

        Mulder: Did you call about the case? Did those bugs rip off your face?

        Bambi: No, I'm fine. My bugs are tame. They do not cause me any pain. I was wondering if you'd like to date, we can see a movie and stay up late.

        Mulder: A date would be all well and fine, but really, I don't have the time.

        Bambi: Just wondering.

        Mulder: Okay, byebye.

        Scully: That was Bambi? Do not lie.

        Mulder: Bambi, yes, it was I say. Dr. Bambi, all the way.

        Scully: Dr. Bambi is her name? She's a doctor? That's for shame.

        Mulder: She is a doctor, as you can see. Scully, do I sense some jealousy?

        Scully: Me? Jealous, of her? No way. I can have you any day.

        Mulder: Scully, are you coming on to me? Because if not, that's what I see.
        ***Scully smirks and walks away. Away she walks. Away I say. Mulder sits down and starts to think...***

        Mulder: Is this a test? Could it be? Could Dana Scully care for me?

        ***So in the basement half past three. On a cold January, Mulder said...***

        Mulder: Scully, will you marry me?

        Fox Mulder

        By Amanda Meadows

          He believes in creatures in space.

          Because he thinks it's an interesting place.

          Mulder's father is the Smoking Man,

          Dug out cigarette butts from a garbage can.

          Mulder is a man who belives in U.F.O's,ghosts, and disease

          Carrying bees.

          The law he knows is unjust,

          But in no-one can he trust.

          He searches for clues in the air,

          Because he knows the truth is out there.

          Dana Scully

          By Amanda Meadows

            She isn't really funny.

            And she doesn't have a lot of money.

            Mulder thinks that Scully is grand,

            But cannot figure out why she doesn't have a man.

            Scully is an agent with flare.

            Who studies each case with care.

            She changed her hair from blonde to red.

            She also does autopsies on people who are dead.

            She does not buy into Mulder's theroies.

            Maybe that's why it's the end of the series.

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