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(Transformers:News; Downloads: Main, Movies, Games, Customizeable Card Game; Games: Optimal Optimus; Fanfiction Series: Star Wars: The Transformers, Magic Wars: The Transformers, Magic Wars 2: The Pretenders, and Magic Wars: The Undead; Beast Wars Sites: Beast Wars, Beast Wars II, and Beast Wars 3; Foreign Transformers: Japanese and European transformers; Character sites: Bumblebee and Inferno; Links, E-mail)


Updated 10/14/99!

Inferno, the fire ant predacon from Beast Wars, is still here! As you loyal BW fans remember, old blender-but was fried by his queen in Nemesis part 2, but fear not! He has recovered from far worse! Remember the whole being atomized thing at the end of season 2? And how about being crushed by the occasional boulder? Yep, Inferno will be up and running soon enough, if only to blow Waspinator up once more.

Another Inferno gif!

> > >

Transmetal Inferno (Scavenger)! Inferno gets a Transmetal body and a Constructicon name! Look for the varient where the name is on the leg instead of the thorax!

Scavenger's Tec Spec.

Antagony! The rare Botcon 98 exclusive that looks like Inferno, but cooler (if thats possible)! She's a repaint...but the coolest one so far. Antagony!, Antagony2, and Antagony picture #3!

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