Crochet for Kids - Sydney's Homepage
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Crochet & Knit for Kids

All Cockatiels - All Crochet - All the Time!!

Bird is the Word!

Updated - September 22, 2002

Pray for Syd, he has been diagnosed with liver disease! He needs your prayers!!!

About Us

Hi! My name's Anita, and I have crocheted hats, mittens, scarves, and afghans for the kids at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. However, due to shipping problems, I'm no longer going to focus on the rez. I deeply regret making this change, but it is necessary, as there were so many great ladies helping me out, and sending their items to Pine Ridge, only to find out they were unable to get confirmation on their packages arrival.

We are working with Children in Common this year. They are an organization that provides warm socks, mittens, caps and sweaters for the kids in the Russian orphanages.

You can read all about them here!

Children in Common

And you can email me for more information!

You can also check out, where our group has pledged 2002 pairs of warm toasty socks by September 30!


Don't forget that Evelyn desperately needs items for the shelter in PA, as the need is so great there.

Evelyn's Shelter Project

This page is called Sydney's homepage for a reason...he's the 9-year-old cockatiel that rules our roost! And I always promised him his own home page, so here it is! All pet owners welcome!!! Syd has become quite adept at helping me with my crochet, so he allowed me to put it on his homepage. In fact, he's helping me construct it at this very moment!

And for the man who supports us through all this insanity, birds everywhere, yarn everywhere, penguins everywhere (yes, I collect penguins, too), cross stitch stuff everywhere, computer stuff everywhere...Gene is a patient man. Very patient. And an avid ham radio operator. He answers to KC0ASJ and Dad . Just depends on who's calling him! Now if he would just learn to crochet... (Since I started this page, I too, now have a ham radio license)

Since I created this page for Sydney, we've had a new addition to our family. His name is Charlie, and he's a Congo African Grey Parrot. Good ol' Charlie is a strange bird, he loves his Dad, and is totally devoted to Gene. He and I, however, have a strange relationship, and let me tell you, I've lost a little blood in the process! But he's just the funniest bird, and here's a picture of Gene and Charlie at the lake together. (they just took me along because the needed someone to hold the camera! :) )

You know what they say, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

There are a lot of elders out there who have special needs in the winter also. Very often, they too must go without central heating. It's hard to imagine when it's 90 degrees out, but in a few short months, the weather will turn bitter. Many of these people are able to do their own quilting and crochet. They are just lacking the supplies. There's a link below to Adopt a Grandparent. They can give more info on how to help. Check it out!

Thanks to Gini, we got our link back!!

Adopt a Grandparent

PO Box 241

Taos, NM 87571

phone 505-776-8474

fax 505-776-8050

EMail Adopt A Grandparent

About Evelyn

We call her Syd's Aunt Evelyn, because she's a special kind of bird person, and we love her dearly!

Evelyn knits and crochets for several causes. She works on Hats for the Homeless in her area, as well as shipping hats to Shar's page, and sends warm goodies to the Indian children at the rez. She has been blessed with receiving yarn from several ladies, even as far away as California.

Evelyn is focussing on the needs in the Pittsburgh, PA area, so are there any great ladies in the Pennsylvania area that would like to help out, drop her an email! And if you speak German, you can email her in German, she'd like that!

Email Evelyn!

All parents want to keep their kids warm! Won't you help?

Send us patterns you'd like to see posted! We have some new ones posted, check 'em out! Now you can crochet a nap mat for the kids at the rez!

My Sock Pics!

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Sydney's Homepage

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Graphics copyright 2000 by NACS


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We just received an award from a very talented lady!

You have got to go see the afghan she made for Michael!

Thanks, Jan!!

Thanks, Lisa!

And another! Thanks, Mary!!

Come join us!