Top 10 Lists

Top 10 Alternate Names for TRL

Top 10 Alternate Names for MTV

Top 10 Things I'd Like to Hear a Boy Band Member Say

Top 10 Things to do With Britney Spears' and N'Sync's New CDs

Top 10 Things I'd Rather Do Than Watch MTV

Top 10 Future Sources of Income for Britney Spears

Top Ten Reasons Why VH1 is Better than MTV

Top Ten Alternate Names for Pop Artists

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Pop
  • Hordes of screaming teenyboppers
  • They have destroyed the music industry
  • They have the audacity to call boy bands "bands" when they don't write their own songs or play their own instruments.
  • Britney Spears really did get breast implants. (If you don't believe me, check out some before and after pics.)
  • They are contributing to the decline of American music.
  • They have destroyed MTV.
  • Their songs are really annoying.
  • A lot of these acts can't perform live.
  • Britney Spears acts like a slut.
  • Their songs are perpetually overplayed.

Top Ten Things (other than pop) That Bug Me

  • Furbies
  • Car dealership commercials
  • People who tailgate
  • Comic strips that don't know when to die (Blondie, anyone?)
  • Artists who cover a song and do a crappy job of it
  • People who think I'm a snob because I went to Catholic high schoool. (Doesn't an attitude like that make YOU a snob? Think about it ...)
  • People who don't let me sing along with the radio
  • Sports nuts. (I can deal with sports, it's the psycho fans that irritate me.)
  • When they try to turn a Saturday Night Live skit into a movie and do a really bad job of it. (Superstar, for example. 90 minutes of hell.)
  • People who preach at me. (I'm not just talking religious preaching, there are a lot of other kinds, all just as annoying.)
Top Ten Ways to Irritate a Teenybopper
  • Stage a public burning of pop albums
  • Tell them you think N*SYNC/BSB suck.
  • Tell them you heard that someone in a boy band is gay.
  • Tell them boy bands don't write any songs or play any instruments
  • Tell them your dog sings better than N*SYNC
  • Tell them that boy bands are ugly
  • If they invite you to a pop concert, tell them, "No thanks, I'd rather go out and listen to music."
  • Remind them of the Celebrity Deathmatch episode where Marilyn Manson killed Hanson and the Spice Girls
  • When they tell you they like ________, put your hand on their head and say,"Leave this child, evil demons!"
  • Tell them that pop is a passing fad and they'll have forgotten about ________ in 2 years.

More to come!
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