I Hate Pop Music!!

they suck!

For those that missed the disclaimer, THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER UPDATING. This means don't bother sending me stuff you want me to add because I'm not having anything more to do with this page. I'm sure someone who actually updates their site would, so you might want to try sending stuff to them. However, you can still take a look around and email me or sign the guestbook if you like. (Just don't expect a speedy response.)

Please note that I don't actually wish harm on these artists, nor do I dislike them as people. (Except for the BSB - see graphic above - and possibly Britney Spears.) I just think their music sucks.

This site last updated October 2, 2000.
Love me? Hate me? Either way, send me an email! ihpm02@hotmail.com

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