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AFJROTC stands for Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. It is a class that teaches military science at Derby High School. Military Science involves wearing the Air Force uniform, drill instruction, the history of air power, team building, and leadership.

There are four grades of cadets in the Corps: Aerospace 1 Cadets, AS 2 Cadets, AS 3's, and AS 4's. Derby High School has over 200 cadets enrolled and is growing every year. AS 1 and 2 cadets have enlisted rank: Airman Basic up to Chief Master Sergeant. AS 3 and 4 cadets have cadet officer rank: Second Lieutenant up to Colonel.

Derby High School is in the town of Derby, Kansas and is near Wichita. Cadets in AFROTC are involved in community service projects, drill competitions around Kansas. The class goal is to build better citizens for the world of tomorrow. Cadets join the Corps by enrolling in the class at the beginning of the year.

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