Episode Guide--Season Three
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The third and final season of "The Young Riders" ran from September 28, 1991 to January 25, 1992 and then from May 21, 1992 to July 23, 1992.

Episode 1: "A House Divided"
Date: Sept. 28, 1991
Kid and Jimmy leave Sweetwater to rebuild the station in Rock Creek. The riders are assigned to the new station in Rock Creek.

Episode 2: "Jesse"
Date: Oct. 5, 1991
Lou meets a young boy named Jesse James and brings him to the station in Rock Creek. Jimmy and Teaspoon take a special interest in Jesse.

Episode 3: "The Blood of Others"
Date: Oct. 12, 1991
Kid, Jimmy, and Lou take someone to hang. On the way, Kid is hurt leaving the others to go forward alone. Jimmy identifies with the man because of his own past and is tormented in thinking of his own future. Lou tries to comfort him and he kisses her. They back off because they realize that they are not really interested in each other in that way. Jimmy decides to let the man go, but the man tells Jimmy it is time for him to die. Kid arrives in time to save them all from an ex-sheriff trying to kill the man who is to hang.

Episode 4: "Between Rock Creek and A Hard Place"
Date: Oct. 26, 1991
Noah is accused of killing a military officer with whom he fought. He romances a woman in the town.

Episode 5: "The Presence of Mine Enemies"
Date: Nov. 9, 1991
Ike falls in love with Emily Metcalf, the daughter of a gambler who is new in town. After Emily's father is killed during a card game, she goes after the men responsible. As the guns are turned on her, Ike jumps in front of her and is shot trying to protect her. In this episode, Ike McSwain dies.

Episode 6: "Survivors"
Date: Nov. 16, 1991
Cody is attracted to the widow of a gun runner and helps her son adjust without his father. Buck is having a very hard time dealing with Ike's death and his memories of Ike. Lou talks with Cody about how hard it was for her and Kid with all the others giving them such a difficult time for being in love.

Episode 7: "Initiation"
Date: Nov. 25, 1991
Jimmy arrests Frank James and Jesse is torn between his brother and his friends. Kid tells Lou he may be forced to leave her in the war starts.

Episode 8: "Just Like Old Times"
Date: Nov. 30, 1992
On the anniversary of his brother's death, Kid leaves the station early one morning to spend some time alone. Lou tracks him down to check on him. Shortly thereafter, his old childhood sweetheart arrives in town. He sees her through adult eyes but is trouble by the past. Although jealous, Lou tries to help him. When the woman dies, Lou tells Kid he isn't alone and that she is still there for him.

Episode 9: "Spirits"
Date: Dec. 7, 1991
Rachel thinks about the past when she begins to fall for a military man with a drinking problem.

Episode 10: "A Tiger's Tale"
Date: Dec. 28, 1991
Cody and Noah transport a tiger to St. Joseph, Missouri. Jesse sends Lou an anonymous love letter and Lou thinks the letter is from Kid.

Episode 11: "Good Night Sweet Charlotte"
Date: Jan. 4, 1992
An old friend of Lou's settles in Rock Creek stirring up terrible memories of the man who attacked Lou when she was young. The bad memories cause her to pull away from Kid. After her friend dies and she confronts the man, Lou decides to tell Kid what happened so he can help her get over the past. Jimmy tries to rescue a dying Indian but ends up taking his body home.

Episode 12: "Song of Isiah"
Date: Jan. 18, 1992
Jimmy visits his sister and gets involved with a fanatic set on using violence to rescue slaves. Kid arrives to help him in the end.

Episode 13: "Spies"
Date: Jan. 25, 1992
The riders become involved in a conspiracy to steal gold shipments. A woman holds the secret to locating the gold shipments in a book of love poems. Kid gives the book to Lou but Lou is furious when she finds out who gave him the book. Kid explains and they make up. Later, Lou takes the woman's place.

Episode 14: "Shadowmen"
Date: May 21, 1992
After a small boy is killed, Jimmy sets out to track down the men responsible.

Episode 15: "Mask of Fear"
Date: May 28, 1992
After serving his time, a convicted murderer returns to Rock Creek. Jesse's boss is killed and he blames the murderer. Rachel tries to help Jesse face the truth.

Episode 16: "Dark Brother"
Date: June 4, 1992
A woman who was once Buck's promised wife comes to visit and is taken over by an evil spirit.

Episode 17: "The Road Not Taken"
Date: June 11, 1992
Jimmy goes after a killer and Jesse follows. Meanwhile back at the station, the other riders are angry at Cody for a published story he wrote about them. (In a way, the end of this episode redeems The Young Riders for including Jesse as a regular)

Episode 18: "The Sacrifice"
Date: June 25, 1992
Kid and Lou plan to spend a special time together in a town where the bank has recently been robbed. One of the outlaws is in jail and the town is under siege. Kid takes over for the sheriff. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Teaspoon, not knowing Kid and Lou are there, are on their way to help the town but run into trouble when they find a slave about to be hung. Kid proposes to Lou again and she finally accepts.

Episode 19: "Lesson's Learned"
Date: July 9, 1992
One of Teaspoon's ex-wives move to Rock Creek. Meanwhile, a gunslinger is out for revenge and attacks her.

Episode 20: "The Debt"
Date: July 7, 1992
Lou has doubts about giving up "Lou" for "Louise" and leaves town to find a wedding dress, thinking not to upset the others with her doubts. A new rider is hired to replace Lou. After he goes on his first ride, Jimmy and Lou go to Seneca to make sure he made it that far, then Jimmy leaves for the next town to check on Matt. When he gets there, the townsfolk are too scared to say anything and claim they never heard of Matt. A mentally retarded man who loves to read books about the Wild West and is impressed that Jimmy is a gunfighter, although Jimmy never tells him who he is after the man, Emmet, makes a comment about "Wild Bill" Hickok. Jimmy soon discovers that a group of outlaws called the Garret Brothers are extorting the town every month, and has the townspeople in fear of their lives. Jiimmy soon learns form Emmet that Matt was not killed when he was first shot, but lived for a while begging for help and the townspeople refused, and eventually the Garrett's shot him dead. After that, Jimmy decides to turn his back on the town and let them fend for themselves, but the mayor begs for his help and he does. Lou comes to the town to help, but Jimmy tries to send her away. Lou is unwilling to go away, so they take on the Garrett's together with the help of Emmet and the Garrett's meet their end. On their way back to Rock Creek, Lou stops by Seneca and picks up her wedding dress.

Episode 21 & 22: "Till Death Do Us Part"
Date: July 23, 1992
*Series finale on ABC* Part 1
Lou still has doubts about giving up "Lou" for "Louise" and goes to town to invite Thompkins to the wedding, but soon discovers that everyone in town already knew she was a girl. The Army arrives in Rock Creek to recruit scouts and upsets Teaspoon with all the talk of war, especially since it is an old friend doing the recruiting. Teaspoon becomes even more upset to see so many young boys so eager to join. Jimmy tries to find out what happened when Isiah's home is attacked and Isiah is killed. Isiah's wife, Rose Mary holds the names of men who are trying to free the slaves and she is being tracked by the Army. Jimmy and Kid get into a fight over the list because Kid thinks that Jimmy doesn't trust him because he is a Southern. Cody believes that due to the new rising use of the telegraph, The Pony Express will soon die out. Cody joins the Army as a scout, much to the disappointment of the other Riders and the great disapproval of Teaspoon. Amidst the approaching chaos of the Civil War, Lou and Kid are married, and just when we think we will find out Kid's real name, we don't. Lou is upset after seeing one of her young friends die after an attack on the Southern Raiders.
Part 2
Frank comes back to take Jesse home and he is torn between his loyalty to his brother and his home state and his loyalty to his friends at The Pony Express station. Noah tires to enlist in the Army but is turned down because he is a black man. After he sees the Army head out to attack the Southern Raiders, Noah is killed when the attack is foiled by Frank. Jesse feels he is responsible for Noah's death because Frank was with the raiders when Noah was killed, and Teaspoon shares that idea. Jesse now feels he has no other place to go except with Frank. At Noah's funeral, Teaspoon forgives Jesse and they silently say good-bye.

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