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Welcome Home Darling

You have been gonna to long darling

I have the soft music playing

Candles are lite

I am anticipating your arrival

I hear the car

I pour the wine

I hear the key in the door

I meet you at the entrance

I embrace you

I breath in your scent

My lips brush up on to yours

I taste your sweet love

I whisper "I love you and I missed you"

We take a sip of wine

We reach for each other

We move to the music

Candles flickering

Soft music playing as we sway to the beat

My fingers brush up against your face

My lips searching yours

Your hands caressing my body

Your lips probing mine

Swain to the music

How my body melts against yours

I look into your eyes and see your yearning

My hands slowly and softly reaching out





You are mine

I am yours

We become one

Our bodies unite

Our passion desire aching to be set free

I take you

I unleash your desire

We move as one


You moan softly in my ear

I feel your breath on mine

Seeking Probing Wanting

We are intoxicated with our love

Our passion reaches new heights

Together we reach our density

The soft music

The flickering of the candles

The wine

Our love

Our passion

I reach for you

I brush my lips upon yours

I whisper softly in your ear

Welcome Home Darling

created & written by : Kathy

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