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Warm Summer Night

In the dark of the night I awake... I hear the waves whispering against the shore... They are beckoning to me... I can see through the window the moon light with her soft glow casting silouttess out over the glistening stars... a soft warm summer breeze sweeps through the window...

I listen as the warm summer breeze and the waves whisper their sweet summer songs to me and the stars dance above with the moons soft silouttess.

In the heat of the summer night I wander out on to the warm sandy beach... I sit and listen to the the waves as they make their music against the shoreline & dance at my feet... The warm summer breeze whistling to the beat of music as she waltzes all around me... I look up and see the full moon with her soft warm glow casting her silouttess out over the dancing stars ... I listen to the beat of the warm summer night music...

I embrace this moment and am in awe of natures beauty and the splender of it all... Sitting on the warm summer sand.... Ocean waves softly singing to the shoreline and dancing around my feet... Summer breeze whistling to the tune as she waltzs all around me... Moon so soft with her summer glow dancing around the glisting stars... summer night music singing softly in my ears...


listen closely and you shall hear in the warm summer night the songs they sing and the dance they dance...

created and written by : Kathy

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