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Ht: 6'0"

Wt: 205lbs

Finisher: X marks the spot.(Bulldog Off The Top Ropes)

Manager:The Voice Of X.(Tall pale man that wears a black suit, he never walks into the ring with X, but he speaks for him in the dark room.)

Biography of X and The Voice of X

Biography of X

X is a mysterious person. Absolutely nothing is known about him except for the fact that he seemed to come from nowhere. No one knows why he joined the BTW. No one even knows why he exists. X is studied and stalked by a person by the name of Andrew who calls himself by the name The Voice of X. The Voice of X is a former wrestler who was fired due to his mental conditions. He tried to join the BTW but he became obsessed with X. The Voice of X has gone to near insanity trying to figure out who X is, why X is here and where X came from. So far The Voice of X has figured out nothing. The Voice of X has theories however. His first theory is that X went insane in a previous wrestling league, quit that league and joined the BTW.His second theory is that X was a popular wrestler who couldn't stand all of his fame so he planned to join an unknown wrestling league and become a masked wrestler with a low profile. His third theory is that X is an alien studying the art of wrestling. His fourth and final theory is that X is a freak who wears a mask to hide his mutated face.

X wears a white mask, a white full-sleeved shirt, white boots, white gloves and white pants. X has no theme music. During matches X does things that are extremely bizarre and unpredictable and doesn't even tell anyone why. X doesn't care about winning or losing he just does random things. X never talks either. When you are up against X always remember "When you expect the expected expect the unexpected and when you expect the unexpected expect the expected." That was a quote created by The Voice of X...

X is currently a member of The Regulators

Ht: 6'3"

Wt: 199lbs

Finisher: Don't mess with X. (Piledriver)

Biography of The Voice of X

The Voice of X has forgotten about his past ever since his obsession with X, no one knows where The Voice of X was born but it is known that he was found in a dumpster by a young widow longing for a child. Her name was Maria Alberto. Maria soon adopted The Voice of X and named him Andrew. Andrew couldn't go to school because Maria couldn't afford it and he had to be home schooled. However Andrew turned out to be very intelligent. He had some problems though. One thing was that he had to figure things out no matter what. Andrew hated to not have an explanation for something so he had to find an explanation and find proof of it or else he would go nearly insane. Andrew was also very interested in wrestling for some reason he enjoyed finding out what the wrestlers were thinking and what moves they were going to do next. When Andrew turned 44 he became a wrestler. (By that time Andrew was nearly insane.) Andrew was soon fired due to his mental conditions. The Voice of X then tried out for the BTW. Thats when things went wrong. First of all Maria died and Andrew was devastated and second of all he met X. Andrew saw X do an unexplainable thing and was determined to find out why. While trying to figure out why X did the unexplainable thing Andrew forgot his name and his past, He soon named himself The Voice of X and became permanently obsessed with X.

The Voice of X is a tall pale man who wears a suit and lives in a dark room of an unknown location where he studies X. The Voice of X wants X to win a belt so he can figure out what he would do with it and why. The Voice of X also hates anybody who causes X to lose a match. The Voice of X never walks into the ring with X but he is either watching him among the crowd or watching him on T.V in his dark room.

X's Title History

X first attempted getting the Extreme Title in a match with Hexon. Hexon won the match and the Extreme Title, but X later won the Extreme Title from Hexon. X then lost the Extreme Title to Slayer. However X won back the BTW Extreme Title from Slayer with the help of Anduin Lothar. X currently lost the BTW Extreme Title to Incisor.

X currently won the BTW Millenium Belt from Sik Kid


Where The Voice of X gets the paintings