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"All You've Ever Wanted to Know.. But Were Afraid to Ask.."

Thank you for visiting this page.... I think you'll enjoy this site.
So please come back and visit again and again and again..... and again!
Note:Last updated June 13, 1999.. If you find some 'BoO-bOos' that I haven't gotten worked out..
be sure to let me know.. complain to Webmaster.
Thanks, Jan

”Web Humor”

We’ve all seen it... the subject line that says [Fw: Fw: Fw:] and how many of us can resist reading each and every one of them.. Sometimes we’ll get the same one over and over.
I use to delete then.. I’d read them and sometimes I’d forward them on to my friends.. especially the extra funny ones or the ones that contained a warning.. but once I was finished with them, I’d delete them..
But not too long ago.. I thought... maybe I should hang on to these.. I didn’t know then why.. but being an artist, I tend to collect ‘stuff’.. because I know that someday I’m going to have a use for it... Well, I guess that’s what was rolling around in the back of my mind when I started saving the ‘forwards’.
Because the other day I decided to build this web site ... I’ve gone through all my ‘forwards’ and have categorized them..

Please feel free to download any you’d like to send on to your friends, or tell them about this URL address so they can join in the fun...
Also if you have a favorite ‘forward’, joke, story, image or link that you haven’t already seen here, please submit it for review, if it qualifies, I’ll see to it that it is added to what we’ve already got..

Submit to Webmaster.

"Blond Jokes"
"Bureaucratic Hog-wash"
"Chicken Soup For The Soul..."
"Clinton Jokes"
"Did You Know?"
"From Around the World"
"Just Plain Cute"
"Lit’l Naughties"
"Oh those EyEs!
"One Liners"
"Prayer Chains"
"Tech. Talk"
" & URL Links"

Don't forget to submit your favorite jokes/stories/forwards .... to the Webmaster..... and please feel free to copy any of the jokes/stories/forwards, from this site..... invite all your friends to join you here .... and be sure to 'Bookmark' this site so that you can come back again and again and again.... !! I love having you here!!! After all, your the only reason I've created this site.....
';•) @)} -->---,

"E.T. Phone Home"... :o)
"Welcome to My World"

Don't forget to visit my page.