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Las Vegas August 5th to 9th 2001

I will get more photos up once we get ours developed, These are ones we bought down there.

We went to Las Vegas with my cousin John and his wife Tara

We were surprised at the airport with a Limo that John had hired, Tara and I were each given a long stemed rose and there was a bottle of champagne waiting for us. It was such a cool surprise.

Thanks John

We stayed at the Treasure Island Hotel

August 5th

One of the very first things I wanted to do when I got to Las Vegas was to ride the Manhatten Express, The rollar coster that runs around the New York, New York casino

I have never ridden a roller coster before, and I knew it was time for me to try, the only time I had ever seen this roller coster was pictures on the internet, I refused to look at it before I rode, If I had seen it I am sure I would have backed out, This rollar coster goes upside down and does several barrel rolls.

As you can see I did it, I can't believe I did it, if I did not have the picture to prove it I don't think I would believe it myself.

I have never been so scared in my life, at one point in the ride I actually came up of the seat, talk about freak out.

Once we got off the roller coster and headed across to the MGM casino for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. I lost it, Yep, I got so sick, The champagne and the roller coster did not mix well. I finally had to leave the table and go back to our motel and sleep for a while

Here we are at the Venetian getting ready to go on our gondola ride, this is one of the coolest things we did in Vegas, our driver slowley paddled our gondola down the canal and when she got to the end she turned the boat around and sang us the hawaiian wedding song first in italian and then in english, it was so beautiful, you felt like she was singing just to you even tho there were lots of people watching from the streets above.

August 6th

We went and had these fun photos taken where your faces are put on other bodies, we really had alot of fun doing these.

August 7th

We stoped at the Harley Davidson Cafe for Lunch and could not resist getting this photo

We had dinner at the tournament of Kings Dinner theater, We had to eat dinner with out silverwear, like they did in midevil day's. while we were eating we watched a really cool show, with knights, jousting, dancing ladies. It was really neat

August 8th

I got my new Tattoo

We went to the Stratosphere casino they say they have the worlds tallest roller coster that runs around the top of the tower

As you can see Darion rode this one. I will never again get on a roller coster, the Manhatten Express was enought for me.

I had this cartoon of me drawen at the Monty Carlo

We enjoyed a evening of going to the Lance Burton magic show