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Tribute to Columbine High School

Please visit there web page

May this candle be our way of holding you in our hearts and prayers after this terrible tragedy that all the citizens of Littleton, CO have suffered on this day, April 20, 1999.

Please feel free to take this candle and add it to your page in Memory of all the students of Columbine High School. Let this candle continue to flicker and remind the world of what happened on this day and that you will never be forgotten.

A CANDLE...........(poem)

A candle is such a simple thing,

It starts with just a bit of string.

Then dipped and dipped with patient hand,

It gathers wax upon the strand.

Until complete and ivory white,

It gives at last a lovely light.

Life seems so like that bit of string,

Each deed we do a simple thing.

Yet day by day when on life's strand

We work with patient heart and hand.

It gathers joy and makes dark days bright,

And gives at least a lovely light.

Shine on!

In a radiance of love, light & gratitude, Sharon Warren Thank you so much Sharon!

This has reminded me no matter how busy to always give my kids a great big hug and let them know how much they are loved before they leave for school.

A friend sent this via email and said "I think this is what Jesus must be doing now after the shootings in Colorado!!" I agree.
