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HOCK:Stoneyhill Equestrian Center

~*This Page is Part of a Game Called HOCK~*

Owned and Managed by: Kristin Syverson

Location: Metamora, Michigan
Colors: Teal and Silver
Acerage: 75 acres

HOCK Stoneyhill Equestrian Center has sadly closed down. The asile ways that have been walked on by many a champion will be walked on no more...It was a hard decision, but with school, horses, and real life committments, there just wasn't time for HOCK, as much as I loved it. I'm leaving just the main page up as a memorial to my barn, but the links here no longer work.

Stoneyhill Equestrian Center was created by my former mentor, Dana. It was origionally located in Paris, Kentucky and it opened before MANE closed. A short time after it's Grand Opening, Dana was forced to quit MANE and handed SEC over to me. Since then, SEC has made a name for itself thanks to the many wonderful horses it has housed. We are happy to say that the horses have been sucessfully been moved to it's new location in Metamora, Michigan. The Grand Re-opening took place on July 20, 1999. We're trying to get back into the swing of things as quickly as possible!

  • View The Stallions

  • View The Mares

  • View The Geldings

  • View The Young Horses

  • View The Sale Horses

  • First Aid For Humans

  • Please look around and feel free to breathe in the lovely smells of horses, leather, and hay! Though I am very attatched to my horses, if you see anyone you absolutely love, drop me a line about the particular horse and I'll see what I can do. Chances are though, you'll just be in line for their next foal :)