If you're looking for quick Friday night recipes or political advice . . . you're in the wrong place!

THE PSYCHIATRIC WARD- a peaceful refuge for hopelessly obsessed fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X Files and Keanu Reeves.


David Duchovny

Greetings, patients. Welcome to:
We are under cumbrous construction!!! But on our site you will find stimulating material such as;
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
The X - Files/Gillian Anderson/David Duchovny,
Damn Bee (Kimberley's TXF mailing list)
Keanu Reeves
We hope to be up and running in the near distant future!!!
Kimberley and Krista.

But just to thank some of those kind (Sane) people out their spread across our World Wide Web.

Buffy Cross and Stake We thank you a whole heap because of your kind donations of all BtVS pictures. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If you want to drool over some Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast pictures the best place to go is... yes you guessed it 'The Buffy Cross and Stake' They have all sorts of groovy stuff such as every possible Episode in transcripts. Thanks to...
AleXander Thompson.

You should find a banner to Buffy Cross and Stake at the bottom of this page.

There will also be a banner to ‘Save Buffy in Australia Campaign’ and all those who pitty us Australians who don't get Buffy regularly it would be real nice if you could please, please, please help by signing what ever it is you sign at the site.

The Buffy Cross & Stake

E-Mail us if your running low on Valium or if you just want to tell us we suck!* Or we have that guest book thing happening.
*If you do wish to tell us we suck, we're going to get in first and tell you that you suck!! But if your not going to tell us we suck!
Thank you come again!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The X - Files
Damn Bee
Keanu Reeves
When the Prozac doesn't do it for you anymore . . . click here
Sign The Patients Log Book
View The Patients Log Book... Only if you want to their's not much in there that would even slightly interest others but hell do what you will.

Email: psychiatricward@angelfire.com