mADD Reunion???? July 20, 1999
Six long months after the sCiENTiSTs disbanded, they all
got together late one night at mR. pRESiDENT's...where
they practiced! Although some time had passed, the songs
were still in good form. A reunion show was planned for
the middle/end of July. Nothing at Gee, just a show at a
park or perhaps a party with their mates, the Short Bus
Kidz. But...alas.. trajedy struck again.. for the reunion
was not meant to be. Claw and Dancealot have left the
country to pursue other interests in Japan. But never fear,
loyal mADDists, for if you email the mADD at their new
email address, you can still order tapes of their unreleased,
final recording "Time is Here" 17 songs. 5 bucks. peace out.

mADD sCiENTiSTs FOUND DEAD. February 2nd, 1999
Well, almost 2 months later I finally get around to updating this
damn section. I apologize to anyone I've upset. Sorry mates.
The title of the latest piece is somewhat misleading, we're not dead
as individuals, but as a band. I'm afraid so. Madd will reunite only
for T.V appearances, BarmitzfaZ, Funerals or for lots of money.
Or for a big charity event maybe. We're suckers for that. But,
overall, mADD's career has come to an end. We weren't quite
2 years old, but everything hasta end sometime, roight? roight.
If for some reason we do play a show, i will post it on the page
in plenty of time for people to see. Don't forget about this page,
cuz i'll still add things to it. I have sound and lots of pix to add.
Also i'll keep you all posted on some new bands that have formed
with Ex-Madd crew members. So far there are 2 bands:
Sarcazmo has become part of "Satan's Aggression" and
myself and Rat, and Claw and Archie have formed a band...
temporarily called "SteveDave's Army of Destruction." We'll
letcha know if we ever play. In the mean time, go see O.D.T.
In conclusion. I would like to thank, all of our friends, parents
and fans for their continuous support over the past 2 years.
It's meant more to me and this band than you'll ever know.
I hope to see all of you at the next punk rock show. Keepin'
the spirit alive. Peace, Love, Empathy. <3 mR. p & mADD.

HERE THEY COME! ..December 2nd, 1998
Well, it's been quite a while since the mADD have done anything,
their last show took place on October 22nd. It was the last show
of a long string of shows beginning in July. The mADD have been
kickin' it lately, not practicing and blowing things up seems to be
their current priority. But, not to worry, kids, the mADD have 4
shows coming up that will lift your spirits! The mADD won't let this
decadence and disorder that they have been subscribing to as of late,
affect their dedication to you, their loyal fans.. NO! They will
come back and rally and have you moving faster than ever before!
MADD's new CD, "the TIME is HERE, Prepare to DIE!!" comes out in
mid-to-late December, only $8 for 18 songs! Now THAT's a deal. Also,
watch for mADD stickers, t-shirts and buttons coming very soon!!
Take care. We love you! <3 the mADDy pADDyS.
Jimmy Bonez Sez, ".....EAT IT!!" yes, Jimmy, we sure will.
To read OLD news click HERE!

