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This survey was completed January 29, 2000

    Basic Information...
Full Name: Angela Caura Bishop
Location: Don't worry!!! NOT in Rochester Hills, MI of course
What Do You Wish Your First Name Was: Kristin (j/k) :)
Nickname(s): Ang, Ange (some people spell weird-ly), Angie
What Grade Are You In: 12 (OHHH, I'm on my last semester EVER of required schooling!)
School: Rochester Adams High School
Place Of Birth: Mt. Clemens, MI
Birthdate: July 8, 1982 (I'm 17 1/2)
Parents: Gordon & Yvonne (aka Evy)
Do You Get Along With Them: hehe, usually. If I was a "perfect" kid then i would realy get along well.
Siblings: I have a 9 year old sister named Cassie (actually Casandra)
Hair Color: Brown (but it wants to be blue..I won't let it because that looks kinda not-good)
Eye Color: Blue usually, but they're kinda psycho..whatever
Height: 5''3'
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: KRISTIN but not like that. She *replaced* my boyfriends 'cause she's 3498 times more fun
Shoe Size: 7'ish

    Would You Consider Yourself...
Gay: I can't remember
Mean: yo mama... j/k
Serious: when it's called for
A good Friend: only to a few selected people

Place: in my truck, in my room, at the barn..y'know the usual. OH Burger King
Room In Your House: my room
Inside Joke: "Genital Grabbers", WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING INTO AN INSIDE JOKE!
Person To Talk To About Your Problems: Kristin
Things to do on the weekend: anything with Kristin!! We go to the barn, go to the mall, go cruisin'......
Color: Blue..Chestnut ( horse), Green (my truck)...I kinda like red too.
Radio Station: 89x (88.7) They brought us the Bush Concert!!
Type Of Music: Bush, Bush....Ok, I like a pretty big variety of stuff. KORN is good too. I pretty much like anything like..non-love-song-ey I guess
Magazine: I used to really like HorsePlay but they went out of business. I was supposed to get this really cool Off Roading magazine for my last B-Day but it never came!
Song: "I Like Big Butts" by Sir Mix A Lot (maybe)
Music Group: Bush, Korn
Soup: mmmm.....I like a lot of kinda of soups. I just started putting crackers in my soups and it is SO GOOD!
Actor: ::shrug::
Actress: ::shrug:: again
Drink: Minute Maid (Minute Laid) Juice Boxes--Fruit Punch
Food: oh boy....Veggie Whopper w/o onions? LOL, j/k. I dunno!
Sport: HORSE RIDING!! I do hunters and dressage :)
Subject In School: hmm...Right now i have 4 Business classes, an Art/Computer/Business Class, then I'm student assisst for foods class. They're all pretty cool (except Accounting 'cause I hafta carry a friggen text book for it!)
Store: I shop e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e but I do really like my new stuff from Old Navy
Time Of Day: Night Time (that's when Kris and I get the psycho-est!)
Thing To Do: ride my horse, be with kristin, drive my truck (NOW we're my truck to the barn with kristin and then ride my horse and then drive my truck to burger king....THERE ya go!)

    More Stuff...
What Are You Wearing: PJ's weird "waffle weave" grey shirt and pants
Are You Lonely: nope, Kris is over!
Are You Happy: sure thang!
Are You Wearing Pajamas: yeah, I'm *still* wearing PJs
Are You Hungry: nope, I just had a juice box and a strawberry nutri-grain bar
Are You Talking To Someone Online: yeah! Allan and Jim
Do You Drive: yuppers! pimpin' in my 1995 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4! :)
Do You Sing In The Shower: not usually--it sounds too weird!
Do You Smoke: nope

    Have you ever.......
Had Sex: eh....that's i-l-l-e-g-a-l
Broken The Law: sure, nothing serious though. like..I speed, sometimes I jaywalk...
Lied: uh-huh
Broken A Bone: I chipped my elbow...
Been On Stage: yup
Hiked A Mountain: yes, unfortunatly
Come Close To death: concussions could count, right?
Been To A Concert: YEAH!! The Night 89x Stole Christmas
Had A Dream Come True: whole family turned into alligators and ate me
Been In Love: not w/ a GUY my horse..sure. kristin...sure.
Had A Crush On One Of Your Good Friends: yeah
Been To Disney World: yuppers!
Failed A Test: sure thing
Ran Away From Home: no, no
Played Strip Poker: nope
Gone Skinny Dipping: in my BATH TUB
Done Something You Regret: yeah
Worn A Thong: ewwwww..butt floss!
Streaked: no

    In The Last 24 Hours, Have You...
Cried: no
Helped Someone: probably
Bought Something: yeah
Worn a skirt: yeah!
Gone To The Movies: no
Gone Out For Sex:
Been Kissed: no
Felt Stupid: sorta, but that's a-ok
Met Someone New: no
Talked To An Ex: no
Given Someone A Present: no
Had A Serious Talk: no
Missed Someone: no
Had A Nightmare: no

    Do You Believe In...
Love At First Sight: no
God: yes
Yourself: yes
Aliens: barely

    Which Is Better...
Coke Or Pepsi: Pepsi
Oranges Or Apples: Oranges smell better, Apples taste better
Deaf Or Blind: deaf
Hug Or Kiss: I dunno dude
Sweater Or Sweatshirt: Sweater
Pen Or Pencil: Pen
Tee Shirt Or Tank Top: depends on the temperature!!
Dress Or Skirt: skirt
Wool Or Cotton: Cotton
Rose Or Lily: Lily (more unusual
Private/Catholic/Public: ::shrug:: I've done 'em all ('cept actually Lutheran, not Catholic, but they're pretty similar)
Spring or Fall: Fall
Love Or Lust: .............don't ask me
Windows Down Or AC: both :)
Pools Or Hot Tubs: eh..I dunno
Telephone Or AOL: AOL!
Blondes Or Brunettes: ahhh...I dunno :)

    About The Opposite Sex...
What Do You Notice First: niceness/hotless (depends on wheter I meet them right away or not..)
Curly Or Straight Hair: uhh..usually straight but not *always*
Long Or Short Hair: short

Knows The Most About You: Krsitin
Has It Easier Guys/Girls: ME! j/k, I dunno
Who Do You hate: Fsdfkjl (names changed to protect the innocent)
Prettiest: I don't KNOW
Funniest: Kris and I together
Shy: uuuuuuuhh...right
Nicest: eh
Best Kick-Ass Attitude: eh
Most likely to work at Mcdonalds: eh

    Do You Remember...
Your First Best Friend: yeah, Angela Sponer
Your First Crush: yeah, George Raub
Your first love: Golden Accent (my first horse) :)
If u had one wish: It's hard to wish but money is a nice simple thing to wish for Of course it's not all that matters, but other stuff can be obtained a heck of a lot easier.

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