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Oh...hi. I was told you losers would be coming around to check out our joint.Well, fan-freakin-tastic! Come the hell in!Wipe your feet all over Tiffy's clean floor..heh heh...just don't tell her I told ya to do it!
Name's Chucky, as in Charles Lee Ray. But call me Chucky.Just - do it.
Well - this is my site. Well, mine and Tiffany's. As in my previously long-lost girlfriend *snicker*. What you don't know she is....shit. Hang on a second.
TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, Tiff!!! Get your ass in here!!!
What's up Man of MIne? Oooh, visitors!! Hi, I'm Tiffany, Chucky's fiancee!!
Oh shutUP.
One day, baby.*loving smile*
Yeah,in HELL.
heh heh heh - Toldja.
Uh...yeh! We'd better get on with it I think....
*sput* I'm gonna *sputter* kiiilllll.......
*ouch* A spirited woman, but thats why she's all mine. At this place you'll find out just about all you'll wanna know about me and Tiff.Maybe even more.We don't actually run the place (hell we have LIVES) but e-mail the webmaster if you have any special questions, suggestions,,,etc etc blah blah blah. Now get the fuck on with it.I've gotta sweet-talk my woman.
Ooohhh, Tiffffyyyyy - come and pull my strings, kitten...

*growl* and then I'll....wha-?OOhhh....CHUCKY! tee hee


Jayyyyyyysus you guys sure are eager to get fullsize dolls of me and Tiff, ain'tcha? Most of our MAIL is about friggin' replicas, goddamnit! What about tellin' the two of us how we rule Hollywood? How we're the sexiest friggin' dolls ever to appear on the silver screen? Ay yi yi. *sigh*
ANYWAY, since you guys sure seem devoted enough to want dolls to build altars for heh heh heh, and since me and Tiff don't really specialise in that sorta thing, the best thing ya can do is try out E-Bay It's an online auction site and they have heaps of memorabilia and crap there. Just do a search for "Chucky" or "Tiffany" and get off our goddamn backs about it. Watch out though. They can go for a few thous....hmm...might think of selling my stunt doubles...
Oh and to the rest of ya who asked - me and Tiff and Junior are just fine, and thanks for askin'! Lookin' forward to filming our next flick and all that crap.
And to the rest of ya - We've been far too busy with our LIVES, (somethin' alot of YOU guys should get) to update the friggin' site. Wait for the next damn film!

My first Award! Thanx Tiffany!

My Second "Award"! Chucky Creator Don Mancini's "Seal of Approval"!

All pictures not unique to this site are used with permission