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Game Over
That's all, I guess, game over. This is the last time I'll be touching this piece of junk ever again, I guess. I guess I've repeatedly said that I would have stopped updating this site, but time and time again I kept coming back here to update it, just because I was worried that it's contents would affect my image.  
Now I guess I don't really care that much anymore. Even so, I'm going to take it down, mostly to preserve my image again. Or maybe because I want to revamp it to a more fitting image. Whatever the case is, I'm pulling the plug out of it. Maybe I just don't the skill to code HTML.  
Heh, I remember when I first started working on this site, back when I was 14. That was like an entire lifetime ago.  
Ah, well. How fast time flies.  
If you're still interested in seeing what used to be here..  
Click here.