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Welcome to the Asylum

Crazy Train Express Non-stop: 
Escape if you can!

Welcome To Euphoria Airlines "Flight 730", Please watch your computer monitor for saftey instructions.

I'm Gonna Get Nuts!!!

"Its Feeding Time!!!"

Hometown: The State of Euphoria
Signature Moves: The Straight Jacket,
The MadCap,The Crazy Train,The Euphoria Jam.
Favorite Quote: "Its Feeding Time!!!!"

NEW as of 3/27/03: Check out the news section and the hilights to find out what the Madman has been up to since Athens, PA.

Welcome to the Madman's NEW and Improved Asylum Web Site. This is Browser Freindly and easy so that even the stupidest(and beleive me,Most of you tapeworms are pretty damn stupid) can figure out how to use it!

-A MESSAGE TO ALL KSWA FANS- Congratulations,TapeWorm.I see that you managed to find the Mako Shark's website, even with your limited intelligence!!!! Well, I suppose that you want something,HUH?! An update on everybody's favorite Psycho, Perhaps???? Well,as Elton John use to say "I'm Still Standing"!!!! Sucks Right?! you say "But The GOOD GUYS are supposed to win"!!!!, Wrong....TapeWorms!!!! Nothing Can Derail The Crazy Train from rolling over everyone in our path of destruction,HAHAHAHAHA. YOU -STILL- WANT AN UPDATE?! HERE'S YOUR STINKEN UPDATE........ "You Are -STILL- A Loser"!!!! ....whew....I am pooped,think I'll go chase some Senior Citizens around town. Please....Don't let my foot hit your ass on the way out!!!! -MadMan-
Hey,TapeWorms....Still not 
scared? Here's a picture Taken 
of a guy after a match with me!!!!