Welcome to Heather's Popsicle Stand
Kicking Baskin Robbins' ass every day of the week! =)

Greetings and salutations!
Welcome to the Popsicle stand!
Check out all the yummilicious flavors below to find out more!

All About Me Apple
Picture Passion Fruit
Wedding Photo Watermellon
Berry Interesting Links

And two special flavors:
Our Kelley

Place your order and please drive through!

"Life's a movie
Write your own ending
Keep Believing
Keep Pretending"
--- The Muppet Movie

This page has been brought to you by the letter P,
the number 9,
and the good people at Cat's Scratching Post.

This page has been visited

times since May 23, 1998.

This page last updated on May 23, 1998 at 2:51 p.m.