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Wicca Information


This Witch's journey has given her peace of mind she has not known before. I work in the healing aspects of Wicca and of helping others with their journey through life. It is my greatest joy to help another with any talents that I may possess.

It is my belief that talents in Wicca are things to be given freely, without charge, holding to the teachings that what you put out comes back to you three fold.

Remember as you journey through Wicca...all power comes from within you, not from the impliments that are used in ritual. You possess within you all powers that you will ever need in this life.

With that said,....

Blessed be!

"I See the Wild Witches Dancing in the moonlight, on the bluff above the raging sea.
I Feel their Magic Pierce the Night, even as their Love touches Me.
I See the Druids raise their arms, I hear their Shaman power call to me.
Feel the Pagan Magick in your breast, expand, contract, and transform thee."

Click above for Wiccan Rede and Info

Click above to find out "What exactly is a Witch?

Click above to find out Information on Tools

Click aboe for Magical Names Lesson

Click above for Current Pagan Holiday

Click above for MoonMagick

Click above for Candle Majick

Click above for Druid Info

Click image for Book of Shadows(Spells)

Click on images for Pentacle Info

Click on image for Witches Herbs

Click on image for Weather Signs

Click on Image for BOS Info

Click on above for Witch's Alphabet

Click on above for Sample Ritual

Click on above for things to Protect

Page images by WitchWay graphics