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Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency®

New webpages for new members

"A man's fiercest enemy is one in which he does not know" ™

"Don't worry---we know." ™

R.I.A. is a (Largely AOL) Roleplaying Guild/Forum



 Hot List

 Contact Information

 Current Projects

 Upcoming Events

 R.I.A. Mission Statement


The Intelligence Sector of Rhy'Din

These pages are only for the eyes of those, which work with R.I.A.

If you are new

Please find the Explanation link and punch it.

Who we are...

R.I.A. is a Roleplaying Forum, which operates out of both Rhy'Din and Enroth

R.I.A. BPS Alpha, Delta, Omicron

There is no new news, check statements for briefings.

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Hot List

 R.I.A. News


 Message Board

 R.I.A. Chat

 Quick Apply

 Explanation---Everything you'll ever need to know

 Archives---Everything you'll ever need to have

 Roster, Updated

 Request for Rhy'Din Identification Number (RID#)/Agent Identification Number (AID#)




 Shop Guild Regulations

 Shop Inventories

 Position Salaries

 Position By Experience

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Contact Information

Please mail all general comments and/or suggestions to Admin (Email listed Below)

If you have found that an Agent has violated the Agreement, please forward all evidence, comments, etc. to Admin (Email Below).

After legitimate evidence is provided, a joint meeting will be held with the Judiciary Committee

Send all applications and agreement(s) to Admin (Email Below)

Send all writing submissions for the newsletter to Admin (Email Below)

All R.I.A. comments should be directed to

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Current Projects




Creating an AOL environment for AOL users. (In AOL)



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Match Case
Match Exact Match Prefix

Last Updated 06/17/2001 2:11 P

All Content Copyright © 1990-2000 Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency, All Material and Information under Contract, Use Under License, All Rights Reserved, Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency is an Agency and Corporate Entity