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An Explanation of Progression

This page is dedicated to all those who become confused when attempting to understand the System of Progression in the status of each Agent.

Now, at first seeing at how things go about, you might think as far as to say "I don't understand", or even "Why does this idiot do this?". Well, there are many good reasons, which I will tell of later. As for now, it would be well to know that you won't be wasting your time reading this, as it is a collective page with valuable information from several other pages for new members of R.I.A. at their convenience. Now, the first question that you may ask, is "What is an Agent?". Well, to give definition, and in attempt of being exact here, I will tell you this-An Agent is any member of R.I.A. It is part of a title, as it is also a general word for anyone that is a member of R.I.A. It is highly recommended in using the Degree terminology when referring to absolute Agents, such as First Degree, Second Degree, and so on. Now, you may wonder what these positions are. First Degree Agent is the status given to all new members of R.I.A. When someone becomes an FDA (First Degree Agent, furthermore reffered to as FDA), they sign a Confidentiality Agreement, and take an Oath of Membership. The Confidentiality Agreement ensures that all information and items transferred either way between R.I.A. and that they are safe and secure. The Oath of Membership endows upon them certain duties and values they must uphold. It would be good and is highly recommended that every new Agent becomes familiar with the Oath of Membership, which is listed below.

The Oath


As an Intelligence Enforcement Officer for the Nation of Rhy'Din, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property;

to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and

to respect the Constitutional Rights of men to liberty, equality, and justice.


I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop

self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations

of my Agency. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret

unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.


I will never act officiously or permit personal feeling, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. I will be exemplary in

obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Agency. With no compromise for crime and with relentless investigation of

criminals, I will obey the law courteously and appropriately without fear or violence and never accepting gratitudes.


I will constantly strive to achieve these objective and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession…INTELLIGENCE ENFORCEMENT

Agent Degrees

Now there are five Degrees that an Agent may be. An Agent may be a First Degree Agent, as covered, a Second Degree Agent, Third Degree Agent, Fourth Degree Agent, or Fifth Degree Agent. The three major differences between the Degrees of Agents is the amount of information alotted to them upon request if it is available, their salaries, and whether or not they may be a Recruitment Officer and/or an Agent Instructor. Note also that any Agent of any status of 4DA (Fourth Degree Agent) or above may become a Recruitment Officer, and any Agent of 5DA(Fifth Degree Agent) or above may become an Agent Instructor.

Any and all Agents are to fill out a report each week consiting of a summary of general actions they took as an Agent, what their progress has been in an Assignment if they have one, what R.I.A. and other events they have attended, any log files they may have kept record for R.I.A., and anything they would like to comment on, whether it be recommendations, questions, etc. Each report is to be sent to their Sergeant and a Carbon Copy is to be sent to their Captain. A sample report is provided below for your convenience. (All names ficticious and non-existent, except for R.I.A. Rendezvous and R.I.A. Instructional Facility)

Report (Section 1, under Sgt. Wolfspire)

Agent: FDA Kara Nightshade

Date: 00/00/00

General Actions: I spent XX hours in the R.I.A. Rendezvous. (LOG Attachment: "R.I.A. Rendezvous.log")

Assignment: K.G.B. Assassin #FK-294, AN # 6481-5039 (LOG Attachment: "K.G.B. HQ.log")

Events Attended: R.I.A. Instructional Facility 00/00/00, 2 hours (LOG Attachment: "R.I.A. Instructional Facility"), Instructor Raven

Comments: Thank you Sgt. Wolfspire for your support in my questions on R.I.A. the page you sent me to helped a great deal and I know what I am to do now.


Now the first question you may derive from this is, "What is a Section?" A Section is a large group of R.I.A. Agents that is overseen by a Commander. Sections are created to keep from having too large a number of Agents interchanging information, losing paperwork, and over all becoming confused about who is who. A Section contains 127 Agents, including the Commander. To explain how this number is formed, you must know how many stati (status pl.) there are in a standard Section. First of all, by what you have read, there are 5 types of Agents. And from them on in order from least to greatest in command are Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, Lieutenant Colonels, and Commanders. Each status commands two of a status below it. Therefore, a Commander commands two Lieutenant Colonels, each Lieutenant Colonel commands two Majors, each Major commands two Captains, each Captain commands two Lieutenants, and each Sergeant commands two Agents. The two Agents may be of varying degrees. If a Section becomes full, then a new Section is created and those who are soon to have promotions may apply to become a part of the other Section. FDAs will be recruited into the new Section automatically, as there are a maximum of 64 of them in each Section, and it is not logical to put any more in the first Section.


Something mentioned in the last paragraph were promotions. Two weeks of active service are required in each status you hold before you may apply to receive a promotion. For each promotion, you must have submitted a minimum of two reports. Promotions are based on experience points, and tables are listed below for your convenience. Promotions are handled by your Commander and it is recommended that you gather a recommendation from your Sergeant for your promotion. Your Commander may deny you your promotion based on any reasonable cause. You cannot, I repeat, cannot sit there and go everywhere except R.I.A., fill out a report stating you did nothing with R.I.A. &/or did nothing otherwise &/or elsewhere and have been in R.I.A. for two weeks and expect to be promoted. We are NOT pacifists.

Experience Point to Level Table for Calculating Promotion (All R.I.A. Agents)



Hit Dice


Required Days Service To Obtain Position




First Degree Agent





Second Degree Agent





Third Degree Agent





Fourth Degree Agent





Fifth Degree Agent




















Major (Or Advisor)





Lieutenant Colonel (Or Spokesperson)















Chief Director





Retirement @ 25% (May continue as any rank of Chief Director or below)





Retirement @ 50% (May continue as any rank of Chief Director of below)





Retirement @ 75%





Retirement @ 100%





Retirement @ 125%



Experience Points Awarded by Action


Fighter, Paladin, Ranger XP

Opponent defeated(death) in single combat (Fighters only)

10% of opponent XP gained

Success on use of special class ability

100 XP

Spells cast to further ethos

50 XP/spell level

Spells cast

10 XP/spell level


Druid, Cleric, Specialty Priest XP

Successful commune with deity

500 XP

Successful use of granted power

100 XP

Spells cast to further ethos

100 XP/spell level

Spells cast

50 XP/spell level

Rites and sacraments observed

10 XP

Recruiting others to faith

200 XP

Enemies of faith destroyed

10% of enemy XP gained

Creation of potion, scroll, or permanent magical item

XP value of item +10%


Mage, Specialty Wizard

Spells cast to overcome foes or problems

100 XP/spell

Spells cast

50 XP/spell level

Successful use of special ability

50 XP

Spells located and learned

20 XP/spell level

Spells successfully researched

500 XP/spell level

Creation of potion, scroll, or permanent magical item

XP value of item +10%



Successful use of general thieving ability

50 XP

Successful find/remove traps attempt

200 XP (50 to find/150 to remove)

Successful pick pockets attempt

100 XP

Successful backstab attempt

500 XP

Successful use of special ability

50 XP

Per gold piece value of item obtained through successful use of thieving abilities

2 XP/gp



Successful use of thieving ability

25 XP

Successful use of special ability

50 XP

Successful performances made

100 XP

Significant performance (major audience (15 or more, and listening attentively, while gathered for your presence))

500 XP

Spells cast to overcome foes or problems

25 XP/spell level

Spells cast

10 XP/spell level

Spells successfully located and learned

5 XP/spell level

Per gold piece of value of item obtained through successful use of thieving abilities

1 XP/gp



Use of psionic power to overcome foe or problem


For defeat of psionic opponent

100 XP/opponent HD

Successful use of special ability

50 XP

Creation of psionic item

XP value of item



Now you might be wondering what you will be making while you are at R.I.A. All Agents of R.I.A. are paid, most in Gold Pieces, some Agents request it be in Platinum Pieces(5:1 GP/PP Conversion, usually done when high salary/retirement count). GP and PP are the two major currencies accepted at R.I.A. Electrum, Silver, and Copper Pieces are also accepted. All Agents are paid their salaries weekly. All Retirement Benefits are paid monthly. Below is a table of each Agent's salary, based on their status.

Salary by Status Table (With Retirement Benefits)


Weekly Salary

Monthly Salary


Retirement Benefits

First Degree Agent

25 GP

100 GP



Second Degree Agent

50 GP

200 GP



Third Degree Agent

75 GP

300 GP



Fourth Degree Agent

100 GP

400 GP



Fifth Degree Agent

125 GP

500 GP




150 GP

600 GP




175 GP

700 GP




200 GP

800 GP



Major or Advisor

225 GP

900 GP



Lieutenant Colonel or Spokesperson

250 GP

1,000 GP




275 GP

1,100 GP




300 GP

1,200 GP



Chief Director

325 GP

1,300 GP



{Chief Director}

350 GP

1,400 GP


350 GP/mo

{Chief Director}

375 GP

1,500 GP


750 GP/mo

{Chief Director}

400 GP

1,600 GP


1,200 GP/mo

{Chief Director

425 GP

1,700 GP


1,700 GP/mo

{Chief Director}

450 GP

1,800 GP


2,250 GP/mo


Figuring Salaries

Now, say that you wanted to figure how much you will make in two weeks. This is more easily done than said. If you are an FDA, then you make 25 GP/week. For two weeks you would have made 50 GP. Now, say you want to figure how much a Chief Director would make in a month (Note: Month) at level 18, it would take some adding. Since this nice table is readily at hand for all Agents, it makes calculating (in hand) salaries easy. We see that a 18th level Chief Director makes 1,800 GP a month, and 2,250 GP a month in retirement benefits. 1,800 added to 2,250 is 4,050 GP. It is also clear that this is a large amount of money. To reduce fairly large digits, when in figuring a high level salary and to reduce on-hand coinage of high level Agents, they may opt to be paid in Platinum Pieces (PP). One Platinum Piece equals five Gold Pieces. Therefore, if the 18th level Chief Director opted to receive salary in PP, then he would have 810 PP (Per month). He would still have the same value amount, only different currency.

Savings Accounts

But, there is also another factor that may come into play when figuring salaries. Any Agent may have an account with R.I.A. All R.I.A. savings accounts accrue a 7% interest. Now accounts that have had withdrawals are harder to calculate than those without. To make it simple, let's calculate what an 18th level Chief Director would make with a new savings account after one month. In savings, if an Agent is active and not retired, then retirement benefits may be paid either in hand or go to the account (but may not be withdrawn while Agents ia active), and salaries may either go to the account automatically or be paid to the Agent. To elaborate on the subject of options for Agents, those making only salaries may transfer them to savings accounts, or they may be paid in hand, both are automatic. An Agent earning retirement benefits in his account has the options of a regular Agent with his salaries (PP conversion), but may not withdraw any of his retirement benefits until he retires (Explained next paragraph). Back to the example, an 18th level Chief Director with a new account with a month's worth of funds would originally be 4,050 GP. A month after any funding is transferred, that funding obtains a 7% interest. Therefore, all new accounts do not earn interest until one month after its activation. In the example, we are assuming that it is a day before the next month, when the interest takes place, and the month's salary and retirement benefits have been deposited (usually the first week). An interest of 7% on 4,050 GP is 283 GP and 1 EP (Electrum Piece, 2 EP=1 GP). 4,050 GP + 283 GP and 1 EP = 4,333 GP and 1 EP. It is clear the great benefit of having an account with R.I.A. It is recommended; however, that you always keep at least 25 GP on hand, 100+ GP is regular.


Retirement Benefits

Once an Agent has reached his 14th level, he may start earning retirement benefits. (Note that in contrast to salaries, retirement benefits are always paid monthly.) An Agent has two payment options when it comes to retirement benefits. The Agent may be paid the retirement benefits in-hand, but may not receive interest on the retirement benefits, or he may have his retirement benefits kept in an account, but may not withdraw it until he retires. What must be explained here is exactly what retirement is. When an Agent retires, they are given the Retired status, which is a highly-valued post-addition to a title, and no longer work for R.I.A. After an Agent retires, he may no longer draw retirement benefits (and no longer receives a salary). Therefore, if an Agent has the goal of having a lot of money for the future, he would put his retirement benefits into an R.I.A. account. If an Agent wants a large amount of money, but not as much, for the present, then he will have his retirement benefits paid in-hand. To compare and contrast these two options on retirement benefits, lets see the difference between the two. Say that two 18th level Chief Directors draw retirement benefits. Chief Director #1 saves his on hand, while Chief Director #2 saves his in an account. If each Chief Director saves his money for three months with a starting balance of 0 GP and then retire, then how much money will each of them have? To answer this, we can refer to the table of salaries, and make a few calculations. (Note that salaries are not included in this problem, but active Agents who collect retirement benefits (whether in-hand or account) also collect their regular salaries.) As we can see, an 18th level Chief Director makes 2,250 GP each month in retirement benefits. Chief Director #1 would make 2,250 * 3 = 6,750 GP, and be able to spend it whenever he chooses. But Chief Director #2 would make 2,250 * .07 + 2,250=2,407.5+2,250=4,657.5*.07=326.025+4,657.5=4,983.525+2,250=7,233.525*.07=506.34675+7,233.525=7,739.87175 (round to 7,740)=7,740 GP. Now, don't worry about trying to figure how much you have in your account yourself, the Treasury does that for you. But from this we can see that Chief Director #2 makes 990 more GP in those three months than does Chief Director #1 with his in-hand pay. It is a great choice to make for Agents in regards to retirement benefits and pay form, I recommend you give well enough thought to it to make the decision that is right for you.

Special Status and Dual Position

Within R.I.A. there are positions other than those listed in the Agent Status table. Among these positions are BLACKOPS Operatives, PSYOPS Operatives, Guild Masters, and Guild Ambassadors. BLACKOPS operatives are Agents that serve within the BLACKOPS branch and execute top secret operations and projects for R.I.A. (Comparable to a S.W.A.T. team) PSYOPS operatives are Psionic Agents that serve within the PSYOPS branch and execute top secret psionic operations and projects for R.I.A. BLACKOPS Operatives and PSYOPS Operatives titles are both Special Status and Dual Position. These two titles function as both Guild AND Forum titles in R.I.A.F. (Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency Forum), R.I.A.G. (Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency Guild), R.I.A.O.G.s (Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency Original Guild(s)), and R.I.A.I.G.s (Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency Independent Guild(s)) may request their services. Guild Master and Guild Ambassador are Dual Position titles. First of all, there is a Guild Master of the R.I.A.G. and then there are the Guild Masters of R.I.A.O.G.s, and there are Guild Masters of R.I.A.I.G.s. The differences between the three are as follows: The R.I.A.G. GM (Guild Master) controlls the R.I.A. as Guild part of R.I.A. Guild Masters of R.I.A.O.G.s control their respective Guilds. And Guild Masters of R.I.A.I.G.s control their respective Guilds. All of these are Dual Position.

Guild Ambassadors attend the R.I.A. Affiliated Guilds Conference (AGC) each quarter, and there is at least one (2 max.) GA(s) (Guild Ambassador(s)) to every Guild under the R.I.A. Forum

Guild Creation

Now you may ask, "How are the three types of Guilds under R.I.A. created?" Well, this only applies to two of the three types of Guilds, as the R.I.A.G. itself is already existent. (R.I.A.O.G.s also exist, but explanation of new R.I.A.O.G.s is given) In R.I.A.O.G.s, to make a new Guild both the F.M. (Forum Master) and the Chief Directors of R.I.A. must agree to create one. Any Agent with a status of Commander or above may submit a proposition to the F.M. that he (I) will read over and if it is extraordinarily good and/or if there is great demand for it, there will be a meeting held and it will be made. For R.I.A.I.G.s, the creature/entity that will serve as GM of that Guild must submit an R.I.A. Guild Creation Application to both the F.M. and Administration Committee.

The requirements for GM R.I.A.G. is a status of no less than 15th level Chief Director with at least two recommendations from Agents with a status of Commander or above and approval of the Administration Committee (Explained later in this document). The requirements for a GM of an R.I.A.O.G. is a minimal status of Commander held for at least one month and approval of the Administration Committee. The requirements for R.I.A.I.G.s are that the GM has had at least six months experience in RPing and/or that he has shown to be fully capable of the position, an application has been filled out and submitted to the F.M. and Administration Committee, and the approval of both the F.M. and Administration Committee.

Reciprocity of R.I.A.F. and its Guilds

R.I.A. gives great support to its Guilds and helps each Guild grow and keep track of its progress. The requirements for an R.I.A.I.G. (Independent Guild, that is, the only type of Guild that can be created by creatures/entities that are not Agents) is that it has adopted the R.I.A. status progression, or have one that is similar or comparable. Variant titles are allowed, but functionality surpassing is restricted. (i.e. Commander could be Squadron Leader, but cannot have the liberties of a Chief Director, as in misallotment of duties/privileges as to level of experience). R.I.A.I.G.s must sign a Confidentiality Agreement between said R.I.A.I.G. and R.I.A. R.I.A.I.G.s must have at least 20 members. R.I.A.I.G.s will be given an income of 10,000 GP per month to facilitate payroll and expenses. R.I.A.I.G.s may apply for additional assistance with the R.I.A. Administration Committee and R.I.A. Treasury. R.I.A.I.G.s must provide a monthly income/spendature report and present it to the R.I.A. Treasury for review each month. An R.I.A.I.G.s may hold an R.I.A. Guild account, and earn a monthly fixed rate interest of 7%. An R.I.A.I.G. may be of any alignment, race, sex, or class, excluding supernaturals, immortals, and demigods. MODERS and the ACT OF MODING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN R.I.A.F., R.I.A.G., ANY R.I.A.O.G., AND/OR ANY R.I.A.I.G. Violators will be punished to the maximum extent of the roll, which currently carries the execution of being drawn and quartered. Violators who do not voluntarily attend their judgement shall become an assignment for an Assassin. Once the violation(s) (any and all) of moding occur(s), the creature's/entity's status will be suspended. If said creature/entity is found Guilty by the R.I.A. Judiciary Committee, the said creature/entity will immediately be disavowed and the judgement as aforesaid shall follow.

To Declare War…

For R.I.A.F. to declare War, the Proposition of War must be written by the R.I.A. Forum Master, and approved by the Administration Committee, Judiciary Committee, Committee of Diplomatic Relations, and the R.I.A. Forum Master.

For R.I.A.G. to declare War, the Proposition of War must be written by an Agent with a status of Commander or above, and approved by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations, the R.I.A.G. GM, and the R.I.A. FM.

For an R.I.A.O.G. to declare War, the Proposition of War must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.O.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

For an R.I.A.I.G. to declare War, the Proposition of War must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.I.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

To Whom I Declare War…

R.I.A.F. may declare War upon any other Forum, Guild, or Individual, and the Declaration of War effects and has the full force of R.I.A.F., R.I.A.G., all R.I.A.O.G.s, and all R.I.A.I.G.s and the Object of War.

R.I.A.G. may declare War upon any Guild or Individual, and the Declaration of War affects R.I.A.G. and the Object of War.

Any R.I.A.O.G. may declare War upon any Guild or Individual, and the Declaration of War affects the R.I.A.O.G. that is declaring War and the Object of War.

Any R.I.A.I.G. may declare War upon any Guild or Individual, and the Declaration of War affects the R.I.A.I.G. that is declaring War and the Object of War.

At War…

When R.I.A.F. has made a Declaration of War, R.I.A.F.'s, R.I.A.G.'s, all R.I.A.O.G.s;, and all R.I.A.I.G.s' members shall initate attack upon any member(s) of the Object of War, or any member(s) of entities affiliated with the Object of War when in their presence.

When R.I.A.G. has made a Declaration of War, all member(s) of R.I.A.G. shall initialize attack against any member(s) of the Object of War, or any member(s) of entities allied with the Object of War, when in their presence.

When an R.I.A.O.G. has made a Declaration of War, all members of the respective R.I.A.O.G. shall initialize attack against any member(s) of the Object of War, or any member(s) of entities allied with the Object of War, when in their presence.

When an R.I.A.I.G. has made a Declaration of War, all members of the respective R.I.A.I.G. shall initialize attack against any member(s) of the Object of War, or any member(s) of entities allied with the Object of War, when in their presence.

To Declare Peace…

For R.I.A.F. to declare Peace, the Proposition of Peace must be written by the R.I.A. Forum Master, and approved by the Administration Committee, Judiciary Committee, Committee of Diplomatic Relations, and the R.I.A. Forum Master.

For R.I.A.G. to declare Peace, the Proposition of Peace must be written by an Agent with a status of Commander or above, and approved by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations, the R.I.A.G. GM, and the R.I.A. FM.

For an R.I.A.O.G. to declare Peace, the Proposition of Peace must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.O.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

For an R.I.A.I.G. to declare Peace, the Proposition of Peace must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.I.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

To Declare a Cease of Bloodshed…

For R.I.A.F. to declare a Cease of Bloodshed, the Proposition of Peace must be written by the R.I.A. Forum Master, and approved by the Administration Committee, Judiciary Committee, Committee of Diplomatic Relations, and the R.I.A. Forum Master.

For R.I.A.G. to declare a Cease of Bloodshed, the Proposition of a Cease of Bloodshed must be written by an Agent with a status of Commander or above, and approved by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations, the R.I.A.G. GM, and the R.I.A. FM.

For an R.I.A.O.G. to declare a Cease of Bloodshed, the Proposition of a Cease of Bloodshed must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.O.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

For an R.I.A.I.G. to declare a Cease of Bloodshed, the Proposition of a Cease of Bloodshed must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.I.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

To Declare a State of Neutrality…

For R.I.A.F. to declare a State of Neutrality, the Proposition of Neutrality must be written by the R.I.A. Forum Master, and approved by the Administration Committee, Judiciary Committee, Committee of Diplomatic Relations, and the R.I.A. Forum Master.

For R.I.A.G. to declare a State of Neutrality, the Proposition of Neutrality must be written by an Agent with a status of Commander or above, and approved by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations, the R.I.A.G. GM, and the R.I.A. FM.

For an R.I.A.O.G. to declare a State of Neutrality, the Proposition of Neutrality must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.O.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

For an R.I.A.I.G. to declare a State of Neutrality, the Proposition of Neutrality must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.I.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

To Declare An Alliance…

For R.I.A.F. to declare an Alliance, the Proposition of Alliance must be written by the R.I.A. Forum Master, and approved by the Administration Committee, Judiciary Committee, Committee of Diplomatic Relations, and the R.I.A. Forum Master.

For R.I.A.G. to declare an Alliance, the Proposition of Alliance must be written by an Agent with a status of Commander or above, and approved by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations, the R.I.A.G. GM, and the R.I.A. FM.

For an R.I.A.O.G. to declare an Alliance, the Proposition of Alliance must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.O.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

For an R.I.A.I.G. to declare an Alliance, the Proposition of Alliance must be written by an Agent with the status of Commander or above, and approved by the R.I.A.I.G. GM and the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

When In Alliance…

When R.I.A.F. is in Alliance, the Object of Alliance shall receive partial, half, or full support from R.I.A.F., R.I.A.G., all R.I.A.O.G.s and all R.I.A.I.G.s when in great need, as determined by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

When R.I.A.G. is in Alliance, the Object of Alliance shall receive partial, half, or full support from R.I.A.G. when in great need, as determined by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

When an R.I.A.O.G. is in Alliance, the Object of Alliance shall receive partial, half, or full support from the respective R.I.A.O.G. when in great need, as determined by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

When an R.I.A.I.G. is in Alliance, the Object of Alliance shall receive partial, half, or full support from the respective R.I.A.I.G. when in great need, as determined by the Committee of Diplomatic Relations.

Administrative Committee (AC)

The AC (Administrative Committee, elsewhere herein AC) is the legislative body of R.I.A. It handles most business within R.I.A.F. The AC holds hearings dealing with Rules, Regulations, Mandates, etc. The AC has power over all other Committees, along with their powers. The AC, akin to most other Committees, consists of eight Agents. Of these eight Agents four of them are Directors and four of them are Chief Directors. The Directors on the AC are as follows: Director of Staff, Director of Operations, Director of Investigators, and the Director of PR. The Chief Directors on the AC are as follows: Chief Director of Staff, Chief Director of Operations, Chief Director of Investigators, and Chief Director of PR. The Forum Master appoints Agents to the AC when one of them retires, dies, is disavowed (not expected to ever happen, but only traitors know if it will), or is missing. When an AC board member has filled his term, which is six months, it is for the AC to appoint a new (or old) board member and the expired AC board member to return to normal duty if he is not re-appointed. An Agent may serve the term of AC board member a maximum of two times. It is required that an Agent of equal status be appointed in place of the expired (in any way) board member. Each AC board member makes an additional 500 GP a week aside from their regular salaries and their retirement benefits. (Note: If Administrative Committee and Armor Class in their acronymns become confusing, try using Admn. Cmte. for Administrative Committee)

Committee of Diplomatic Relations (CDR)

The CDR (Committee of Diplomatic Relations, elsewhere herein CDR) is the diplomatic body of R.I.A. It handles all diplomatic relations between R.I.A.F., R.I.A.G., R.I.A.O.G., R.I.A.I.G., all other Forums, and all other Guilds in Rhy'Din. They control, at least in part, states, such as War, Peace, etc. The CDR is comprised of all existent Diplomats and Ambassadors within the R.I.A. Forum. The only requirement for CDR board members is that they be Diplomats or Ambassadors of the R.I.A. Forum, Guild, one of the Original Guilds, or one of the Indpendent Guilds. There is no appointment of CDR board members. Terms of CDR board members are also the same as they are in the AC. Each CDR member makes an additional 250 GP a week aside from their regular salaries, and their retirement benefits , if they are receiving any. CDR members terms last as long as they hold the position of Diplomat or Ambassador.

Judiciary Committee (JC)

The JC (Judiciary Committee, elsewhere herein JC) is the Judicial body of R.I.A. It handles all trials and punishments. The JC Consists of three Head Judges, who are the Chief Justice, V.M.D.O.I. (Vice Master Director of Investigators) and M.D.O.I. (Master Director of Investigators). All three are appointed by the FM and each make an additional 400 GP per week aside from their regular salaries and their retirement benefits. Along with the three Head Judges are eleven jurors, who are selected each trial. The Chief Justice selects five of the eleven jurors, the M.D.O.I. selects three of the eleven jurors, and the V.M.D.O.I. selects the last three of the eleven jurors. For every trial held the Crime and Punishment Rules are observed to the figure, and each juror may constitute a +/-1 adjustment to the judgement roll. After the jurors make their adjustments (if any), each Head Judge may make his own +/-1 adjustment, resulting in Final Judgement. Final Judgement is as the name implies-it is final and there is nothing more to the matter, no resolve. It is the duty of the Chief Justice to read the Final Judgement, and report all modifiers of every trial to the AC. The Head Judges serve the same terms as do AC members.

Committee of Public Relations (CPR, A.K.A. Affairs Concerning public Knowledge-ACK)

The CPR (AKA ACK, perhaps some laughable acronymns, elsewhere herein as CPR) is the Public Relations branch of R.I.A. CPR essentially gives life to R.I.A. when needed. ((::chuckle::)) In other words, CPR advises the AC on matters concerning those within and outside of the R.I.A. Forum. CPR also submits reports detailing the general perception of R.I.A. by the general public, along with interviews. CPR consists of four Agents, two of which hold the status of Chief Director of PR, the other two holding the title of Director of PR. Requirements, terms, and appointment of CPR board members are the same as the AC. Each CPR board member makes an additional 250 GP a week aside from their regular salaries and their retirement benefits.

Trade Council (TC)

The TC (Trade Council, elsewhere herein as TC) regulates any and all Shop Guilds and shops within the R.I.A. Forum. It is to the TC to create new shop Guilds in conjunction with the FM, and also approve or deny the creation of shops. The TC also supplies additional inventory items to shops if the TC so chooses to do so. The Trade Council consists of three board members. Terms, requirements, and appointment of TC members are the same as those for the AC. Each TC member makes an additional 300 GP a week aside from their regular salaries and their retirement benefits.


The Treasury, in once sentence, handles all of R.I.A.'s money, including all funding, Agent salaries, retirement benefits and additional compensation. The Treasury decides if and how much money goes to anyone that receives their money from the R.I.A.F. (Note that R.I.A.F. supplies the money for R.I.A.G., all R.I.A.O.G.s, all R.I.A.I.G.s, Shop Guilds, Independent Shops, salaries, retirement benefits, additional compensation, etc.) The Treasury consists of 8 Treasurers. Terms, requirements, and appointment of Treasurers are the same as those for the AC. Each Treasurer makes an additional 400 GP per week aside from their regular salaries and their retirement benefits.

Form of Meetings of all Committees, Trade Council, and Treasury

To make an enforceable rule, in any Committee, in the Trade Council, or the Treasury, at least one half of the total board members or Treasurers must be present, passed by a minimum 2/3 vote, with exception to the Judiciary Committee. As with the Judiciary Committee, for every trial held there must be at least two Head Judges present for each part, all three if it is possible. All 11 jurors must be present at every part of every trial.The Judiciary Committee makes judgements as outlined in the Crime and Punishment Rules, and the adjustment modifiers set in this document. All meetings of any Committee, meetings of the Trade Council, and meetings of the Treasury are to be in a formal manner.


Personal Thanks

If you have read all 23 pages worth of this webpage, I personally thank you for taking your time to better understand R.I.A. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your Sergeant, and if they do not know the answer, make note of the question in your report and ask your Section Commander.


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