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"have you ever wondered why it seems it's evil you're attracted to?" -Slayer

Perhaps because evil has more to offer. There is a dark world which surrounds us everyday that we are unable to see, a dark world where we can be anything we want, do anything we want, without persecution and punishment. It is a world of sin and immense pleasure, obtainable only by letting you mind go and doing only what you want to do. It is the world where your deepest, darkest, most intimate desires can be sated. The world many of us shun only because we are afraid, but afraid of what? Being what you have always wanted to be, doing what you have always wanted to do? Just do it and forget what they say. And just as an afterthought, fuck your god.


This site was designed for several reasons. 1. To give people information on a few items that interest me. It is more then likely that several people have the same interest. 2. To give me the oppurtunity to learn html. I am slow right now, very slow. 3. For my own personal enjoyment

Now, enough with the small talk, start clicking. Enjoy and feel free to sign the guestbook and email me comments on making my page better.

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Fathead Webring
This site is owned by Darren Book.

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Email: darren@southwind.net