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This page is about the injustice, not only to myself, but to many men & women throughout the United States that have served their country faithfully and honorably for 20 years or more. I am divorced and have been paying my ex a percentage of my retirement pay for almost 5 years now, even though she is remarried. Where is the justice? This all stems from the McCarty v. McCarty, June 26, 1981 court case that was overturned by the U S Suppreme court. It was based on the support that the wife provided during his time in the military. Ok, I can understand that possibly.....but how many ex wives actually supported thier husband while in the military? Mine didn't. First thing out of her mouth when Desert Storm hit, get out...That's supporting me 100% don't you agree. Well, some of you might think it was out of concern for me....but you have to know my was out of concern for herself. She gave me no support, in her words "she married me not the Army", even though I was in the Army when we got married. Each time I reenlisted, it was a joint decision, she never once said she didn't want me to reelist. She enjoyed the security of having the medical benefits from my service, a gauranteed income. Yes...that's why she agreed to my reenlistment each time. She refused to wash my uniforms. She was against my advancement into Warrant Officer. I know what you are thinking....that's just my opinion, but is refusing to do anything for me that is related to the army what you call "supporting me"? If you think so...then we disagree in many ways. Please..take time to follow some of the links the first link from the American Retirees Association, being one that allows you to voice your opinions if you so desire and maybe make a difference. If you are one of many affected by this act....please take time and pay the 34 cents it takes to send it off. If you aren't, but agree with the injustice, please...voice your opinion. Thank you for taking time out to read this.

American Retirees Association

AAUL (Allianze Against the USFSPA Law)

Stand up Americans

NMFA (National Military Family Association)