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The Barrett Family Homepage

To the Grin-n-Barrett homepage!

The Barretts are glad you dropped by for a visit.
We are a christian family striving to serve the Lord in all we do.
Derek, Seth, Rob, Lyndsie, Richelle, and Baylie ~ March 8, 2002 - Lyndsie's birth
Our Family verses
1. BEAR each other's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
2. Love BEARS all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I Cor. 13:7
3. BEAR with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Children are a heritage to the Lord

erek is our oldest child, and he is 15. His name means "Ruler of people" and he lives up to that name in every way. His passion these days is music. He plays guitar, electric guitar, and keyboard. He uses his talents by playing in the senior high youth group "Powerhouse" at our church (Antioch Family Worship Center) as well as leading worship for the junior high youth group, "The Edge".
eth, our second son, is 13. His name means "Chosen", and we are glad that God chose to bless us with him. Seth's favorite things are science and playing baseball. He is active in "The Edge" as well. Seth is compassionate and sensitive which makes him a great friend to all. aylie is our third child and first girl, and she is 6. Her name means "Steward". We pray that she will be a faithful steward to God. Baylie started kindergarten this year, and she is so excited about learning. She loves reading (is reading at an end of first grade level), and has made many new friends.

yndsie, our youngest, is 2 1/2 years old. Her name means "Peaceful Isle". I pray that she will start living up to that name any day now! She can be a joy one minute and a terror the next. Her favorite things are her blankie, thumb, and baby doll. She doesn't go too many places without all three. Lyndsie is enjoying the one on one time she gets with Mommy while Baylie is at school. I hope to have new pics of Lyndsie up soon. These are from her birth. (I'm a little behind!)

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