|| //||\\ || // || \\ || // || \\ ||// || \\ ||\\ || // || \\ || // || \\ || // || \\||// KNIGHTSDUNGEON Knights Dungeon Walkthrough by Hanlu Pannat 02/07/11 hanlu.pannat@gmail.com http://knightsdungeon.angelfire.com/walkthrough.txt WAIT! I know you're stuck, but did you get a hint from the graveyard yet? Did you ask a friend to take a look at it? Did you sleep on it? I bet you can get it if you really think about it, but if you're frustrated and would like to continue the game then please read on. TABLE OF CONTENTS [PAGE] Level 1 - Purple Rooms [ToL1] Room 1 - A Missing Number [L1R1] Room 2 - 6 Pink Blocks [L1R2] Room 3 - 6 Switches [L1R3] Room 4 - Barrier Room 1 [L1R4] Level 2 - Orange Rooms [ToL2] Room 1 - 4 Chessboards [L2R1] Room 2 - Magic Square 1 [L2R2] Room 3 - Barrier Room 2 [L2R3] Room 4 - Roll the Ball [L2R4] Level 3 - Red Rooms [ToL3] Room 1 - Magic Square 2 [L3R1] Room 2 - Barrier Room 3 [L3R2] Room 3 - Sun and Moon Room [L3R3] Room 4 - Digital Display [L3R4] Level 4 - Yellow Rooms [ToL4] Room 1 - Magic Square 3 [L4R1] Room 2 - Number Puzzles [L4R2] Room 3 - Color Puzzles [L4R3] Room 4 - Barrier Room 4 [L4R4] Level 5 - Cyan Rooms [ToL5] Room 1 - Number Blocks [L5R1] Room 2 - Letter Blocks [L5R2] Room 3 - Symbol Blocks [L5R3] Room 4 - Magic Square 4 [L5R4] Level 6 - Pink Rooms [ToL6] Room 1 - 4 Green Blocks [L6R1] Room 2 - 16 Green Blocks [L6R2] Room 3 - The Library [L6R3] Room 4 - 1 Pink Safe [L6R4] Level 7 - Grey Rooms [ToL7] Room 1 - Red Playback Blocks [L7R1] Room 2 - Yellow Rhythm Blocks [L7R2] Room 3 - Blue Pitch Blocks [L7R3] Room 4 - Green Combo Block [L7R4] Level 8 - Green Rooms [ToL8] Room 1 - 16 Symbols [L8R1] Room 2 - 2 Pink Safes [L8R2] Room 3 - The Gallery [L8R3] Room 4 - 36 Symbols [L8R4] Level 9 - Blue Rooms [ToL9] Room 1 - 9 Shapes [L9R1] Room 2 - 5 Switches [L9R2] Room 3 - 7 Switches [L9R3] Room 4 - Chessboard Room [L9R4] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 - Purple Rooms [ToL1] To get to Level 1, walk South through the cave. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - A Missing Number [L1R1] Replace each number (1-26) with a letter (A-Z) to read the secret message. Fill in the missing letters to complete the message. *08 03 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - 6 Pink Blocks [L1R2] Look at the yellow block, which is a "message block" and try to determine the message. Each 13X2 row represents the 26 letters. Putting letters for pink squares spells: "I MOVE DIAGONAL", a riddle with the answer "BISHOP". This can be spelled on the 6 pink blocks. *[> ] [ > A ] [ < ] [> < ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - 6 Switches [L1R3] LEFT SAFE The colored switches open the safes, and the combinations are hidden on the 4 stone tablets. Tablet 1 has the color BLUE written on line 1. Tablet 2 has the color RED written on line 2. Tablet 3 has the color GREEN written on line 3. Tablet 4 has the color PINK written on line 4. *BLUE RED GREEN PINK _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RIGHT SAFE Opening 1 safe per room suggests that you must hit all six switches and that green is third. The "right words" (words at the end, or right, of each line) are shown in a new order. Two arrows indicate the word green and also the word "THREE" vertically. Rearranging more "right words" gets you: RED=ONE, GREEN=THREE, BLUE=FOUR, PINK=FIVE Since all six must be hit there are only two possible combinations, so at that point guess! *RED YELLOW GREEN BLUE PINK ORANGE _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Barrier Room 1 [L1R4] LEFT SAFE The message from Room 1, "MIRRORTHEBLOCKS", refers to this room because of the common symbols. Imagine a horizontal line of reflection and "mirror" the blocks. * [<] [>] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [>] [<] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RIGHT SAFE Opening the right safe in the previous room shows you the block diagram: * [>] [>] [<][A] [A][>] [>] [<] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 2 - Orange Rooms [ToL2] Opening the right safe in Barrier Room 1 drops the barrier and unlocks level 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - 4 Chessboards [L2R1] The four chessboards are identical except for one extra piece per board. This piece is always in a position to capture the king to make it easier to spot. Highlighting the unique quadrant of each board opens the safe. *[Y][B] [G][R] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - Magic Square 1 [L2R2] Play the theme song from level 1. *42314231 Each number is the sum of the numbers on either side of it. *57 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - Barrier Room 2 [L2R3] INPUT BLOCK Find the two pieces of paper by completing the chessboard and ball-rolling puzzles. Add up the numbers in each column: 20 23 15 0 6 15 21 18 0 15 14 5, and sub in letters. * T W O _ F O U R _ O N E _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PURPLE BLOCKS Push the purple pair-blocks into the same configuration that unlocked the last barrier (a key). * [>] [>] [<] [<] [A] [A] [>] [>] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Roll the Ball [L2R4] Push the two top-left pink blocks to the left, then the three bottom-left pink blocks down. Work your way around to the right of the blocks in the way of the ball and push the top-right block up. Push every block in the ball's way to the right. * 1 [ ] [ ][A][ ][ ] [ ] [<] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [<] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] S [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [V] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [V] [ ] [A][ ] [ ] [V][>] [ ] [ ] H [>] 2 [ ] [>][ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [>] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] S [ ] [ ] [V] [>] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [>] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] H [ ] 3 [ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [V][>] [ ] [ ] S [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [V][>] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] H [ ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 3 - Red Rooms [ToL3] Opening the safe in the purple block room unlocks the barrier to level 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - Magic Square 2 [L3R1] Identify either a bishop on the wrong color or a rook which has moved beyond the line of pawns. *[Y] [B] [G] [R] Each row and column sum to 50. *35 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - Barrier Room 3 [L3R2] INPUT BLOCK The four digit code can be found by completing all three security levels in the eastern room. *3831 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ GREEN BLOCKS Push the green blocks into the same configuration that unlocked the last barrier (a key). *See page 10 of your journal _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - Sun and Moon Room [L3R3] Each block and statue is a day of the week: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. *MOON TYR WODAN THOR FRIGG SATURN SUN _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Digital Display [L3R4] Make each number without using that number's button, then push 4 up and 7 down. *1=2358 2=1358 3=1269 5=689 8=569 9=568 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SECURITY LEVEL 1 Put 03 in the input block and then spell THREE on the digital display. *[78] [456] [245] [18] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SECURITY LEVEL 2 Put 08 in the input block and then spell EIGHT on the digital display. *[18] [125] [9] [456] [78] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ DECODER Rotate the decoder and overlay it over the 5x5 block of letters until you can read the message. *THRITYONE _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SECURITY LEVEL 3 Put 31 in the input block and then spell THIRTYONE on the digital display. *[5679] [456] [125] [245] [5679] [179] [27] [1249] [1569] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 4 - Yellow Rooms [ToL4] Opening the safe in the green block room unlocks the barrier to level 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - Magic Square 3 [L4R1] You must have solved 10 cube solutions - see [L4R4]. Each row has the same 10's digit and each column has the same 1's digit. *46 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - Number Puzzles [L4R2] #1 Illuminate the squares summing to 8. *[ ][ ][X] [ ][X][X] [ ][ ][X] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ #2 Illuminate the squares summing to 99 (the only number where the sum of the digits is not 9). *[X][X][X] [X][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ #3 Illuminate the squares summing to 437 (618 / 437 = 437 / 309). *[ ][X][ ] [ ][X][ ] [X][X][ ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - Color Puzzles [L4R3] #1 Illuminate the green squares. *[ ][ ][X] [ ][X][X] [ ][X][X] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ #2 Illuminate the blue squares. *[ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][X] [X][X][X] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ #3 Illuminate the purple squares. *[ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ] [X][X][ ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Barrier Room 4 [L4R4] Using the cube painter you can enter the following 10 solutions: *1 = BYGGOOOOBBBBRRR 2 = BGYYOOOOBBBBRRR 3 = YGBBBBRYYYOORRR 4 = YGRRRBBYYYOOBBB 5 = BBBORRRGGGYGGYR 6 = YOBBRRRYYYOGGGR 7 = YYBBRRROOOOGGGR 8 = BBBORRRYYYGGYGR 9 = RYGGOOOORRRBBBB 10 = RGYYOOOORRRBBBB Solving 6 cube puzzles gives you the 6 digit code. *346104 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BLUE BLOCKS Push the blue blocks into the same configuration that unlocked the last barrier (a key). *See page 10 of your journal _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 5 - Cyan Rooms [ToL5] Pushing the blue blocks into the key pattern drops the barrier. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - Number Blocks [L5R1] Solving the Symbol Blocks room gives you a hint that each set of parallel lines has a certain value. In order to be able to make all numbers 1 - 9, the 5th set must be +6, and the 6th, +3. *[2][8][5] [3][9][6] [1][7][4] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - Letter Blocks [L5R2] Solving the Number Block room tells you that, using the numerical value of each letter, each row and column adds up to the same number. The total of all the numbers divided by 6 (# of rows / columns) is 66, so each row and column adds up to 66. Looking under the four chessboard tables (by answering no to "look at the chessboard?") gives you 4 words, which are the names of the 4 unique pieces. Even without these 4 words it is possible to fill in the letters according to the values of the number blocks. *[A][F][Q][H][O][S] [B][L][W][D][I][P] [T][U][4][M][7][1] [G][0][K][E][R][Y] [J][X][6][N][9][3] [Z][C][5][V][8][2] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - Symbol Blocks [L5R3] Each symbol in a row has the same horizontal lines, and each symbol in a column has the same vertical lines. Also, there is a line of symmetry from the top left to the bottom right. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Magic Square 4 [L5R4] Put the blocks in the following order. * [6] [2][8][5] [4] [3][1][7] Each column is a multiplication problem; the product of the top and middle number is the bottom *07 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 6 - Pink Rooms [ToL6] In order to get to the pink rooms, you need to solve the first of two chessboard room puzzles. The first part of it is that each magic square is surrounded by the symbols for the chessboard room, and solving each puzzle gives you part of a red block coded message, but you must rotate it the right way to be able to read it. Solving the Letter Block room tells you to number the chessboard squares from 1 to 64 and that the magic squares tell you which three squares need to be illuminated when you step off the board. The magic squares' message is to use the one with ones from Magic Square 1. This means use the numbers in Magic Square 1 that have the number 1 in them. This will illuminate the orange square by the chessboard room safe. The chessboard instructions say that this needs to be done 4 times, so once for each Magic Square. But Magic Square 2 has 4 numbers containing a 1. Instead use the three numbers with 2s, for MS3 use the 3 numbers with 3s, and for MS4 use the 3 numbers with 4s. This will open a safe containing a message; In rooms that ha_ keys n_w l_ok fo_ the_e. The message has 5 missing letters, which spell DOORS. Look for doors in the rooms that had keys. Revisiting the orange key room will show that the green arrow has flipped and is pointing to the wall. Examine the wall to open the door to Level 6. *[17 19 51] [2 21 29] [34 36 39] [4 14 45] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - 4 Green Blocks [L6R1] There are four blocks with symbols in this room. In order to learn what each symbol means you need to have found the book page in the library. The room contains 4 green tiles, which lock blocks in place when its moved there. Put the right symbol in the right place to open the safe. To find the right places, you must learn the base 27 numbering system. Our normal numbering system is base 10, where if you count to 10 you increment the digit to the left and start over. You can learn how it works by reading a message block that says that AD + TO = US, as in since D is the 4th letter of the alphabet, increment the letter O 4 times to get S (O+1=P, P+1=Q, Q+1=R, R+1=S). Increment T once for A=1. The explanation is expanded for "carrying" a digit, where you exceed Z and need to start over. When Y is incremented T times, you need to increment M once for A=1 and once for carrying the 1, and you get O. From this you should discover that there is a character for zero, a blank space. Solving ASH + LAW gives you MUD, which is WATER + EARTH. This block is pointing to 2 squares, and one must be WATER, and the other must be FIRE. Solving KITE + SAW should give you LAVA, which is FIRE + EARTH. Since you now know which two blocks are water and earth, and which two blocks are fire and earth, you should know where all 4 blocks go, but additionally you can solve the long puzzle, which is STEAM (WATER + FIRE), but it is not necessary. * [W] [E] [A] [F] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - 16 Green Blocks [L6R2] Reading the correct page in the library according to the hint in the southern room tells you "something important". Near the bottom of the page are the words "West", "Blue", and "Water", which should be keywords to you since you have been working with the 4 elements and you have a compass room with colored blocks. Since "one page will tell you all you need" and you still don't know the cardinal direction and color associated with the other three elements reread the page for other hints, specifically looking for other colors, cardinal directions, and elements. The rest are hidden such as "yell. Owls". They are "green south earth", "yellow air north", and "red east fire". This is how to set up the compass room. * [YA] [BW] [RF] [GE] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - The Library [L6R3] The southern room tells you to find an anagram, which is a book title in the library. The book you are looking for is Ken's Hunting Dog. The message also mentions the number of rooms so turn to page 36. *Ken's Hunting Dog, page 36. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - 1 Pink Safe [L6R4] PATH You are supposed to use the compass to find the path on the colored tiles, and each color represents a direction. To solve the puzzle, take a step in the direction indicated by the tile you are standing on. You will start to see a path that starts at the top and ends in the middle of the square. *Start V [V][<][<][>][>][V] [V][>][>][A][V][<] [V][A][<][A][>][V] [>][V][A][A][<][V] [V][<][A][>][A][V] [>][>][A][A][<][<] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SAFE The path is illustrated once you walk it correctly, and it looks like a 55, the safe combo. *55 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 7 - Grey Rooms [ToL7] Solving the chessboard puzzle discussed in the section about getting to Level 6 - Pink rooms will also allow you to get to Level 7 - Grey Rooms. Look for a door on the South wall of the red key room. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - Red Playback Blocks [L7R1] PLAYBACK BLOCK 1 A red note block is called a "playback block" so play back the song you hear on the piano next to the first red note block. If you number the keys in order from 1 - 36: *Piano keys 1 5 8 13 10 6 3 1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYBACK BLOCK 2 Do the same for the 2nd playback block, but since the red note is backwards this means that either you need to play the song back backwards, or the song that the red note block plays is backwards (same thing really). Listen to the song, play it on the piano, write it down, then play it back backwards from what you wrote down. *Piano keys 13 18 17 18 20 22 22 22 20 18 20 22 18 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYBACK BLOCK 3 Do the same as the 2nd playback block. *Piano keys 36 29 36 29 34 27 34 27 31 24 31 32 29 24 29 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - Yellow Rhythm Blocks [L7R2] INPUT BLOCK Opening the three safes in the playback block room gives you three pieces of a puzzle similar to page 2 of your notes, but this time there are also black squares. The note will not make sense if you treat the black squares the same as the grey squares. Instead, count each black square as double. * THREE TWO SIX _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM BLOCK 1 Use what you learn about the "rule of three" on the rhythm you hear to decode the safe combos. You hear 3 taps followed by a different tap. During the 3 taps there is either no note, one note, or two notes played, for for each 4 taps you get 3 digits, each of which is 0, 1, or 2. This corresponds to what you know about turning the "rule of three" into letters. *62 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM BLOCK 2 Same as Rhythm Block 1. *91 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM BLOCK 3 Same as Rhythm Block 1. *45 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - Blue Pitch Blocks [L7R3] DECIPHERING THE PITCH BLOCK CODE Each time you solve a Rhythm Block you get a hint that a roman numeral, I, II, or III, is equal to a certain number / word. These numerals are attached to Pitch Blocks in the far East room. So you can assume that the 6 notes played are the 6 numbers, letters from the hints. Start by taking note of which piano key is which number or letter and then try writing these numbers / letters on a diagram of the piano keys. A pattern may become apparent, which is that the top 5 black keys are the numbers 0 - 4, the bottom 5 black keys are the numbers 5 - 9, the middle 5 keys are vowels, A E I O U, and the white keys are the consonants in alphabetical order. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PITCH BLOCK SAFE 1 Use the newly deciphers code to follow the instructions on the three message blocks. Play the pitch block code for "KNIGHTS": *Piano keys 13 18 19 8 10 27 25 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PITCH BLOCK SAFE 2 Play the pitch block code for "DUNGEON": *Piano keys 5 23 18 8 16 21 18 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PITCH BLOCK SAFE 3 Play the pitch block code for "2010": *Piano keys 7 2 4 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Green Combo Block [L7R4] The green block plays a sing set up similarly to the rhythm block code. Count the number of notes played each time and use the rule of three to get these three letters "TEN". This block is different though, since the notes are all different. The fact that the block is green may hint at the fact that this block is a combination of the yellow and blue note block codes. Listen again a few times to memorize the song and begin learning to play it back to learn the pitch block code message "CODE FOR ROOM". So together the two parts of the message together make: "CODE FOR ROOM TEN". The 10th room is the 2nd room of Level 3, the red key room, and the code you used in this room was 3831. Play this on the piano in pitch code: *Piano keys 9 33 9 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 8 - Green Rooms [ToL8] If you are searching the "rooms with keys" for doors you may have found a door that required 4 keys to unlock, but at this point in the game you have only 3 and have visited all possible rooms. If you have opened the pink safe in the pink level and the green note block in the grey level then you have two pieces of a message about finding more keys. It says you must "read the right words" with the spaces rearranged. In Level 1 you may have learned that to "read the right words" means to read the words on the right side of the line, as in the last word of every line, in this case: there's agree none with there done. Without rearranging the words, but reading it slightly differently, you get "there's a green one with the red one". There's a green key with the red key. *Make a green key, rather than a red key, in the red key room _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - 16 Symbols [L8R1] The numbers 1 through 9 are shown as equal to a sequence of symbols, though 5 has an arrangement of 16 symbols that can be stepped on. You will not be able to make any mathematical sense out of the symbols, but if you look for repeating symbols you'll see what the symbols have in common. Fort example, the symbol that looks like a lower case "h" shown in 1, 7, and twice in 9 is the "n" sound. To fill in "five" with the 16 symbols look for the "f" sound in "four, the "i" sound in "nine", and the "v" sound in "seven". That will open the safe. Numbered 1 to 16, the symbols are: *16 14 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - 2 Pink Safes [L8R2] RIGHT SAFE Clear a path to the right message block and safe: push the first block North, go East of where it was, push the next block East, and go North of where it was. Push East, go North, push East, go North, push East, go North, push West, go North, push North, go East, push East. Read the yellow block. It is supposed to tell you the location of the safe's combo. The message doesn't make sense, but you were told it was a secret message. Take the last letter of every word to get "IN ROOM F ON FLOOR". "Room F" if the room with an "F" on the red address block. On the floor you will see a pattern that repeats 3 times, and can be read using the rule of three. This is the safe's combo: *974 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ LEFT SAFE Clear a path to the left message block and safe. From the start its: Push North go East, push East go North, push East go North, push East go North, push East go North, push North go West, push North go West, push South go West, push North go West, push West go South, push South go West, push South. The message block is supposed to tell you the safe's combo. The secret message can be solved by tracing the block twice, first tracing the top half, then tracing the bottom half to overlap the two messages using the stars to line them up. It says: *418 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - The Gallery [L8R3] Solving the 16 Symbol Room gives you a set of symbols for each painting in the gallery. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - 36 Symbols [L8R4] Opening both pink safes gives you two halves of a page with this room's symbol on it. There are 9 pictures, including a safe. The 8 pictures around the safe can all be spelled using two symbols. It may take some guessing as to what the words all are, but when you successfully enter a word a colored square gets illuminated around the safe and illuminating all 8 squares will open the safe. The trick is to listen to the two music tones to determine whether you are hitting the first symbol or the second symbol of a word. The only problem with this is that stepping on a symbol a second time, or stepping off the 36 symbols makes you start all over. In that case, you'll need to spell all 8 pictures in a path that doesn't reset the puzzle: *31 34 35 33 30 20 14 25 29 19 24 13 18 28 23 12 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Level 9 - Blue Rooms [ToL9] For the first time, there is a red barrier without a key-block puzzle. In the past you dropped the barrier by making a key, but this time spell"KEY" to open the barrier, and its certianly likely that you hit it by accident: *36 32 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 1 - 9 Shapes [L9R1] FOUR MESSAGE BLOCKS Decode the message blocks using the red block code you you'll get the yellow block as"3SH APE STH", which is somewhat like a message since it contains the words "3 SHAPES", but the rest of the blocks do not make sense. The four blocks should remind you of the compass from the pink rooms. This should get you thinking of using the 4 directions to help you decode the message. One way to think of it is that you need to read the four blocks from the middle. Another way to think about it is that the symbols need to be rotated according to the color. By rotating the blocks according to the 4 directions you get a full message: *3 SHAPES THAT MAKE A SQUARE WITH THEMSELVES _______________________________________________________________________________________________ THREE SHAPES Now is where the switches next to each shape come in. There are 3 shapes that, when paired with an identical block rotated 180 degrees, make a perfect square. Hitting these three switches makes symbols appear on the blocks. You must use the exact same methos of decoding the message as before; rotate each block according to its color. The message becomes coherent when you fit the three rotated shapes together into a rectangle: *ROOM ONE HAS A FAKE SOUTH WALL _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 2 - 5 Switches [L9R2] First, hit each set of 5 switches according to the message blocks to get the message about "meditating" on certain tiles to get part of a 7 switch hint. It tells you that if you form a square using the two marked tiles as corners that you can "mediate" on any corner of the square. From this you should realize that you can make 4 safes appear for the 4 corners of the square (and to "meditate" is to sit and wait on the tile without moving for 33 seconds). But this does not form a complete message. Each note is numbered at the top, and you only have 2 3 6 and 7. So there are at least 3 more pieces of the message to find. This is because you can form more than one square with the two marked tiles as corners. The next two squares are diagonal, and some involve leaving the room. Turn up the volume to hear the safe appear in the distance, however for one safe you must be on the other side of the wall and you just need to guess that you've waited long enough. * The 8 tiles are marked by "X" [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ] The four message blocks ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][W][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][X][A][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][X][W] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][T][W] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][1][ ][2][ ][3][ ][4][ ][5][ ][S][ ][W] [ ][2][ ][3][ ][4][ ][5][ ][6][ ][7][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [ ][ ] The 7 seven switches[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 2 Sets of 5 switches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igital display puzzle ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 3 - 7 Switches [L9R3] You need all 4 hints for the 7 switches to determine the sequence, the last of which is cut into 8 pieces in the 5 switch room. Use the red block code to translate the other three 7 switch hints (the third hint must be translated TO red block code in order to read it). From these you should know that you hit 1 3rd, you hit 2 last (7th), and you hit 4 5th, and you know that if you were given the code in the two ways, like the 5 switches, you'd still only be able to hit it in one sequence, as in it would be the same both ways. In order for that to be true you'd have to hit 3 1st since you are hitting 1 3rd. You also now know that you hit 7 2nd and 5 4th. The only switch left is 6 and the only step of the sequence left is 6. So the full solution is: *3 7 1 5 4 6 2 (and, of course, you can enter it either way!) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Room 4 - Chessboard Room [L9R4] THE MESSAGE Hitting the 7 switches in the correct sequence gives you a piece of paper with some red block code to translate. Remember to rotate the shapes according to color as you learned in the 9 shape room. At that point you will not yet have a coherent message, but you should be confident that it was translated correctly, you just need to know how to read it. It is similar to the 55 puzzle, as in, the order of the squares is determined by the color of the tile. Once you trace the path (a 22 this time) you can read the message in the correct order: *THE PATH OF THE KNIGHT IS THE PATH OF THE WALL _______________________________________________________________________________________________ THE CHESSBOARD REVISITED The symbols surrounding the safe containing the message "THE PATH OF THE KNIGHT IS THE PATH OF THE WALL" refer back to the chessboard room, where you are supposed to step on the 12 illuminated tiles in a certain order. This is that order. Mapping out the wall, as in the grey wall, not the brown cave wall, you will see that it almost makes one straight path, the exception being the wall dividing the purple rooms. You may have learned by now that the wall is fake (the 9 shape room's message is that room one had a fake South wall), so don't count that wall. This path corresponds to the order in which you step on the 12 illuminates tiles. You can walk it in two directions, but start on the upper left, with the first tile you step on being the square of the chessboard that a knight would start on. *[ ][A][ ][I][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][H][ ][ ] [B][ ][J][ ][L][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][G][ ][ ][ ] [ ][C][ ][K][ ][ ][F][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][E][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][D][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PURPLE KEY Beating the chessboard reveals a message in green room code; "get the purple key". The symbols form the red address block symbol for the orange key room. Visiting the room, you'll see that there are more blocks than before, just enough to make another inverse key. To untangle the purple blocks and build the key: push the outer two vertical pairs outward and the middle one up. Push the lower-middle horizontal pair right, down, then the rest of the H-pairs down as far as you can. Next push the middle V-pair down and all the way left. Push the H-pair in the middle up, right, up. Push the last H-pair in the 3x7 block up once. Now push the left-most V-pair down, move the middle V-pair right, and then push the left-most pair back up. Push the lower left H-pair up twice. Push one of the H-pairs on the right up to the top and another to the middle row (there should be 4 together next to the upper yellow block). Now push the V-pairs together to form the left square of the key. Finally, push the 3 H-pairs down to form the right half of the key. *Make an inverse key _______________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST DOOR Since you are receiving more keys, but have apparently visited every possible room, there must be another door somewhere. One hint is that all the other doors were in rooms with key puzzles and the first level had a key puzzle. Another hint is that the wall dividing Level 1 is fake. Check the North wall in the Level 1 key room. It requires 6 keys, so if you do not have all 6 then read on. *Check the North wall of the fourth room _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BLUE KEY In order to follow these instructions more easily, check the red block 5 times to assign these letters, and 5 times again to turn them back off. The moves are: D down, F down, L right, S down, V right, Q up, O up, H down, K left, J left down, O left down right, G left down, E left down right, I left down, V up, T up right, R left up, Q left, X right. *Make an inverse key _______________________________________________________________________________________________ THE END!