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WCW Power Hour - 1/1/94
Ron Simmons vs. Brad Armstrong
Starrcade 93 recap
Sting vs. Bill Tyree
Rick Rude vs. Frankie Lancaster
Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma vs. Leroy Howard & Kendall Windham
Flashback - Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Nikita Koloff (GAB 88)
Ric Flair vs. King Kong

WCW Power Hour - 1/8/94
Brian Pillman vs. Denny Brown
Steven Regal vs. Scott Sandlin
Flashback - The Varsity Club vs. The Road Warriors & Tenryu (Clash V, 2/18/88)
Promo - Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne
Tex Slazenger & Shanghi Pierce vs. Thunder & Lightning
The Shockmaster vs. Mike Dibacco
Clips - Sting vs. Vader (SuperBrawl III)
Clips - Sting vs. The Prisoner (Slamboree 93)
Clips - Sting vs. Sid Vicious
Promo - Rick Rude, Steve Austin & Col. Rob Parker
Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma vs. Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne

WCW Power Hour - 1/15/93
Vader vs. David Walby
The Nasty Boys vs. Bert Styles & Brian Armstrong
Johnny B. Badd vs. Steven Regal
Promo - Brian Pillman
Dustin Rhodes vs. Nasty Ned
Promo - Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne
Flashback - Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat (SuperBrawl II)
Sting music video
Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma vs. Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne

WCW Power Hour - 1/22/94
Ric Flair vs. Bobby Eaton
The Shockmaster vs. Denny Brown
WCW Control Center - Clash XXVI preview
Sting vs. Nasty Ned
The Hi-light Zone
Flashback - The Nasty Boys vs. Terry Taylor & Jackie Fulton (Clash XII, 9/26/90)
Clip - Ron Simmons slaps Ice Train (WCWSN)
Ron Simmons vs. Scott Allen
Clip - Col Rob Parker tries to put a chicken mask on Brian Pillman (WCWSN)
Rick Rude & Steve Austin vs. Dustin Rhodes & Brian Pillman

WCW Power Hour - 1/29/94
Vader vs. Randy Hogan
2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Bagwell vs. Nasty Ned & The Claw
SuperBrawl IV Control Center
Flashback - Mike Rotunda vs. Sting (TV Title Match, WCW 4/1/89)
Erik Watts vs. Bill Payne
The Cole Twins vs. Bob Cook & Bill Tyree
The Nasty Boys vs. Ken Kendall & Frank Rose

WCW Power Hour - 2/5/94
Clip - Press Conference announcing the postponement of the Vader/Flair match at SBIV
Terry Taylor vs. Bill Payne
Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne vs. Sugar Daddy & Mike Dibacco
Flashback - Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat (WrestleWar 89)
Tex Slazenger & Shanghi Pierce vs. Scott Sandlin & Brian Armstrong
Promo - Ricky Steamboat
Brian Pillman vs. Bob Cook
SuperBrawl IV Control Center
Steven Regal vs. Charlie Norris

WCW Power Hour - 2/12/94
Clip - Ric Flair & Sting vs. Vader & Rick Rude (Clash XXVI, 1/27/94)
Clip - Press Conference announcing the postponement of the Vader/Flair match at SBIV
Clip -Vader attacks Ricky Steamboat (WCWSN, 2/5/94)
Clip - INT - Nick Bockwinkle & Ric Flair via phone (Flair demands the match at SBIV be reinstated, WCWSN, 2/5/94)
Johnny B. Badd vs. Rip Rogers
Paul Roma vs. Kenny Kendall
SuperBrawl IV Control Center
Flashback - Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Dusty Rhodes (Clash II, 6/6/88)
Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne vs. Nasty Ned & Tony Mella
Rick Rude, Steve Austin & Paul Orndorff vs. Brad Armstrong, Frankie Lancaster & Mark Starr

WCW Power Hour - 2/19/94
The Nasty Boys vs. Chris Nelson & Johnny Lorenzo
2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Bagwell vs. Southern Posse
SuperBrawl IV Control Center
Steven Regal vs. Todd Champion
Ricky Steamboat vs. Bill Payne
Flashback - Sting vs. Lex Luger (SuperBrawl II) (Trancking problems during this match and rest of show)

WCW Power Hour - 2/26/94
Clip - Nick Bockwinkle/Freebirds (SuperBrawl IV)
Dustin Rhodes, Sting & Brian Pillman vs. The Claw, The Terrorist & Denny Brown
The Nasty Boys vs. Scott Sandlin & Randy Hogan
Flashback - Norman the Lunatic vs. Kevin Sullivan (Clash X, 2/6/90)
Thunder & Lightning vs. J.D. Wolfe & Big Daddy
Promo - Ricky Steamboat
Ric Flair vs. Bob Cook
The Hi-light Zone
Harlem Heat vs. Johnny B. Badd & Michael Hayes (Worldwide)
Clip - Johnny B. Badd vs. Jimmy Garvin (SuperBrawl IV)

WCW Power Hour - 3/5/94
Sting vs. Bill Payne
Ron Simmons vs. Richard Andrews
Steve Austin vs. T.A. McCoy
Terra Ryzing vs. Brian Armstrong
Flashback - Sting vs. Ric Flair (Clash I, 4/4/88)
Flashback - The Road Warriors vs. Samoan Swat Team (Clash VIII, 9/12/89)
Flashback -Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin (Clash XXV, 11/10/93)
Flashback - The Great Muta & Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair & Sting (Halloween Havoc 89)
Flashback - Dustin Rhodes & Ricky Steamboat vs. The Enforcers (Clash XVII, 11/17/91)
The Nasty Boys vs. Scott Allen & ???
Rick Rude vs. Marcus Bagwell