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Works Cited

Athenaeum in Griffith, op.cit.

Atlas Magazine in Crandall, op.cit.

Bronte, C., (1850), Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell in Wuthering Heights (1847), repr. 1985, Penguin Group, London

Collier, Lionel., in Cottrell, op.cit.

Cottrell, J., (1975) Laurence Olivier, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs

Crandall, N., (1957), Emily Bronte: A Psychological Portrait, Richard R. Smith Publisher, Rindge

Dobell, S., in Griffith, op.cit.

Douglas Jerrold's Magazine in Crandall, op.cit.

Gerin, W., (1971), Emily Bronte, Clarendon Press, Oxford

Greene, G., in Tanitch, op.cit.

Griffith, B., (1966), Barron's Simplified Approach to Wuthering Heights, Baron's Educational          Series, Woodbury

Hill, R. & R. Caley, [Online]. Available:

Hirsch, F., (1979), Laurence Olivier, Twayne Publishers, Boston

Larkin, A., Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights [Online]. Available: [2000, November 6]

Morely, S., (1985), The Other Side of the Moon, Harper &Row, New York

New Monthly Magazine and Humorist in Griffith, op.cit.

New York Times Review in Morely, op.cit.

North American Review in Griffith, op.cit.

Quaterly Review in Griffith, op.cit.

Spectator in Griffith, op.cit.

Tanitch, R., (1985), Olivier, Abbeville, New York

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