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Writer's Block--Meet your doom!

Heya! Ok, so I was just thinking, "What if...there was a website with all kinds of crazy random writings? And those crazy writings were actually halfway PG-ish in rating? And what if it didn't matter if nothing made a whole lot of sense?"

And so, this site was born. Enjoy!

General disclaimer on all stories: the characters in these stories are either fictional or real. The real ones are either the authors or people we've never met. The fictional characters that we've borrowed for the sake of writing are not ours, but created by some other genius or geniuses (is that a word?). So please don't take these stories as any more than that. This site was made for a few writers who need to vent some energy.

and one more disclaimer: since the authors have been working on their own stories from here as well, the above disclaimer is no longer completely valid, so ignore it. The fictional characters in one story (Newsies) are characters that we have borrowed, but were created by some other shard of geniusesness (yes it's a word). I must say though, the other fictional characters that are currently the authors took quite a stroke of brilliance on their part. So, hooray for the authors that vent energy during a particularly painful BPB (that would be "Brain Power Blockage). Horrible condition for authors if you ask me.

Hey, wrote a bit in the manor...I guess Wolfing woke up for a bit...~~steph

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