Welcome to Crystaljane's Page...
The Website of Jane Johnson
(Musician, artist, poet and writer)

Welcome to my Homepage, This is my invitation to you to consider yourself as the most exciting thing in your life! Why? Because there is nothing that happens to you, without YOU being the person it happens to! There is nothing interesting that occurs to you - unless YOU are the person who sees it, or thinks it! There is nothing interesting for you to do - unless YOU are the person who does it! For you to enjoy this life at all - first there must be you!

Welcome to YOUR life - however you've seen it up until now.. It's YOUR choice to feel good, or bad, happy or sad - those you love are loved by YOUR capacity to love - your family is YOURS to make the most of - as is this life! What a gift!

What a present! How can we ever repay such a generous, free-hearted gesture? Why, by LOVING our life, ourselves, and the Source of our being with all our heart - and then, hey! We start to feel that enthusiasm, that allows us to become little creators too.. in our own way, our happiness, our kindness, borrowed from the Source of all joy and love.. can enhance our lives and those of all with whom we come into contact!

YOUR views are important. Your creativity is unique. Your poems, & artwork too. Share your hobbies and interests, and all you do.... Come on, post a message, share a dream, reveal an insight that you've seen.. tell a story, make up a rhyme - here, over to you, it's your time! Be you adult or child, meek or mild, this website's for YOU, to make you smile!

Love from Crystaljane


I hope you enjoy reading some of my writing...
May you feel inspired to write your own!
Take a look at my daughter Cleo's wedding pics,
and don't forget to sign the guestbook!

This photograph was taken by Tony Karacek, Ravi Shankar's tampoora player. I met him in Rikki Ram's music shop in Delhi, when I was buying strings for my tampoora, which I'd not long been learning, from a master in Varanasi. I recognised Tony from a concert in 1999 at the Barbican, London , where Ravi Shankar and his daughter Anoushka played before a delighted audience.

There are examples of my music on most pages of this site, although some have other music on (resourced from internet shareware midi files). The music playing on this page is 'Gentle Jupiter' (a study in 'C' minor) which I composed, performed and recorded in 1999, copyright 2000. All the material on this site is created by, and remains the copyright of Jane Johnson, unless otherwise stated.

NEW! If your system can handle it, there are now some more tunes in 'Jane's Computer Sequenced Music' including the song 'You Breathe Me' which I wrote some years ago, and re-recorded in December 2000, and 'Johnny Goes To France' which is a traditional Folk Song arranged and sequenced from twelve bars of a melody I found (in musical notation on the Nottingham University website). That's about 650Kb, but the tune 'Balloons' is a MIDI file and very small, so should play instantly.

If your system has room you should be able to download any of these, but please be patient with the larger files as it may take a little time. There is also going to be a form for feedback on this page soon, where you can leave your details, your comments, and the address of your website, apart from the bravenet link below...

I shall be delighted to get your feedback, and will read all! Hopefully we can get an interactive message board up and running soon! If you have any stories, poems, or links to your webs, please place them on the feedback form. I can open some more pages to feature your work here, or put a link for people to reach you. Happy Creating, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Love from Crystaljane



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The Pleasure Dome, A Home For Writers

The Poetry of Jane Johnson

About Bhopal

More about Bhopal

CHALICE at Winged Heart

This Year's Formations
(At The Crop Circle Connector Site)

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