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Photo of rescue workers in New York.
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Today at the White House Oct. 15, 2001

Radio Address of the President to the Nation
"Good morning. This week, we opened some important new fronts in the war on terror. We're taking the war to the enemy and we are strengthening our defenses here at home."  full story en Español
listenListen to the President's Remarks

President Asks American Children to Help Afghan Children
At a March of Dimes volunteer conference, President Bush said, "The people of Afghanistan have suffered too long under Taliban rule. That suffering provides us with a task. I'm asking every child in America to give... a dollar to a specific cause: a relief effort for the children of Afghanistan."  full story

President Holds Prime Time News Conference
"Good evening. I would like to report to the American people on the state of our war against terror, and then I'll be happy to take questions from the White House press corps."  full story
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 More White House News

  President George Bush addresses the nation in a prime time news conference. White House photo by Paul Morse.
President George Bush addresses the nation in a prime time news conference.
Inside the White House
President Establishes "America's Fund for Afghan Children"
The President asks American children to help Afghan children by making contributions of one dollar individually or collectively to:

    America's Fund for Afghan Children
    C/O The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
    Washington, DC 20509-1600

America Responds to Terrorism
The war on terrorism is being fought on diplomatic, military, financial and law enforcement fronts. Learn more about recent results of this multi-faceted operation.
  Link to American Attack Response Page

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