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Week 2


Well I lost 600 grams last week and feel quite upset with that. I had the expectation that when you start a weight loss program you lose a lot of weight to start with. I was hoping for at least 1kg! I should be happy that at least I have lost weight and it is a good loss.


I had a week with more positives than negatives. I am in the habit of weighing myself in the morning and I actually weighed 71.6kgs one morning. I had the mind set that I was never going to get under 72kgs so this made me see that I can and will lose weight. I find that my scales are 300grams lighter than my WW one’s but still I am obviously losing weight! I also went for some walks and washed the car which is some intentional activity.

Negatives would be that I had 2 glasses of wine which made my self-control vanish but I chose low fat snacks (low fat biscuits and rice crackers) instead of making a batch of chocolate brownies so this is progress!!!!


Now I love Dr Phil and bought his Weight loss Solution book and his first key is about your thinking. I honestly didn’t see myself ever losing weight and couldn’t visualize it. I am starting to challenge this thinking and now believe that I can and will lose 16 kgs and be a comfortable size 10 again. I guess after children you accept the notion that your body will never be the same again but that is simply not true. I may and probably really will have to work at it but it can be done!




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