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Summit Ministries


Christian Research Institute contributing editors have been/are involved with David Noebel’s Summit Ministries: Norman Geisler, Cal Beisner, Francis J. Beckwith, Ronald Nash, and J.P. Moreland is credited by Noebel for help with his book Understanding the Times. David Noebel is a member of the highly secretive Council for National Policy [CNP]—a gathering of members of various cults and subversive organizations including Freemasons, Scientologists, Moonies, Knights of Malta, Ku Klux Klan, old and neo-Nazi, CFR, etc. who network with Evangelical leaders to set the agenda and policies for the Religious Right.


Christian Research Institute’s Francis Beckwith has authored some of the Summit Seminar materials. Other resources offered from Summit are books authored by members of the Council for National Policy [Tim LaHaye], by representatives of the Heritage Foundation [Rush Limbaugh—2001 recipient of the HF’s Clare Booth Luce Award], the Hoover Institution [Thomas Sowell], the Federalist Society [Robert Bork], the Discovery Institute [Phillip E. Johnson–– who is also a director on EMNR’s Sacred Tribes project] or Scientology’s front org the CCHR/Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights [B.K. Eakman––CCHR speaker & recipient of their awards].


James Dobson [CNP member] has been a featured speaker at some of the Summit Seminars.


David Noebel’s widely circulated book…


Understanding the Times: The Story of the Biblical Christian, Marxist/Leninist, and Secular Humanist Worldviews by David Noebel

First printing © 1991by Summit Press, a branch of Summit Ministries, Manitou Springs, CO


"This textbook is dedicated to every student who attended the Summit Ministries two-week program over the past 30 years…"


Understanding the Times ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS


"The story behind this Story began over 20 years ago in a chapel service at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. The chapel speaker was Dr. Fred Schwarz [Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, 1988], and he was speaking about communism––its atheism, dialectical materialism, and economic determinism.


"Over the years others have had a part in the development of this text. James Orr's The Christian View of God and the World, the writings of Francis Schaeffer, Norman L. Geisler [CRI Contributing Writer], and Carl F.H. Henry ["Christianity Today began as a journal of opinion under the editorship of theologian Carl F. H. Henry."]all had a tremendous impact on my worldview.


"Many others have played a significant role in bringing this project to a fitting conclusion… I must mention and thank…J.P. Moreland [CRI Contributing Writer], and the Campus Crusaders [Bill Bright, CNP member; Campus Crusade is an associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF which is an NGO of the UN] who helped sort and label categories for our studies. Thank you Carl Henry for looking over our outline and saying, “I’ve always wanted to do something like that.”…Thank you Ron Nash [CRI Contributing Writer], for your time at one of our Society for Christian Philosophers meetings. [Francis J. Beckwith is the present day SCP leadership.] Thank you John A. Stormer [CNP member & John Birch Society leadership], Herb Titus [CNP]…, Duane Gish [Institute for Creation Research with Henry Morris––CNP member], Mark Hartwig…and Cal and Debbie Beisner [Cal is a COR/Coalition on Revival founder and was a Christian Research Institute Research Consultant, 1979; both are on the World Journalism Institute/WJI faculty; Beisner’s sister is CRI’s Gretchen Passantino] (Cal did a great job editing and expanding on some of our ideas and Debbie was helpful designing the text)…"


from David Noebel's ACKNOWLEDGMENTS above…


About James Edwin Orr


National Association of Evangelicals/NAE, 1943   


Harold J. Ockenga - first NAE President

Charles M. Fuller––Fuller Theological Seminary

J. Edwin Orr, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission


From the Billy Graham Archives, Wheaton College


James Edwin Orr was born January 15, 1912, in Belfast, Ireland, to William Stewart and Rose (Wright) Orr.


Editor’s Note: J. Edwin Orr belonged to the Stewart Clan, one of the Merovingian ‘sacred bloodlines’ who believe they descended from an imagined marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.  Notice that Orr used his mother’s maiden name to conceal his Merovingian paternity and ancestry. In the Billy Graham archive profile, the reader will also notice that Orr pursued his doctorate at Oxford University where his major field/dissertation was ‘great awakenings/revivals’. Orr was an advisor to Billy Graham (another Merovingian ‘sacred family’) from the outset of Graham’s career, which was funded by William Randolf Hearst among other Illuminati families (Vanderbilt, Whitney, Gould, Rockefeller). In 1974, the year of the first International Consultation on World Evangelism (ICOWE) and drafting of the Lausanne Covenant, J. Edwin Orr founded the Oxford Reading and Research Conference on Evangelical Awakenings.


…Orr and a friend began to feel a strong call to evangelize in 1930 or 1931. They began to hold open air meetings in the streets of Belfast. In 1932, he was involved with a city-wide evangelistic effort organized by Christian Endeavor. This increased his desire to preach and lead people to Christ. By late 1933, he felt God wanted him to be an itinerant evangelist. Despite skepticism and discouragement from family and friends, he set out from Belfast in September to follow this call. He went to London and gradually began making contacts with Christian leaders as he spoke in various churches. With London as his base, he preached throughout the British isles for the next two years. Then he began to travel farther to preach. In the first part of 1935 he traveled to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Soviet Union, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Switzerland, France, Holland, and Belgium. Then a few weeks later, after a return to London, he traveled through Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Palestine, Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal…


…When he was discharged in 1946, he hitchhiked across Korea, China, and India to Cairo and then to Durban, South Africa, where he rested two months with his family. He then sent his family to England by troopship and traveled through the Congo to West Africa. From Dakar he crossed the Sahara and traveled on to England. He picked up his education again and was at Oxford from 1946 to 1948, doing resident study for his doctorate, which he received in the latter year. His dissertation was published in 1949 under the title The Second Evangelical Awakening in Britain. The year 1952 saw the publication of The Second Great Awakening in America


…In 1949 he established a permanent residence in southern California and began a series of speaking tours and evangelistic meetings on college and university campuses. First he preached across the United States and then, from 1949-1951, in Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. He made a brief visit to Brazil in 1951. The response caused him to be invited back for a full scale campaign in cities throughout the country. There followed meetings in South Africa (1953) and India (1954). He and Mrs. Orr led a team evangelistic effort in Australia and New Zealand from 1956 to 1957. Other members of the team included Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Doing, Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Bushby, Rev. and Mrs. William Dunlap, and Corrie ten Boom. The following year, Orr again held meetings in India. Other countries where major meetings were held in the next few years included Great Britain in 1961, where he spoke with young theological students about spiritual renewal; Norway, Sweden and Denmark in 1962; university meetings in the United States in 1962 and 1963.


In 1966, Orr became a professor at Fuller Seminary's School of World Mission, a position he held until 1981. Besides his teaching and writing, he greatly stimulated the study and understanding of revivals and evangelism through his founding in 1974 and continuing leadership of the Oxford Reading and Research Conference on Evangelical Awakenings…


Besides his writing, teaching, and preaching, Dr. Orr had great impact on evangelicals around the world through his friendship with other leading Christians. He was an advisor of Billy Graham's from the start of that evangelist's career, a friend of Abraham Vereide and [Orr] helped shape the prayer breakfast movement that grew out of Vereide's International Christian Leadership, and he was a important leader in Andrew Gih's Evangelize China Fellowship.


Ed. Note: Abraham Vereide, who founded the Prayer Breakfasts (see below) was mentor to Harald Bredesen who, in turn, mentored Pat Robertson [CNP]. Robertson is the grandson of Winston Churchill, who was an active Freemason and a member of the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids, the order which founded Oxford University in the year 1245 A.D. See: [Project Megiddo: Dual Pedigrees and Chronology of Major Movements: Druids/Oxford] Winston Churchill directed the first International Congress of Eugenics in London in 1912 and also maintained a friendship with Billy Graham, a 33º Mason and prominent Merovingian bloodline.

James Edwin [Stewart] Orr and the founding of the National Association of Evangelicals [NAE]



1929 - J. Elwin Wright formed the New England Fellowship

1941 - Wright made a tour of 31 states interviewing evangelical leaders with the purpose of forming a national fellowship. He worked in Boston with Harold Ockenga.

At the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago - a call for conference was signed by 147 evangelical leaders …

1942 – Conference, ‘United Action Among Evangelicals,’ St. Louis

1943 - NAE Constitutional Convention, Chicago


NAE Founders:

•Harold J. Ockenga - first NAE President

•J. Elwin Wright - Executive Secretary

•Charles M. Fuller

•J. Edwin Orr


The National Association of Evangelicals is a full member of the World Evangelical Fellowship.

Ed. Note: The NAE office in Glendora, CA has a framed 1942 edition of the first NAE newspaper, announcing its founding. The two photos included on the front page are of Harold Ockenga and James Edwin Orr.


James Edwin Orr and Explo ’74 [<<<<<<listing of leadership under development]

About Abraham Vereide’s Fellowship Foundation & the Prayer Breakfast Movement 


Billy Graham Center Archives

Records of the Fellowship Foundation - Collection 459


Historical Background

~ edited, emphasis added ~


Note: The events described in the chronology below, large public meetings, incorporations, etc. provide a framework for the history of Fellowship Foundation (more accurately the prayer group movement) but do not really capture its nature. From its beginning, Abraham Vereide and other leaders were determined that the movement not become a formal organization but carry out its objective through personal, trusting, informal, unpublicized contact between people. Although at times (particularly in the 1960s) tending very close to the kind of organization, boards and structures found in other Christian organizations, the movement has managed to reinvent itself continually to stay true to its original principles.


1934 - Abraham Vereide, Methodist conference evangelist and former associate general director of Goodwill Industries, led a month of evangelistic meetings in San Francisco, which included regular breakfast prayer meetings of business leaders at the Pacific Union Club.


April 1935 - Vereide pulled together a group of local businessmen to pray about perceived IWW and Socialist subversion and corruption in Seattle, Washington's municipal government. Group began to meet regularly and expanded to include government officials, labor leaders, etc. Other groups developed throughout the state, loosely coordinated by Vereide. Other early leaders in the movement were J. N. Davis, J. G. Kennedy, Carl Christopherson, William Day, and William St. Clair.


1937 - Two hundred nine prayer breakfast groups had been organized throughout Seattle.


1/19/1945 - First prayer breakfast in Washington, DC, for members of the U. S. Congress


January 1947 - Four day conference in Washington, DC resulted in the formation of International Council for Christian Leadership (ICCL). There were representatives from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Norway, Hungary, Egypt and China. ICCL was an umbrella group for the various national fellowships. ICCL was formally incorporated as a separate organization in 1953. ICL and ICCL were governed by different board of directors, but there was a coordinating committee consisting of four each from members of ICCL's board and the ICL's executive committee. Eventually Fellowship Foundation was created by the two organizations to maintain Fellowship House in Washington, DC as a spiritual service center.


2/5/1953  - First Presidential Prayer Breakfast held in the United States.


5/3/1956  - Richard Halverson became associate executive director of ICL. In addition, from 1958 on, Halverson was pastor at the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Washington. He served as chaplain of the United Senate from 1981-1995. Throughout his time in Washington, Halverson, along with Vereide and later Douglas Coe, continued to be one of ICL's most influential leaders, regardless of his title. [see Halverson bio, below]


4/1959  - Conference of the European member of ICCL in Strasbourg, France.


2/9/1961  - 9th Annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Billy Graham was the principal speaker


6/1964 - Bi-annual World Conference held in Bad Godesburg, Germany. Forty-seven nations were represented.


2/17/1966 - 14th annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast at Shoreham Hotel. Fifteen hundred in attendance. Billy Graham was the principal speaker.


6/29-7/3/1966 - International conference in Cambridge England. Three hundred delegates.


5/16/1969 - Abraham Vereide died. Douglas Coe from this time on served as coordinator and leader of the movement, in as far as a person can be said to be the leader.


2/1/1972 - 20th Annual National Prayer Breakfast.


1972 – Name change to Fellowship Foundation

After consultations among leaders of the movement, including Coe, Halverson, Senator Mark Hatfield, and others, the organization was redesigned to be even more low key and to provide a central office where many dozen (one hundred fifty in 1985) of ministries could be administered. Each ministry had a contact person who was the liaison person with the Foundation. The Foundation mainly dealt with seeing that the goals of the ministry were in line with the overall goals of the Foundation and that monies were spent for the purposes for which they were budgeted, without getting involved in personnel and administrative matters of each ministry. In effect, the group adopted an even lower profile, serving as a channel of communication and a catalyst. Its three major interests came to be developing personal relationships between leaders and encouraging them in prayer, Bible study and personal Christian growth, youth work, and service to the poor. The group continued to help set up each year's National Prayer Breakfast, but most of its activities were done with no or very little publicity. This, along with the continual effort to avoid creating any kind of large, hierarchical ministry, grew out of a desire to avoid the rigidity that came with organization, to avoid public controversy, and to be as open as humanly possible to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The behind-the-scenes consultations*, prayer fellowships, and support for programs in line with the objectives of the group were the real ministry of Fellowship Foundation.


*Editors Note: See Spiritual Counterfeits Project/SCP: Apologetics Conferences & New Age Dialogue and Constance Cumbey’s Gold Lake Reportthe “behind the scenes” “Bridging Through Christ” gathering of “Christian” apologists and New Age leaders, with Douglas Coe and Barbara Marx Hubbard co-chairing the conference!


1/18/1979 - 27th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. [Roman Catholic]


2/3/94 - 42nd Annual National Prayer Breakfast. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was the speaker.

[See Billy Graham Archives for complete history.]


Ed. Notes: Abraham Vereide was also the mentor of Harald Bredesen who, in turn, mentored Pat Robertson; see Project Megiddo & the Next Revolution. Douglas Coe was mentor to Chuck Colson, who stated in Promise Keepers’ New Man magazine: "I have often wondered what would have happened in my Christian life had I not had a mentor like Doug Coe." (New Man, Sept.-Oct., 1995, p. 54) 


About Richard Halverson

Dr. Richard Halverson was one of Henrietta Meares’s "accepted, anointed evangelists" as were Billy Graham, and Bill Bright; all were members of the Fellowship of the Burning Heart. Halverson worked at Meares’s Forest Home Conference Center [CA] in the early 1940s as manager. Meares was an associate of Charles E. Fuller who founded Fuller Theological Seminary with Harold Ockenga, J. Edwin Orr, Armin Gesswein and Meares. Harold Ockenga founded the National Association of Evangelicals [NEA] with J. Edwin Orr in 1942. The NAE then worked with John Stott to revive the defunct U.S. Evangelical Alliance [1846], which became the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF [1951]; now renamed the World Evangelical Alliance/WEA. Stott was the framer of the ecumenical Lausanne Covenant [1974] and is a Contributing Editor for Christianity Today.

About Hope College where Noebel received his inspiration for writing Understanding the Times


"The story behind this Story began over 20 years ago in a chapel service at Hope College in Holland, Michigan…”


Presidential update @ Hope College


James E. Bultman, President

Fund Raising at Hope


June 30 marks the end of our fiscal year. It has been another good year financially for the college, but one tempered considerably by major increases in our energy and medical insurance costs. We remain very grateful for a record number of students, which allows us to effectively and efficiently operate the college at full capacity.


Many of you have contributed generously, some even sacrificially, to Hope this year. Thank you. Each contribution is very important to the financial health of the college. If you have not yet contributed, we would be very grateful to receive your fiscal, year-end gifts that help to keep Hope affordable for talented and deserving students.


Last week, I attended the Michigan Colleges Foundation (MCF) annual Board meeting. Present were the presidents from the 14 member colleges, Foundation Board members from across the state, and several large corporate donors. The foundation collectively seeks gifts for its member institutions rather than having each college individually solicit the corporate sector. Hope annually receives about $100,000 from MCF and has received about $3.5 million cumulatively since 1959.


Presidential Update @ Hope College ~ James E. Bultman, President


Dinner with the Philanthropists!

…Eric [a student at Hope] too, is a philanthropist in his own right. With the cancer death of the mother of his best high school friend, he began a small manufacturing business making refrigerator magnets with scriptural passages on them. These have been sold around the country with all proceeds going to two West Michigan charitable organizations: the Van Andel Institute* and DeVos Children's Hospital, both in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Earlier this spring, Hope Trustee David Van Andel recognized Eric for his contributions to the institute…



You are probably already aware that Hope College is the intended recipient of a generous $7.5 million anchor gift from the Richard and Helen De Vos Foundation. It will serve as a catalyst to enable the college to assume a leadership role in addressing, with others, some of the spectator facility needs of Hope College and the Holland community.


About the Van Andel Institute's role in the Human Genome Project


[Michigan] State to help light the genome path

Research teams focus on banishing diseases


State to help light the genome path

Research teams focus on banishing diseases


February 13, 2001




Now, the hard work begins.


Following Monday's announcement that scientists have completed the sequencing of the human genetic code, researchers in Michigan and elsewhere will focus on better understanding what goes wrong inside cells that cause human disease…


At a news conference in Washington, D.C., to announce publication of most of the genome findings, experts, including Dr. Francis Collins, the U-M geneticist on loan as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, cautioned that new therapies may take 10 to 20 years to develop.


Michigan's budding genomics industry has benefited from the gene race. Last year, Michigan awarded the first $50 million in grants from its new Life Science Initiative.


The initiative will use $1 billion in tobacco settlement money to entice other private and federal investments to Michigan during a 20-year period. Each project funded must involve two of the initiative's four partners: U-M, Wayne State University, Michigan State University and the Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids. Together, they are referred to as Michigan's new Life Sciences Research Corridor…


On the other side of the state, the Van Andel Research Institute has hired 90 new scientists since its opening last year in a sleek, three-tiered glassed building in downtown Grand Rapids. The institute also plans to add nearly 460 more scientists.


Four Nobel Prize laureates advise the group. Its president, Dr. Luis Tomatis, boarded a plane Monday to tell audiences in London and Paris how Michigan's Life Sciences Research Corridor can be a model abroad.


As significant as Michigan's progress has been, "the truth is, we are far behind," Tomatis said. "The West Coast and the East Coast are far ahead of us. They've been able to attract the stars. Regardless, this is a new era of genetics and molecular biology. We've made great strides to create the corridor. That's where we'll have the greatest impact."


Editors Note: Francis Collins was a speaker at the C.S. Lewis Institute, as was Art Lindsley, board member of Spiritual Counterfeits Project, and J.I. Packer, a speaker at Spiritual Counterfeits Project retreat. See: SCP: Apologetics Conferences & New Age Dialogue: C.S. Lewis Institute.



Returning to Summit Ministries…


Editor’s Note: much of this info was collected form the Summit Ministries web page a year ago and it may not reflect the info posted there today. However, this info illustrates how involved Christian Research Institute is involved with Summit.


Summit Ministries Web site Homepage  


Features Curriculum sold by Summit Ministries and written by Francis Beckwith [CRI JOURNAL Ethics Editor] and Greg Koukl [Koukl’s Stand to Reason is an apologetics ministry with CRI's Scott Klusendorf and Board of Reference: CRI's Francis Beckwith and CRI’s Wayne House]:


Responding to RELATIVISM!

Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air

Leader's Guide

Relativism (book)

Responding to Relativism (video)


Responding to Relativism is our first of many satellite studies intended to supplement the Worldviews in Focus curriculum.  In this study, Frank Beckwith and Greg Koukl equip us to defend objective morality and truth with the power of logic and wit. This 6-week study is perfect for individual or group training.


Get this unbeatable book-video combination for only $35 (shipping included).



What others are saying about Summit Ministries:

Previously found <


"Summit Ministries is wonderful!  It conveys to students how to think well as Christians.  It gives them a model of how to think critically and clearly about their faith.  Summit teaches them how to apply the Scriptures to their lives and be prepared for the issues they are going to face at the university."  Dr. Francis Beckwith, Trinity International University…



“Dr. David A. Noebel has been Director of Summit Ministries since 1962. He is editor of the Summit Journal and author of several books including The Legacy of John Lennon, The Homosexual Revolution, Understanding the Times: The Religious Worldviews of Our Day and the Search For Truth, and he co-authored Clergy in the Classroom: The Religion of Secular Humanism. Dr. Noebel is a member of the Council for National Policy, National Association of Scholars, the Society of Christian Philosophers [Beckwith is/was SCP president], and the American Philosophical Association.


Who Else Teaches at Summit?

Assisting Dr. Noebel is an outstanding faculty: Dr. Ron Nash [Christian Research Institute; Acton Institute] , Dr. Michael Bauman, Dr. Frank Beckwith [Christian Research Institute; Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity], Dr. Jobe Martin,  Dr. Jeff Myers, Dr. Charles Thaxton, Dr. Robert Linden, Dr. Del Tackett, Dr. J.P. Moreland [Christian Research Institute], Dr. Norman Geisler [Christian Research Institute; Southern Evangelical Seminary], Chuck Asay, Kevin Bywater, Chuck Edwards, Doug Sanders, and others.


Summit Ministries Worldview Weekend  


Upcoming Conferences


Understanding The Times: A Worldview Weekend 


The modern Christian is constantly bombarded with information and opinions by the media, the schools, and the government. Who could hope to assimilate and comprehend such an array of material? Who could possibly understand the times in which we live? Not many! But those men and women who do understand, become the next generation of leaders. The Bible speaks of a small tribe in Israel that “understood the times” and knew “what Israel ought to do”, and as a result were granted positions of leadership (I Chronicles 12:32). God expects His people to seek earnestly for the truth, rewarding those who understand the truth with greater responsibility - and with a call to leadership. [WW students are funneled in the direction of the Council for National Policy and related CNP-member orgs for their resources.] Sponsors include:                       

Summit Ministries

American Family Association [Donald Wildmon, Council for National Policy member; founder of the Alliance Defense Fund, an affiliate of the Christian Legal Society/CLSamong other sponsors…

© Copyright 2001 American Family Policy Institute


Understanding the Times Worldview Weekend Speakers


RECOMMENDED LINKS of Worldview Speakers


Speaker                   Organization                                     Website

Kerby Anderson         President of Probe Ministries      

David Barton             President of Wallbuilders            

Ron Carlson               Christian Ministries International 

Marshall Foster          Mayflower Institute                   

Norm Geisler             Southern Evangelical Seminary  

Ken Ham                   Answers in Genesis                   

Brannon Howse         American Family Policy Institute

David Jeremiah          Christian Heritage College

Marquis Laughlin        Sola Scriptura                           

Peter Marshall            Peter Marshall Ministries            

Josh McDowell           Josh McDowell Ministries           

David Noebel             Summit Ministries                     

Janet Parshall            "Janet Parshall's America"         

Tim Wildmon             American Family Association      

Michael Youseff          Leading The Way                       

© Copyright 2001  American Family Policy Institute


Worldview Weekend Conference Schedule


Upcoming Worldview Weekend Conferences and Keynote Speakers

September 28-29, 2001~Cincinnati, OH area  

Ken Ham 

David Barton [legal org ––National Legal Foundation/NLF with Thomas Jipping; affiliated with the Heritage Foundation/Free Congress Foundation's [Paul Weyrich]

Tim Wildmon


October 5- 6, 2001~Phoenix, AZ  

Ken Ham 

David Barton 

Marshall Foster [member of the secret Council for National Policy]


October 12-13, 2001 ~Little Rock, AR 

Kerby Anderson 

Tim Wildmon 

Marquis Laughlin

Peter Marshall [CNP]

Frank Harbor


October 19-20, 2001 ~St. Paul, MN 

Kerby Anderson 

Bill Jack 

David Noebel  [CNP]

Josh McDowell [affiliated with Campus Crusade for Christ––associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF]

Norm Geisler [CRI Contributing Writer]

Ron Carlson


October 26-27, 2001 ~ Colorado Springs, CO

David Barton 

Bob Cornuke

David Noebel

Marshall Foster


November 16-17, 2001~Wichita, KS 

David Jeremiah

Bill Jack

Marshall Foster 

Janet Parshall [Family Research Council––Gary Bauer & James Dobson are both members of the secret Council for National Policy]

Mitchell Toelle

© Copyright 2001 American Family Policy Institute


About Brannon Howse Director of Worldview Weekend


Worldview Weekend founder and Director is Brannon Howse.

Note: Howse is president of the American Family Policy Institute, an affiliate of the American Family Association. AFA president is Donald Wildmon/CNP.

Following found: <


Brannon is the author of two best selling books on education and family issues, Cradle to College: An Educational Abduction and Reclaiming A Nation At Risk. Brannon also hosts his own national radio show, "The American Family Policy Update," and is one of the hosts of the daily call-in radio program, "Crosstalk" heard on 73 stations. Brannon's weekly education commentary can be heard on 200 stations. In addition, Brannon has been a featured speaker at Dr. D. James Kennedy's [Council for National Policy] "Reclaiming America Conference," and Beverly Lahaye's [Council for National Policy] Concerned Women of America conference in Washington D.C.

Due to his expertise in family issues, Brannon has been a guest on over 300 radio and television programs, including "The O'Reilly Factor" (Fox News); "Truths That Transform" with Dr. D. James Kennedy [Council for National Policy]; "The G. Gordon Liddy Show," "The Michael Reagan Show," "The Ken Hamblin Show," "The Oliver North Show” [North is Council for National Policy] "Action Sixties," "Point of View [Marlin Maddoux is Council for National Policy] "Family News and Focus” [James Dobson is Council for National Policy], "U.S.A. Radio News," "Standard News," and "The Phyllis Schlafly Show” [Council for National Policy]


As Education Reporter for "The Michael Reagan Show," Brannon takes to the airwaves many times each year to inform Mr. Reagan's listeners of the latest attacks on educational freedom and parental authority and to give proactive ways to be involved in the battle for faith, family, and freedoms…

© Copyright 2001 American Family Policy Institute




EXODUS 2000/Exodus Mandate & Brannon Howse–– a CNP educational project with video promo provided by Patrick Matrisciana/ Jeremiah Films



Summit Ministries Conferences 2002

Summer 2002 Adult Schedule <

includes: Francis Beckwith


Summit Faculty includes: <

Francis Beckwith [Christian Research Institute’s CRI Journal Ethics Editor]

Ronald Nash [CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor and Acton Institute]