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In Memory of Lizzy

November 18, 1980 - January 6, 2000

Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality

The Rose

By: Vonnie Leigh Beall

In Loving Memory of Her Sister, Lizzy

The love of this rose is more than I can bare
She lived a long life of only nineteen years old
With her beauty and her kindness of her soul
The brightness of her soul shined through
Her smile and her ocean blue eyes

The love of this rose is more than I can bare
The kindness of her soul she took everywhere
She shared her kindness with everyone even
To people that really didn't know this rose
That is what made this rose very special

This love of this rose is more than I can bare
She had the heart of gold and silver that poured
Endlessly out of her soul like a river flowing free
Even though this very special rose has died
Her soul and life will live on forever and ever.....



We express our gratitude to God that you blessed us with your presence, your youth and vigor, your friendship and laughter, your love and compassion. For a fleeting moment in eternity. While you walked among us, the flowers, the children, the gifts of God to us, lived with expressions which thrive on the love and will live on refreshed in the memories that tomorrow will require of us, of this tearful and lonely time. No doubt, our tomorrows will be a rich reward from having known you this brief but joyous period and of sharing with you our hopes and our dreams, our disappointments and our fears. But the brief moments spent in laughter will resonate throughout our lives and will blossom and bring forth joys that only few of us will know, throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity, when again our Savior shall appear as before. Only in triumph and awful judgment to this world but, we shall embrace, and give praises to God, and rejoice for having overcome the battles and the strife of this life here on Earth together. “For now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall know Him, even as we are known.”

Rest now my friend. You have won the battle of life, the eternal crown of life awaits you. Toil no more, saith the Lord.

Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh, when the bird waketh, and the shadows flee. Fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight, dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with thee.

When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber, its closing eye looks up to thee in prayer. Sweet the repose beneath thy wings over shading, but sweeter still to wake and find thee there.

Alone with thee, among the mystic shadows, the solemn hush of nature newly born. Alone with thee, in holy adoration, in the calm dew and freshness of the morn.

So shall it be at last, in that bright morning, when the soul waketh, and the shadows flee. Oh, in that glad hour, fairer than day dawning, shall rise the glorious thought, I Am With Thee. So sleep my friend, peace has found you. Sleep and so shall we meet again. Rest well. Rest.

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