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Welcome, To my humble abode on the great online world, we call - the Internet. I have an affinity of creating WebPages merely to let them rot, and I am hoping this time will be different. Hopefully, you can help me with that ! If there's anything you want to know or see anything added to this website, please let me know !


You will be able to find anything you need to know about me here, including some miscellaneous information about things like fairies, online gaming, and anything else I decide I want to talk about =)) There will be a page about me, a page for my online diary for anyone who wants to see the inner most hidden side of yours truly, and a page for any hobbies I develop and care to share through the process.


Please let me know, what you think of my site - You can navigate by using the buttons below to any additional pages. You can go in the order I intended you to take, by using the back and next buttons... or you can use the site map to see everything I have and make your own choices. As I update things I will post below with links directly to those items. Enjoy your visit !