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These photos are from the personal collection of Sandy Brayden (as we knew her).  I thank her for her generosity and apologize if any of the comments offend or upset her.  But I couldn't resist sharing with you some of the thoughts these photos brought to mind.  From what I remember of Sandy's personality, I'm predicting that she'll take it in stride.  


                      Anne Durling       
                                                            in the snow.
      and Judy Doe,

Sandy MacKay, Sandy B and Sue Holt.  Wouldn't you like to know what this 
was in aid of, as me mum used to say? Snow babies?  I don't think that this 
would have received the CGIT seal of approval!

Sandy B and Karen Walsh.  In other pages in this collection I  want you to notice how 
neat the boy's rooms were.  What's up with this mess?  And how many pillows did you get?
Oh my, this is painful; Karen was my first real, official girlfriend.  Sandy, what forbidden 
territory you have revealed. Hmm, I don't notice any large pictures of me on the wall.  
It must have been before, or after, the approximately one month we were together before
she dumped me.

Joan C, doing Mrs. Meldrum's typing homework
after lights out.  OK, so technically the light was
out, but did you guys have a muffler on that thing?
You must have been rattling Lucy B's windows
down on the second floor with that old clunker.

Sandy B (on the boys side again!) and Wendy Todd.   The cadets in the background 
suggest that this photo was taken on Mme. Feller day, 5/12/1962. 

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