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I apologize if anyone was misled by the index page into thinking that these would be of actual boyfriend-girlfriend couples. Somewhat surprisingly, few, if any, of the candid photos in Sandy's collect were of this nature.   Maybe that's fortunate since no one's current spouse can see the photos here and start asking embarrassing questions.  

Cliff Gregory and Evelyn Georges swinging at some sort         Pat Greenop and unidentified military-type.
of  Junior/Senior picnic thing.  I don't remember having one 
of those!


The caption on the back of this photo indentifies the people as Sandy B and the Corderys, P (Peter?) and A (Tony?).  They were twins?  Error! Insufficient Memory to perform this operation!  This looks more like Carolyn MacDougall to me. I sat at Mouse's table during the period my folks were in the hospital after the car accident. The first day, she actually struck me because  I was using my left hand to hold my fork and convey food(?) to my mouth.  She apparently had never before encountered anyone trained to use the 'proper' British method of cutlery management and she thought I was mocking her left-handedness. 

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