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1962 Annual Report

From L'Echo, Juin 1962

by: Midshipman Clifford Gregory


At the close of the Cadet year in the Spring of 1961, Able Cadet Clifford Gregory and Ordinary Cadet Brian Babb received their appointments as Midshipman, RCSC.  The two new "Middies" attended an Officers' Basic Training Course at HMCS " Acadia ", Sydney , N.S.   We are glad to say that both passed successfully.  Following the Basic Training. Course, MID B. Babb returned to Montreal , while MID C. Gregory, along with MID B. Hannah and MID R. Kimball remained on Staff at the Naval Base until the end of August.    

Lt. S. May, the Corps' Commanding Officer, and SLT F. Howard-Rose, CD, the Corps' Executive Officer, received their appointments to Staff duties at the Naval Air Base, HMCS "Shearwater", and at the New Entry Trg Establishment, HMCS "Cornwallis", respectively.

Seventeen of the Corps' Cadets attended the fourth two week camp period at HMCS " Acadia " from the 13th to the 25th of August, 1961 .  While there, they competed with other corps from Ontario , Quebec , and the Maritimes for the many trophies offered by the Training Ship.  Though our cadets worked very hard to try for the second time to receive the coveted "Efficiency Trophy", awarded to the Most Proficient Corps, they lost by an unbelievable small margin - point six of a mark.  Nevertheless, we are proud to say that Able Cadet Murray Willson won the award for the Most Proficient Cadet.   

At the commencement of the new school year in September, 1961, the Corps set about training in earnest, and on the 21st. of October, 1961, in connection with the Memorial of the Victory Battle of Trafalgar and in conjunction with the School's 125th Anniversary Celebration, an Inspection and March Past were carried out.  

The Venerable C.G. Hepburn, M.C., D.C.L., Archdeacon of Ottawa, was the special speaker at the Remembrance Day Service held in Feller College Chapel on Saturday, 11th November.  Archdeacon Hepburn, a noted Padre of both World Wars, inspected and addressed our Corps on this occasion, and the March Past of the Corps immediately followed.  On Remembrance Sunday, the Corps travelled to St. Johns and participated in that city's observance of Armistice Day.  

During the corps training season "FORT LENNOX" was visited by LCDR R.T. Mann, RCN, area officer Sea Cadets; Mr. Chas. A. Hutchins, Secretary of the Quebec Division, Navy League of Canada, Ven. C.G. Hepburn, M.C. D.C.L.; Dr. E.J. Leroux, President, Quebec Division, Navy League of Canada; M. Georges Brault, Chairman, Sea Cadet Committee, RCSCC "Richelieu", St. Jean; and LT. D. Pengelly, RCN, Supply Officer, HMCS "Donnacona".  

On March 3rd. 1962, our Executive Officer, SLT. F. Howard-Rose, CD, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, RCSC, and on April 14th, MID R. Kemball received his promotion to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, RCSC.  On the 12th of April, the Cadets welcomed their Medical Officer, Surgeon-Lieutenant J. Senikas, M.D., upon the occasion of his first official visit to the Corps.  

        The Corps' Annual Inspection took place on the 12th of May, 1962.  Commodore Dillon was unable to carry out the inspection and, in his place, the inspecting officer was Capt. J.A.T.M. Jette, CD, NDC, PSM, RCN, commandant, College Militaire Royal de St. Jean. At the conclusion of his inspection, Captain Jette awarded Able Cadet Terrence Phillips and Leading Cadet Donald Ferguson with the most Proficient Cadet Trophy; and to the best division throughout the year, the Commanding Officer's Trophy was awarded to Haida Division, the Honour Guard of the Corps. 

Now that the Annual Inspection is over, "Fort Lennox" has begun training it's contingent for the summer's camp at HMCS "Acadia". All in all, this has been a successful year and the Corps looks forward to even greater things in the future.


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