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The photos  in this section were generously provided by Barbara Rose, Class of 59.  The comments under each  image were copied from the backs of the photos.  I have intentionally left the photos largely uncropped since the backgrounds also contain many memories for people not familiar with the actual people.  It seems that I may have left a few things out, so if anyone recognizes an unidentified person, or notices a mistake, please let me know - dgf 09/16//02

Senior girl’s basketball team, 57-58. Front Row: Muriel Lamontagne (I think),
Back Row: Kitty Daly, Barb Rose, Liz Rolleston, Marilyn Auclair, 
Rose Vinarich, & Franky (Frances) Paradis.

At the skating rink – 1958, Susie Chapman, Shirley Messenger, John Dozois

Singing on Stage 57/58
Rose Vinarich, Marilyn Howarth, Denise Auclair, Barbara Rose.
We sang the hymn “In the Garden”

CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) 1959 
Mr. Peter Ferguson, Joan Demers, Barbara Rose, Rose Vinarich, Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson

Hmm.  Does anyone else sense a 3 musketeers theme going on here?  For obvious reasons, this was one of, if not my most favourite of all the pictures people sent to me.

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