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Peculiar Product Labels, Funny T-shirts

The Japanese have a fascination with English, and it's usually printed on products or T-shirts. However, it's often either strange or incorrect, making it consistantly funny for a native speaker. So, here I present some of the weirder ones.



On a padlock I bought for my mailbox: Express your personality in a freer and more individualistic manner. (with a padlock?)

On a 100 yen notebook: This notebook will help to make you feel happy and satisfied. (With what, my sex life? It's a nice notebook, but seriously.)

On my pencil case: Please use any way you like. (I would anyway, but it's nice to have permission)

On a packet of buble wrap: We cheer everybody who communications with all the heart. That's the reason our products are alive. (what?)

On a hotel razor: Present for you refresher and cleanness.




A girl was wearing a shirt that said, My cherry is very beautiful and had a picture of cherries (fruit) I really hope that was a blind mistake, and not a sick joke...

No worry, no thinging about it.


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