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Mitaka Undoukai Practice Day

This is not the actual undoukai; just a practice. I played with the kids and took pictures between events. You'll notice, I don't know all their names. I see them once a week, and teach all 150 of them at a time.

Kouki, one of my best students.


No idea, but they're cute.Ayumi

Hitomi, Miki and Yusuke. Yusuke is a big help in the class; when I arrive, he yells (in English) "Hey everybody! Time for English! Come on, let's make a circle!" Saves me a lot of work ^_^


Momo-gumi (Peach Group) getting ready to dance

Kouki and Satoru, another excellent student.


Narie and Miki, also excellent students, and very sweet girls.


Mamoru, Satoru and Kouki making "dango" from sand.

Kouki and Satoru, again

Momo-gumi 1 and 2

Kouki, pretending to lead a band.

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