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Week Six

Exploring Nagoya

August 12: I met Emiko at Nagoya station and we went to Maranouchi for lunch. I got there about an hour ahead of Emiko so I went shopping for awhile and bought a stuffed cat to use in my little kids' classes. Then I met Emiko and we went to a French restaurant. The food was lovely, artfully delivered and tasty, although it wasn't like French food I'd had before. Emiko and I had a very nice time sitting and chatting with each other. Everyone I've met lately has been so nice! Later, Seiichiro came over and gave me my cel phone. It's pink and sparkly and does all sorts of nifty things. I like it a lot.

August 14: Tomokazu and I went out for the afternoon. First we went to lunch--I had curry udon which sounds weird but was really good--and we shopped for awhile. After that, we went to Star Wars, which I had already seen but it was okay because the first time we were late and I missed some. And after that, we went to dinner. Tomokazu is so nice; he even helped me set up the email on my cel phone. (Ok, I'm also a sucker for guys who open doors for me) I had some tonkatsu. I have learned a valuable lesson: if the tonkatsu tastes funny, quit eating it unless you want to be very sick later. All in all, though, despite said tonkatsu, I had a lovely day.

August 16: Internet at last! YAYYY! The guy who installed it actually showed up early (let's see THAT happen in America) He set immediately to work and kept saying things like "May I go out on to your porch?" "May I move this chair?" etc. I kept saying "of course, do whatever you need to." A nice change; one of the last repairmen I had at my house in Colorado was surly, obnoxious and managed to electrocute himself. Given how obnoxious he was, it was pretty funny once I knew he wasn't badly hurt. At any rate, the guy today was very nice. However I couldn't get it started. Seiichiro, who is always saving me somehow, came over and fixed it.

August 17/18: Seiichiro and I went to pick up Takuya from a church camp in Gifu. The drive was lovely and I had a good time at the barbeque at the camp, even if I didn't know what was going on most of the time. We then returned to Seiichiro's house where I spent the night. He has a wonderful family and a very nice apartment. Kumiko made a great dinner and we spent a long time just chatting. I was supposed to go to church with them but it didn't work out (I sort of dropped a bombshell when they found out I was a of those serious aw-crap-what-have-I-done moments) but now it seems to be okay. On Sunday they delivered a box of winter clothes--yay! Now where are my other two boxes...?


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