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Week Eleven:

Another Reason I Wish I Could Read More Kanji

September 9-13: A pretty standard week; not too much happened. A new class was added on Fridays: a rhythmic consisting of a one year old boy who can't talk. It's ok; we just play. The only wierd thing that happened to me was on Monday, I opened the door to my apartment and a large praying mantis fell on my head. It must have been perched on top of my door. I brushed it off and spent a lot of time looking sat it, having never seen one outside of a zoo. It looked very perplexed; like Shun Li when something falls on him. "Something has happened; I'll think about it and let you know later." I've been told they make good pets; maybe I should have kept it. I need a pet.

September 14/15th: A rainy, quiet weekend. I actually broke down and bought a Playstation 2. I love this machine. I also got four games: the Final Fantasy Anthology, Silent Hill, Suikoden III, and Clock Tower 2. Suikoden is beautiful, and Silent Hill is great (Interesting, the spoken dialogue is in English with subtitles...). I wish I could read more kanji and understand better what's going on! I also wish I could have read the back of Clock Tower better before buying it. I thought it was a mystery game, but it's a horror game. It's about a psycho guy chasing you all over and you have to escape the building. The AI is amazing, and the villian will hunt you down; if you hide, he'll find you or try to trip you up (ie, if you use the elevator more than once, he cuts the power, and so on). Basically, it's my worst nightmare realized and I quit playing it after 30 minutes, and couldn't sleep until about 3 am. Damn game. But aside from that, I am very pleased with my purchase.


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