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Unfortunately, it was raining and some of the pictures didn't turn out. We went to three temples and one shrine with my friend Kaoru. (Temples are Buddhist; shrines are Shinto)

Heianjinguu: (Shrine)

First, we went to Heianjinguu. It's a shrine with a massive garden, as well as places to have your fortune told and lots of food. There are priests and dancing temple girls (miko for those of you studying Japanese) as well. We had our fortunes told. I got my usual: "You'll be very lucky in everything but love." Pleh. Oh well, better then some of my friends, who always get what I call the Dead-by-sunset fortune ("You'll get very sick, don't travel, you'll hate your job, the people you love will die, etc.) We tie the fortunes to the fence and bushes of the shrine to hope for good luck.

The enterance to the shrine.

See the fortunes tied to the fence?

A close-up of the towers.

Bushes with fortunes.

The garden behind the shrine.

Winter camellia. they grow everywhere.

After having sukiyaki for lunch, we went to Chionin Temple. It was built in 1600 and is mind-bogglingly massive.

The well to wash your hands and mouth

Then, we went to Kojaidi Temple, built by Tokugawa's wife as a memorial. Kaoru took us around and then we stopped and had maccha in the tea house and meditated near the zen garden. It's one of the most peaceful experiences of my life.

Having tea.

Last we went to Kiyomizu. Unfortunately only one picture turned out:

My parents.

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