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Kamatari Velveeta Koneko

Name: Kamatari (Japanese: a historic samurai (Fujiwara no Kamatari) and a character in Rurouni Kenshin) Velveeta (English: a cheese) Koneko (Japanese: "Little cat")

Nicknames: Kami, Kambot, Bot, Kam, Skeek, Squeaker, Squeakoden, Bebe, Smidge, Orenjii, Kamster, Hamster, Muffin. She respnds most to Bot, Bebe and Kami. However, she actually thinks her name is "Goddammit Kamatari!" and will come running if you say "goddammit!" for any reason.

Age: 3

Birthday: April 3

Appearance: Marmalade tabby, amber eyes. Kami has very well defined stripes. She was a runt, so she's fairly compact.

Favorite foods: Salsa, beans, cajun food, curry rice, seafood, cheese, pasta, chives, lemons, lemonade, orange juice, peppers, onions, broccoli, raisins, marshmallows (only large), sugar, chili

Favorite toys: Stuffed trout, stuffed veternarian doll, jingle balls, track ball

Favorite music: R&B, techno. (She loves Mary J Blige and my Japanese Parasite Eve remix CD)

Favorite TV station/show: Animal Planet and Cartoon Network. She also likes The Simpsons and Judge Judy.

History: I found Kamatari at a pet parade. She was teeny, the runt of the litter, but she immediately climbed on my shoulder and I knew I had to take her home. She and I got off to a rocky start--Kami was quite badly behaved as a child--but we're close now. I'm the only one who can touch her feet or belly, and pretty much the only one she doesn't bite.

The stories:

Kamatari meets the vet: Kami does not like people to touch her, and the vet is one of the most famous adventures. She is now infamous at the vet's office for her second visit. I brought her in, hissing and screeching. I managed to shake her out of the carrier onto the table and the vet approached, only to be bitten. This process repeated no matter how I held her. Kami eventually scaled me and clung to my face like the face-hugger in Alien. Deciding to forgo the temperature and exam, she got the syringe and called in an aide, who was also bitten. It was suggested that I leave. So, I waited quietly in the lobby, but I could hear. Aide after aide was called in, and after much shrieking, scuffling and bandaging, they called in the head vet. I heard her enter from the back and exclaim, "This is the problem? Awww, what a cute lil'--Ow!! Shit!" For the next 20 minutes, it sounded like the soundtrack from an old animal comedy--glass breaking, cat squalling, calls of "Over here! No! Don't let her get under there!" etc. Eventually, a bedraggled and bloody vet emerged with Kami back in the carrier, and said weakly, "Please take her home."

Now, every time I call, they say, "'t be time to see her again, can it?"

Exploring the appliances:

Shoes and cups:

Lots of new games:

Cleaning the bathroom:

Shun needs to move:

Fort Kamatari:

Kami the doctor:

Adventures in the car:

Kami and the cable guy:

The toy box:


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