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The Writings of Me

Okay, here's this description. I've been writing since I was five, and I love it very much. I have so many finished and unfinished works lying around in my house and on my computer, and I'm trying to get constructive criticism from as many places as possible. That is why I put up this site. I used to love to draw, but then stopped for a very long time. Recently, in September 2003, I decided to draw again. So I have been. I haven't gotten much of my art on my computer yet, but one day I will and then it'll be on this site. Then there's the blog. I love to write, so journaling is simply an extension of that. I have more extensive blogs at places which link to this site. On this site though I'm just going to do something called the Friday Five. There's link to it in the blog. Every friday there's a set of five questions posted on the friday five site, and I'm going to answer them every friday. That's what this blog is for. Thanks for stumbling on my website, and I hop you enjoy it! This is my first website, so for a while it may not be too advanced. Please enjoy, and please also leave a comment on my blog or at my other writing site (linked to somewhere in here) about my writing. Thanks a lot and enjoy! Note: For updates on new writing placed here, go check out my blog!

What's On This Site

My Site

My Novels, Page One
My Blog
My Short Stories
Well, this isn't on here, but this is a site I made at camp this summer which I thought was pretty good so I'm going to put it up here.